Chapter 492 Breaking the Formation
"Fellow daoists, please show up."

Thinking of this, a stream of fresh air rushed out from above Yang Guang's head, flashing across the air.

When Bone Immortal was about to cooperate with the magic knife to kill Yang Guang, there was a loud noise in the void, and five beams of smoke rushed out from behind the head of a Taoist, turning into a canopy, roaring towards him, holding the primordial measuring ruler in his hand.

"Who are you?" Bone Fairy's complexion changed drastically, and he cried out in shock.Unexpectedly, when the two sides were fighting, a group of people suddenly came to kill them, and they were caught off guard.

"Haha, even I know him, even a poor Taoist and a Taoist of the Five Elements!"

After hearing this, Bone Fairy was about to go forward to fight, but he heard another loud noise in the void, and saw a strong man with five-colored rays of light behind his head, surrounded by dragons.One after another divine light flickered, stirring the void. He held the Heaven Slashing Sword in his hand, and thousands of sword qi criss-crossed in the void, splitting the void.

"Who are you?" Bone Fairy was suspicious, and another one appeared in the big formation.

"Haha, you don't even know me? I'm a poor Taoist with five virtues." The strong man laughed loudly, and the sharp sword in his hand swung out. into chaos.

In desperation, Bone Fairy let out a long cry, urging the white stick in his hand, lightning flashed and thunder rang, and the surroundings turned into a sea of ​​thunder, covering the sky and covering the earth. Now he can only protect his whole body. As for the situation in the big formation, it has exceeded his expectations outside.

"Boom!" However, at this moment, a jade seal appeared on top of his head, which was brilliant and oppressive. When he looked carefully, he saw that it was a young scholar with a graceful demeanor, filling the world with a sense of grandeur.

Lei Hai shook, and Bone Fairy shouted loudly: "Who are you?"

"Five industries of this seat!"

The scholar's face was calm, only the jade seal fell from the sky, and under the mighty aura, the demonic aura rolled and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this, Bone Immortal looked flustered. He knew that the formation was in motion. Each person guarded a gate of the formation, corresponding to a Taiyi Golden Immortal of the opponent, but he never expected that the opponent came not one, but four, Bone Fairy was a little frightened.

And on the other side, thousands of phenomena appeared behind Yang Guang. The Primordial Meng had just opened, and the earth, water, fire and wind emerged from the chaos. He took the magic knife into it and turned it into powder. The boxing is very simple and unusual, and there is no change, but it is like an antelope hanging horns, making it impossible for people to resist.

Immortal Bone Immortal suddenly felt that the bones all over his body were destroyed by a huge force, and couldn't help letting out a scream. His face was ferocious, his eyes were red, and black magic lines appeared on the bones all over his body. Bone spurs appeared, and there was an ominous look in the darkness.

"Looking for death." Yang Guang took a deep breath, and saw that his face was indifferent, his eyes were cold and ruthless, his big hands descended from the sky, mysterious and mysterious, the palms were intertwined with divine lines, strange and strange, and a majestic force slapped on Bai Guxian's body fiercely .

Bone Fairy felt that the magic lines on the bones collapsed instantly, and the powerful power in his body seemed to be slowly disappearing. He couldn't help but let out a scream, and the prehistoric power instantly destroyed everything about Bone Fairy.

"Kill." The five-color divine light swept past behind Yang Guang. When it reappeared, the Bone Immortal was chaotic until a finger was pointed out, and the primordial spirit disappeared without a trace. Even the chance of reincarnation nothing.

After the Bone Fairy in front of him was dealt with, the magic knife that disappeared in the void reappeared, with 360 five handles, no more, no less, filled with blood and shimmering cold light, as if he had found Yang Guang, whizzed down, and slashed at Yang Guang come over.

A five-color canopy appeared above Yang Guang's head, and the power of the five elements revolved around it. Illusions were born and disillusioned, and they were endless. The blood evil spirit of the magic knife.

"Dang." A burst of Primordial Qi swept over, and then saw the Primordial Measuring Ruler hit the magic knife, the vast force destroyed it and turned it into dust.

"It's nothing more than that." Yang Guang saw that the magic knife in the air was defeated, and a trace of disdain appeared on his face. No matter how powerful the power is, it is useless in front of the innate treasure.

The divine patterns rippling around the demon emperor's chariot, as if shrouded in ten rounds of great sun, from the most rigid to the sun, from the greatest to the most upright, the vast power in the great formation was displayed to the fullest, those demon soldiers were killed one after another, and disappeared without a trace.

In the center of the formation, above the altar, the Golden Sword Demon King waved a command flag in his hand, and one after another the magic patterns flickered, controlling the changes in the formation, but suddenly, the Golden Sword Demon King seemed to feel something, and his face changed slightly. It has been noticed that a formation gate has been breached.The speed surprised him.

From his point of view, although the large formation cannot exist for a long time, it is still possible to block the immortals for a period of time, and it will still be broken by the immortals in the end, but it is obviously not what he expected to be broken so easily right now.

The Golden Sword Demon Lord thought for a while, and then waved the command flag in his hand, causing the black runes on the flag to sway colorfully, and there was a thunderbolt in the sky above the formation, and blood rained all over the sky immediately.

Those demon soldiers looked up at the sky one after another, spitting blood rain, roaring sound came, one after another red hairs were formed on the demon body, it looked very strange.

Yang Guang was riding on the chariot, the sun god pattern was rippling, and the powerful force blew away the surrounding demon soldiers. Above his head, the five-color canopy exuded a vast aura, suppressing the void.

He glanced around. He didn't know the previous situation of Baoxiang City, but it definitely wouldn't be like this, where demons are rampant. Unfortunately, the current Baoxiang City has become a gathering place for demons, and the demonic energy is soaring. Even if the demons are defeated, it is not an easy affair to return to the past.

When the Demon Ancestor and the Dao Ancestor fought in the decisive battle, the entire Xiniu Hezhou's spiritual veins were completely destroyed. The Buddhist sect spent a lot of energy, and it has not recovered until now.

It is rumored that the reason why the two sages of the West became saints was because of this great war. Daozu owed karma to sanctify the two, thus enlightening Xiniu Hezhou.Of course, this is just a rumor, and no one knows what the truth is.

There were bursts of crackling sounds, and the blood rained down from the sky, hitting the five-color canopy. The five-color canopy trembled, the spiritual light dimmed, and the power of the five elements circulated, blocking the blood rain from the sky. Only a burst of stench filled the surroundings. Obviously, this rain of blood is not a good thing.

"The way of the devil is indeed very strange. Anything can be a sharp weapon for killing people." Yang Guang glanced around. He has not seen the Golden Sword Demon King until now, but the opponent has many methods, which makes people hard to guard against. Will be recruited.

(End of this chapter)

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