Chapter 393 Kill Again
The two streaks of green smoke slowly disappeared, and the time had finally come for the supernatural power of transforming three cleanses into one qi, but there were only Yang Guang and Taoist in white in the field, and the two of them looked at each other from the air, and the Taoist couldn't hide the shock on his face.

"You're right, it's one breath that transforms the three cleans." Yang Guang's expression was calm.

"You are cultivating supernatural powers of the witch clan, why can you still practice Taoism?" The white-clothed Taoist looked flustered.

"It's not for you to know, now it's my turn to see who you are." Yang Guang was curious in his heart, and the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler broke through the limitation of space and smashed towards the opponent's head.

"Hmph, you have a lot of secrets, and it should fall into my hands today." The Taoist in white spit out a blood-red long knife, as thin as a cicada's wing, across the void, a blood shadow disappeared in a flash, A stench enveloped the void, making people want to vomit.

"Dang!" With a soft sound, the blood shadow long knife disappeared in a flash, and the Hongmeng measured the sky and slammed back.

There was a hint of greed in the eyes of the white-clothed Taoist. Both sides were spirit treasures, but spirit treasures were also distinguished. After some collisions, he clearly felt that his spirit treasure was not as good as the other party's, and even the difference was far. It's not that my magic power is relatively deep, I'm afraid Lingbao will be injured in one blow.

However, he didn't feel any frustration. After killing Yang Guang, this Lingbao belonged to him.Thinking of this, he screamed all over his body, his eyes were red, and the fairy energy on his body disappeared without a trace, replaced by monstrous devil energy.

The aura of the whole body suddenly rose, and there was a faint breath of law enveloped in it. Above the mud pill, black spiritual energy was mighty and mighty, turning into a long river, and a black flower was looming.

"See, this is the strength of the demon race. If you practice poorly, you are already close to Da Luo." The white-clothed Taoist didn't have the immortal demeanor just now, and he was a monstrous monster.

"The devil is the devil." Yang Guang's face was indifferent, and he started to fight with the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler. He saw that his whole body was integrated into the way of heaven. The blows can hit the ground, water, fire and wind, stirring the surrounding void into chaos, and the powerful power of chaos killed the Taoist in white.

Although the Taoist man in white has far more magical power than Yang Guang at the moment, he feels that he is out of tune with the surrounding space, and the operation of his mana is very obscure. Every time he counterattacks, he must be careful. When his figure fell into the earth, water, fire, and wind, the powerful destructive force could destroy his physical body.

On the contrary, Yang Guang is able to move freely. Under the law of the Emperor of Heaven, his combat power has skyrocketed. With a radius of hundreds of miles, everything is in his hands. It's powerful, but it can't stop Hongmeng's measurement of the sky, and every time it hits, it makes a whine.

"Yang Guang, how about a truce between you and me? You can't kill me, and I can't help you. From now on, as long as you don't care about our affairs, we won't kill you." Using magic skills, the combat power soared, but in the eyes of the opponent, he just got back the matter, but was suppressed and beaten by the opponent, and the blood shadow sword could not do anything to the opponent.

"The demons also have credibility, even the prehistoric can betray, what else?" Yang Guang sneered, and suddenly grabbed the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler in his hand, and slammed it fiercely on the Blood Shadow War Saber.

"Dang!" There was a sound of mourning, the brilliance on the blood shadow sword was dim, cracks were visible to the naked eye, and an immortal aura was cut into two pieces.Yang Guang gave up his spiritual sense to control the magic weapon, and directly used his powerful physical body to drive the power of the world to hit the enemy's magic weapon fiercely.

"My blood shadow sword." The white-clothed Taoist saw that his sword was damaged, and he didn't know when he wanted to recover. He felt sad in his heart, let out a long howl, and his face was hideous. Wide around.

"Yang Guang, when you die today, all your flesh and blood will be mine."

Countless blood shadows came towards Yang Guang. To Yang Guang's surprise, these blood shadows all carried a trace of the opponent's mana, and they were densely packed. It was impossible to know who was real and who was fake.

"Large incision."

"Five thunders rectify the law."

Yang Guang thought that his physical body was very powerful, but right now, he didn't dare to use it lightly. Silk threads appeared around Yang Guang, and the void was cut into countless pieces and folded on each other. are in different spaces.

The blood shadow crashed into it, and divine thunder descended from the nine heavens one after another, and Yang Guang's surroundings turned into a sea of ​​thunder, with all the spiritual energy of the five elements within a hundred miles surrounding it, turning into the nourishment of the divine thunder.

"One sword distinguishes clear from turbid."

All of a sudden, Yang Guang waved the Zhantian Sword towards the void in front of him, and the void bloomed with immeasurable brilliance. The clear air floated up and the dirty air sank. The power of chaos erupted instantly, engulfing a blood shadow.

"Yang Guang, how did you find me?" In the distance, the Taoist man in white was blood red all over his body, his breath was dim, his face was pale, and the vast river above his head disappeared without a trace. I don't know where his real body is, and with his strong strength, no matter where the opponent hides, he can't escape his pursuit, but he failed here with Yang Guang.

"You don't need to know too much." Yang Guang's face was indifferent, and the Heaven Slashing Sword in his hand cut out again, the void was cut, and the yin and yang qi filled the sky.

"Let's go." The Taoist in white had a ferocious expression on his face, his eyes were full of unwillingness, and his figure exploded, ready to run away.

"Where to go." Yang Guang pointed out with his right hand, a strong wind blew up in the void, and the strong wind blew past, and wherever it went, the blood shadows were wiped out one after another.A Taiyi Golden Immortal who has been seriously injured, lacks mana, and his realm has fallen. How can he resist the wind of nothingness, and the blood shadow clone is blown and scattered.

"Yang Guang, do you really want to kill me? I am the pawn of the Blood Shadow Demon Lord in the Three Realms. If you kill me, the Blood Shadow Demon Lord will not spare you. When the Blood Shadow Demon Lord comes in the future, It will definitely kill you." The aura on the Taoist in white was even weaker, as if he was going to be wiped out by Yang Guang at any moment.

"Let's talk about it when he comes to Honghuang!" Yang Guang's face was cold, and his right hand slowly stretched out. It looked very slow, but in fact it was as fast as thunder, and he grabbed the Taoist in white. Wen is like a big river, covering the sky and covering the sun, trying to capture the opponent alive.

"Haha, Yang Guang, you can't catch me." With a loud noise, the body of the Taoist in white collapsed, turned into a rain of blood, and disappeared into the Three Realms, not even his true spirit survived.

A ray of colorful brilliance descended from the sky, submerging into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Killing the demons from other lands will bring merits from heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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