Chapter 503 Sister-in-law
Soon the Emperor of Heaven issued a talisman to abolish the priesthood of the San Shengmu Huashan Goddess, but the Emperor of Heaven was still a person who wanted to save face, and did not make a decree for the San Sheng Mu to marry Yang Guang.It's just that the things in the Lingxiao Palace quickly spread throughout the Three Realms, which made people amazed.

"What is the origin of this Immortal Fu Yuan?" In Chang'an City, Yang Guang looked at Taibai Jinxing curiously, with a strange expression on his face.Although he and Yang Chan are in love with each other, they also know the rules of the heavens, so they still abide by the etiquette, but they did not expect that a Fu Yuan fairy would appear out of nowhere, and their dreams would be fulfilled.

"Zhenjun, this little god doesn't know who the fairy is?" He didn't forget that the Emperor of Heaven looked annoyed after receiving the news of the Fuyuan fairy. He thought that Yang Guang knew the origin of the Fuyuan fairy, but now it seems that , I am afraid that Yang Guang himself does not know the origin of Immortal Fu Yuan.

"Princess Longji and Hong Jin got married at the suggestion of Immortal Fu Yuan." Taibai Jinxing said again.

"This Yang knows." Yang Guang nodded.Although Princess Longji is the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, she has been demoted to the mortal world and has no priesthood. Hong Jin is a disciple of the Jiejiao, not a priest. Even if it is the Emperor of Heaven, there is no way to control her.

Yang Guang didn't have any feelings before, but now it seems that this Fu Yuan Xianweng is very capable. At least, the Heavenly Emperor didn't reject the other party, saying that the two were destined, and the two were destined, and finally they became husband and wife.

Now that he and Yang Chan are predestined, the Heavenly Emperor sent down a talisman to abolish Yang Chan's position as the Three Holy Mothers, and betrothed the other party to him, without any scruples about the face of the Heavenly Court.

"Zhenjun, you have to know that some things are not necessarily good things at a certain time." Taibai Jinxing suddenly reminded.

Just as Yang Guang was about to speak, he suddenly sensed something and said, "Naturally, don't you think it's going to be troublesome?"

Taibai Jinxing was taken aback for a moment, and felt a vast aura descending from the sky.

"Yang Guang, come out and die!"

"Yang Jian!" Taibai Jinxing's eyes lit up, and a strange look appeared on his face. At this time, it was Yang Jian who came to the door.

"Yang Jian, what are you doing here?" Yang Guang strode out with a cold expression on his face. He held the Heavenly Sword in his hand. Up to now, although he couldn't defeat Yang Jian, he was not as helpless as before. .

"Yang Guang, you are a character like an ant, and you can also match your poor sister. I will teach you a lesson today." Yang Jian's face was gloomy, and his handsome face flashed with murderous intent. Ever since his mother died, his sister was his bottom line. Whoever dares to offend his sister is a dead word.

Unexpectedly, the Emperor of Heaven betrothed his younger sister to Yang Guang, which was a humiliation to him, so after getting the news, he killed him without hesitation and wanted to settle the score with Yang Guang.

"Xiansheng Zhenjun, Fu Yuan Xianweng said that the San Shengmu is destined to be with the Sui Emperor. This, this is what the Xianweng said, and has nothing to do with His Majesty or the Sui Emperor." Taibai Jinxing hurried out and stopped loudly.

"Old man Jin Xing, my younger sister is the bright moon in the sky, and Yang Guang is just a toad, how can he be worthy of my younger sister, let me let the poor Taoist teach him a lesson, and see if he still has such wishful thinking. "

After hearing this, Yang Guang's face turned cold, and he sneered, "Yang Jian, really thought I would be afraid of you? You are of the blood of a god and a saint, and you have practiced for thousands of years, but you are no more than Da Luo. If I were you, I've been ashamed for a long time, let's go, you and I will fight to the death this time."

Yang Guang swayed and flew into the sky.Yang Jian followed closely behind.

Seeing this, Taibai Jinxing showed a flustered look on his face, how could he dare to stay here any longer, auspicious clouds were born under his feet, and he went towards the heavenly court, he didn't expect that he was just here to pass the decree, and finally such a thing would happen.

"Yang Jian, you are known as the god of war in the heavenly court, you can't rely on the power of teaching!" Yang Guangfei cut out the sword, and saw the auspicious cloud in the sky was split in half, the sky was split, and he came to kill Yang Jian.

The three-pointed two-edged knife in Yang Jian's hand swung out with unparalleled aura, knocking the sword aura into the air, and then killed Yang Guang. Obviously, in terms of mana, the opponent's mana was superior to Yang Guang's.

"Boy, no matter who you are, today I will kill you even if I risk the backlash of heaven."

Yang Guang's face was as cold as ice, and he waved the ten thousand sword energy in his hand. At this time, all kinds of learned skills were displayed. Yang Jian didn't take Yang Guang seriously at first, but seeing countless magical powers, people, elucidation, interception, and even The Buddhist supernatural power was also displayed by Yang Guang, and his face immediately changed color.

In mid-air, the wind was raging, the lightning flashed and the thunder rumbled, and the dark clouds overwhelmed the top. All kinds of supernatural powers covered the sky and the earth. Yang Guang's sword energy was like rain, and Yang Jian's sword was shining like a horse training. They collided with Yang Guang fiercely.

Yang Guang's face was stern, his eyes were cold and heartless, the energy of the five elements above his head was mighty, and the five-color canopy showed majesty. force is offset.

"Xuanmen eight or nine profound arts, let me take a look." Yang Guang shook his body, his figure was about a thousand feet tall, and the Zhantian in his hand would turn into tens of feet, descending from the sky, whizzing down with a strong wind.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed." Yang Jian's figure was also swaying, about a thousand feet high, and the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand became tens of feet long, and he slashed fiercely with the Heavenly Zhanjian.

With a loud bang, the clouds in mid-air dissipated in all directions, and the earth, water, fire and wind gushed out, raging around, and the sound of lightning and thunder sounded.The two huge figures moved happily, and they glanced at their magic weapon one after another.

One was forged by a sage himself, the other was an innate spiritual treasure, the other was contaminated with the sage's Dao aggregate, and the other was filled with the indestructible divine pattern. In a short period of time, it was impossible to tell the winner.

"Good boy, it's not easy!" Yang Jian's face was ferocious, and between his brows, a pupil opened, and a bolt of lightning pierced through the air, killing Yang Guang, filled with a destructive aura.

Seeing this, Yang Guang didn't dare to be negligent, so he hurriedly offered sacrifices to the Kongtong seal, and saw a big seal floating up and down in the void, and people could faintly see people bowing down, mysterious auras flashed from the big seal, and immortal lines flowed through them. On the top, Da Yin turned into an adult and stood in front of Yang Guang.

The lightning hit the Kongtong seal, the Kongtong seal shook, and the lightning disappeared without a trace, only Yang Guang retreated again and again.

"Kongtong seal? Despicable." Yang Jian looked at the human treasure in front of him, blocking his sure-to-kill glance.

"Don't dare to do it, big uncle, I never thought that your pupil technique is so powerful, if it is an ordinary person, it would have died under your blow." Yang Guang was also very afraid.

"Looking for death." Yang Jian flew into a rage after hearing the words "big uncle".

(End of this chapter)

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