Chapter 1090 The North Sea
The Yellow Lions surrendered, and the Black Foxes surrendered.

One after another, the monster tribes surrendered to the Great Sui, not only swore their oaths, but also sent elite forces to follow the Great Sui soldiers and horses to the north, and the Great Sui soldiers and horses divided into three groups, sweeping the entire Beiju Luzhou.

In the Demon Master's Palace, Shi Peng looked at the Demon Emperor in front of him with a calm expression. Ever since the failure of the Wanlong formation, Shi Peng knew that the general situation could not be changed. opponent.

"Brother Dao, now is the most critical time for my monster clan, please help me." The demon emperor looked at Shi Peng sitting on the cloud bed, holding back the anger in his heart.

"Your Majesty, even if my Demon Master Palace makes a move right now, it is already powerless. The soldiers and horses of the Great Sui Emperor have already approached the Demon Emperor's Palace, half of Beiju Luzhou has been captured, and many demon clans have been forced to surrender It's Sui." Shi Peng is not worried, even if all the monsters surrendered, so what?Does Yang Guang still dare to force himself to fail?

"Fellow Daoist, don't underestimate Yang Guang. In the place he rules, there will be no second voice. The same goes for the Demon Master's Palace. If you don't surrender, you will be destroyed by the Sui Emperor sooner or later." The Demon Emperor said .

"He will attack the Demon Master's Palace?" Shi Peng couldn't help laughing, and said, "Where does he think the Demon Master's Palace is? He can attack if he wants to? The prestige of the quasi-sage, does he want to let it go?" Will the Great Sui be destroyed?"

"Not long ago, Zhen Yuanzi killed Taoist Lingji on Guixu, and the world was covered in blood rain." The demon emperor said lightly.

Shi Peng's face changed slightly when he heard this. This is the first quasi-sage to be killed in the Three Realms since the Lich Tribulation, and he died so casually that Zhen Yuanzi didn't consume much mana at all, and easily killed him. kill.

Even the quasi-sages are dead, why can't Da Luo Jinxian die?What's more, there are many causes and effects between Zhen Yuanzi and the demon master. It is also possible that he instigated the Emperor Sui to attack Beiju Luzhou behind his back.

"Fellow Daoist believes that Zhen Yuanzi will give up this opportunity to destroy the demon master's palace and occupy the blessed land of Beihai." The demon emperor looked at Shi Peng's expression and immediately knew that he had persuaded him.

"The demon master has left Honghuang." Shi Peng finally said.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but because Kunpeng has left the demon master's palace, some things are beyond his control.

The demon emperor suddenly realized, and said: "As expected, it is no wonder that my demon clan is about to perish, and the senior demon masters have not seen any action. If the senior demon masters were in the wild, they would never sit back and watch the demon clan be destroyed. What is the origin of the human race back then? It’s just the food of my monster clan, but now they want to surpass us, how can such a shame be endured?”

Shi Peng remained silent. Although what the Demon Emperor said was reasonable, he couldn't take it seriously. The Demon Emperor just wanted to drag the Demon Master's palace into the water, but what Shi Peng was worried about now was whether the Great Sui Emperor would really act like the Demon Emperor said. As said, attack the demon master palace.

He was ordered by the demon master to sit in the demon master's palace, so naturally he couldn't let the demon master's palace be destroyed by the enemy.As long as this condition is met, Shi Peng thinks that the next thing is easy to talk about.

"The demon emperor will wait in the palace for a while, and the poor will come as soon as he goes out."

When Shi Peng thought of this, his heart moved, and he immediately came out of the Demon Master's Palace. A roc soared straight up, and it was [-] miles away in an instant, and his figure gradually disappeared from the Demon Emperor's sight.

"I still don't give up, and actually went to Yang Guang. How could Yang Guang be a simple master? He wouldn't agree. He didn't agree back then. How could he agree now? Even if Yang Guang agreed, what about Zhen Yuanzi?" Maybe agree?" The demon emperor watched Shi Peng's figure go away, and immediately knew what Shi Peng was doing.

"Is he looking for Yang Guang?" In the haze, a black figure appeared beside the demon emperor, whoever it was if it wasn't Wutian. The strange thing is that it was obviously a figure appearing in front of the hall, and there were many people around him. Daotong, but no one saw the person in front of him, as if the demon emperor was standing there alone.

"He was lucky and thought that Yang Guang would agree to his request. He didn't even think about it. He was about to attack the city. Under such circumstances, how could the enemy agree to his request? It is simply naive and ignorant." Demon Emperor Said without hesitation.

"He is devoted to cultivation, how can he know the dangers outside, but he can't see the overall situation. Dongsheng Shenzhou has not yet decided the winner, how can Xuanmen let the troops of Da Sui go south? Duan, with an ambiguous attitude, no one knows what choice the two will make in the end." Wutian pointed out the relationship.

"You mean, there are quite a few people in the Three Realms who want us to continue to exist?" The Demon Emperor listened to Wutian's words, and his eyes lit up immediately.

"That's right, in the Three Realms, many forces don't want the Emperor to appear. They all want to continue to enslave humans and let humans worship him. The heavens need it, the gods also need it, and even the practitioners around Yang Guang are the same. When human beings lose their reverence for these gods, how can they still enjoy this feeling of superiority." Wutian's voice was very nice, and he couldn't tell that the other party was the son of the demon race.

The demon emperor nodded repeatedly after hearing this. If this matter was placed on him, it must be like this.

The Three Realms need a force to contain Sui. At present, only the Yaozu is the most suitable.Of course, it is impossible to think that both sides will be hurt. Now that the demon clan itself has disintegrated, the power of humanity is mighty, filling the universe, and the heavens dare not get involved.

The only thing that can be solved is not only to let the races complete the unification, although the monster races were defeated, they still have a certain effect, that is, to restrain the pace of Great Sui's southward movement.As for restoring the Yaozu's rule in Beiju Luzhou, that is impossible. Everything in Beiju Luzhou will be divided up by the major forces of the heavens, so how can there be a position for the Yaozu?
It seems that Yang Guang is about to unify Beiju Luzhou, but in fact, it is the most dangerous time for Yang Guang, because he is about to be betrayed.

After hearing this, the demon emperor showed joy on his face, and said, "In this case, I will move the demon clan to Beihai City, and use Beihai city as the foundation to resist Yang Guang's attack." The demon emperor regained his confidence instantly.It's just that he didn't see the disdain in Wutian's eyes.

If Honghuang regains peace, if Yang Guang completes the unification, it will be bad news for the demons. After the unification is completed, it means that there is a unified command. According to his understanding of Yang Guang, the demons will fight against Yang Guang. Guang, may not be able to benefit, and in the end it may even fulfill Yang Guang's great cause.

From this point of view, the existence of the Yaozu is very necessary for both good and evil.

(End of this chapter)

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