Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 98 Frey Knows the Rules of the Academy of Knights

Chapter 98 Frey Knows the Rules of the Academy of Knights
Frey, Lankey, and Huberian walked on the path leading to the school's Knight Academy.

Along the way, the three of them didn't exchange anything, they just walked quietly.

The jacarandas on both sides are scattered like patron saints, silently swearing the mystery and tranquility of this campus. When spring comes, these trees will proudly display lavender flowers. Their beautiful and vigorous vitality is always It can attract many students and residents of the royal capital to stop and admire, and this place will become very lively at that time.

A historic wooden building is hidden at the end of the path.

It has only one floor, but it is as spacious as a small dojo.

Looking from a distance, you can see that the glass of the window has broken a lot, and the years have left indelible marks on its wooden walls.

However, the interior of this seemingly forgotten building is full of vitality, and there are various noisy sounds from the interior - there are laughter, curses, roars, and booms, all mixed together, Sounds like a stormy mob fight.

"That's it. What this team left behind is a group of stubborn reckless people. Even the dean has a headache for them."

Frey paused, pointed to the wooden house in the distance and said to the two people beside him.

The dean he was referring to in his words was not Loren, the dean of the Academy of Sages, but the dean of their Academy of Knights.

"Student Frey, how can we discuss with them later?"

Lan Qi looked at the young man with a rebellious temperament and asked.

From Lan Qi's point of view, Frey was half wearing sunglasses, his eyes were as sharp as a falcon's, coupled with the strong sense of explosive power on his body, he looked like a gang killer.

Although generally speaking, people like this may not seem to be going to communicate in a friendly manner, but Lan Qi knows that in the process of performing official duties, if one negotiator appears with a tough image, the other companion appears with a gentle attitude. It is a good cooperation to interfere with the other party's negotiating will and soften the other party's position through the change of attitude.

"Let me try to negotiate first. I am familiar with the rules of the Knight Academy."

Frey first made sure that the weapon in the inner pocket of the jacket was carried, and then looked in the direction of the wooden house.

"Then trouble you."

Lan Qi nodded. After all, he belonged to the Academy of Sages, and he didn't know much about the rules of the Academy of Knights, so he just took this opportunity to learn.


When Huberian witnessed Frey's habitual behavior like a gangster earlier, she immediately felt something was wrong.

She believes that this is definitely not the "rules of the Knights Academy"!
But she thought about it again.

Among the three, Lan Qi would most likely turn into a swindler if he negotiated, and he, a half-demon, was not very popular.

In the final analysis, it is true that the "local" Frey is the most suitable.

As a warrior, he must have a better understanding of the way of communication between warriors.

"If you need any help, we'll make it up."

Huberian said from the side.

"Thank you."

Frey tilted his head slightly and walked forward.

The door was quietly ajar, as if inviting passers-by.

In fact, the door lock has been eroded by the years and can no longer lock perfectly.

The three members of the student union came to the door and focused their eyes on the dimly lit venue.

There were a few strong men gathered inside, some of them were sitting, some were standing, all of them looked like tough fighters.

Even Frey, who looks good at playing, can only be regarded as a normal youth compared with them.

The sense of oppression emanating from the group of fighters was as unstoppable as wild waves.

However, among these fighters, the one with the absolute commander status is a woman with long dark red hair, who seems to be of a completely different level from the other members.

Although she is tall, she looks quite petite compared to a group of strong men. Similarly, she is dressed in a rather wild fighter, her hair is tied into a high ponytail, and her bangs brush past her right eye. A chest wrap and trousers, with bandages also covering the arms and legs.

Her aggressive eyes made her look very domineering.

"The leader is Zilvini, a third-year student from the Knight Academy. She has a good character, but she has a hot temper. She is a gold-level challenger of the sixth level. The hope of subduing her by force is very small. The main difficulty lies in the need to deal with the three o'clock direction at the same time. Tier [-] fighters, and suppressing those Tier [-] fighters."

Frey pointed to the target in the room, and whispered to the two companions to share information about each other.

Both Lan Qi and Huberian turned their eyes to Frey and nodded.

According to what Frey said, he wanted to avoid a direct conflict, which they both agreed with deeply.

Violence not only does not mediate conflicts and disputes in the school, but deepens them. This not only violates the purpose of harmonious coexistence on campus, but also affects the good image of the student union. Today's demolition work may not be completed smoothly and on time.

Therefore, the goal of their work today must be to reach a friendly negotiation with the other party that is convincing to both parties.

"Three over there, what are you whispering over there!"

A strong man seemed to have noticed the slight movement at the door, and his voice was like a howling wind, stirring up the air in the venue.

Huberian was startled, and took a step back vigilantly, she was not good at dealing with such rude and violent warriors.

However, Lan Qi behaved very leisurely. He opened the door and asked calmly:

"Students, is this the club of the 'Spirit of Fighters' team?"


The crimson-haired woman in the wooden house replied with a look of disdain.

Her facial expression also began to become serious and unfriendly.

The calm demeanor of the visitor and his inspection-like remarks made all the fighters in the gym think of the student union.

"So, what are you guys here for?"

The thugs in the wooden house asked in unison. Their voices seemed to have magical power, enough to make the freshmen sit down on the ground in fear.

However, the three members of the student union standing at the entrance were obviously not ordinary people. They stood there unmoved, not afraid of the threat of those strong men at all.

"We are the officers of the Student Union. Now, according to the decision of the college and the execution order of the Hutton King's Fire Department, we need to vacate this room and demolish it today."

Huberian put on a businesslike air and spoke like a bank clerk coming to collect debts.

Anyway, with Lan Qi behind her, she is not afraid of anything.

As soon as the words fell, a domineering power instantly filled the entire wooden house, as if it was a direct refutation of her words, and the roar continued to resound.

"This is our important place, you guys who don't have the soul of fighting, get out of here!"

(End of this chapter)

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