Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 72 How did Lan Qi become the principal

Chapter 72 How did Lan Qi become the principal
In the painting classroom, the light falling on Lan Qi seemed to become brighter, as if after a long period of gloom, the sun finally came.

And Lan Qi, who is a glow demon, seems to be the real savior at this time, and his figure is so dazzling.

Professor Mogut bowed his head slightly, paying respects to Lan Qi.

The appearance of the special commissioner means that the college is saved.

The whole classroom became quiet and solemn during this short period of time, only the second hand of the clock could be heard moving gently.

Finally, Lan Qi spoke again:
"Take me to the vice principal, and I will help you deal with the blood messenger."


Professor Mogut's answer was serious and solemn.

Immediately, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he turned to Huberian,
"Then she..."

Professor Mogut felt that Huberian knew too much.

Now that the commissioner has shown up.

Then their teachers don't have to absolutely strictly enforce the rules of the college.

Everything will be given priority to the college's ability to overcome the difficulty of the blood messenger.

"Master Demon King has told me that if you find a talented student in school, you can bring them back to the king's city. This is another task of mine. Don't ask me about the specific content. In short, don't worry, treat her as the one I am cultivating. Colleagues will do."

Lan Qi glanced at Huberian and said indifferently.


Professor Mogut nodded quickly, understanding in his heart that it was no wonder the commissioner had been lurking for so long.

I dare not do anything that might offend this woman again.

Regardless of whether what Lan Qi said about "another mission" is true or false, he understands everything, and it is not for him, a professor, to ask.

"Come with me, and I'll take you to hold an urgent academy high-level meeting."

Professor Mogut walked to the door of the classroom without delay, and had to take the special commissioner to see the vice-principal as soon as possible.


Lan Qi put his hands behind his back and nodded slightly.

There is quite a leadership aura that comes to the subordinate units for inspection.

He knew that the fourth class seemed unnecessary.


In the dark stone corridor, Bacher has been looking anxiously at the wooden door of the painting classroom.

Finally, when he heard a crisp door lock sound from inside the painting classroom, his body froze immediately.

Looking up, he saw a familiar figure walking out of the door.

It was Lankey, calm and calm as always, as if what had just been completed was not a serious class, but a relaxed afternoon chat.

Professor Mogut's gaze swept over Bacher's body, and the invisible indifference seemed to have substance, making Bacher's body feel a deep chill.

Bacher never imagined that one day he would be so close to the senior leadership of the school.


Bachel was just about to open his mouth to call Lan Qi to stop, suddenly, a chill rose from the bottom of his heart, as if he was instantly placed in a deep ice cave.

This is the murderous intent emanating from Professor Mogut. It seems that he can't tolerate any offense to Lan Qi by a small person like Baqier, or even slightly delay their time.

However, in the face of such a scene, Lan Qi did not show any emotion. He just smiled lightly, raised his hand leisurely, and gestured to Professor Mogut, "Don't be so nervous."

Immediately, under Batchel's unbelievable eyes, Professor Mogut actually followed Lan Qi's intention and restrained all the hostility!

"Bacher, go to class, and then I have to do business."

As if the game was over, Lankey patted Bacher on the shoulder as he passed to bid him goodbye.


Bachel's brain was running fast, and he seemed to be able to figure it out, but it was difficult to accept this terrible fact for a while.

He had known for a long time that this glowing demon was anything but ordinary, but he didn't expect that his true identity and status was even far above that of a senior professor!


At the moment when Batchel didn't know how to speak to Lan Qi, he heard a crisp sound, and saw Lan Qi throwing him a credit coin when he was parting.

Bacher quickly caught it.

"Thank you!"

After Lan Qi's back disappeared into the depths of the corridor, Batchel slowly straightened up.

He secretly lowered his head, spread his palms, and looked at the credit coin in his hand.

There, lying quietly was a credit coin with a strange style that he had never seen before.

Its existence is like a dreamlike reality, making Bacher's snake eyes tremble uncontrollably, as if the blood in his whole body is boiling.

It is a legendary 10-credit coin.

Bacher stood there in a daze, unable to feel restless in his heart for a long time.

Until tens of seconds passed, Bacher held the 10-credit coin tightly.

"I also want to... want to become such a strong person who can dominate other demons..."

His voice was hoarse, as if the desire that had been silent in his heart for a long time was uncontrollably pried.


After half an hour.

In the late night of the Icarite Academy, the Gela Memorial Square was filled with white light.

The time on the clock tower has pointed to half past midnight.

However, at this point in time, the square did not become silent.

On the contrary, at this time, the area around the giant outdoor screen in the square is still quite lively, filled with an atmosphere of anticipation and joy.

The students who decided to stay overnight had already brought their own blankets and found their seats on the steps of the square.

Many people hold a cup of hot coffee in their hands, which is to drive away the cold in the middle of the night. Some students seem to be on an outing, with wooden wine boxes beside them, the grill on the steps is full of charcoal fire, and the meat, fruits and vegetables being roasted are smelling An aroma that will make you salivate in the middle of the night.

Under the illumination of the street lamps in the distance, a figure walked slowly, looking towards the direction of the giant outdoor screen on the square.

Her long gray hair has been tied into a braid, and she wears a pair of flat glasses on her face, making her look quiet and dignified.

This is Talia in elaborate disguise.

She who looked as cold as ice at first, now has the temperament of a lonely literary girl.

Now the difference between her appearance and the beloved poet is even greater. In the dim light of midnight, it is almost impossible for anyone to detect the resemblance between her and the beloved poet.

She was holding a box of grilled chicken with mellow sauce, crispy skin and tender meat. From time to time, she picked up a skewer and gently passed a piece to her mouth, and then chewed slowly, as if forgetting all the fatigue in the middle of the night .

Ten minutes ago, she thought of the ancient Demon World Shadow World she saw in the afternoon. She tossed and turned on the bed and couldn't sleep. She just felt a little hungry, so she went out and visited the Icarite Academy again.

However, what puzzled Talia was that the academy at the moment was much more lively than she had imagined.

"Mi Qingcai!"

From time to time, there was a burst of discussion and cheers from the direction of the square.

Like staying up late watching some annual finals.

"How wonderful it can be... Isn't that guy Lan Qi taking exams and classes?"

Thalia muttered to herself in bewilderment.

(End of this chapter)

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