Chapter 147 Fire Dragon Prince
In the battle of Guangchengzi's Conferring Gods, his cultivation was wiped out. Later, although luck came to him, his cultivation speed was much faster, but it was so difficult to recover to Daluo Jinxian, but the opponent only stayed in Jingyan Palace for a few days. God, when he came out, he had already returned to the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

From Tianxian to Daluo Jinxian, I don't know how many years it took, but Guang Chengzi recovered easily like this, which shows the extraordinaryness of Jingyan Palace.

This is a blessed place.

"Yao Wang, if we enter the middle land at this time and enter the territory of the Sui Dynasty, it will be tantamount to breaking the Buddha's decree. At that time, I am afraid that we will be in great trouble." Guardian Zuo said quickly.

"Compared to a big Luo Jinxian, offending the Buddha is a trivial matter." The demon king shook his head and said: "The order will go on, and all the people in the celestial realm of My Thousand Demons Valley will go to Kongtong Mountain."

"I'm afraid Zhengdao will not let such an opportunity fall into the hands of the Yaozu." Elder Bai Ze was a little worried.

"Hmph, I don't believe it. The good and the evil don't know about such a thing. At this time, the Buddha's rules have become a joke. No matter the good or the evil, they will go there. From the heavenly immortal to the Da Luo Jinxian, who can give up such an opportunity?" The Wan Yao King sneered.

If it wasn't for Jingyan Palace's regulations, I'm afraid the Wan Yao King would personally take action to seize such an opportunity. Now such an opportunity can only be given to those juniors, and I believe other sects must be like this.

"That's right. Whoever gets such a chance in the end depends on their chance." Elder Bai Ze stroked his beard and nodded, and said, "It's just that I didn't expect that Jingyan Palace would appear in Nanzhan Buzhou this time. I don’t know the origin of this Shocking Wild Goose Palace, it can come and go, the last time it appeared in Dongsheng Shenzhou!”

Rainbow lights flew up from the depths of Changbai Mountain towards Kongtong Mountain.

The news of Jingyan Palace's birth spread across the three worlds in an instant. The news that Guang Chengzi recovered his strength so quickly back then filled Jingyan Palace with a hint of magic. No matter if it was a figure at the level of a fairy, even Jin Xian was very curious.

It is almost conceivable what the origin of the former owner of Jingyan Palace can be if a Da Luo Jinxian can recover his strength. Quasi-sage, or even a higher level is also possible.

Even if Jinxian or Da Luo couldn't enter it, it would not be impossible if he could take the opportunities in it for himself.

By the time Yang Guang arrived, many people had gathered around Kongtong Mountain. Yang Guang even saw Monk Fahai, obviously he had also received the news of Jingyan Palace's birth.

The Kongtong Mountain in the distance is majestic and majestic, and there are countless Taoist temples on the mountain. However, all of this is far different from a magnificent temple in the distance. The gods on the temple are intertwined, just like a heavenly palace.

The Tiangong is empty, and there is no human habitation, and it is known what exists inside.

What makes people curious is that many people find that the palace is in front of them, but when they stretch their feet over, they find that what they touch is still the original appearance, and they can't reach Jingyan Palace at all.

Obviously this Jingyan Palace is still in another dimension, and I don't know if the time has not come, or it will always be in a different dimension. If it is the latter, it will not be easy to get the opportunity in it.

Yang Guang looked at the Jingyan Palace in the distance, thought for a while, and his magic power circulated, changing his appearance in an instant.

"The Shocking Wild Goose Palace is also available to you mortals? Don't get out of my way." A fiery red light flashed in the sky, but a huge bronze chariot appeared, and dozens of monsters stood in the clouds around the chariot Above, guarding the chariot.

"The gods, the gods are here." The people who were wandering at the foot of the mountain saw the chariot on the clouds, and suddenly let out a burst of exclamation, and some even fell to their knees.

"Prince Fire Dragon of Wan Yao Valley." Someone in the crowd suddenly screamed, obviously the other party was a person in the immortal way.

"Mortals retreat." There was a loud roar, and a dozen Taoists from the northwest came on white cranes. The leader was a handsome young man with a jade face, holding a sharp sword in his hand.It looks magnificent.

"Prince Fire Dragon, this is where my human race belongs, you have crossed the border." The young man's face was cold.

"Your Kunlun is so majestic? What's the point? Do you really think this is the ancient times? Is Yuxu the only one?" The voice of the fire dragon prince was full of disdain, and he sneered: "Back then, Guangchengzi was lucky enough to enter Once, is this Shocking Wild Goose Palace War God Hall from your Yuxu lineage?"

"Although I don't like you, little loach, there is still some truth in what you said." A sword light flashed away in the distance, and a young man in black stood in the void, with sword energy all over his body, like a sharp sword Same.

"Zhou Yuan, you haven't made a breakthrough at this time, you probably came here for this Shocking Wild Goose Palace! Or, you are all like this?" He Zudao glanced at everyone.

Back then, Guang Chengzi broke through to Da Luo Jinxian with the help of the War God Temple within a few days, and he didn't know how many people he attracted.People like He Zudao, Prince Huolong, and Zhou Yuan are all the proud sons of heaven. Their cultivation has long been earth-shattering, and they haven't made a breakthrough until now. Obviously, they all came for Jingyan Palace, so as to obtain the greatest opportunity.

"Amitabha." The Buddha's name came, and a young and beautiful nun came slowly in the distance. She was holding a mutton fat jade bottle with a willow branch in it.

"Miaoyin Daoist friend." When everyone saw this, it was rare that they did not laugh at each other. It is rumored that Miaoyin, a saint under the Cihang sect of Luojia Mountain, was enlightened by Guanshiyin Bodhisattva. a cut.

"Amitabha, there are still three days before the Jingyan Palace is born, why not draw a road like last time, and have a competition, this way, it will not hurt the friendship, what do you think?" Miaoyin swept across her beautiful eyes. , her voice was very soft, and it sounded very comfortable, as if it was rain falling from the sky.

"Last time? How did Guang Chengzi get in, don't you all remember? With the treasure of a saint in his hand, who would dare to stop him? This time, I think some people have been waiting for a long time!" Zhou Yuan suddenly sneered.

Heavenly Immortals are the foundation, and Golden Immortals are the middle. Only Da Luo Jinxian is the high-end combat power of a sect. If you can get a Da Luo Jinxian, you can do anything. That's what Guang Chengzi did back then.

Sure enough, everyone had an unnatural look on their faces when they heard this. It was obvious that Zhou Yuan had really guessed this sentence.

"I'm waiting for a fight, I can't hurt the innocent, let these mortals leave first!" He Zudao changed the subject, without a hole card, who dares to come here, is it to die?
"It's natural." Miaoyin nodded repeatedly, and saw a series of command flags flying out of her hands. These command flags fell in the mountains and turned into a large formation, covering the sky and blocking the sun, trapping all the surrounding mountain peaks in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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