you elf, are you legal

Chapter 598: The invitation of the fruit meal succubus to entertain the entire Tianwang Mountain (as

Chapter 598: The invitation of the fruit meal succubus to entertain the entire Tianwang Mountain (asking for monthly tickets)
Houchu Peak No. 2 of Tianwang Mountain.

"Chen Yuan Canteen" ended its business for today. The Heavenly King Elves had their fill and were all looking forward to what adjustments Master Chen Yuan would make tomorrow.

Especially those high-level elves, they were looking forward to the set meal that Chen Yuan mentioned.

However, the other diners left.

But Chen Yuan had just started to get busy.

Arrange the harvest and arrange the fruit.

Rotom and Lalulas sort the high-level berries.

Including tips, the harvest of high-level fruits reached four figures. After deducting the necessary costs, the harvest of these high-level fruits was also four figures.

But this number is not enough. If you want the little guys to let go and attack the King of Heaven, you need more, as well as... top-level tree fruits.

New production line coming.

These were custom-made at the Qiao family’s place and shipped directly to the manor.

"I've given you something, so behave yourself."

In the video, Joe's mother laughed.

"Okay, Mother Qiao, Lalulasi will go back tonight and bring some little ones over to help debug the equipment. By the way, ask her to send you some of the new No. 8 fruit drink I developed."

"Oh my, kid, what are you doing? When will Lalulas come over?"

"Hiss, hiss, hiss~"

Lalulas popped her little head out from behind Chen Yuan and waved to greet Mother Qiao in the video.

He said he would be there soon, and that the fruit meals and drinks were all ready.
At this time, Hua Yuxi also squeezed over.

And in her arms, she was holding a small, adorable little lucky egg.

"Our Yuxi has done a great job in training the little guy."

Mother Qiao laughed.

Hua Yuxi held Chen Yuan's phone and started chatting with Qiao's mother.

Chu Xiaoxiao walked over and pressed Chen Yuan's forehead.



Chu Xiaoxiao nodded, but she still saw how hard Chen Yuan had worked these days.

"Mom will be here in two days."

"Our mom is coming?"

Chen Yuan turned over and sat up, and then Chu Xiaoxiao pressed him on the lap pillow again.

"Who told your mother?"

Chu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes.

Chen Yuan has already started thinking about what to prepare for Mother Chu's visit.

But suddenly I remembered a question.

"Where's the eldest sister?"

When they went to Dragon Island, Sister Xunxun, Sister Yaya and the other three said they were going to a secret place.

With four trainers close to the king level, the world is so big that they can go anywhere.

So neither Chen Yuan nor Chu Xiaoxiao cared.

But they had agreed that Chen Yuan and the others would meet here after they came to Tianwang Mountain.

However, they have been at Tianwang Mountain for half a month.

But what about the four of them?

Gengar scratched his butt, and the purple fat man was also very strange.

Oh yeah, where is his trainer? He might be lost.

Chu Xiaoxiao shook his head.

The Chu family also communicated using special methods, but they only vaguely knew that they were still in the secret realm.

But that is a deeper secret realm, and the specific situation is unknown.

Anyway, there is no going back now.

Chen Yuan scratched his head.

There are only about twenty days left until the Elf Competition, so this should be enough time.

Chen Yuan scratched his head, thinking it shouldn't be too late.

Ralts and Gengar set off.

Several small saw crocodiles also set out together. As the "management" of the orchard secret realm, they also brought many friends with them.

This time when they go back to recruit people, they will need to choose their own friends who know them well.

Meanwhile, Chen Yuan continued to analyze the energy liquid he brought back with Xiao Huhu.

It's like a mixed fruit juice drink. It's too difficult to separate it into peach fruit, wood fruit, pomelo fruit, berry fruit, etc.

Even if a water-type extraordinary person came, it would be absolutely impossible.

Besides, the water-type extraordinary in the team is also a fool... ahem, this is not what Chen Yuan said.

However, it is still very valuable to study energy liquid.

The eighteen kinds of energy tree fruits are just a small part of the many tree fruits.

There are also many tree fruits such as peach fruit and pomelo fruit.

Chen Yuan once only used it to make fruit drinks and energy jelly, and its use accounted for a pitifully small proportion.

The most common time it is used is when developing high-intensity fruit meals, but that is also when it is being developed.

Later, when the first generation came out, Chen Yuan improved the formula of the tree fruits and used some more familiar tree fruits.

When the second generation was improved, the types were also optimized.

After all, when it comes to high-level tree fruits, top-level tree fruits, and non-attribute tree fruits of this quality, the cultivation is still a niche.

Since then, Chen Yuan has been busy optimizing the formula, and many other things - the research and development of non-attribute tree fruits has also come to a standstill.

Rather than saying that attribute tree fruits are Chen Yuan’s comfort zone, it is better to say that the scope of non-attribute tree fruits is really too large.

Chen Yuan understood some of it, but he had not yet mastered it.

Compared with being familiar with the eighteen properties, Chen Yuan can only mix a fruit drink and make a fruit meal.

after all.

There were so many varieties that it was dizzying. Chen Yuan looked at those non-attribute tree fruits just like Master Zheng Mo looked at his multi-tree fruit combination.

However, after getting three bottles of energy liquid samples, Chen Yuan became more thoughtful.

Fruits are the essence of heaven and earth.

The energy liquid in the liquefaction pool is also the essence of heaven and earth.

Since both have 18 attributes.

And there is lots of extra energy.

So do these energies and non-fruit properties have anything in common?

This is a huge subject.

Chen Yuan knew that it would take some time to solve the problem.

But if he could solve it, that might be the day when he would understand the fruit of the tree and become a true master.

And now, he only has a superficial understanding of tree fruits. He knows a thing or two.

With a goal, you have motivation.

Chen Yuan took action immediately.

The first goal is to improve fruit meals.

Make a fruit meal suitable for the physique of all top-level elf babies.

Originally, Chen Yuan wanted to make simplified attribute fruit meals for the top elf babies.

On the one hand, formula optimization is a huge project, and on the other hand, the production lines are really not enough.

Even if a new batch of production lines were added, it would be impossible to produce fruit meals with 17 attributes for the top elf babies while taking into account the king fruit meals.

So Chen Yuan decided to change his strategy.

Just make an enhanced version of a mixed fruit meal.

Mixed fruit meal, I made it once before when I was in the desert secret realm (Beiyu College Entrance Examination).

It’s just that they are all made in a simple and crude manner using the simplest and primary fruit meals.

And this time, Chen Yuan is going to make a brand new upgrade.

We need to use the experience we gained in developing high-intensity fruit meals.

Use the third generation energy blocks made for Boss Yan Di.

And the third generation of cube jelly was just developed a few days ago.

All technologies are decentralized.

Energy, not only attribute tree fruits, but also a large number of non-attribute tree fruits.

This requires integration, but the answer is in the energy.

It is impossible to unravel all the energy to create an introduction.

But Chen Yuan still has a way to learn it by copying it one by one.

Top quality tree fruit?

There is no need for that at all. No, it is better to give a little benefit as a fermentation starter and use some top-quality tree fruits. Even if it is only a little bit, it will have a better effect. It will have unexpected results both in simplifying the process and in publicity.

High-level tree fruit?

Who says that a high-level tree fruit feast must include high-level tree fruits...

Well, Chen Yuan is not a black-hearted businessman, so he added some money more or less.

By the time Lalulas and the others came back with the little crocodile and more little guys, Chen Yuan and Rotom had already produced three copies of the first version of the formula.

The results are quite good.

One that's more body-oriented is a bit like a comprehensive version of the strength fruit meal.

The second type, which focuses more on energy form, is between energy jelly and fruit meal.

The third type is that the elements are more intense.

It's just that this element is more complex and purer.

You need to experience it carefully to feel the element in the fruit meal that corresponds to you.

Originally, Chen Yuan wanted to combine the advantages of three kinds of fruit meals into one.

But after thinking about it, it’s totally unnecessary.

Three kinds of fruit meals directly start three production lines.

They are fruit meals number one, two and three.


As for the selling price.

We used top-grade tree fruits (even if they were just fermentation starters), and high-level tree fruits. This fruit meal... two high-level tree fruits, isn't that too much?

Rotom, who personally participated in the production, has already felt that Chen Yuan's unscrupulous businessman nature is awakening.

The fruit meal made from these 99% of intermediate and primary tree fruits can cost two high-level tree fruits...

The screen of Rotom's computer flickered.

Seems to be learning.

It seems quite interesting.

"Cut it~ hoo~"

With a roar, the Tyrannosaurus returned with Little Grass.

Behind them is a tropical dragon shipping team.

Returned from the wild area in the west with a large amount of intermediate and primary tree fruits.

With just a little bit of fruit food, you can exchange for so many "unwanted" good things in the wild area over there.

Chen Yuan rubbed the flowers of the small grass hard.

This little guy is really becoming more and more capable.

Stop talking, jelly cubes at night, arrange.

On the other side, Chen Yuan began to prepare meals for the high-level king tomorrow.

This is to get inside...

Ahem, this is harvesting fruit...

cough cough.

That’s the point anyway.

Little guys, whether you can have enough fruit meals to sprint to the first or second level of the King of Heaven depends on whether Chen Yuan’s signboard is lit tomorrow.

Anyway, now Chen Yuan is already the quasi-king of the mountain.

He is already a high-ranking figure in China.

Beside him, there are the boss Yan Di and Miao Bu taking care of him.

So there are many things that Chen Yuan thinks can be taken out and tested.

Like energy blocks.

For example, a high-intensity fruit meal.

Now the energy blocks produced by Chen Yuan’s optimized process are basically divided into three levels.

The first tier, which is the best, is basically reserved for Jiujiu and the others, who need to use it to gain extraordinary insights.

The second tier can be used by the elf bosses who are among the top three in the heavens.

As for the third tier, training for King One and King Two is more than enough for a breakthrough, and this is the level that Beep Bird and the others need to break through.

If only Pidgeot, Uncle Pidgeot and a few others made breakthroughs, the current stock would definitely be enough.

But there are still little fools like Little Dragon, Dragonite and Xiaobei, as well as big eaters like Pipi Whale.

What would have taken eight or ten years was compressed into these two weeks.

The fruit meals and drinks you need are more than just a little bit.

The moon is sparse and the stars are dim, the moon sets and the sun rises.

When the first ray of morning sun of the next day shone into the manor.

Chen Yuan stretched lazily. Chu Xiaoxiao downstairs was already dressed neatly and waiting at Chen Yuan's door with Hua Yuxi.

Di Yan had finished his morning exercise and started helping Xiao Caocao clean up the backyard with Bulbasaur.

Today is the most important day since the official establishment of the Pokémon Club.

The Pokémon Club entertained the entire Tianwang Mountain on its own.

This is something that has never happened before.

However, today, Chen Yuan had unknowingly extended invitations to all the elves and quasi-king masters who stayed behind in the world.

Last night, many would-be kings from the four major families had sent messages to Di Yan, wanting to reserve a seat or even a set meal.

Jiang Xiaoning also received news from Di Yunxi that some researchers from Tianwang Mountain also wanted to come and experience it for themselves.

And more often than not, the kings and top elves have come to line up early in the morning.

They are all veterans of Tianwang Mountain, and of course they understand how many elves are interested in Chen Yuan’s three pieces of news yesterday.

No matter what, they absolutely did not believe that Chen Yuan could provide sufficient food and drink in front of elves of this magnitude.

So many elves came to line up early in the morning... no, late at night.

They will eat here all day!
Chen Yuan looked at the elves outside and a smile appeared on his lips.

Last night he let loose and made a fruit feast that he enjoyed greatly.

All the top-level stocks have been made into packages, and the high-level tree fruits have been almost used up.

To be honest, I was a little nervous when I did it.

But looking at those Pokémons and trainers outside, I think I can make my money back today.

Liu Yunzhi and Moritani You, who had not slept all night, came together after finishing their official business.

I thought I could be in the front.

I didn't expect to be dumbfounded when I saw hundreds of elves in front of me.

How come there are so many?

There were constant sounds of breaking air coming from behind.

As the sky brightened, a dark mass of flying elves surged in from the horizon.

A large number of high-speed elves are galloping in the wilderness.

The yellow sand rolled up all over the sky.

While he was hesitating whether to go through the back door, dozens of people had already lined up behind him.

The two looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Can Chen Yuan really afford this amount?

If, by some chance, it is unbearable, then the backlash will come...

Moritani Yu sent a message to Chen Yuan.

"Little brother, I'm with your Aunt Liu, do you want some help?"

"No need..." These two words were typed out on the phone, but Chen Yuan thought about it and deleted them.

He replied directly: "Come."

Even though the six of them knew some acquaintances, they were still just newcomers at Tianwang Mountain.

No matter where they are, no matter how strong their background is, it is not good for newcomers to be too ostentatious, especially for the six of them. If there were two old people to help entertain them, the effect would be much better.

Obviously Aunt Liu and Sister Sen are good choices.


Moriya You smiled while holding his cell phone and gave Liu Yunzhi a proud smile. You see, once she takes action, she can directly get into the inner circle and enjoy the internal price. According to Chen Yuan's personality, she will probably be able to have a free meal today.

It's another day of eating and drinking for free, and that's all I have to do to be happy.

Liu Yunzhi looked at Moritani Yu with a gloomy look.

"Youyou, can you explain clearly why you are Sister Mori here and Aunt Liu here?"

Moriya Yu: “…”

(End of this chapter)

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