Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 849: Final Battle at Brildah Skydome Battlefield

Chapter 849: Final Battle at Brildah Skydome Battlefield
The noise surged like a tide in the wide stone square.

The seats on the stairs were quickly filled by students, and even the surrounding roads were no exception. The teachers and students of Ikerite seemed to be attracted by this force. They stopped and their eyes were focused on the giant screen.

From time to time they shouted and screamed loudly and excitedly.

It was like a festival at Ikerita Academy.

"Loren, you're back!"

"I knew you weren't dead. A man of your level can't just die easily."

Although for some reason there was a black centipede mark engraved on Loren's right cheek in the picture, which had never been there before, as if it was the price of returning from hell, the divine brilliance of the original slate wind and the ninth-level wind magic undoubtedly proved that he was the genuine Loren of Hell.

The eyelids on the top of the black centipede curse seal that looked down on the world, and the azure pupils that shone with a clear and cold light, made everyone feel that Loren had reached a whole new level at this moment, interpreting that he was the only one in the world.

"Teacher Loren just used a ninth-level spell, right?"

"That's definitely level nine!"

"When did Mr. Loren reach the ninth level?"

There were constant pleasant discussions, and everyone's state changed.

Facing the invaders, they had already lost hope and future, and didn't know when the end would come. But after hearing Loren's voice and seeing the flow of the wind, they felt like their whole bodies were rekindled, filled with strength, and so excited that they might not be able to sleep tonight!
"The scariest thing about Loren is that you can't guess how many lives he has."

The young reporter with light blue hair, Lu Weixier, kept taking pictures of the outdoor giant screen with his camera, and a smile appeared on his face again.
"There is even a weird story that even if you are 100% sure that you have killed Loren, he will appear again. He will not die. This is the conceptual phantom god, Hell Loren."

She spoke excitedly to the classmates around her and was even moved to tears.

Even though all the classmates around me had heard that the student union secretary was a super jerk.

But combined with the scene before my eyes, it seems more and more true the more I listen.

Brillda in the picture.

A gully was cut into the ground of the Crane Memorial Plaza, like a natural moat, dividing the earth into two.

After the clouds dispersed, Loren's figure standing in the air blocking the people appeared like a god.

"Loren, did you expect him to be defeated by us that day and then be sealed and taken back to Blildah...?"

Simonro, the chief minister who interrupted the coronation ceremony, was ready to fight, reinforcing the barriers of the Cremon Memorial Square and even the Manhot district in the central city of Brillda.

The eleventh military god Emerald Simonlo, who is closest to Hyacinthus, has the strongest sense of the power of wind.

"Challenger? It seems that the ninth-level wind magic just now has given you confidence in yourself."

Hecintus looked at the white-robed Pope from afar and whispered softly.

If it was Loren at level nine, he would indeed be an opponent that could not be killed easily.

Of course, it's not that difficult to kill.

"Then why did you take the initiative to attack me? Are you afraid that you can't beat me?"

Lanqi hung the silver mask around his waist, as if ready to warm up, and looked up again to ask Hecintos.


Hecintus glanced at the war gods in the square below the altar who were on high alert. Even though he held the hilt of the sword, he knew that he could no longer attack at will.

The atmosphere has become quite dangerous.

"What on earth do you want, Loren?"

The fourth military god, Jasper of Jade, spoke to Loren.

Her mechanical prosthetic eyes tried their best to interpret the enemies in the sky, but everything was unknown.

Loren chose a very good angle, as if arranged by the director. He stood on the side close to the outer edge of the square, making the previous slash seem more like it was launched by Hecintus towards the people, and Loren blocked the ninth-level slash for the people.

This is not noticeable when it happens, but after everything happens, it feels like a perspective design that is not necessarily coincidental.

Even the gods of war present knew that the attacks aimed by Hecintus would not accidentally injure those too far outside the rear barrier, but for ordinary people who did not reach their level of strength, it might not look the same.

"Loren, please exercise restraint."

The eleventh military god Simon Luo said the same thing.

Now Loren has taken the initiative to express his concession.

And demonstrated strength.

If Hecintus made another move, what the people would probably see was that Hecintus was going to start a war with Loren and destroy the entire Blildha, regardless of the lives of the residents.

"This half hour is not for your face, but for her face."

This time, the White-robed Pope looked at Hyacinthus and the group of military gods behind him with eyes that truly looked at the enemy.
"If you really think that I am a person who is so kind as to be foolish, and even indecisive in key matters, then you are totally wrong. I have received special training from the Church of the Goddess of Destiny. In order to protect more people, I can act resolutely. I have reason to believe that it was you, the Twelve Gods of War, who ignored my peace proposal and took all the residents of Blildar hostage. The best way to rescue the hostages is to refuse to negotiate with the terrorists and defeat them first."

The White Pope said to the gods of war,

"Don't forget that my previous opponent was Bishop Ivanos of Destruction, and I will not hesitate in front of her."

The white-robed followers behind him remained silent.

Even though it seemed to them that Lanci had completely changed Loren's character according to his ideas at this moment, he had actually succeeded in holding Hecintus back, making it difficult for Hecintus, who wanted to be crowned righteously, to back down.

If Hecintus takes action at this time, he will become a tyrant who does not care about the lives of the residents.

Those who want to destroy everything have to pretend to protect everyone, while those who want to protect everything have to pretend to destroy everyone. Although it seems extremely absurd and ironic, at this moment, it just happens to achieve the balance that Lanqi mentioned.

They knew that Boss Cat had fallen asleep and would not wake up for a while, because the ninth-level spell they had just used had a negative effect—

【Night Dew Wind Song】

[Category: Spell Card]

[Grade: Pink Holy]

[Attribute: Wind/Healing]

[Level: 9]

[Effect: Consumes all mana and puts the player to sleep, granting herd immunity to all targets within range, gradually restoring health and mana, cooldown time 1 hour.]

[Note: When the distant sun shines deep into your dream, you will wake up when the breeze blows again.]

It is currently gradually recovering its magic power, so it will have no problem continuing to transform into a cat after waking up.

But it doesn't matter.

Anyway, Lanci can withstand more than the real Loren, so even if a fight really breaks out, it won't be a problem for him to fight Hecintos for a few rounds.

On the altar on the steps in front of the Palace of Saint-Astrie.


Hecintus said nothing, not wanting to answer the other party's tempting question. He smiled slightly.

He just understood one thing in his heart.

That is who Violet's collaborator is.

When he successfully caught Lachar and Violet both injured, he guessed that someone had defeated Lachar first.

After successfully performing the Blood Mind Control, Lachar was filled with psychological shadows and confused illusions. He could only see a white-robed figure called "Pope Saint Polante".

Unable to truly learn the Blood Mind Control, he did not dwell on the past of this useless Lacharr, and efficiently controlled Lacharr to perform the truly important drama.

Now, as expected, Violet's collaborator came to her.

But it doesn't matter. He can settle the old and new accounts together, so that he won't have to dig deep to lure out these hidden enemies in the future.

"Hecintos, Simonlo needs time to reinforce the barrier."

The fifth military god, Mica Lugayed, slightly opened his eyes, which had been closed, and spoke to Hyacinthus with a worried look.

If Hecintus and Loren started fighting like this, the whole of Brildae would be devastated.

Since Loren proposed a compromise plan, it would not be excessive to accept it.

As a doctor, he doesn't want to see more innocent civilians suffer.

"Great Priest Loren..."

The imperial gods of war on the side of the Cremona Memorial Square near the Palace of Saint Astrid were either looking at Hyacinthus or frowning in the direction of the white-robed Pope Loren.

The bad news is that there really is an unpredictable ninth-level enemy among the enemies. The good news is that the opponent is not a chaotic evil person, and the high priest Loren, who has always been known for his noble character and kindness, is now standing opposite them simply because of his position.

If the identification was correct when Loren successfully cast the spell just now.

Even though it was impossible to fully identify the spell's information, judging from the intermittent parts that could be interpreted, it was a sacred-grade group immunity force field wind magic, and it must be of the ninth level.

In addition to the fact that Loren reached the ninth level, another thing began to permeate the minds of the military gods.

"We have a traitor."

The seventh god of war, Blood Jasper Philip, bluntly expressed what all the gods of war were thinking.

Not only was Loren released secretly, but it was also strange that so many level eights could sneak into Brielda. Their coming today seemed more like a premeditated plan. They were able to prepare so early, and there was a high probability that the God of War had been cooperating with them early on and leaked the information.

As for the ironclad evidence of Loren's escape, there are only two possibilities:

Or maybe Geyat went to unlock Loren's seal himself.

Either other military gods cooperated internally and externally to assist the high-level sealer in rescuing Loren from the illusory territory.

Judging from what Loren said, the most likely person to rescue Loren was Aquamarine Violet.

Now that Violet's whereabouts are unknown and she is dead without any evidence, it is a perfect opportunity to eliminate Geyat's suspicion.

The more this happens, the more suspicious Geyat seems.

Why did he bring Loren back, why did Loren happen to be in Brildad, and why was there such a huge eighth-level force around Loren.

When all the coincidences are added together, even though there is a causal logic, it is hard not to suspect that Geyat is actually cooperating with Loren.

Geyat's palms were sweating.

He felt that he was undoubtedly the biggest suspect at this moment.

Even Hecintos was looking at him just now.

But only he knew that the traitor was not him!
There must be someone else who rescued Loren from his [Illusionary Territory].

A cloud of suspicion hangs over the cornerstone of the God of War at the Crane Memorial Plaza.

Even the military gods present were reluctant to see a battle break out in the narrow confines of the Kremer Memorial Square.

Compared to the painful memory of having to fight against their companions that night three days ago, they were more afraid that someone would really betray them and suddenly stab them in the back when they were out of control.

"High Priest Loren, if that's the case, I believe you."

Hecintus took everything into consideration and could only suppress the murderous intent in his heart and maintain his character to agree to Loren.

He never thought that the vampires were so useless. Lachar's heart was broken, and the other side seemed to have suffered no major losses except Violet. After two days, they were able to regroup and confront them head-on.

It was obvious that this group of enemies could be easily wiped out by him and the military gods together, as long as they did not care about the lives of the residents.

But he couldn't show his brutality at this point. All the plans to eliminate civilians had to wait until he completely took control of the Kreming Empire before they could be carried out step by step. If his true intentions were exposed today, it would be much more difficult to successfully control the Kreming Empire, and these military gods would no longer be his executioners and support him as a tyrant.

"In half an hour, I will let go and fight you."

Lanqi waved his hand, and the white-robed followers behind him withdrew from the range of the square barrier.

This is the concession he made.

At the same time, the ten military gods exchanged glances with Hecintus, nodded slightly, and cautiously retreated from the area of ​​the Cremorne Memorial Square. Continuing to stay in the barrier would only affect Hecintus, making him hesitate and unable to go all out to deal with the ninth-level Loren.

Moreover, it seems that this group of white-robed followers are too powerful and will not stay quiet outside the barrier. They also need to keep an eye on them and prevent them from doing whatever they want in Brillda.

Especially the third military god Geyat of Sardonyx, the seventh military god Philip of Blood Jade, and the eleventh military god Simonlo of Emerald, the three of them knew how difficult this guy Loren was.

Even though Hecintos now possesses unfathomable and terrifying strength, even they don't know how strong Hecintos is. He should be stronger than Loren in all aspects, but they dare not assert that Hecintos can definitely defeat Loren, who is at the ninth level.

As they watched the ultimate battle about to begin, they wanted to witness it, but at the same time they also understood their severe responsibilities.

"Hecintus, be careful."

Cat's Eye Bianca called out to Hyacinthus worriedly.

She was quickly dragged away by Julius.

The gods of war withdrew from the barrier of the Krewe Memorial Square and came to the other side of the square's outer border.

"We still have a mission. Those white-robed followers seem to have already taken action. Loren only promised him not to take action, but those white-robed followers might destroy the city defense's energy station!"

Julius pulled Bianca's arm and lectured her, telling her not to hesitate.


Bianca stared at Julius in amazement.

As expected, Julius was always decisive.

To put it bluntly, it was reckless, but sometimes Julius's quick decision-making was indeed necessary.

Before she could respond, she saw the white-robed followers split up and flew towards the far ends of Brildad.

"Simon Luo, you stay here and continue to reinforce the barrier. Lugayed, don't go too far from the central city area of ​​Manhot where Simon Luo is. Conzel, Philip and I will go to the east, and Julius, Bianca and Ryan will go to the south."

The fourth military god Jasper immediately commanded the other military gods to say,
"Saron, Geyat, please go find the strongest opponents one by one and keep an eye on them!"

The 11th God of War Simonro should be the safest. Since Loren has promised not to take action, Simonro, who is responsible for reinforcing the barrier, has become a neutral unit. If anyone wants to sneak attack Simonro, Loren and Hecintos may both take action.

The Fifth Military God Lugayed, as an eighth-level physician, staying in the central city can maximize the safety of the central city and speed up the evacuation of the people.

The rest of the military gods are divided into groups of four, seven, eight, ninety, and twelve. The strength difference within each group is not too big. Even if one of them is a traitor, it is difficult for him to hurt the other two.

The third military god, Geyat, who is the most suspected, acted alone, and the second military god, Salon, who acted alone, also has enough strength to protect himself.

"no problem."

All the gods of war immediately agreed to Jasper's command.

Julius's guess was correct. If Julius had not been so reckless, he could sometimes have been competent in command with his keen intuition.

But now when Hecintus is not available to command, Jasper is the commander.

For the military gods who gathered here and were all worried about their own safety, fighting separately would make them feel more at ease. Gathering together would only foster suspicion and restrict their hands and feet.

"Keep communicating."

Jasper emphasized.

The military gods all understood what she meant and turned into streams of light and flew away.

Be prepared for the worst.

Once you find out who has attacked one of your own, you must let others know immediately no matter what.

In the huge Kreming Memorial Square, there are only two strongest figures left, standing far away, waiting for the arrival of the ninth-level vs. ninth-level battle that will shake the entire southern continent.


Not only Brillda and the Botswana province, but even the entire giant Crane Empire that occupies two-fifths of the southern continent, and even the Alliance countries in the north, in countless mansions and families, are all nervously watching the strongest war that may break out at any time.

The Kingdom of Persian, the Flower City of Pariel.

As the hub in the eastern region connecting the Kingdom of Aloran on the left and the Kingdom of Hutton on the right, the high-level officials were in a mess.

In the heart of Parrieux, the capital of Poisson, lies the magnificent King's Ministry of Defense Building.

The building is made of gray-white marble, and six ancient Parian columns support the triangular gable, symbolizing the power and glory of the Persian Kingdom since ancient times.

A three-story dispatch center.

The magic screen displayed the military deployment map of the border defense lines of the Person Kingdom, but at this moment all the officers were paying attention to the real-time images coming from the imperial capital, Blildada.

The second hand was turning impatiently, and people in military uniforms and high-ranking civilian uniforms of the Person Kingdom kept running back and forth.

They gathered around a smart touch table, communicating with excited yet solemn expressions.

"Loren gave Hecintus half an hour to evacuate the residents. Sixteen minutes have passed now. Loren's other men have also begun to suppress the energy station in Brillda. But judging from the images from other city districts, their attacks were very restrained and did not harm the residents. It seems that they were only trying to distract the military gods so that Loren and Hecintus can focus on the final duel."

The intelligence officer used a mechanical pen to circle the image of the clock tower in the corner on the screen, which recorded the time when they first heard the ceasefire between the two sides.

In just over ten minutes, Brielda had become a mess, and even with dozens of military split screens it was difficult to keep track of it.

At this moment, Brillda, with the Cremorne Memorial Square at its center, has been covered with several layers of barrier sky.

The entire central urban area of ​​Manhot has become an ultimate battlefield covered by crystal walls.

"Not only are Loren's powerful men taking action, but even the Silver Moon Reformation Society lurking in Brillda and the Brillda Mafia are taking action at this moment, and the Imperial Special Operations Department and the Capital Garrison Command are also dispatched."

"Except for the ninth-order main battlefield at the center of the Krein Memorial Plaza, the rest of the place will probably soon become a battlefield for an eighth-order melee."

When there is constant noise and analysis.

Footsteps sounded, and a figure came along the stairs to the third floor, and many figures immediately surrounded him.

"Mr. Lieutenant General, there are still thirteen minutes."

They hurriedly asked Nigel, the highest commander of the city defense force.

"I see."

Nigel nodded with tired eyes. Ever since the incident in Huadu, the death of his teacher Perlman, and the start of the war, he had been busy almost every day.

He originally didn't have the energy to pay full attention to Brillda's coronation ceremony, but now it seems he has to pay attention to it in addition to his job duties.

Nigel is actually most worried about Ranchi and Tata.

These two good friends who had shared life and death with him were personally sent to Brillda. If anything happened to them, Nigel didn't know what to do.

The only thing to be thankful for was that the last time he made emergency contact, he learned that Lanqi and Tata were now living well in Brielda and had a high status, and were almost pretending to be an engaged couple.

Nigel looked at the turmoil in Brillda, but he did not have the same gloating thoughts as other officers.

Because Brillda at this moment is like Pariel at that time.

In times of turmoil, only people lose.


Nigel looked at the replay of the white-robed Pope's attack in confusion.

He didn't know why, but he always felt that he had seen this wind before.

Why does it feel so familiar?

Before Nigel could think more, the excited shouts of his subordinates in Huadu interrupted his quiet thoughts.


"You are the strongest!"

As long as Loren can defeat Hyacinthus, it will mean that all the countries to the north will have peace.

No one expected that a savior from the Southern Continent would appear at this time to turn the tide and save the collapsing building.

"High Priest, you must win!"

He is what people want and the last hope of the Kingdom's allies!

"It will win."

Lanqi seemed to be able to hear the cries of residents from all over the southern continent and their surging power of faith, and he muttered to himself.

At this moment, the Cremorne Memorial Plaza was empty, like a battlefield reserved for him and Hecintus.

Even the roads and buildings in the distance were deserted, and the wind was blowing desolately.

I'm afraid that in a while, the surrounding area within a radius of several kilometers will become their final resting place.

The clouds in the sky of Brillda had already been broken, and from time to time, bright lights and explosions could be heard from afar, illuminating the sky in a different color. After extinguishing, they would create another layer of ripples.

Even though he could sense it from a distance, he knew that the God of War and his companions were fighting on the battlefields dozens of kilometers away.


Simon Luo was outside the Crain Memorial Square, looking at the sky. He wanted to go and provide support, but he couldn't just leave.

The eleventh military god, Emerald Simonlo, is quite special. As the chief commander, he has to stay where he is to continuously reinforce the barrier and protect the most central Saint Astrid Energy Station. During this time, he can basically complete the ultimate level of protective barrier.

Once this place is breached, when Hecintus and Loren start fighting, the entire Brillda will probably be quickly destroyed.

There are currently three barriers in total. The first one covers the Krewe Memorial Square and is the quickest-formed temporary barrier.

The second reinforcement barrier has a radius of two kilometers and is a cubic staggered crystal wall. It has the greatest protection, but in addition to the energy supply from the Saint-Astrie Energy Station, it also requires other magic professionals to maintain the reinforcement. At present, all residents in the barrier have been evacuated.

The third barrier has a radius of approximately five kilometers, almost covering the sky. It will be closed when all residents are evacuated. Due to its largest range, its defensive effect is also the weakest, and its main function is to resist the aftermath.

It would be great if someone else could help him reinforce the second barrier later, any magic professional would do, but unfortunately the other military gods might have found their opponents.

He was lucky that no one came to attack him now.

With the disaster mitigation provided by the triple barrier, this should already be the best battlefield. Even if the two strongest ninth-order warriors in the world fight each other in the center of the barrier later, the outward impact and spread of the aftermath will be weakened as much as possible, protecting the residents of the city-state of Brillda who are still evacuating as far as possible.

Now there are only a few desperate and bloodthirsty reporters left, carrying the most sturdy equipment, still filming the battle situation here from afar in the second barrier and making passionate reports.

"Great Priest Loren, you really are one thing on the surface but another behind the scenes."

Hecintus rested his wrist on the hilt of his sword and sneered at the white-robed pope.

"You talk about justice, but under your command, have others already started to commit acts of war that endanger the citizens of Blildah?"

He asked as if to kill time.

"Look carefully, they are consciously avoiding residential areas and not using any lethal means. They are only attacking the militarized facilities that are aimed at us. This is a reasonable means of self-defense. My companions are also protecting civilians and blocking the military gods in the gray area and high altitude area."

Lanci looked at Hecintos and explained modern warfare to him.

The war of public opinion must also be won.

He was not afraid at all that Hecintus would suddenly kill him, because the only ones that would be hurt would be the Cremona Memorial Plaza and the surrounding buildings.

Perhaps Hecintus would bet that Loren's life-saving magic had a limit on the number of times it could be used, and even an epic should not violate this common sense.

But unfortunately, his life-saving magic is only time-limited, and he will be punished forever until he runs out of magic power.

Half an hour may be very long or very short, but even without looking at the clock tower you can tell that half a circle of the clock is about to come to an end.

"It seems that the residents' evacuation is almost complete."

"You should be ready too, right?"

Although Lanqi and Hecintos were facing each other, they both turned their heads and looked into the distance.

They are idle and leisurely, waiting for the final ultimate battle, and they all believe that they are the strongest in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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