Chapter 1127 Fire Cloud
Yang Guang's whole body turned into a great sun, which soared upwards, pierced through the chaos, bravely climbed up amidst the earth, water, fire, and wind, and suddenly jumped up, appearing in front of the human form of Heavenly Tribulation, a powerful force of destruction It hit the Tathagata God's palm.

The sky shook instantly, the earth trembled, and the fiery red light instantly filled the sky, as if the entire sky was on fire, and a huge mushroom cloud appeared in front of the immortals.

The immortals felt that their mouths were dry, and some immortals swallowed involuntarily, their faces could not hide their horror, putting themselves in the same position, if this blow appeared in front of them, maybe they didn't even have the courage to resist, and they would be crushed by the sun. engulf.

"This is the supernatural power of the Great Sun, domineering and domineering. The Sui Emperor is deeply ashamed of the essence of the supernatural power of the Great Sun." Taoist Motian suddenly sighed.

His voice reached the ears of the immortals, and a strange look appeared on the faces of the immortals.

Everyone in the world knows that Yang Guang obtained the supernatural powers from Motian Taoist, but now, Motian Taoist laments that he is not as good as the other party.It's really humbling.

A figure flew out and slammed into the mountain peak fiercely. The thousand-foot-high mountain peak was smashed into a human-shaped gap, and the powerful real fire of the sun raged, roasting the mountain peak into nothingness.

No matter how powerful the Great Sun's supernatural powers are, in terms of mana and morality, Yang Guang completely defeated the Heavenly Tribulation.

When Jiang Ziya and the others were rejoicing, another big sun appeared in front of them again, and the big sun crossed the sky, one after another, there were as many as ten rounds, and a long rainbow flew out from the earth.

In Changhong, Yang Guang's expression was indifferent, and an icy aura emerged from all over his body, merging with the surrounding heavenly dao, a vast mana gushed out from the purple mansion, and the ten rounds of great sun merged together in the sea of ​​thunder , It is spectacular and exciting to watch, and I can't wait to replace it.

But Jiang Ziya and the others knew that such a wonderful scene contained a powerful force, ten days across the sky, no planet could resist it, and it would be easily destroyed by it.

During the catastrophe, the power of the human form of the catastrophe increased again, a big hand slowly descended, the big hand showed the color of glass, and the lightning in the sky became violent, and the lightnings turned into heavenly soldiers and generals, holding various weapons in their hands. All kinds of weapons came to kill Yang Guang one after another.

Yang Guang still turned into a great sun, a round of great sun soared upwards, and the sun blew up. Wherever the hurricane went, the heavenly soldiers and generals in front of him turned into nothingness. Only a big hand appeared above the sky, It seems that Yang Guang is going to be suppressed.

The big sun and the big hand collided again, the strong wind overflowed, and the divine lines disappeared in the void. The big sun and the big hand dissipated together, and Yang Guang's figure appeared in the void again. Compared with the previous time, Yang Guang's momentum It seems to be climbing again, but the injuries on the body seem to be much more serious, only a pair of eyes are shining brightly at the moment, burning with unyielding fighting spirit.

The Great Sun appeared again. Compared with the previous two Great Suns, this time there seemed to be more magical powers, and it seemed to become more pure and powerful. After seeing it, people were uneasy.

The roar sounded, and Yang Guang turned into a great sun, and charged at Tathagata God's Palm again. He was relentless, fierce and domineering, just like a moth to a flame. He knew that there was danger ahead, but he wanted to attack.

"If this Yang Guang is my disciple, he will definitely be taught by the master." Chi Jingzi sighed suddenly.

They want supernatural powers, magic weapons, and the guidance of saints, but they always feel that something is missing. Now that they see Yang Guang, they know what they are missing. The courage to endorse the first battle lacks the determination to die and survive, and when faced with difficulties, it lacks the courage to face them.

But Yang Guang is different. Facing the sage robbery, he has never been afraid. He moves forward bravely. The hole opened, and the sea-like mana roared out. The light of the great sun dispersed the surrounding thunder and reflected the void. Its power was no less than that of the Tathagata palm that appeared in the sky.

It seems that there is only this round of great sun between heaven and earth. One after another divine pattern appears in the void, resplendent and breathtaking, two powerful forces collide with each other, and everything within a radius of tens of feet turns into chaos. The two figures appeared and disappeared in the chaos without being affected in the slightest.

The sky has been beaten into a paste, Yang Guang's body is shattered, and he sees flesh and blood flying everywhere from time to time, but his energy and spirit have not changed at all. The five-color divine light above the mud ball is mighty, barely resisting some deadly attacks .


Yang Guang suddenly noticed a slight change in the human form of Heavenly Tribulation, and the opponent's aura suddenly dropped a lot. Although he didn't know why there was such a change, since the time came, Yang Guang would not let it go. Electricity, transformed into sword energy with its body, slammed into the human form of Heavenly Tribulation fiercely.

The divine power of the Great Sun erupted in an instant, and the powerful destructive power destroyed everything around it. The fiery red light dyed the entire sky and the sea of ​​thunder red.

Both the enemy and the enemy looked at everything in front of them, not knowing what to do for a while, the sight was full of flames, just now they used their spiritual sense to detect, but found that the divine sense was destroyed by this force before it got close.Some gods at the scene let out muffled hums, their consciousness was damaged, and even their primordial spirit was affected.

"Brother." Jiang Ziya looked at Chi Jingzi hesitantly.

Chi Jingzi shook his head and said: "The whole sea of ​​thunder has turned into chaos, and the situation in it is unknown at all. Even the wisdom eye can't penetrate it, and the consciousness has also been affected. No one knows what's going on inside. However, Even if he survives such a battle, he will probably be seriously injured."

Jiang Ziya suddenly showed a strange expression on his face when he heard this, he glanced at Chi Jingzi, Chi Jingzi nodded while touching his beard, of course he knew what Jiang Ziya meant, taking advantage of his illness to kill him, this time happened to be an opportunity.

"Wait a little longer! Yang Guang can't be killed for the time being." Chi Jingzi looked at the sky full of fire clouds, tumbling non-stop, unable to see clearly what was inside, just raised the Immortal Killing Sword in his hand, waiting for the moment Yang Guang appeared, okay Injure it, then seal it up and suppress it under Qilin Cliff.

"Fellow Daoist Ah Qing, I'm afraid Chi Jingzi is planning to plot against Emperor Sui." Taoist Mo Tian looked worried at Chi Jingzi's appearance.

He was originally one of Yang Guang's incarnations, so he naturally knew about Yang Guang's situation, but at this time the relationship couldn't be exposed, so Ah Qing could only make a move.

"Don't worry, with me here, Chi Jingzi won't succeed." Ah Qing turned into a sword light and slashed towards Chi Jingzi.

"Chi Jingzi, let me try your Immortal Killing Sword."

(End of this chapter)

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