This doctor has a system

Chapter 80 Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis

Chapter 80 80. Alveolar Proteinosis

Gao Feng looked at his girlfriend, "Come on, let me give you a lecture."

"What?" Li Xinyao was stunned for a moment, "You are so annoying!"

Half an hour later, the physiology class ended, and Gao Feng did not get any skill points
Now there are only 25 skill points left, and 50 points are needed to open the pharmacy branch. Gao Feng looked in the space for a long time, and finally decided to take it easy and wait for the INT J MOL ME article to be published.

When the time comes to complete the task, not only will he be able to slap Shi Peiyuan in the face, but he will also get 20 skill points.

Isn't this a bit unfair to Shi Peiyuan, Gao Feng thought, but who can refuse the temptation to cheat.
After 9 o'clock in the evening, Gao's father and Gao's mother were asleep, and the phone rang, "Hello?"

"Hey, Lao Gao, I'm your cousin." A voice came from the other side, "Does your son work in the Provincial People's Hospital?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Dad Gao woke up now, "What's the matter?"

"It's something." Dad Gao's cousin said, it turned out that his wife had slowly started to show symptoms of shortness of breath after activities for more than a year.

It wasn't obvious at the beginning, but as time went on, the condition got worse, and now the cough and dyspnea are quite serious.

"I took her to our county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine to have a look, and took a film. They said it was a little serious, so she was sent to the city for treatment." Gao's uncle's cousin's tone became a little dignified.

"Didn't you say that Wazi was working in the provincial hospital last time? I thought about asking him to help."

"Okay." Dad Gao agreed happily, "I'll call him in a while, just wait for me to write."

Gao Feng hasn't slept yet at this time, he is accompanying Li Xinyao to think about the future, discussing what to do about the wedding, where to go to play in his free time, and how many children he will have in the future.

"It's best to have twins at once." Li Xinyao looked forward to it, "It will save trouble, anyway, you will bring one or two."

"Then you can use some ovulation-stimulating drugs." Gao Feng said: "Isn't the Reproductive Medicine Center of our hospital very mature in doing this?"

"I still don't want it anymore, it always feels a bit against the laws of nature." Li Xinyao hesitated.

"Why is my dad calling me at this time?" Gao Feng was still a little strange when he heard the phone ringing, "They should all be asleep at this point."

"Dad, what's the matter so late?" Gao Feng asked.Dad Gao told him about the matter.

"Is the situation serious?"

"How do I know, let him come to you tomorrow, you have to take a good look, he even hugged you when you were a child." Gao Dad instructed.

"That's fine."

Dad Gao hurriedly called Uncle Biao again, "Uncle Biao, you can go directly to the hospital to find him tomorrow, and I will send you the phone number right now."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Ma gave him a push, "My child is new to work, so there may not be many meetings, so don't delay him."

"No, he doesn't think he can find another doctor. Our child is not the kind of person who slaps a swollen face to pretend to be fat." Gao's father is quite familiar with Gao Feng's character.

"Are you okay?" Li Xinyao asked with concern.

"It's okay, a relative is coming to see a doctor tomorrow." Gao Feng stretched his arms around her, "Go to sleep, let's go to bed early today."

Gao's uncle's cousin took his wife to the gate of the provincial hospital early in the morning, and the two of them sat on the side of the road and waited until after 2 o'clock before calling Gao Feng.

"Grandpa, you are waiting for me there, I will pick you up." Gao Feng told Dong Qianqian and hurried downstairs.

In fact, Dad Gao's cousin is 2 years older than Dad Gao, and he is just a senior.Gao Feng came to the gate and helped the two with their luggage, "Let's go to my department first."

Gao Feng found that the cyanosis of her aunt's lips was relatively obvious. Generally speaking, her lips were purple, which was a manifestation of hypoxia. She was obviously panting when she walked.

When he arrived at the department, Gao Feng hurriedly asked his aunt to sit down and rest. Zhang Tianci measured her oxygen saturation, which was only 81% (normal people should be higher than 95%).

This lack of oxygen is quite obvious, Gao Feng is a little worried.He went to the nurse's station and said to the nurse on duty, "My aunt, see if I can find an empty bed to breathe some oxygen first."

The head nurse happened to be there too, and she was very polite to Gao Feng, "Doctor Gao, let me let her lie in the front suite first."

Gao Feng inquired about his condition carefully, and his aunt had a chest CT scan at the County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

"What is this? Alveolar carcinoma? Miliary tuberculosis?" Dong Qianqian raised her head and said.

"It should be alveolar proteinosis." Gao Feng was sure of it with his high-level film reading skills.

"This disease is rare." Dong Qianqian walked up, "I haven't seen one in a few years."

"Yes, the incidence rate is less than 4 per million." Gao Feng scratched his head, his aunt and grandma were not so lucky.

Alveolar proteinosis is a disease characterized by massive deposition of alveolar surfactant in the alveolar cavity. According to the type, it can be divided into primary alveolar proteinosis, congenital alveolar proteinosis, and secondary alveolar proteinosis.

Gao Feng explained it carefully to his uncle, "She is having severe breathing difficulties now, you can do lung lavage first, and then find out the specific cause of the disease."

"I'll listen to you." My aunt held Gao Feng's hand, "Tell me what's going on, your aunt is timid."

"Small test: Please preside over the completion of a large-volume whole lung lavage operation. After completing the task, you can get 2 skill points." The system released the task.


The initial lung lavage recovery fluid of patients with alveolar proteinosis is milky white, like milk, and it needs to be lavaged until it is colorless and clear.

"Is the skill point given too little?" Gao Feng questioned the system.

"Your bronchoscopy skills are advanced, and this operation is easy for you."

Am I that strong? !Gao Feng was still a little complacent inside.

He hastened to prescribe routine blood tests, liver and kidney function, myocardial enzymes, coagulation function, eight items before surgery, electrolytes, cardiac color Doppler ultrasound, and electrocardiogram, all of which are necessary preparations before lung lavage.

"Brother Liang." Gao Feng ran to the bronchoscopic room and found Liang Congyue, "Tomorrow I have a relative who is coming to do WLL."

"WLL? Is it alveolar proteinosis?" Liang Congyue was making a mirror.

"Then arrange it until tomorrow afternoon, so that there is more time, I will tell the anesthesiologist in advance."

Today is quite busy. Seven patients were admitted to the outpatient clinic. Two patients were suspected of having tumors, three of them came for chemotherapy, and the remaining two patients had viral pneumonia and the other considered pulmonary fungal disease.

Shi Peiyuan also admitted 5 patients. He was indeed lacking in communication skills with the patients. A family member of a patient spoke a little aggressively because of his anxiety.

"Both of them are nothing." Dong Qianqian said to Gao Feng.

Gao Feng felt that it wasn't Shi Peiyuan's fault this time. The family member came up with a questioning tone, which didn't feel like seeing a doctor.

(End of this chapter)

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