Early the next morning, a ray of tenacious sunlight penetrated the hotel curtains and gently brushed the faces of Lu Yong and his girlfriend Hannah.

The two woke up one after another and started the new day with anticipation for the new day and a little laziness.

Hannah is a careful and considerate girl, and she knows very well that today is of great significance to Lu Yong.

Therefore, she opened her suitcase early and filled it with several brand new suits that she had carefully prepared for Lu Yong.

She gently took out the suits one by one and spread them on the coffee table, as if spreading out a glorious picture that was about to be performed.

Then, she borrowed an iron from the front desk and began to carefully smooth out every wrinkle on Lu Yong's suit, as if paving the way for every challenge he was about to face.

Lu Yong was washing up in the bathroom. He looked at himself carefully in the mirror, then sprayed some hairspray and tidied his hairstyle.

He knew that today he had to appear in front of the CCTV camera in the best condition and be reviewed by the national audience.

Although this is not his first interview, it is the first time in his coaching career that he has returned to China to accept an exclusive interview with CCTV.

The feeling was both strange and exciting, but he did not feel nervous. Instead, he had a calm confidence.

Hannah was busying around and was more concerned than Lu Yong.

Not only did she organize Lu Yong's clothes, she also ordered breakfast for him.

The two had a simple meal in the hotel restaurant and then went to the conference room on the 6th floor together.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the reporter sent by CCTV for an exclusive interview arrived at the conference room on time.

What surprised Lu Yong was that the reporter invited by CCTV this time was actually an old acquaintance of his - the famous domestic commentator Zhang Weiping, nicknamed "Zhang Heli".

After the two met, they greeted each other warmly, and then the assistant beside Zhang Heli turned on the machine and camera equipment and started filming the two.

"Lu Yong, long time no see!" Zhang Heli greeted with a smile, his tone revealing the joy of meeting an old friend again.

"Yes, Brother Zhang, I never thought that CCTV would invite you to interview me this time." Lu Yong also responded with a smile, secretly feeling fortunate that the interview went so smoothly.

"Haha, CCTV has spent a lot of money this time to invite me to do an exclusive interview with you. But having said that, you are becoming more and more promising. You have achieved good results as the coach of the Nets. You are really admirable!" Zhang Heli joked.

"No, no, you're too kind. I still have a lot to learn from you. You're one of the most knowledgeable commentators on football in our country!" Lu Yong responded modestly.

After the two exchanged a few pleasantries, the interview officially began.

Zhang Heli's questions were both professional and in-depth, and he discussed everything from Lu Yong's coaching experience in the NBA to his mental journey.

"Lu Yong, when you were an assistant coach for the Grizzlies, did you ever think that there would be a day when you would be able to coach an NBA team and be interviewed by CCTV?" Zhang Heli asked curiously.

Hearing this, Lu Yong smiled and recalled: "To be honest, I never thought that this day would come. At that time, I was just a fledgling coach, working hard to learn and accumulate experience every day. However, I always believed that I had the ability to reach a higher position and I have been working hard for it."

"Then why did you choose the Thunder when you left the Grizzlies and took on the head coaching role for the first time?" Zhang Heli continued to ask.

Lu Yong thought for a moment and replied, "In fact, I chose the Thunder mainly because they provided me with a good opportunity and platform. Moreover, the Thunder is a young and vibrant team, and their players are very talented and have great potential. I think it is very meaningful to lead such a team to grow and improve."

The two had a very pleasant chat, and Zhang Heli's questions became more and more in-depth.

He mentioned Lu Yong's past experience coaching teams such as the Philadelphia 76ers, Knicks and Nets, as well as the difficulties and challenges he encountered after coaching the Nets.

Lu Yong gave detailed answers one by one, not only sharing his coaching philosophy and tactical thinking, but also revealing some little-known inside information and stories.

"What difficulties did you encounter after coaching the Nets? How did you overcome these difficulties?" Zhang Heli asked curiously.

Lu Yong pondered for a moment and replied: "After coaching the Nets, I did encounter a lot of difficulties. For example, the adjustment of the team lineup, the running-in between players, the establishment of a tactical system, etc. However, I think the biggest difficulty still comes from the pressure and expectations from the outside world. After all, the Nets is a team with a long history, and the fans have high expectations of the team. However, I always believe in my ability and judgment, and I also believe in the strength and potential of the players. We worked together, overcame difficulties one after another, and finally achieved good results."

"So do you have any plans for team building this summer? What is the Nets' goal for next season?" Zhang Heli continued to ask.

Hearing this, Lu Yong's eyes flashed with determination, and he replied: "This summer, we will mainly make some targeted adjustments and reinforcements to the team. We will introduce some talented and experienced players to improve the overall strength of the team. At the same time, we will also focus on the training and cultivation of young players to lay a solid foundation for the team's future. As for the goal for next season, of course we hope to achieve better results and let the fans see our progress and growth."

Throughout the interview, Lu Yong appeared very relaxed and confident.

Not only did he answer all of Zhang Heli's questions, he also shared some of his own insights and opinions.

His answers were both professional and humorous, making the entire interview full of laughter.

However, when Zhang Heli asked how he viewed the future of the Chinese men's basketball team, Lu Yong's expression became a little more serious.

After thinking for a moment, he answered seriously: "I hope that the Chinese men's basketball team can become a world-class team in the future. Although this process still requires time and effort, I am willing to contribute to the development of the Chinese men's basketball team. I also want to select some talented and potential players when I return to China this time. If they are interested in going to the United States for special training, I can provide them with favorable conditions."

"The same goes for Ding Yanyuhang and Zhou Qi. They both want to improve, and the Nets have the conditions for them to improve. So, I signed them to my team. I hope that through my efforts and help, they can achieve better results in future games."

At this point, Lu Yong paused for a moment, then continued: "Of course, the future of the Chinese men's basketball team still requires the joint efforts and support of more people. I believe that as long as we work together and make concerted efforts, we will be able to achieve this goal."

After listening to this, Zhang Heli nodded in agreement.

He knew that Lu Yong had always been concerned about the development of the Chinese men's basketball team and had been contributing to the development of Chinese basketball.

This exclusive interview not only allowed him to better understand Lu Yong’s coaching philosophy and tactical thinking, but also allowed him to see Lu Yong’s love and dedication to Chinese basketball.

The whole interview process went very smoothly and more than an hour passed quickly.

When the last question was answered, Lu Yong and Zhang Heli smiled at each other and then hugged each other tightly.

They know that this interview is not only a simple communication and learning, but also a collision and resonance of hearts.

"Lu Yong, you are getting more and more promising! I hope you can achieve better results in your future coaching career!" Zhang Heli said, patting Lu Yong on the shoulder.

"Thank you, Brother Zhang! I also hope that we can work together again! And contribute to the development of Chinese basketball together!" Lu Yong responded with a smile.

After the two said goodbye, Lu Yong walked out of the meeting room.

He took a deep breath and felt the freshness and vitality in the air.

He knows that his coaching career is still long and the road ahead is still long.

However, he believes that as long as he keeps working hard and persisting, he will be able to lead the Nets to a brighter future.

At the same time, he also looks forward to contributing his own strength to the construction and development of the Chinese men's basketball team, so that Chinese basketball can shine more brightly on the world stage.

After finishing the interview, Hannah rushed to Lu Yong's side almost immediately.

Her face was full of nervousness and anticipation, and her bright eyes stared at Lu Yong, as if she wanted to read every detail of the interview from his expression.

"How was it? Did the interview go well?" Hannah's voice trembled slightly, revealing her inner anxiety.

Lu Yong looked at her and a warm feeling surged in his heart.

He smiled gently, scratched Hannah's nose with his finger, and said, "Of course everything went well. It's not my first time to be interviewed. Why should I be so nervous?" Hannah wrinkled her nose and said softly, "Of course I know you usually have many interviews, but this time is different. This is your first time to be interviewed in China. Of course, I hope you can show your best side to the fans here. How come you don't look nervous at all?"

Lu Yong laughed, put his arm around Hannah's shoulders and said, "The person who interviewed me was an old acquaintance, and the process went very smoothly. Don't worry, I will definitely look very handsome on TV."

Hearing this, Hannah finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She happily took Lu Yong's arm, and the two of them took the elevator and walked out of the hotel together.

She had no doubt at all about what Lu Yong said.

After all, Lu Yong is handsome. As long as everything goes well during the interview, the side of him that he shows to the fans will definitely be quite handsome.

When I walked out of the hotel, the sun was shining and the breeze was not dry.

Lu Yong looked at Hannah beside him, and an urge surged in his heart to take her on an adventure.

He thought about it and decided to take Hannah to the Oriental Pearl Tower.

Before, the two of them only took a look at the Oriental Pearl Tower from afar across the river when they went to the Bund, but this time, Lu Yong planned to take Hannah inside the Oriental Pearl Tower to experience that extraordinary experience.

"Hannah, how about I take you to the Oriental Pearl Tower?" Lu Yong asked.

When Hannah heard this, her eyes immediately lit up.

She had long heard that the Oriental Pearl Tower was a landmark building in Shanghai and had always wanted to take a look inside.

Now that Lu Yong made this suggestion, she of course agreed immediately.

The two took a taxi to the foot of the Oriental Pearl Tower.

Looking up, the towering tower seems to reach the sky, giving people a shocking feeling.

Lu Yong took Hannah's hand and walked into the Oriental Pearl Tower together.

As soon as they entered the Oriental Pearl Tower, they were attracted by the magnificent architecture and exquisite design.

The Oriental Pearl Tower is 468 meters high and consists of 11 spheres of different sizes connected together. Its design is inspired by the beautiful artistic conception of large and small pearls falling on a jade plate.

The two walked and looked, exclaiming from time to time.

"Wow, it's so beautiful here!" said Hannah.

"Yes, the Oriental Pearl Tower is one of the iconic buildings in Shanghai. We must take a good look at it." Lu Yong responded.

The two came to the revolving restaurant of the Oriental Pearl Tower.

Located 267 meters in the air, you can enjoy delicious food while appreciating the scenery of Shanghai.

The two found a seat by the window and ordered a few special dishes.

As the restaurant slowly rotated, the two seemed to be in a dream world.

The scenery outside the window is constantly changing, from the bustling city streets to the river in the distance, and then to the tall buildings on the opposite bank. Every scene is refreshing.

"The scenery here is so beautiful!" Hannah exclaimed.

"Yes, this is the charm of the Magic City." Lu Yong said, he gently held Hannah's hand, and they smiled at each other.

After tasting the delicious food, the two decided to experience other entertainment activities in the Oriental Pearl Tower.

They came to the 95-meter-high VR roller coaster.

This is a brand new entertainment experience area that allows people to feel the thrill and excitement of a roller coaster in a virtual world.

The two put on VR glasses and got on the roller coaster.

As the device started up, the two seemed to be in a whole new world.

They screamed and flew together, as if they had forgotten all their worries and stress.

The excitement and pleasure made both of them feel extremely excited and satisfied.

"Wow, this is so exciting!" Hannah exclaimed.

"Yes, I didn't expect to be able to experience such entertainment projects in the Oriental Pearl Tower." Lu Yong said.

After riding the roller coaster, the two went to a specialty store.

A wide variety of souvenirs and specialty items are sold here.

The two picked out a few postcards stamped with the Air Mail Office as souvenirs.

Although they didn't have any relatives or friends to send it to, this unique souvenir made them feel extremely precious and meaningful.

"These postcards are so unique!" said Hannah.

"Well, we can keep them as souvenirs. Every time we see these postcards, we can remember the wonderful time we had at the Oriental Pearl Tower." Lu Yong responded.

The two spent a pleasant and unforgettable morning in the Oriental Pearl Tower.

Not only did we enjoy the beautiful scenery, taste delicious food, and experience exciting entertainment activities, we also bought precious souvenirs.

This period of time seemed to have become the most beautiful memory in their lives.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, the two left the Oriental Pearl Tower.

They walked hand in hand on the street, feeling the prosperity and hustle and bustle of the city.

Although it was almost time for the fan meeting to start in the afternoon, the two were not in a hurry.

They know that no matter where they go or what they do, the best time is when they are with each other.

"Lu, thank you for bringing me to the Oriental Pearl Tower," said Hannah.

"You're welcome. I'm also very happy to spend this wonderful time with you." Lu Yong responded.

The two smiled at each other, and then walked towards the fan meeting venue together.

And this romantic journey in the Oriental Pearl Tower will become one of the most precious memories in their lives. (End of this chapter)

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