This doctor has a system

Chapter 478 542 The Truth Comes Out

Chapter 478 542. The truth comes out
Zhang Tianliang fainted one night in 1984. There was blood on the ground. He was then diagnosed with cerebral hemorrhage at the Sqiu District Hospital.

However, he had not had any epileptic seizures at that time. He had his first seizure 3 years later.

Is there any connection between this cerebral hemorrhage and the subsequent epileptic seizure? It's hard to say.

"How was cerebral hemorrhage diagnosed at that time? By taking an X-ray?" Gao Feng asked.

Teacher Zhang and her husband looked at each other in bewilderment. The people who should know the situation best should be their parents, but the two elders had already gone to see Marx, so how could they know?

This happened more than 30 years ago. The Sqiu District Hospital has now been renamed Sqiu First People's Hospital.

"There was no electronic medical record system at that time," Li Youliang told his boss. "It would be difficult to check anything."

Gao Feng did not hold out any hope for this. According to regulations, inpatient medical records must be kept for no less than 30 years, and outpatient medical records must be kept for no less than 15 years.

But this is a regulation that was only introduced in recent years, and it was impossible to do it before.

"Do you have any inspection materials?"

"Yes." Teacher Zhang stood up immediately and soon brought a large stack of test reports.

Gao Feng took a careful look and found that most of them were results of blood tests, as well as several EEG reports.

"Are there any imaging tests on the head? For example, a CT scan or MRI of the head."

"No." Teacher Zhang thought for a moment, "When I took him to the hospital, no doctor would allow us to do it."

The last time she took her brother to the hospital, a neurologist asked Zhang Tianliang to do a head MRI, but he suddenly had a severe headache and epileptic seizure, so the case was left unresolved.

"You can do a head CT scan first." Gao Feng suggested. After all, MRI takes a long time and the patient is in a relatively closed space, which is not very friendly to patients with a history of epileptic seizures.

"Okay, when are we going?"

"Now," Gao Feng said, "we can go directly."

"Don't we have to register and get a prescription first?" Teacher Zhang was very familiar with the medical procedures. "Can I jump the queue?"

Li Youliang almost laughed out loud. Not only can he cut in line, but if my boss is willing, he can even scan your entire body. The director of the imaging department has to come and read the film in person.

Zhang Tianliang was in a daze. When he learned that they were going to the hospital, he did not object and followed everyone out like a zombie.

Gao Feng was shocked to see his haggard appearance. There was no light in this man's eyes. He was alive, but actually dead.

"Your relative?" Director Li Xianmin of the Imaging Department had been waiting in the department after receiving Gao Feng's call. Several people took Zhang Tianliang to CT room No. 7. This operating room is a backup room and is usually not open when there are few patients.

"No, a...relatively special patient." Gao Feng said, "Please take a good look at him later."

"I'm not as good as you think." Director Li Xianmin felt that he was hinting at himself.

As the machine started up, the CT scan of Zhang Tianliang's head soon appeared on the computer.

"What is this?" Director Li asked, "It's about 2 centimeters in diameter and very dense. It should be a foreign object."

He measured the CT value again and said, "It feels like metal."

"Foreign body?" Teacher Zhang was stunned. Where is the foreign body in his brother's brain? "Director Gao, are you mistaken?"

"What are you talking about?" Director Li Xianmin was unhappy. With his decades of experience, it was impossible for him to make a random report. Moreover, this had also been confirmed by Gao Feng.

"It's probably a metal foreign body. Your brother's epileptic seizure may be related to this." Gao Feng explained, "But it's just speculation at the moment. We need to remove it to be sure."

In most cases, imaging cannot be used as a basis for diagnosis.

Teacher Zhang was a little hesitant. Her brother's health was already very poor, and removing the foreign body from his head would definitely require anesthesia. What if there were any risks?
"Why not ask Tianliang for his opinion?" her husband suddenly said.

Yes! Teacher Zhang suddenly remembered that she must ask her brother for his opinion on this matter, so she hurried to the rest area.

"Foreign object?" There was a hint of confusion in Zhang Tianliang's gray eyes.

"Yes, the experts said we can take it out and have a look." Teacher Zhang said softly to his brother, "They said epilepsy might be caused by this foreign body, but they are not completely sure."

A light flashed in Zhang Tianliang's eyes, "I want to have this operation," he said.

"But there are certain risks." Teacher Zhang wanted to say something, but ultimately chose to remain silent.

"For an expert of my level, there can't be any problem with such an operation!" Director Qiu of the Department of Neurology boasted in front of Gao Feng, mainly because the location of the foreign body was relatively safe.

"Just wait and see, I will strike with my sword!"

Since he said so, Gao Feng felt relieved and stood aside and watched with peace of mind.

Neurosurgery may seem a bit violent, and in many cases it requires opening your skull.

The doctor will design the size of the flap based on the required scope of the craniotomy and the surgical requirements. After cutting the patient's skin tissue, the doctor will first drill a hole in the skull along the required scope with a skull drill, mill a circle along the required scope, and then open the patient's skull.

"It was very difficult to open the skull in the past." Director Qiu had already opened Zhang Tianliang's skull. "Nowadays, there are more high-tech equipment. This craniotomy power milling cutter is very useful."

It was Gao Feng’s first time watching a craniotomy, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

"This is easy to do. It doesn't take much effort." Director Qiu carried out the process of taking things in an orderly manner. "Look, it's coming out..."

His words stopped abruptly.

"What happened?" Gao Feng was startled. Due to his vision problem, he couldn't see what happened at first.

"Is this a bullet?" Director Qiu asked uncertainly.

When the foreign metal object was taken out, everyone was stunned. It was brass-colored, pointed at the front and flat at the back. It was clearly a bullet!
Teacher Zhang and her husband outside the operating room were stunned.

In China, guns and bullets are specially controlled items. How could they appear in Zhang Tianliang’s mind? This is definitely not a simple matter, so everyone called the police immediately.

It was also at this time that I understood why the medicine Zhang Tianliang had taken for so many years did not relieve his symptoms. It turned out that he did not have epilepsy at all, but had a bullet in his brain.

After the police intervened in the investigation, they first questioned Zhang Tianliang himself.

Zhang Tianliang was completely confused at this moment, "I don't know." He racked his brains but couldn't remember why he was shot. He had no memory of ever coming into contact with such things, nor had he ever had any grudges with anyone.

The police investigated Zhang Tianliang's interpersonal relationships, from his college classmates to his colleagues at work, and everyone's stories were similar. Zhang Tianliang was just an ordinary person, kind, so how could he be shot?

The investigation still made no progress, but when the forensic doctor examined Zhang Tianliang, he found a scar on the right side of his head, covered by his hair.

According to Zhang Tianliang, it was the first time he fainted at school that year that he got bruised.

According to the experience of the forensic doctor, this injury was most likely caused by a bullet, not a fall. This means that the first time he fainted, it was because of a bullet in his head.

On the other hand, the police found a clue that there was a military shooting range two or three kilometers away from the university where Zhang Tianliang was studying.

The bullet in Zhang Tianliang's brain was a stray bullet that flew out during the army's training.

This statement was later confirmed with the intervention of ballistics experts.

The bullet left the shooting range and consumed its energy during the long flight. After hitting Zhang Tianliang, it did not penetrate his brain but got stuck in his brain.

After learning the truth, Zhang Tianliang was overwhelmed with emotions.

After being discharged from the hospital, Zhang Tianliang sued the school and the hospital that treated him at the time.

"If the school had better security, I wouldn't have been shot. After I entered the hospital, the doctor didn't do a full body check on me and easily diagnosed me with epilepsy, causing me to suffer for so many years in vain. I can't forgive him!"

Zhang Tianliang covered his face in pain and cried silently. The bullet was taken out, but the good times could not be returned.

He thought about many "what ifs". If the hospital had conducted a thorough inspection, if the security guards had kept everyone away from that place, would he be living a happy life now?

Sqiu District Hospital, which is now the Sqiu City First People's Hospital, also feels very aggrieved. That was more than 30 years ago, and the hospital didn't even have an X-ray machine at that time, let alone the CT scan that can be easily performed now.

Moreover, Zhang Tianliang was sent here by school staff. Who would have thought that he was shot!
"This is the limitation of the times and technology, not that we have failed to fulfill our responsibilities." The hospital defended itself, saying that such a thing would not happen now.

"I still hope you can take some responsibility." The judge communicated with the hospital, "You are a public welfare organization."

In the end, the court ruled that the hospital should compensate Zhang Tianliang more than 32 yuan for medical negligence. The school could not foresee the accident and was not responsible.

Zhang Tianliang accepted the verdict and took the compensation, feeling confused.

From an ambitious young man to a mediocre middle-aged man, the losses in between are irreparable no amount of money can make up for.

But the truth comes not too late. Now that the lesion has been removed, Zhang Tianliang can finally set sail again and start a new life.

No one can predict the unexpected twists and turns in life, and no amount of compensation can offset the pain and suffering he has endured over the past thirty years.

"Although time cannot be reversed, there is still a long time to live. With a healthy body, you will eventually find the meaning of life again." Gao Feng said to Zhang Tianliang, "Come on!"

"I will." Zhang Tianliang smiled at him, then looked at the small bottle in his hand, which contained a rusty bullet.

His more than 30 years of pain and ruined life were all caused by this tiny bullet.

Zhang Tianliang suddenly remembered running under the sunset that day, which was his lost youth.

Half a month later

"Director Gao, thank you." Teacher Zhang called.

"You're welcome. Actually, I didn't do much." Gao Feng said, "How is your brother now? Has he cheered up?"

"He's gone," Teacher Zhang couldn't control her emotions anymore and burst into tears, "He cut his wrists in the bathroom a week ago and we just finished his funeral..."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Feng was silent for a long time. Li Youliang beside him noticed his abnormality.

"what happened?"

"It's okay, I just feel stuffy in the room." Gao Feng said.

"Go home or go out for a drink?" Li Youliang asked in a low voice.

"Drink some."

It was the first time that Li Youliang saw his boss like this, and he was quite worried.

He thought about it and simply called Ma Liang and Hu Jiaran over. Hu Jiaran had just returned from Beijing, and he could stay there, but his girlfriend couldn't stand it.

"I'm busy here, there's nothing I can do." Hu Jiaran said.

"Okay, if you can't do it, I'll find someone else to think of a solution."

"No, you are a girl, how can you say such a thing!" Hu Jiaran was very dissatisfied, "I will go back tomorrow!"

He had been busy these past two days and felt a little weak. Just then he received a call from Li Youliang and hurried out.

Ma Liang was still fast asleep when he received the call. He was off night shift today. The emergency department was very busy last night. He received several patients who needed sutures.

The husband cheated on her, and the woman brought people to catch the adultery and beat up the husband and the mistress. A lot of the mistress's hair was pulled out, and the man's face was covered with blood.

This was not the end. After a while, the man’s family arrived and found that he had been beaten so badly that they quit on the spot.

The two sides once again broke out into a conflict of understanding, and someone's ribs were broken.

Finally, the farce ended with the arrival of the police.

Ma Liang was terrified when he saw it. He always felt that there must have been a big conflict between the two gangs and that they were too cruel.

Someone picked up the infusion stand in the hall and hit the other person on the head. Fortunately, it was hollow, otherwise something serious would have happened.

"Stop it! Stop fighting!" Ma Liang shouted. "This is a hospital. You are breaking the law."

He and a few nurses hid far away. There was nothing they could do; the high-level bureau couldn't get involved.

Since the emergency hall was very spacious, both sides had ample room to maneuver, and apart from a few infusion stands, no damage was caused to the hospital.

After Ma Liang finished stitching up several warriors with cut heads, he went to the 120 ambulance.

"It's already cold, and I don't know why I called 120." Ma Liang complained, "I feel like my family did it on purpose."

When they arrived, an old man was lying on the bedroom floor, his body stiff.

When asked what happened, the family members said they didn't know and that it had just been discovered.

"Grandpa was lying there in the afternoon and was calling us." A four-year-old boy suddenly said, "Mom said don't worry, and took us out to play."

As soon as these words were spoken, the scene fell into silence.

"What nonsense! I never said such a thing!" The boy's mother slapped him in the face, and the boy started crying.

"The old man has been paralyzed in bed for more than 10 years. He has been a little confused in the past two years and makes a lot of noise every night. The neighbors are very dissatisfied." Ma Liang said, "Except for his son, everyone else looks relieved."

(End of this chapter)

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