Chapter 174 This is a scoundrel
Humanity is boundless, and the aura of the world of mortals goes straight to the sky. Even Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is cautious. No immortal Buddha dares to bear such karma, and only the stupid guy like the Wan Yao King dares to devour the lives of the people of the human race. The karma of the human race is enough. will destroy it.

"Amitabha, life and death are destiny, it is not for me to interfere." Avalokitesvara quickly gave up the plan in his heart. People like Yang Guang have already become powerful, and it is so difficult to take his life.

Here, the Great Sui Dynasty has already started preparing for the Eastern Expedition. This time it can be different. The morale is high. Countless scholars joined in, and the air of grandeur filled the world. In addition, in Chang'an City, the imperial examination is about to be held, and countless scholars gathered here. .

In Wenchang Temple, a large number of Confucian practice methods were distributed. For a while, the city was filled with the sound of reading, and scholars could be seen everywhere. The luck of the Sui Dynasty rose, and it was even more miraculous for Emperor Wenchang to receive the incense of these scholars.

On New Year's Eve, Yang Guang ordered to have fun with the people, and the entire Chang'an city was boiling, but Yang Guang was walking alone on the street, looking at the fire trees and silver flowers around him, and he was very proud. God and Buddha, I am afraid that Yang Guang is willing to stay here forever.

"What is His Majesty thinking?" A gentle voice sounded.

"It turned out to be Fairy Yang." Yang Guang looked over, but saw that it was Yang Chan, the Three Holy Mothers. She didn't expect her to be here in Chang'an City. She cupped her hands and said, "The fairy is not in the heaven, why did she come to the mortal world?"

"The Heavenly Palace is cold, so there is no bustle and bustle in the mortal world." Yang Chan shook her head and said, "I stay in the heaven all the year round, and occasionally I have to go to the mortal world to know everything about the mortal world."

"What the fairy said is true, the heavenly palace is high above, how much humanness can there be in the sky full of gods and Buddhas?" Yang Guang nodded.

"Your Majesty has been very majestic during this period. Even in the heavenly court, I know His Majesty's methods. With a mortal body, how dare you destroy the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons?" Yang Chan looked at Yang Guang curiously. In fact, not only It was the raising of troops to conquer the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons, and the matter of the city god, which was to seize luck from the Heavenly Court. In the end, it was Zhang Liang's Wenchang Emperor, which was also a priesthood. According to reason, the Heavenly Court would confer it, but Yang Guang chose to do it.

"The monster clan is too cruel, and Yang has nothing to do, but that's the case, the monks in Nanzhan Buzhou disagree and don't join it, so I can only use my mortal body to fight against the monster clan. I want to see See, will the gods and Buddhas in the Heavenly Court let us human races die." Yang Guang's words were more determined, which made Yang Chan look stunned.

She had never seen this kind of expression before. She never expected that a mortal would have such courage. This was provoking Heaven.

Isn't your heavenly court known as the orthodox of the Three Realms?Isn't he known as the head of the righteous way?Slaying demons and demons is the duty of the Heavenly Court. Now the Valley of the Thousand Monsters is so cruel and devours the human race. Does your huge Heavenly Court not care about it?
Yang Chan suddenly felt a little nervous. If someone spread rumors in the Three Realms in the future, the Heavenly Court really couldn't explain it.Looking at Yang Guang's firm gaze, she suddenly felt a headache.The emperor in front of him is not easy to provoke, even the eldest princess of the heaven is not in his eyes.

"Humans are always at a disadvantage in the fight between humans and monsters. Don't you worry that if you lose this battle, it will be bad for your Majesty's country? Isn't it afraid that it will happen again for several years?" Yang Chan hesitated: " Immortal Buddha is gone, His Majesty may not be as lucky as last time."

"The hearts of the people are like iron, and the hearts of the people are with me. This time is different from last time. Now all the aristocratic families and scholars in the world are on my side. They know that the human race and the monster race are incompatible. It was like this in ancient times. The monsters bowed their knees and surrendered, and the only one who died in the end was himself. Only by resisting could he survive. Otherwise, the monsters ate 10,000+ people today, and tomorrow the monsters will also eat 10,000+ people. Over time, the human race will die in the end It’s clean.” Yang Guang shook his head and said solemnly: “So for this matter, the human race has no way to retreat, but to face the difficulties. As for whether we can win in the end, it depends on God’s will, but I believe that we We will never fail, and the final victor must be our human race."

"I can't do it, but my tone is not small." Yang Guang just finished speaking, and a cold voice came from behind him. Yang Guang's face changed, and he looked over, but saw a young man with a stern complexion, wearing a black robe, Looks very handsome.

"Brother, why are you here?" When San Shengmu saw the other party, there was a trace of panic on Fen's face.It seems that the little girl did something wrong and was discovered by her parents.

"It turns out to be Zhenjun Erlang, Yang Guang is very polite." Yang Guang was horrified, he was already a golden fairy, but seeing Yang Jian in front of him, it was like a drop in the ocean, unfathomable, but he was the queen of the gods, the second generation of Chanjiao The leader of the disciples, who shined brilliantly in the Battle of the Conferred Gods, with all his combat prowess, probably even among the disciples of Chanjiao's generation, few could defeat him.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Yang Jian was very surprised. His reputation spread to the Three Realms, and even in the Heavenly Court, many immortals and Buddhas were afraid of him.After seeing him, Yang Guangyi's face was calm, as if seeing an ordinary person.

"Zhenjun is a joke. Zhenjun is a reasonable person, and Yang Guang has done nothing wrong. Why should he be afraid of Zhenjun?" Yang Guang laughed dumbly.Even if he is ranked as a big Luo, so what if his combat power is comparable to that of a quasi-sage?My own future will definitely not be much worse than the other party's.

"Hmph, you are not a bad person, you killed your brother and father, and abused your concubine, aren't you a bad person?" Yang Jian said disdainfully: "A person like you should enter the eighteenth floor and fall into the cycle of reincarnation forever. "

"There is no family relationship in the royal family. For the throne, it has been the same throughout the ages. I don't think I did anything wrong? If my elder brother was allowed to be the emperor, would the Sui Dynasty be able to have what it is today? The guests from all directions, all nations come to court, that is. Yaozu, I, the Sui Dynasty, can also raise troops to conquer. Can my elder brother do it?" Yang Guang is very confident.

"Sharp teeth, sharp mouth, let's see if you can really destroy Wan Yao Valley this time. If you fail, I'm afraid this great Sui country will not belong to your Yang family in an instant." Yang Jian sneered.

"If I fail, it's not only my failure, but also the failure of Heavenly Court. Heavenly Court claims to be the Lord of the Three Realms, who is in charge of the Three Realms. Now it tolerates the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters to swallow hundreds of thousands of people. This time it is even more powerful. It can tolerate demons The clan killed a million troops of the clan. The Heavenly Court is so majestic!" Yang Guang countered.

Yang Jian was taken aback when he heard this.

This is a rascal!

(End of this chapter)

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