Coach: Coaching the Grizzlies at the beginning, playing the bantam

Chapter 149 1 Crown Over Jordan 2 Crowns GOAT?Adu: Please don't brag, I'm blushing!

Chapter 149 One Championship Super Jordan Two Championships GOAT?Adu: Please don't brag, I'm blushing!

On February 2, the Sonics beat the Spurs 28 to 117 in an away game.


"Martial Saint" Jackson also scored 24 points, 5 rebounds and 3 assists in this game, and made 6 of 3 three-pointers. He perfectly integrated into the Sonics' offensive system and played the role of the second master.

Spurs star Tim Duncan blasted Szczerbiak, contributing 22 points, 16 rebounds, 3 assists, 1 steal and 3 blocks.Unfortunately, Parker and Ginobili played mediocre, and the troika suffered a defeat at home.

On March 3, the Sonics returned to their home court to defeat the Cavaliers, winning 2 to 116 and winning their first victory in March.

Lu Yong arranged for "Martial Saint" Jackson to face James, Durant defended his old teammate Delonte West, and focused on the offensive end.



At first glance, James' statistics are good, but only 35% of his field goal percentage is indeed a bit low. If it weren't for the second master Mo Williams' explosive 34 points, the Cavaliers would have surrendered in the first half.

In an interview after the game, Lu Yong once again emphasized the goal of the Supersonics: "The team's goal this season is to win the championship. No matter how strong the opponent in front of us is, it can't shake our determination."

The media is more concerned about Durant's recent hot performance. Since he scored 51 points in a single game, Durant has played very well in the last few games. His personal data has been raised and he has returned to the top of the MVP list.

Lu Yong increased Durant's possession of the ball on the offensive end, allowing the ball to pass through his hands more in positional battles, and arranged weak-side singles tactics.This adjustment not only did not affect the team's offense, but also made Durant play more confidently, warming up for the playoffs in advance.

The loss of last season made Lu Yong understand a truth. No matter how good a team's offense is, it is not as powerful as a star. In the playoffs, star singles are very important. At critical moments, we still have to count on the star to stand up and end the game.

In addition to the outstanding strength of the role players, the supersonic's powerful offensive firepower is also inseparable from Durant's growth and contribution. He is not only a star, but also the leader of the regular season MVP. The offensive end should get more shots.

After defeating the Eastern powerhouse Cavaliers, the media reported news related to Durant: "Durant is not a simple scorer. He can break through, shoot, pass, rebound, and protect the frame. He can do everything. A true all-around fighter who impacts the game in so many ways."

The Seattle City Daily said: "In terms of offensive ability alone, Durant's performance is not inferior to Jordan. His offensive range is farther than Jordan, and his efficiency is high. He will definitely dominate the league in the future."

The most heart-wrenching thing is that whenever the media crazily touted Durant, Oden, the No. 07 pick in [-], would be pulled out and flogged.

As a rare talented center in ten years, Oden came back this season and played 51 games for the Trail Blazers before being reimbursed for another season.

In fact, Oden's 22 points and 9 rebounds in just 7 minutes are not bad, but his health problems are really a headache.

With Durant's attack on the first regular season MVP of his career, more and more media believe that the Blazers are the biggest losers in the 07 draft.

The discussion among the fans was even more heated. Some fans felt that Durant led the team to win the championship this year and could match Jordan. If he surpassed Jordan in one championship and two GOAT championships, Durant himself blushed for a while.

The funniest thing is that Durant likes to browse the NBA section of the website when he has nothing to do, and watch fans reply under the news.When someone sprayed him, this guy would open a trumpet and come down to defend himself, which is definitely a "clear stream" among NBA stars.

On the 4th, the Sonics played against the lowly Bobcats, and the players felt bad in the first half.

Only 26 of 4 shots from beyond the three-point line almost distorted the Bobcats' basket at home.

Durant had two pull-up jumpers that changed direction and flew over the basket, making three non-stick shots.Szczerbiak and Francis' performances are also average, with shooting percentages below 40% and poor three-pointers.

Fortunately, the strength of the Bobcats is terrible. With the outbreak of "Martial Saints" Jackson and Taylor Tovic, the Supersonics struggled to hold on to the victory 94 to 88.

Taylor Tovic performed the most explosively. He played 26 minutes off the bench, made 13 of 8 shots, 10 of 7 three-pointers, scored 23 points, 3 rebounds and 1 assist, shooting 61.5% from the field and 70% from the three-point range. .

So far this season, Taylor Tovic has averaged 12.4 points, 2.6 rebounds and 0.9 assists per game, and has made 43.2% of his three-pointers. He is expected to have an impact on the best sixth man award.

In the Sonics' offensive system, Teletovic has always played the role of a finisher. He does not need to attack with the ball, nor does he need to connect teammates. As long as he can throw the ball after receiving the ball, he will complete the task.

This kind of pure system positioning made Taylor Tovic play very comfortably. After Delfino left the team, he was the most accurate player in the Sonics to shoot three-pointers.

On the 6th, the Sonics flew to Golden State to challenge the Warriors away, a very topical focus game.

The Warriors have a mediocre record this year and can only rank 11th in the Western Conference after they are determined to rebuild. Under the leadership of head coach Don Nelson, they are an offensive team with good potential.

The gimmick of this contest comes from the deal reached by the Supersonics and the Warriors not long ago. "Martial Saints" Jackson, Delfino and Ramon Sessions played against their old club for the first time after being traded, which is quite interesting.

The league started its publicity two days in advance, and it was broadcast live by TNT TV station across the United States.

The one who most wants to prove himself at the Warriors' home court is the "Warrior Saint" Jackson. In order to train Monta Ellis, the management traded him, the team's scoring leader, as a bargaining chip.Jackson will prove tonight that he is stronger than Monta Ellis. Although he is glad that he was traded to the Sonics, he still wants to play an explosive stat against his old club.

Not only Jackson, but Delfino also wants to prove himself. He is very grateful to Lu Yong for his cultivation and trust in him, but the player is more energetic than usual when facing his old club.

Delfino's scoring data has dropped slightly after leaving the Supersonic system, but his defense is still there, and Lu Yong has to consider this issue.

If Delfino entangles Durant closely throughout the game, it will be difficult for Durant to play gorgeous personal data.

In the locker room, Lu Yong was planning to adjust his tactics when "Martial Saint" Jackson took the initiative to find him.

"Coach, can I be the main attacker in this game? I want to hand over a good number at the Warriors' home court and beat Monta."

"Are you confident to blow up this set of matchups?"

"Of course, no one in the Warriors can guard against me." Jackson said confidently.

Jackson has played for the Warriors for two seasons. He is very familiar with the team's tactical system and players. He is confident that he can beat everyone in the Warriors.

Lu Yong himself also wanted to adjust his offensive tactics to avoid Durant's tough steel Delfino. After thinking about it for a while, he replied: "Okay, the team will be your main attacker in this game. I know you are a player with a comprehensive style of play. I hope you Do not disappoint me."

"Don't worry, coach, I will lead the team to a big victory!" Jackson laughed.

 Today's first update, there will be more in the afternoon, before 6 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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