I set off a mysterious revival in Marvel

Chapter 379 Gwen’s uneasiness

Chapter 379 Gwen’s uneasiness

Except for Gwen, who was under special care by Aylin, Aylin's spiritual force field almost indiscriminately enveloped the crowd within a radius of dozens of meters.

Soothed by the power of the soul, the fanatical crowd calmed down the restlessness in their hearts.

It was as if they had received some kind of sacred baptism in body and mind, and entered a peaceful and peaceful state.

Even the Holy See Knight behind the Pope seemed to be affected, with a different luster in his eyes.

Among those present, the only ones who were not affected by Arryn were probably Gwen beside Arryn and the Pope standing opposite him.

The reason why Gwen is okay is because of Aylin's special care. The reason why the Pope opposite Aylin is indifferent to Aylin's spiritual power is purely because of the other party's strong spirit and firm will, which are directly immune to this level of spiritual power. Most of the effects are just soothing.

For the Pope, maybe this spiritual power just made his spirit feel a little comfortable and cool.

"This is······"

Just as the Pope looked at the crowd around him, his eyes showed a look of shock and horror.

Looking at the people around them who seemed to have been baptized by their souls, they no longer made a fuss, but instead clasped their hands and murmured prayers.

Aylin seemed to remember that he had seen a similar scene in that place.

At this moment, Ai Lin was in a trance, as if he had suddenly passed through layers of space, and then appeared in a special space. He saw a majestic figure exuding endless light and hope, preaching to all living beings.

The moment he saw the tall figure, Ailin's body and mind were attracted to it, and he unconsciously moved closer to the figure.

As Aylin got closer and closer to that majestic figure, countless pieces of knowledge that could only be understood but could not be expressed suddenly crowded crazily into Aylin's mind.

And when Aylin's figure and that majestic figure got closer and closer, they finally merged into one.

A voice containing endless light and compassion suddenly blurted out from Aylin's mouth.

“God so loves the world!”

As Aylin's voice sounded.

The vague hymn suddenly came to mind in the ancient St. Peter's Basilica, and even the sky above the entire Vatican resounded with sacred hymns.

A bright milky white light suddenly rose into the sky from St. Peter's Basilica.

There are also countless phantoms looming in the sky above St. Peter's Basilica.

This strange phenomenon caused everyone within a hundred miles who noticed this scene to look up at the sky and gaze at this once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon.

Among the countless looming pictures, some saw the Son of God preaching, and some saw angels coming to the dust; even more, it was as if they had seen the Almighty God.

"This this······"

Seeing the golden light shining in Aylin's eyes and the looming shadow of the Seraphim behind him, the Pope, who was originally doubtful about Aylin's identity, instantly dispelled his doubts.

Behind the Pope, the Holy See knights who had been infected by Aylin's spiritual power all looked at Aylin fanatically, and then all knelt down towards Aylin.

If their costumes weren't a little obstructive, they would even want to worship Aylin.

The kneeling of the Holy See Knight was like a signal.

next second.

Under the comfort of Aylin's spiritual power, the crowd who were already close to Aylin were shocked to death after seeing the miraculous scene in St. Peter's Cathedral.

As the Holy See knights knelt down, the crowd, who were shocked by the scene before them, knelt down in awe towards Aylin, who exuded powerful coercion and vaguely revealed the meaning of sanctity. .

Many people kept making the sign of the cross in front of themselves, regarding Aylin as the incarnation of God, clasping their hands in front of Aylin and praying devoutly.

And this wave of kneeling in worship, baptized by the miraculous hymns and visions, spread rapidly to the entire Vatican.

After Aylin wakes up.

The crowd in front of him had already knelt on the ground.

"This is·······"

When Aylin turned his head to look at Gwen, he found that Gwen looked at him with a hint of fear and uneasiness.

at this time.

The Pope, who seemed to have recovered from the shock, looked at the crowd kneeling on the ground, and immediately said respectfully to Aylin: "Your Highness Aylin, this is not the place to talk. Please come with me."

With that said, the pope, who was wearing a white robe, took the lead and walked towards a small door in the Holy See that was not open to the public.

Looking at the Pope who was leading the way, Aylin looked at the crowd of people kneeling around him, frowned slightly, and followed him with Gwen.

After taking Aylin and Gwen away from the side door, the Pope and a small group of Holy See Knights quickly led Aylin and the others through the crowd to the back of the Vatican, a complex of buildings that was not open to the public.

This is the palace complex where the Pope first prayed.

It is also the residence of the Pope, the famous Papal Palace.

Normally, this is also where meetings are held within the Holy See.

Surrounded by the Holy See knights, he passed through the crowd and entered the palace.

The Holy See knights guarding them immediately closed the palace door, and then turned into human-shaped copper walls and iron walls, guarding the door to block the fanatical crowd rushing towards them. .

Only the tall man named Wendy entered the palace together with the Pope and Aylin.


When the scarlet door is closed.

When passing through the crowd, Gwen, who felt uncomfortable being stared at by those fanatical eyes, let out a deep breath.

However, even so, her hands that had been holding Ai Lin's arm tightly since just now did not relax at all.

Looking at Gwen's tense arms, Aylin frowned slightly, as if he felt Gwen's uneasiness.

Then he spread his fingers, took the initiative to put his left hand into Gwen's palm, and clasped her fingers tightly together.

After alleviating Gwen's uneasiness with practical actions, Aylin said with some confusion: "What just happened?"

Seeing Aylin who seemed to have recovered and became the same as before, Gwen's eyes flashed with joy, but she said uneasily:
"Just now, when the crowd around us was getting bigger and bigger, for some reason, they suddenly became quiet, and then you suddenly said, 'God so loves the world.'"

"Then, the entire St. Peter's Basilica resounded with sacred chants, and even the murals and statues in the church glowed with white light, as if they had come alive..."

"Not long after, like a miracle, looming images suddenly appeared in the church, and then the group of people around them knelt down in front of you..."

In Gwen's description, Aylin slowly understood what happened just now. But knowing all this, not only did Aylin not feel relieved, but it actually made him frown even more.

At this moment, Gwen's hand holding Ai Lin tightly seemed to increase a little bit more.

"Ai Lin, I'm so scared. I don't know why. Just now, when you said that God loves the world, I suddenly felt that you became so strange. At that time, your eyes turned golden, as if there was no emotion. Even the eyes he looked at me became cold.”

"I have never seen that kind of strange look. It's like the emotionless angel in the myth behind you. It's so strange that I thought I would lose you in the next second."

Looking at the uncontrollable worry and fear in Gwen's eyes.

Ailin's heart suddenly condensed.

【is it you? 】

Feeling the faintly hot mark of the [Angel Scepter] on his arm since he entered the Vatican.

Aylin almost instantly identified the culprit of his abnormality.

And this time.

In Aylin's mind, he suddenly recalled the last note he made when he obtained the [Angel Scepter].

[Tip: Angel’s bewitchment is everywhere. Be careful, he will influence you all the time and make you become his believer. 】

[Is this your bewitchment? 】

Just when Aylin's heart sank, he said in his heart.

"Don't worry."

The Pope, who heard the conversation between Aylin and Gwen, suddenly said something.

After saying that, he showed a gentle smile towards Gwen, and then continued:
"His Royal Highness Aylin is an angel who came from heaven to earth. The scene just now should be that some things in St. Peter's Cathedral evoked His Highness Aylin's memories, and then formed a resonance with His Highness Aylin, awakening something in His Highness Aylin It’s just a memory of the past.”

"His Royal Highness Aylin may have been affected by memories at that time, so his eyes became strange, but this situation will not last long."

"Just like now, hasn't Lord Aylin recovered?"

After seeing with his own eyes the divinity and the terrifying power of Holy Light that vaguely revealed in Aylin's body, the Pope no longer had any doubts about Aylin's identity.

Not to mention that Aylin also caused the resonance of the objects and murals containing divine power in St. Peter's Basilica in front of him, further confirming Ayling's identity.

Perhaps the only thing that puzzles the Pope is why the angel did not come to these loyal believers this time, but was reincarnated into a Chinese.

After all, judging from some of the scenes from New York.

This angel's true form, or rather his previous life, was also a blond and blue-eyed angel.

and many more!


all the time.

The Holy See's penetration of the Eastern Kingdom's faith is relatively weak. Could it be that this time the angel was reincarnated as a Chinese with a special mission and wanted to use his special identity to spread the glory of the Lord to that ancient Eastern kingdom?
Thinking of this, the Pope suddenly felt refreshed and his whole body became excited.

Maybe this is the truth.

During the short walk from St. Peter's Basilica to the Papal Palace, the Pope thought a lot and filled his mind with a lot of things.

So after Gwen spoke up, before Aylin could speak, the Pope gave Gwen what he thought was the most reasonable explanation based on the guesses he had made up in his head.


What the Pope didn't expect was that.

Not only did his explanation fail to dispel Gwen's concerns, but it made her even more worried.

What Gwen liked was never an angel.

But Aylin, a living person.

In Gwen's heart, Aylin, who always arrived in time at the most dangerous moment, descended from the sky like Prince Charming, and rescued her from danger, was not some lofty and holy angel.

But a boyfriend who is willing to like her, take care of her, and give her an unparalleled sense of security.

If it was true as the Pope said, because some things in St. Peter's Basilica caused Aylin to evoke some memories of his past life, turning him into the angel who just now made her feel a little strange and a little scary.

Then Gwen would rather she had never been here.

To be honest, Gwen already regretted why she agreed to come to this damn Vatican.

Had he not agreed to come to this damn church with Aylin, would Aylin not have become like that just now?

Do not know why.

After seeing the unfamiliar cold gaze in Aylin's golden eyes, Gwen felt a little uneasy in her heart.

After receiving the gift in the dream, the awakened spider sense amplified Gwen's uneasiness countless times.

Although Gwen is also a believer in God, if God would let her lose her beloved boyfriend.

Well Gwen says to hell with that!
Aylin, who also heard the Pope's words, felt a hint of coldness in his heart.

"Bringing back memories of the past? Haha, don't I know what I was like in my previous life? St. Peter's Basilica can fucking wake up my damn memories!"

Aylin already had a guess in his mind.

It is almost 100% certain that all the visions that happened in St. Peter's Basilica just now are absolutely related to the [Angel Scepter] branded on his right arm.

What just made Ailin's heart sink was, how did he do all that just now?
And why do I have no memory of what just happened?

Was it because of the special environment of the Vatican that allowed it to break through certain restrictions, or was there something in St. Peter's Basilica just now that helped it influence itself.

In other words, it had tampered with him before?
But, if it really had tampered with my hand, why didn't I feel it at all?

Can He really affect me silently?
"The bewitchment of angels is everywhere. Be careful, he will affect you all the time."

At this moment, Aylin suddenly felt a creepy feeling as he recalled those words again.

Just when a creepy feeling arose in Ailin's heart, he couldn't wait to take Gwen away from this ghost place.

The pope's voice suddenly sounded in Aylin's ears again.

(End of this chapter)

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