Chapter 1028 Princess Iron Fan
The White Fox Clan surrendered to the Great Sui Dynasty, and spread throughout the Three Realms in an instant. As Yang Guang had guessed, the Three Realms were surging, and a strange phenomenon appeared on the land of Luzhou in the north. Those monster clans seemed to be watching the last of the White Fox Clan. result.

Above the clouds, there is a palace floating, and the golden light illuminates the vast world. Yang Guangduan sits in it, and there are many memorials in front of him. Among them, it turned into a little bit of spiritual rain, nourishing the sea of ​​consciousness and increasing the opponent's mana.

For Yang Guang, who had mana for tens of thousands of years, this little bit of mana was nothing, but it could not withstand a lot. Many monks followed the soldiers of the Sui Dynasty.Now these monks provide Yang Guang with mana.

"Ding! You read the manuscript of Princess Blood Sea Iron Fan and gained three years of mana."

A mechanical sound rang in Yang Guang's ears, and Yang Guang was taken aback for a moment. This was not the first time he had benefited from Princess Iron Fan, but he didn't expect Princess Iron Fan to stay in the army for so long. , which Yang Guang did not expect.

"Princess Iron Fan, please come and have a talk."

A talisman flew out from the palace and fell towards the sacred mountain in the distance. There are thousands of palaces on the sacred mountain. These palaces were provided by the Sui Dynasty. Whether they call for friends or live alone, once a war breaks out, they will join the war and kill the demon clan.

There are also people who act alone, go deep into the enemy's territory, spy on the intelligence of military aircraft, kill monsters, establish meritorious deeds, and then rely on meritorious deeds to obtain more cultivation resources, or practice methods, or refining materials, panacea and so on.

Princess Iron Fan is practicing alone, with her back on the sea of ​​blood, she has no shortage of resources for practice, and this time she came with a mission, and she has the backing of Styx, so no one dares to mess with her.

Although she disdained to compete for cultivation resources and obtain cultivation secrets, since she joined the Northern Expedition, she also killed monsters like other monks, and wrote a "diary" every five days, or the number of monsters killed, and the number of monsters ahead. She and everyone else don't know about the geographical environment, or even the problems that arise during the practice, what are the functions of these "diaries", but after a long time, it seems that I am not used to not completing them.

"Princess, please move."

A powerful voice came, waking up Princess Iron Fan who was practicing. She looked at the talisman in front of her, with an inexplicable look on her pink face.

She came here under the order of the Styx leader, lurking in the territory of the Sui Dynasty, waiting for an opportunity to approach Yang Guang. According to reason, she should be very happy to receive such a talisman. Guang saw through, and everything was useless.

After thinking about it, it still turned into a bloody light and fell towards the palace in the clouds. She was very curious, she had never met Yang Guang before, how did the other party know her identity, and after knowing her identity, she hadn't attacked her yet.She didn't believe that Yang Guang didn't realize that her purpose of coming was very strange.

"I have seen His Majesty the Sui Emperor." The hall was opened, and a young emperor was sitting behind the desk. There were many memorials in front of him. She had already recognized that these memorials were made by the accompanying monks.

"The princess came from a long way, walked out of the sea of ​​blood, and supported Da Sui. Yang is here to thank the princess." Yang Guang looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Shura women are beautiful, men are ugly, the beautiful are lascivious, and the ugly are brave, but the woman in front of him is like a white lotus in the mud, there is no chaotic breath on her body, which makes him tsk tsk It's amazing, and I don't know how Princess Iron Fan survived in the sea of ​​blood.

"A-Jiao came to Yanmen Pass at the order of the leader to help His Majesty. Your Majesty doesn't have to do this." Princess Iron Fan couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty has a lot of things to do every day. Gillian fought at Yanmen Pass. She didn't reveal her identity, nor did she come to see Her Majesty. How about Your Majesty? know mine?"

"How did I know, the princess doesn't have to worry about it, but what makes me curious is that the princess is not staying in the sea of ​​blood, why did she come to my Great Sui? You know, under the catastrophe, it is too late for others to hide, so why did the princess join us?" Among them, you must know that in the sea of ​​blood, under the protection of the leader, it is very safe." Yang Guang asked curiously.

The woman in front of her was pretty, and the aura of the Shura tribe had been integrated into her heart. Her appearance was dignified, but her every move was full of charm.There is also a charming breath on him.No less than the ladies in the palace.

But as soon as he thought of the identity of the other party, the thoughts in Yang Guang's mind disappeared without a trace in an instant. The Shura tribe's favorite is killing, and the leader of Styx is also proving the way through killing. , if the leader of Styx can kill a saint, then he will be able to prove the saint.

Since the saint can be killed, why can't the emperor himself be killed? Although there is no cause and effect right now, why can't there be cause and effect because of the woman in front of him?

"The leader believes that His Majesty will be able to unify the human race in the end, so let me come to help His Majesty, so that we can form a good relationship." Princess Iron Fan said. When it came to her, apart from the loss of consciousness at the beginning, she didn't see any abnormalities anymore, which surprised her.

Yang Guang didn't point out the opponent, any force could come to help, but only the sea of ​​blood would not, the chaos in the three realms, the more casualties, the better for the Asura clan, the souls of a large number of soldiers entered the six realms Among them, most of the true spirits of these soldiers became Asuras, and became Asuras.

"Since you're here, let's stay! Not only you, but also other masters of the Asura clan, I welcome them too." Yang Guang doesn't care, as long as he comes, he has to obey his orders and help himself As for the matter, Yang Guang didn't care if there were any problems in private, he believed that since the Styx leader asked them to come, there must be an explanation.

Moreover, the forces on my side are really not afraid of the Styx leader. Everyone lives under the law of heaven, so are they afraid of him?
"Thank you so much, Your Majesty." Princess Iron Fan took a deep look at Yang Guang, then retreated slowly.

Yang Guang looked at the graceful figure of the other party, and shook his head slightly. The left and right were just a beautiful tool man, and he had already got what he deserved, and the next step was to squeeze the wool.

"Forget it! Let's make your mother and son happy!" Yang Guang thought of the red boy, stretched out his right hand, and scratched in the void. After a while, there was a scream, and a fiery red figure Falling in front of him, whoever it is, is not the red boy.

(End of this chapter)

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