Chapter 58 58. Gunshot Wound
"Xin Yao, what time do you get off work? Let's choose a mattress after dinner?"

Today is Saturday, Gao Feng is off today, and Li Xinyao only needs to do ward rounds in the morning, and does not need to go to the department in the afternoon.

"It's probably 12 o'clock. I have a patient appointment today." Li Xinyao said softly, "I'll call you after get off work."

Gao Feng decided to pick out things like mattresses, pillows, and quilts, because these things are used a lot in the house.

"What do you think of this?" Li Xinyao pressed a mattress and said to Gao Feng, "It's quite soft."

"It's quite soft, as long as you like it."

"You bought the mattress, why should I like it?" Li Xinyao said softly.

"If you don't want to lie down in the future," Gao Feng said, asking the question knowingly.

"Damn it, who's going to lie down!" Li Xinyao punched Gao Feng with her pink fist.

Goosebumps arose on the saleswoman beside her. She smiled and said, "The beauty has such a good eye. This is our latest quiet and comfortable mattress."

Balabala spent half a day, summed up in one word: very good!

After shopping for more than 2 hours and seeing more than 20 stores, Gao Feng felt a little tired, but Li Xinyao was still in high spirits.

"I think the mattress from the first one is better." Li Xinyao told Gao Feng, "For pillows, I buy latex pillows, which are good for the cervical spine. I think the quality of the sixth one seems to be good."

"Yeah, I think so too." Gao Feng quickly agreed, he couldn't remember exactly what the sixth house was.

After paying the bill and agreeing on the delivery time, Gao Feng and Li Xinyao left the mall.

"I may have to move out after a while." Gao Feng told several people in the dormitory.

"Have you bought the house?" Li Wenbin's eyes widened. They all knew that Gao Feng wanted to buy a house.

"Yes, it's in the Provincial Hospital." Gao Feng happily shared the good news with everyone, "It's convenient for future work and marriage."

Everyone congratulated him.

"Well, I might have to move out too." Wang Leifeng said weakly to everyone, "My girlfriend insists on letting me rent a house."

"Ah, there are only two of us left in the dormitory." Wang Xuanxuan turned to look at Li Wenbin, "Brother Wenbin, why don't you go?"

"I do not go."

"That's good!" Wang Xuanxuan breathed a sigh of relief, "No way, can I also have a girlfriend?" He thought in his heart.
"Ms. Ma, I will return to the respiratory department in a few days." Gao Feng said to Ma Liang: "In the future, if there are patients with respiratory problems, please contact me."

"Don't worry." Ma Liang replied cheerfully, "Also, don't call me Teacher Ma from now on, it sounds weird, call me Ma Liang, or Xiaoma."

"Haha, okay, pony."

Today is the night shift, a few people simply ate something, and sat in the consulting room to recharge their batteries.

"Ma Liang!" The triage nurse just called out, and several people rushed out.

"Go to Fangxi West Road quickly, someone is injured, it seems to be a police officer." The nurse said quickly: "Two people will be brought here soon, and there is another one!"

The driver sounded the alarm, "Hi, did you call 120?" Ma Liang started to contact the patient in the car.

"Hello, I'm Ma Guofu from the Municipal Bureau. Some of us were injured, shot wounds. Two of us were taken away just now, and there is one person left who is still bleeding. Doctor, come quickly."

Director Ma Guofu's voice was trembling, and his mind felt blank.

Two hours ago, the traffic police pulled down a Porsche coupe while checking for drunk driving, and the driver was dizzy.

"Have you been drinking?" A traffic policeman pointed at him with a breathalyzer, "Come on, blow!"

"You've just been drinking!" the driver said angrily, "I quit a long time ago! I just smoked a little bit more vigorously." He laughed foolishly.

The two traffic policemen looked at each other, and one of them called 110.

"Hey, Uncle Policeman. Bah, is this the City Bureau Squadron? I'm Zhang Hui from the traffic police team. There's a drug addict here, probably not long ago."

"We'll go right away." The other side responded quickly.

The man who took drugs was Zhang Zhongheng, and his family was from ZZ. His father was a legal person of a technology company. His family background was superior, and his rich material life led to extreme spiritual emptiness.

Zhang Zhongheng became addicted to drugs under the seduction of a few cronies, and he enjoyed it.

"It was methamphetamine." Ma Xiaohu from the City Bureau Squadron said to Zhang Zhongheng's parents, "We have already done urine and blood tests."

"Let me beat him to death!" Zhang Zhongheng's father rushed over and was hugged by other policemen. "Calm down, we have to ask him something."

Zhang Zhongheng was also sober now, he looked at his father in fear, "If you dare to tell a lie, I will kill you alive!" His father's spitting spit sprayed all over his face.

The results of the interrogation went well. The drugs came out of a KTV. Every Thursday and Friday, this KTV organized some private parties.

"The person who gave me something is called Lao Wu." Zhang Zhongheng was very honest, "I don't know his name, but I have his phone number."

"Call him now and say you want to buy some more." The policemen of the urban squadron began to make plans after discussing.

The plan went well, and the man named Lao Wu was pressed down like a rice dumpling by five or six policemen as soon as he left the house.

"Hurry up and follow the clues!" Director Ma Guofu ordered, "Otherwise, the news will definitely come out."

He was a little excited because he hadn't encountered such a drug trafficking case in many years.

The deputy at the side was a little puzzled: "How could someone be selling drugs in the urban area? I haven't heard of it before." The country's crackdown on drugs has been unprecedentedly strong in recent years, and there is no soil for drug traffickers in the urban area.

"Maybe they came here from here." Director Ma Guofu guessed.

One hundred and ten people surrounded the dilapidated factory building, and several special police officers rushed in, "Put your hands up, hurry up! Don't move."

Inside is a large workshop, very scattered, with bottles and cans everywhere, and more than a dozen people are working there.

As soon as the special police came in, everyone was startled, and several people turned around and ran away, "Stop!" The special police cut off their guns.

The gangsters were quickly taken down, and the criminal police began to enter the venue.

At this moment, two men suddenly rushed out from the cubicle on one side, holding two shotguns in their hands, "MD, it's the death penalty anyway, I'll fight with you."

The three Ma Xiaohu who were walking in front fell down in an instant, and then the two gangsters were shot dead by the special police.

Director Ma Guofu roared angrily: "There are actually two people inside, and I didn't find them!!!"

"It's a small hidden compartment, I didn't expect people could be stuffed in it." The person in charge of the on-site command explained feebly.

When Ma Liang and Gao Feng arrived, the injured policeman was in a state of drowsiness. Ma Liang yelled at him loudly, but he could still open his eyes.

"Blood pressure is very low, 90/72mmHg."

"Hurry up, it should be due to excessive blood loss." Several people quickly carried him into the car, the nurse quickly put liquid on the wounded, and the ambulance roared to the hospital.

"Old Guo, go to the emergency room immediately." Dean Qin called Vice President Guo, "There are police officers who have been seriously injured. You should go quickly. People from the Public Security Bureau will be here soon."

Dean Qin hung up the phone and sighed, wondering if he could be saved.

Vice President Guo had just recovered, and the hospital's chief on duty called him again today.

"Take the emergency channel and contact Director Wang, I'll be right there!" Vice President Guo hung up the phone swiftly.

 thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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