Chapter 397 Infinite
In front of the mountain gate, on the boulder, there is the word Wuliang, like a sharp sword drawn out of its sheath, cutting off the stars, filling the universe with domineering aura, and people can't help but feel high-spirited and heroic when they see it.

"Ding! You have read the manuscript of the Holy Mother Wudang, a disciple of the sage of the Jiejiao Shangqing, and obtained the Sutra of the Shangqing."

One after another divine lines appeared from the void, turned into various characters, Dao Yun, etc., and appeared in Yang Guang's sea of ​​consciousness. The same as Kaitian Gong, non-sage disciples cannot get it.But now, all of this fell into the hands of Yang Guang.

This kind of treatment, among the Three Realms, probably only Yang Guang can get it.

"Senior Wu Qian is so proud, he is a hero among women, but unfortunately, I have no chance to meet you." Yang Guang couldn't help admiring.As the Conferred God War, one of the few survivors among the disciples of Jiejiao, after the Lord Tongtian was imprisoned in Zixiao Palace, she struggled to support Jiejiao, she was an admirable female cultivator.

"My teacher would be very happy if he knew what His Majesty said." Lin Feifeng's beautiful eyes lit up.

"Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it." Yang Guang shook his head quickly.The Holy Mother of Wudang is a quasi-sage master, how could she care about a Taiyi Jinxian's praise, that would be a joke, he quickly said: "I just judge people by words, and I can tell a thing or two."

"Among the Three Realms, no one knows the name of the Holy Mother, and everyone respects it. Your Majesty said that people can be judged by words, hehe." A sudden voice sounded, and there was a woman behind Lin Feifeng, covered in a white gauze, unable to see her face clearly, I don't know its origin, but it can be seen from the words that he is very dissatisfied with Yang Guang.

"Junior Sister." Lin Feifeng glanced at the other party, sighed slightly, but did not get angry.

"Headmaster, fellow daoist, I judge people by words, not words of praise. If you can't do it, you can write a word or two, and I can figure out the name of you." Yang Guang rolled his eyes and suddenly lightened. laughed.

"Hmph, what nonsense, before you came to my Wuliang Sword Sect, you knew everything about the situation in my sect, but now you are playing me here?" the woman sneered.

"Ziwei Doushu and other innate deduction methods, I also know a thing or two, teacher, how about it, give it a try." Yang Guang looked at Lin Feifeng and said: "Director, if I win, Wuliang Jianzong and Da Sui If we form an alliance, I will be the leader; if I lose, the two sides will still be an alliance, but the leader will be the leader."

Lin Feifeng was originally watching a play, but now that she heard Yang Guang's words, she knew that Yang Guang's trip might be something serious, otherwise, it would be impossible for her to say such a thing.

Lin Feifengfan's face suddenly showed a thoughtful look, Wuliang Jianzong is different from Lishan, Wuliang Jianzong has many causes and effects, they need allies, but they are very cautious in choosing allies, Yang Guang is ambitious, he wants to unify the human race, and become the king of the emperor. As for the position, there are also many killings here, and it will even implicate the Wuliang Sword Sect and even the entire Jiejiao, so Lin Feifeng can't help but not make a choice.

Suddenly, Lin Feifeng's brows trembled, and a gleam of joy appeared on his face.


"Sister in charge." The masked woman's complexion changed, and she was about to stop her, but Lin Feifeng stopped her.

She said with a smile: "I hope Your Majesty will not break his promise."

"If I speak well, how could I not believe what I said?" Yang Guang looked indifferent. With the system in hand, he was able to see for himself. Now that he can plagiarize supernatural powers and mana openly, and get an ally, what is there to be unhappy about? of it!

After entering the mountain gate, you can see the sacred mountain faintly, the spiritual veins are steaming, the Qionglou Yuyu is lingering, and the aura turns into clouds and mist, covering the mountains. No matter how dissatisfied the Heavenly Court is with the advantages of orthodoxy, the power of the stars will still be bestowed.

The sacred mountain hangs upside down, and a huge palace is suspended above a thousand spiritual mountains. This is the Wuliang Palace where Wuliang Jianzong entertains guests. It looks very grand, but in fact, it is not the root of Wuliang Jianzong.

"Ding! You read the manuscript of the Holy Mother Wudang, a disciple of the sage of the Jiejiao Shangqing, and obtained the sword spirit of trapping immortals."

Yang Guang looked at the plaque on the main hall. The three big characters of the Shangqing Palace, flying and flying, are elegant and heroic. They were also written by the mother of Wudang. The fundamental supernatural powers of the four major kendos have obtained two.

"Your Majesty, do you want to start?" Lin Feifeng looked at Yang Guang with a smile. She didn't believe in Yang Guang's supernatural powers. However, this was no loss for Lin Feifeng. When the catastrophe came, it was already agreed to join forces with Yang Guang. Only the depth and breadth of cooperation are different.

"My Wuliang Sword Sect has 650 disciples. It is not easy for Your Majesty to find out the details of each of them." An elder with a peaceful face looked at Yang Guang with worried eyes and said, "I want to come here." Your Majesty was just joking, Sister Master Teacher, I think it’s better to leave this matter as it is, the cooperation between us and Da Sui has been decided long ago.”

"No, since I have opened my mouth, I will naturally not back down. Fellow Daoist, you can start now, why not start with the elders in the hall!" Who knew that Yang Guang shook his head and refused.

"I really don't know what to do." The masked woman was furious when she heard this, and snorted coldly: "Sure enough, he is an ambitious person. Sister, I think the cooperation with Da Sui will end here! Humanity and immortality should not join hands ?”

"Junior Sister, since Your Majesty wants to make a bet with me, so what if I agree?" Lin Feifeng's beautiful eyes seemed to have an infinite charm, and ordinary people couldn't help but be immersed in it.

"Yes." The masked woman could only respond when she heard the cold gleam in the phoenix's eyes.

"Everyone, go down and get ready!" Lin Feifeng waved his hands.

"Junior Sister, why don't you choose one or two to try!" the elder with a peaceful face hesitated.

"Is this fellow Taoist doubting me? There are more than 3000 copies of handwriting, and I can read them soon. If I don't show some means, I'm afraid the head teacher will not accept it!" Yang Guang smiled, slightly satisfied .

"Hmph, since Your Majesty wants to bet, I'll just accept it, but the ugly words are up front, if someone is wrong, don't blame me for not being sympathetic." Lin Feifengfeng's eyes flickered coldly, as if she was very angry about this matter .

"Fellow daoists, please go down and prepare!" Yang Guang was still smiling, showing no sign of displeasure.

Lin Feifeng nodded, signaling for everyone to retreat.

When there was no one in the hall, Lin Feifeng sighed, looked at Yang Guang, and said, "Your Majesty, are you sure?"

"Of course, if you're not sure, it won't be like this." Yang Guang's eyebrows became more worried.

"If that's the case, I'm afraid I'll have to ask my tutor to leave the customs." Lin Feifeng let out a long sigh, and so did Liu's eyebrows.

(End of this chapter)

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