I set off a mysterious revival in Marvel

Chapter 61 The Changing Balance Space

Chapter 61 The Changing Balance Space

Aylin had no choice but to hide the safe in the guest room after calling the police because of the incident in the bedroom.

However, at this time, Ayrin didn't appreciate the safe that he bought with a huge price.

After entering the password he set, Aylin opened the safe and took out his Osborn Group equity contract from it.

Looking at this contract, Ayrin shook his head somewhat self-deprecatingly.

Sure enough, I was still dazzled by this sudden wealth!
After getting the equity transfer contract in the afternoon, I suddenly became rich. I was so excited that I forgot the important information I got when I met the "Black Widow" Natasha in the morning.

S.H.I.E.L.D. had found or rescued Tony Stark from Afghanistan at this time.

In fact, isn't this telling himself in a disguised form that Tony Stark will return to New York soon.

If Ayrin remembered correctly.

Tony Stark, who was stimulated in Afghanistan, the first thing he did after returning to New York was to call a press conference and announce the closure of Stark Industries' weapons research and development department.

This earth-shattering news directly caused the stock of Stark Industries to usher in an unprecedented big dive, reaching the historical freezing point.

It wasn't until Tony Stark uttered the classic "I, I am Iron Man!" that the stock of Stark Industries rebounded rapidly.

Although Tony Stark was rescued in advance because of his intervention, according to Tony Stark's character and the urgency of fate, Ayrin felt that after Tony Stark was rescued, he would still come to this place. one out.

At this stage, if there is enough money in hand, it is a great opportunity for any traveler who is familiar with the plot to make money.

When a whale falls, all things are born.

Stark Industries, this federation, and even the world's top military industry giants have fallen from their peaks, and even the ripples that appear are enough to drive countless people crazy.

Even earn a lot of money.

Of course, for those shareholders who bought Stark Industries, this was a complete disaster.

But capital is never kind.

Thinking of this, Ayrin took out his mobile phone and dialed Norman Osborn.

After making the phone call, Ailin bluntly said that he hoped to exchange a part of the Osborne Group's equity in his hand for a sum of money.

On the other end of the phone, Norman Osborn asked strangely after hearing this, "Is Your Excellency Ayrin short of money?"

After being silent for a while, Aylin nodded helplessly and said: "Well, I need to invest in something recently, and the funding gap I need is quite large!"

"I see."

After whispering a word, Norman Osborn replied on the phone: "It's a bit embarrassing, but in order to treat our family's genetic disease, I passed a lot of experimental projects and spent a lot of money. Now I can personally The working capital used is not very much, and there is only about [-] million US dollars left..."

"If Your Excellency Ailin needs a large amount of funds, I suggest that you can take the equity contract of Osborne Group and go to the bank for mortgage. With the current market value of Osborne Group, 5.00% of the group's shares are mortgaged for 100 billion U.S. dollars. No problem."

"At that time, Your Excellency Ailin only needs to pay a negligible amount of interest on time, and you can use the 100 billion US dollars to do whatever you want, whether it is for investment or for enjoying life, there will be no problem at all. As for the interest, I believe that Osborne Group's annual equity dividends are more than enough to pay the interest..."

During the phone call, Norman Osborn talked slowly, but it seemed as if he had opened the door to a new world for Ayrin.

Ah, this...

Can the world of capital still play like this?

On the recommendation of Norman Osborn.

A stretched Lincoln sedan drove up to Ailin's gate in the dark, and then drove him into a New York bank branch in Manhattan.

This New York bank, which should have been closed long ago, was brightly lit at this time.

After Aylin got off the car, a bank executive dressed in a suit and leather shoes received Aylin grandly, and personally handled the mortgage business for Aylin.

Osborne Group's 5.00% group shares are mortgaged, which is a big deal for any bank.

The benefits that the bank can get from it every year are enough to make this bank executive grand.

It may be because of Norman Osborn's personal recommendation, or it may be a high-quality asset such as the equity of the Osborne Group that is mortgaged.

The mortgage process was exceptionally smooth.

By the time the extended Lincoln sent Ailin back to Chinatown again, the 100 billion mortgage under the Bank of New York had already been lying in Ailin's account.

This made Ayrin, who had already returned home, feel how convenient it was to live in the federation with the power of capital.

After some emotion.

Aylin opened an account in the stock market, and then rushed into the stock market with a solid capital of 100 billion dollars, frantically increasing leverage to short Stark Industries' stocks.

Fortunately, thanks to the teachings of his predecessor's mother when she was alive, Ayrin is no stranger to the Federation's stock market.

Even the account number has been registered early, otherwise Ayrin would really not be able to figure out these operations in a short while.

After doing this.

Only now did Ayrin have time to start today's meditation.

Through divination again and again today, Ayrin felt that his understanding of divination had improved a lot, and even the "Seer" potion had been clearly digested.

He reckoned that if he felt this way a few more times, he would be able to completely digest the "Seer" potion and switch to taking the "Joker" potion to complete his promotion.

"Joker" can increase the user's strength and agility to a certain extent, greatly improve the user's physical coordination, and endow the ability user with the ability to be very good at skill fighting, and even to a certain extent, supernatural ability, Used in battle.

For example, you can intuitively predict the next move of the target and get a premonition of imminent danger, or make a paper card as sharp as a blade and throw it out.

At that stage, Ayrin's actual combat ability will definitely have a very big improvement.

With anticipation for a bright future, Ayrin quickly entered into meditation.

But this time.

Ayrin had just entered into meditation when the white mist quickly obscured his vision and engulfed his soul.

After a moment.

Ayrin found himself pulled into the familiar balance space.

Looking at the extremely familiar balance space in front of him, a trace of doubt flashed in Ayrin's eyes.

"What's going on? I just started meditating, so why did I enter the balance space."

(End of this chapter)

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