Chapter 1159 Gods and Buddhas
As soon as the words fell, I heard the bell ringing in the void, resounding through the three realms, the heaven and the earth were clear, and divine lights appeared from the boundless void, and there was purple air stretching for three thousand miles. Above the hustle and bustle of the world of mortals, bells sounded, dragons rolled, colorful phoenixes danced, visions appeared, and auspicious lights radiated between heaven and earth, and golden flowers fell.

At first, Master Xuandu thought it was a sign of the emperor's ascension to the throne, but soon realized that something was wrong. In the void, three emperors appeared, the one in the middle was Fuxi, and the one on the left The tiger and leopard skin with leaf cover shoulders and waist circumference is Shennong; on the right is Xuanyuan, who is wearing an imperial costume. After the three emperors, it is the four emperors and the sages of the human race followed closely behind.

"The Three Sovereigns are here." The Grand Master Xuandu showed a strange expression on his face.

"Sure enough, it's a great event to create the world. The Three Sovereigns have never been out of Huoyun Cave. I didn't expect that the enthronement of the Human Sovereign will attract the Three Sovereigns and the sages of the human race. It's really rare." Jiang Ziya looked happy.

"I've met His Majesty the Three Emperors." Master Xuandu led all the immortals to greet him, with a very respectful attitude.

Although the cultivation of the three emperors is not very good, but their status is lofty, far above Xuandu and others, even if they meet a saint, they are treated as peers, this is the status of a human emperor.

"I've seen fellow Taoists in Xuandu." Fuxi returned the salute with a smile, and said, "Today is a grand event for the human race, so thank you for coming. On behalf of the human race, I would like to thank you for your help."

"Your Majesty, the Emperor is my assistant, and he comes from the sect of Renjiao. It is only natural for us to come here." Jiang Ziya said suddenly.

After Fuxi heard this, he was not angry, but nodded repeatedly, and did not speak.

Just as Xuanyuan was about to refute, he suddenly glanced towards the west, and saw a golden light in the west, and there was a sound of Buddha. For a while, the sound of Buddha was lingering, the air of sandalwood filled the air, golden flowers descended from the sky, and the light of relics traversed the three realms, but it was the Tathagata who came in person .

"Buddha is here?" Great Master Xuandu saw this, and his heart moved. Although the enthronement of the Emperor is a major event, it is understandable to attract the Three Emperors, but it is not normal for the Buddha to come. Is there any relationship between humanity and Buddhism?
"I have seen the Buddha." No matter what the immortals thought in their hearts, they still welcomed them on the surface.

"Amitabha. The old monk came here uninvited, and asked the prince to forgive his sins." The Buddha looked kindly, with a compassionate look on his face. He looked at Yang Xuan and said, "Fellow Daoist has taken in a good disciple. admire."

"Buddha, this is the new Emperor, and our human race was unified in the hands of the Emperor." Jiang Ziya said solemnly.There is a lot of pride in the words.

"Excellent, excellent." The Tathagata Buddha repeated the Buddha's name repeatedly.But he didn't say anything else.

"Hehe, it is gratifying to congratulate the unification of the prehistoric human race, but this unification was not achieved by the prince! The one who really unified the prehistoric is the Sui emperor!" Monkey King sneered.

"What Dou Zhanying Buddha said is very true. The one who ruled the world is indeed the emperor. Yang Xuan has no such merit." Master Xuandu hadn't spoken yet, Yang Xuan quickly explained.

"The prince is modest." Xuan Du stroked his beard, wondering what he was thinking.

"The catastrophe is approaching, and the unification of the human race has been completed. It is also excellent news for Honghuang. I believe that when the demon world comes, Honghuang already has enough power to resist the demon world." Rays of divine light shot up into the sky, which was spectacular.

It was Yang Guang's backhand, ready to deal with the invasion of the demon world, but he didn't know if it would be effective in the end.

"Prince, the auspicious time has come." At this time, Lu Miaozi came stepping on the auspicious clouds.

"Buddha, all elders, please go to the viewing area to take your seat." Yang Xuan's face became more respectful.

"Great kindness." The Tathagata Buddha nodded, and led the Buddhas to the floating fairy island. In an instant, a ray of Buddha's light dyed the surrounding ten thousand miles golden and turned it into a pure land of Lingshan.

"Brother, why do I feel that something is wrong." Jiang Ziya showed a trace of worry on his face.

Although he didn't know what was wrong, he always felt that something was wrong with the surrounding atmosphere, which made him feel uneasy.I couldn't help but seek answers from Master Xuandu.

There was also some hesitation between the eyebrows of Master Xuandu. He also noticed that something was wrong with the situation in front of him. Not only the Three Emperors came, but also the Buddha. The middle will be severely injured. According to the logic, Buddhism will not appear in Chang'an City.

Above the nine heavens, the Heavenly Emperor faced the Haotian Mirror with a calm expression, without the slightest sign of panic.The same is true for the officials below, although there is an emperor who is about to be born, and there may even be a possibility of dividing the power of the Emperor of Heaven.

But all the gods know that Yang Xuan and Yang Guang are different. Even if he becomes the emperor, he will only be known as the son of heaven in the end. It is impossible to be equal to the emperor of heaven. After all, is the emperor supported by the Taoist sect? , how could it be possible to become arrogant!

"Poor Yang Guang, he conquered a picturesque country. Unexpectedly, in the end, he still couldn't withstand the pressure of Xianzong." Wu De Xingjun couldn't help sighing.There is a lot of complacency in his expression.

"That's right! Such a human emperor is not much different from the King Wu of Zhou back then." Kui Mulang gloated.

"After all, the Buddha came here in person, and the three emperors and four emperors came one after another. This human emperor still has some weight." Taibai Jinxing had a different opinion.

"If you want to achieve the position of emperor, you need the approval of heaven and earth. Although Yang Xuan is a prince, he doesn't have much merit. The reason why Motian and Dahuang surrendered is because Yang Guang is dead. Dongsheng Shenzhou is also controlled by Xuanmen. The two had no support and were forced to surrender. As for Daxia, hehe, there are more than a million people killed and injured in Jimo City, how can such karma disappear easily, and a small amount of karma fell on Yang Xuan."

The Heavenly Emperor stroked his beard, shook his head, and felt at ease physically and mentally. He found that after Yang Guang died, the three realms became much quieter, and there were no more troubles.

"Now the little god is worried about Donghuang Taiyi. This person has occupied Yang Guang's body. Will he use this to make trouble? After all, the position of emperor is still very attractive." Taibai Jinxing was a little worried.

"With the Buddha here, even if the Eastern Emperor Taiyi came to make trouble, I'm afraid he would be suppressed with one hand." Wu De Xingjun said disdainfully: "It's better if he doesn't come, but once he appears, I'm afraid it will be his death."


As soon as Wu De Xingjun finished speaking, a bell rang, resounding through the sky, and even the heavenly court vibrated. The gods felt that the bell sounded as if it was ringing in their ears.

"Chaos Clock, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is here." The Heavenly Emperor looked solemn, and looked at the Haotian Mirror in front of him with intelligent eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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