Chapter 1033 Dilemma
A talisman came down from the nine heavens, and the majestic voice of the Heavenly Emperor resounded in the Three Realms. The monster clan instantly became the subjects of the Heavenly Court, and the Demon Emperor accepted the canonization of the Heavenly Court, causing an uproar in the Three Realms.

No one would have thought that not long ago, the powerful monster clan would submit to the heavenly court at this moment and become the servant of the heavenly court.

But soon, some people knew that all of this was aimed at the Sui Dynasty. The soldiers of the Sui Dynasty were aggressive and suppressed Luzhou in Beiju. Yang Guang could force the monsters to submit to the Sui Dynasty, and then become the emperor of the people. position.

In this situation, no matter whether it is the Heavenly Court or the Yaozu, they do not want this situation to happen, and the Yaozu will surrender to the Heavenly Court in exchange for the support of the Heavenly Court, and the Heavenly Court also needs to use this method to prevent Yang Guang from succeeding. What the Heavenly Court needs is It's just a name for interfering with Yang Guang's northward advance.But the Yaozu needs the protection of the heaven.

The two were easily combined in this way. In fact, neither side had much loss. The real loss was Da Sui. Da Sui was in an embarrassing situation at the moment. If he entered, he would be an enemy of the Heavenly Court. , the sects under Da Sui's command will definitely not follow the left and right, but if they retreat, Yang Guang's dream of being the emperor will be shattered. As long as the time is up, the great powers of the three realms will compete to solve each other.

"Heavenly Court is really corrupt. The Heavenly Emperor, who masters righteousness, adopts this method to deal with human nature. It seems to have the upper hand, but in fact, the foundation is damaged." The Tathagata Buddha opened his eyes and sighed slightly at the Great Leiyin Temple in the West. road.Surrounded by the sound of Buddha, shrouded in Buddha's light, under the eyes of wisdom, you can clearly see that most of the demon clan's luck has disappeared and went straight to the heaven.

"Although the heavenly luck has skyrocketed a lot, in fact, these lucks are like duckweed without roots, and they won't last long. Emperor Sui hasn't found a way yet, but once he finds a way, it's like seeing the sun through the clouds. Heaven can't stop it The light of the other party." The ancient Buddha on the burning lamp shook his head.

"Gu Buddha, do you think Emperor Sui can find a solution to this matter?" Tathagata Buddha asked.

"Amitabha, the old monk believes that if one's own strength is strong, it is strong. The demon race relies on external forces and cannot last long. However, the Heavenly Court and the Demon Realm invaded, Kuigang raged, and most of the three thousand worlds have fallen. How can we stop the Sui Emperor's attack?" The ancient Buddha who burned the lamp shook his head.

"The ancient Buddha thinks that Emperor Sui still has a chance?" Tathagata Buddha's insightful eyes swept over him, and Honghuang fell into his eyes instantly. Auras rose into the sky and turned into giant dragons. The most powerful one was Da Sui, and Buddha was a little surprised.

"Heaven, earth, people, gods and ghosts actually don't want the rise of humanity. The gods want to continue to enslave humanity, and the human race in Dongsheng Shenzhou doesn't want the Sui Emperor to dominate the human race. Only the underworld, ghosts and gods hope that the human race will be more ignorant , can get more incense and sacrifices." The ancient Buddha who burned the lamp smiled, and there was a little more compassion in his eyes, but he didn't know who this kind of compassion was aimed at, whether it was Yang Guang or the sentient beings of the Three Realms.

"Amitabha." Tathagata Buddha also recited Amitabha, and he was also thinking about this matter in his heart, how the Buddhist sect should deal with it.

"The Buddha is worried about the future changes of Buddhism in the four major continents?" The ancient Buddha on the burning lamp saw what the Tathagata Buddha was thinking.

"That's right." Tathagata did not hide anything, and said: "When the poor monk looked at the Sui Emperor, he thought of the former leader of Tongtian, who faced all kinds of powerful enemies and was not afraid at all. The Sui Emperor was the same. Those immortal sects are not willing to rise to the human race, but he is still struggling to move forward, wanting to rise to humanity."

Tathagata Buddha's voice is calm, it seems that he has forgotten everything, he has forgotten the fact that he was a member of the Jiejiao, and the Master of Tongtian Cult is his master.

"The foundation of Buddhism is also in the human race. If there are major changes in the human race, the Buddhism will also change." The ancient Buddha on the lamp reminded.With the rise of the human race, how many people will believe in Buddhism?Ran Deng believes that the rise of the human race is not a good thing for Buddhism.

"Gu Buddha, do you know how many temples the Nuwa Empress still has in the world to worship? Don't you think it's ridiculous that King Shang Zhou, the co-lord of the human race, didn't know about Nuwa?"

The ancient Buddha who burned the lamp was stunned when he heard this. There are very few temples of the Nuwa Empress in the prehistoric period, and there are very few people's incense. If it is not stopped, it will eventually lead to the decrease in the belief of Empress Nuwa in the human race.

"Xuanmen will not accept Emperor Sui, but my Buddhist school can. The Buddha's light shines all over the three worlds. Sui Emperor will definitely feel the friendship of my Buddhist school." The Tathagata Buddha smiled while holding a flower.

"Namo Amitabha." The ancient Buddha who burned the lamp also showed joy on his face.

What the Tathagata Buddha said is completely opposite to Taoism, but the ancient Buddha on the burning lamp thinks this is the best strategy, which forms a sharp contrast with Taoism.There is no harm without comparison. He believes that Yang Guang will definitely lean towards Buddhism in this situation.

"The old monk warned the disciples in the camp to assist the Emperor Sui earnestly and not to leave his post without authorization. No matter what decision the Emperor Sui made, he must not disobey." The ancient Buddha who burned the lamp smiled happily. He thought that Xuanmen would not make such a decision, because the Heavenly Emperor was established by the Taoist ancestor and followed the Sanqing Talisman, how could Yang Guang be allowed to counterattack the Heavenly Court?Perhaps those Taoist masters of human origin will continue to wait and see.

It's just that people's hearts are complicated, and no one knows what those immortal sects will think. After all, they also have a desire for fame and fortune, and they also want to become masters and be respected and sacrificed by the human race.

"Good!" The Tathagata Buddha laughed while holding up a flower.

In Luzhou, Beiju, in the big camp, Yang Guang heard the voice from the Nine Heavens, he never thought that the Emperor of Heaven would personally issue a talisman, canonize the monster clan, it looks upright, in fact, all beings in the three realms know this truth, Heaven wants to take this opportunity to intervene in the dispute between the human race and the monster race, and wants to put humanity under the heaven again.

This is not only a battle with Yang Guang, but also a battle between heaven and humanity. The monster race has become a pawn in it. Now there are only two roads in front of Yang Guang. Continue to attack and fight against heaven. The other is to go south to Dongsheng Shenzhou, and then hold Dongsheng Shenzhou in his hands to achieve the throne of Emperor. No matter which path it is, it is a hundred times more difficult than before.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?" Fang Xuanling was a little worried. He was unparalleled in resourcefulness. Unfortunately, in the cultivation world, personal strength is the most important thing. Faced with the current situation, Fang Xuanling didn't know what to do. Is good.

(End of this chapter)

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