Chapter 21 School Daily
People always like to hear what they want to hear, and this does not change with age.


As soon as Aylin said these words, the faces of the students around him who were eavesdropping with their ears pricked up showed their original expressions as if they were relieved from a heavy burden.

Compared with the previous scandal and gossip between Aylin and Gwen, they were more willing to believe the statement Aylin gave now.

On the other hand, the little fatty Doug Wang curled his lips and said in Chinese deliberately: "Are you fooling the ghost? If it's really just like this, do you two need to go out and talk alone?"

The three generations of their ancestors are all decent Chinese.

Since they were young, they were taught to speak Chinese by their elders, so they sometimes communicate in Chinese when they are inconvenient to speak in school.

Chinese is notoriously difficult to learn in the world. Except for Chinese, few in Midtown High School can speak this language.

Communicate in Chinese without fear of being overheard.

Ayrin rolled his eyes and said softly, "That's the truth, believe it or not!"


Being so annoyed by Aylin, the little fat man's voice became louder unconsciously.

Just as he was about to continue talking, he met the stern eyes of the math teacher.

Although the math teacher is older and has a kinder personality, he is not dead.

To be so loud in his class, do you really think he doesn't exist?

After being stared at by the math teacher like this, the little fat Doug suddenly wilted like a frost-beaten eggplant.

Even the other students in the classroom didn't dare to provoke the furious math teacher, so they all silenced.

Suddenly, the voices in the classroom fell silent.

The math teacher nodded in satisfaction when he saw that the entire classroom became quiet under his majesty.

He cleared his throat and said that all those sitting here are high school students who are about to graduate. In order to better understand everyone's level of knowledge, the school will arrange a mock exam next week, and the time for the math exam will be arranged at next Wednesday morning.

He doesn't want the students he leads to be the class with the lowest level, so in the next few classes, he will help everyone review the knowledge taught before, and hope everyone will listen carefully.

As soon as the math teacher finished speaking, the whole classroom was boiling again.

The top students looked expectant, but there was no panic on their faces.

The scumbags are like mourning their concubine, full of mourning.

And when Aylin heard that, the smile on his face just now couldn't hold back anymore.

Good guy.

On the first day back at school, you told me there was an exam.

Can I still go to this school?

Although I have integrated the memory of the original body, the memory is not complete.

Besides, Yuan himself was not a top student.

Every time you take an exam, you can only mix in the middle and lower reaches of the class.

Now it's my turn that I don't even have a complete memory, how can I do well in this exam?
The math teacher on the podium didn't care about Ayrin's feelings.

He didn't turn the pages of the book, just picked up the chalk, and explained one formula after another that he taught before, helping everyone quickly recall the "key knowledge".

Through the mathematics teacher's explanation, the memory of the two lives in Aylin's mind kept flashing, and quickly helped him integrate the mathematics knowledge in his mind.

Ayrin is rapidly absorbing and mastering some of the knowledge points that the original body has forgotten or even mastered.

After taking the "Seer" potion, Ayrin's memory and learning abilities were already further developed, reaching an extraordinary level.

And the brain-meditation thought of visualizing the universe before, although it didn't have the horror of taking the potion, it also raised Ayrin's mental power and memory by half a step.

The current Aylin's quick thinking, memory, and learning ability can be described as terrifying.

He frantically absorbed all the knowledge he didn't have, and firmly remembered it in his heart, turning it into his own use.

As the top elite high school in New York, and even in the federal rankings.

The teachers in Midtown High School have the highest teaching standards.

Just one lesson.

Ayrin felt that his mathematics level had improved visibly with the naked eye.

Although this is related to my fusion of mathematics knowledge from two lifetimes, it is also inseparable from the teacher's guidance.

After math class.

Courses in physics and chemistry take turns.

It directly improved Aylin's grasp of knowledge by a large margin.

Although he is still not comparable to the gods of learning in his class and grades, he will definitely not be the tail of the crane anymore.

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Ailin took out the books from the school cabinet, and prepared to take the college's pre-requisite courses, the so-called AP courses.

Through AP courses, students can take college credits in advance, but the school does not make mandatory requirements, it is all up to students to choose voluntarily.


If you want to enter a first-class federal university, you must have AP courses. In general federal high schools, the courses are divided into three levels of difficulty, namely:
Illiterate Difficulty: Complete regular courses that are useless except to get a high school diploma.

Normal Difficulty: After learning it, you will probably be able to get the honor course that is admitted to a second- and third-tier university.

As well as the most difficult ones, at least five electives are required, and an average of five points is required to apply for AP courses at top universities.

In the Commonwealth, the matter of going to university has actually been prepared from the moment one enters a university.

As a member of Midtown High School, an elite high school, Ailin is no exception.

But now Aylin, who has his own plans, plans to choose a few pre-requisite courses to study in addition to the few courses he originally chose.

For most people, it is difficult to study several new pre-requisite courses and get 5 credits in the exam in one semester, but Ailin feels that with his current memory and learning ability, he should not Not too difficult.

Just as he took out his books from the cabinet and was about to leave, Aylin unexpectedly ran into Gwen holding a few books in his arms.


"Well, Gwen, why are you here?"

"Getting ready to take the AP pre-requisite class." Gwen raised the textbook in Yang's arms, then looked at the book in Aylin's arms and said, "You too?"

Ailin looked at the textbook in his hand, and found that it happened to be an AP calculus textbook just like Gwen.

"What a coincidence, I didn't expect that we all chose this course."

Hearing this, Gwen rolled her eyes playfully and said, "Calculus is a compulsory course in college. It's not surprising that more people take this course."

Ayrin smiled and said, "That's true."

"However, there is only one big AP calculus class in the afternoon. I didn't expect that we are in the same classroom. How did I find out before." Gwen Qi said.

Ayrin smiled and didn't speak.

Gwen was the only one who didn't find that the two were in the same classroom. After all, the original Aylin was just a little transparent in school.

(End of this chapter)

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