Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 68 Lan Qi's Sincerity

Chapter 68 Lan Qi's Sincerity

In the painting classroom, the course has already started in a calm atmosphere.

Slender silver lamps hanging on the wall cast a warm glow over neat picture frames, illuminating classrooms lined with slender wooden benches.

There is a faint smell of paint and canvas in the air.

Mogut, a senior art professor, was wearing a black retro suit, and the red silk bow tie on his chest shone slightly, which made his figure look more dignified and serious under the soft light. He held a painting in his hand, which was A picture with a sense of depth and mystery, waiting for students to actively answer.

The classroom is quiet and full of oppression.

If not, Professor Mogut will randomly pick one and start the first round of answering questions.


this moment.

One hand was raised unexpectedly.

The eyes of all the demons turned to the direction where the hand was raised——

Huberian was holding her right hand upright, her amber eyes were wide open, as if she couldn't believe her actions.

It's as if the arm seems to be controlled by something.

After a while, she seemed to realize something.

She turned her head and saw an eagle-eyed demon sitting on her right, his pupils were focusing on her, and the bright pupils were particularly eye-catching in the small classroom environment.

Apparently, this eagle-eyed demon was the source of her sudden hand raising, and he was using psychic magic on her!
If it starts with Huberian.

Then rotate clockwise.

The eagle-eyed devil can answer the fifth question in the first round.

He will have the most sufficient time for analysis.

"Then it's up to you."

Professor Mogut obviously knew what was going on.

But the rules of the classroom are like this. It is allowed to use their own strengths and use strategies.

Huberian's complexion suddenly became a little bad.

She has no countermeasures and defenses against this kind of spiritual magic at close range, and if she starts to answer the question, Lan Qi, who is sitting on her left, will also become the second student to answer the question.

She glanced at Lan Qi guiltily, feeling that she had cheated him.

At the same time, Hubrian turned her gaze to Professor Mogut, and she really couldn't tell whether the painting in the professor's hand was good or bad.


Is it just guesswork?

There is a half chance of surviving this round, or failing immediately.

Just at the moment when Huberian's mood suddenly fell into an ice cave.

"It was drawn by the professor."

Lan Qi whispered aside.

Immediately, his voice drew the devil's laughter.

In this classroom, how could there be students who could be identified so quickly?

And the devil around him, no matter how stupid he is, would never believe his jokes and risk his life.

Professor Mogut just held the painting expressionlessly, not giving the students any chance to see anything from him.

"The professor drew it."

Huberian replied without hesitation.

She believed Lan Qi.

And the cooperation between her and Lan Qi, the biggest guarantee is absolute execution.

"Oh, right."

The professor put down the painting, but glanced at Lan Qi in surprise.

In this classroom, it is not allowed to tell other students the answer, because it is a seminar in itself.

The key is whether the students who are answering are willing to believe it.

Professor Mogut had never seen a student who believed in the answer so decisively, and a student who believed in other demons so firmly.

However, Lan Qi's answering speed should be more guesswork, but his attitude is very decisive.


Answer in clockwise order.

Lankey should be next.

The moment Professor Mogut picked up a painting from the cart again.

"Drawn by students."

Lan Qi replied confidently as soon as he saw the painting clearly.


The other students stared blankly at the glowing demon.

Even Professor Mogut held the painting halfway hesitantly, and finally put it down slowly and nodded.


This surprised several other students in the classroom.

Is it a gambling monster?Or can you really see it?
At such a speed, I'm afraid even the professor can't do it!

At this moment, Huberian also stared at Lan Qi in great confusion.

She believed in Lan Qi without hesitation before, because her reaction was faster than her thinking.

But now that she thought about it carefully, she couldn't figure out what kind of opportunistic skills Lan Qi used to quickly find the answer!

Lan Qi's spell library was shown to her as a teammate in advance.

She knew that in addition to the magic cards that Lan Qi had used before, there was also elemental magic and spiritual magic. It was impossible to have a card that could distinguish paintings like this!
Hubley Ann was puzzled.

It was the turn of the student on Lan Qi's left to answer the question, a female demon. She frowned slightly, trying to observe the painting that Professor Mogut took out again.

With the reference of the previous six paintings, it is naturally easier to distinguish.

But she didn't expect that the clockwise opening would reach her so soon.

With the information so far, it is still impossible to identify it through magic power.

"Drawn by students."

Lan Qi reminded in a low voice next to her.


The female demon student seemed a little hesitant and couldn't believe Lan Qi.

But after thinking about it, the more she looked at it, the more she felt that the painting lacked spirituality.

He hesitated like this for nearly 5 full minutes.

until the moment when it must be answered.

She finally replied:
"Drawn by students."

"no problem."

Professor Mogut nodded in approval, and at the same time gave Lan Qi another deep look.

If the first two times could have been luck, now it's the third.

The probability of luck is getting smaller and smaller.

He had never seen such a student before, which made him feel a little unfathomable.

It's the turn of the fourth respondent.

The devil student sitting in the far corner of the classroom stood up, staring at the painting on Professor Mogut's hand, and directly refused.

He is proficient in magic recognition, but he doesn't have much confidence in the appreciation of paintings.

And it was very bad luck, I didn't encounter the familiar magic that appeared in the previous paintings.

The corner demon glanced at Lan Qi timidly, wondering if Lan Qi would help him.

"It was still drawn by students."

Lan Qi told him the answer calmly.

After hesitating for a while, the devil student in the corner gritted his teeth and replied:
"Drawn by students."


Professor Mogut once again approved.

The devil in the corner sat down in surprise, and nodded to Lan Qi gratefully.

Now, go full circle.

Finally it's the turn of the eagle-eyed demon on the far right.

That is, on the other side of Huberian, the demon who raised her hand was controlled by spiritual magic at first.

The eagle-eyed demon looked at the painting in the professor's hand.

He believed that Lan Qi was the only one who would not tell him the answer.

Because he saw that Lan Qi entered the classroom with Huberian, and the previous spiritual magic also tricked Lan Qi to a certain extent.

However, at this time, Lan Qi said to the eagle-eyed demon with a kind smile on his face:

"This time it was drawn by the professor."


All the demon students here know that Lan Qi is unlikely to have good intentions for the eagle-eyed demon.


This kind of unexplained behavior of reporting answers.

It seems very emotional at the moment.

Because it has gradually turned an art appreciation or magic identification question into a psychological analysis question!

Whether this sentence is true or false requires the eagle-eyed demon to make a judgment!

 The update of tomorrow (Monday) will be postponed to 12:0 noon due to the launch, a total of four consecutive updates, so don't wait at [-]:[-] tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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