Chapter 620 One Enemy Three
For Nezha, Yang Guang still has a good impression. Compared with other gods in heaven, Nezha still has a heart of a child, which probably has a lot to do with him being the incarnation of Xianlian.

"Nezha, are you entering the universe in my hands and waiting for an opportunity to break through with me?" Yang Guang glanced at the goods.

"Let's go together!" Nezha naturally didn't want to be a deserter.

"If this is the case, you and I will walk around the formation first, and then go to support Yang Jian." Yang Guang nodded, and a black and white divine light smashed through the heavy restrictions in the formation, turning into a golden bridge, leading Nezha into the battle. in the car.

"How is Zhenjun Erlang?" Nezha was worried.

"There is no problem in a short period of time." Yang Guang thought of Yang Jian's crazy appearance, and said: "I believe that self-protection is still possible. For now, let's focus on these heavenly soldiers and generals!"

After Nezha heard this, he stopped talking immediately. He watched the chariot move slowly, and looked around with a pair of wise eyes. Unfortunately, there was nothing around. After entering the big formation for so long, those heavenly soldiers and generals may have supported Can't stop.

"More than one million heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals were killed and injured, only a few hundred thousand remained, and the rest were killed by the large formation. Wutian made a move for the first time, and he taught the heavenly court a lesson." Yang Guang had already heard the sound from afar. Yang Jian's furious roar indicated that the battle was over, and there were only a few hundred thousand soldiers and horses left in the hands of the heavenly generals. If it wasn't for Yang Guang, all the millions of soldiers and horses would have died in battle.

Although Nezha didn't know how many troops were left, he could guess one or two. The Heavenly Court army suffered heavy losses and their faces were not good-looking.

"That's Wutian." The two soon appeared on the battlefield, seeing Yang Jian's appearance, Yang Guang wanted to laugh.

The original Yang Jian was wearing silver armor and holding a three-pointed double-edged sword. He was handsome and handsome, but now he was different.

I think the cloak on his body is at the Lingbao level, even if it is damaged, it can be repaired automatically, but now it seems that the speed of repair is obviously unable to keep up with the speed of damage.

"This, Wutian, seems to be very powerful." Nezha swallowed, looked at Wutian opposite him, the wind was calm, and what he was using was just a pair of fleshy palms, and the three-pointed and two-edged knife on his face did not lose any wind , the mana on Yang Jian's body was consumed very much, and the magical powers seemed to open up the world, but all of this was helpless.

Nezha knew that Yang Jian was powerful, but the situation in front of him still surprised him. Wutian was so strong that even Yang Jian was no match for him.

"Wutian's supernatural powers are very powerful. In terms of mana power and morality, he is not much better than Yang Jian." Yang Guang shook his head. Wutian seemed to have powerful mana. Facing Yang Jian, he was calm and calm, without any pressure at all.

It's not that he can absolutely suppress Yang Jian, but that his magic skills can absorb the enemy's attack, and then add his own mana to counter the enemy's attack. In this way, Yang Jian is actually facing his own attack, and even more so. Or add a little bit of skyless offense.

"Kill!" Nezha looked at the black robe on Wutian's body. The black hole around the black robe was haunting, swallowing everything around, and there seemed to be something hidden in the black hole.Nezha didn't dare to be negligent, and stabbed at him with a pointed gun in his hand.

Wutian obviously also found Nezha, but his face was calm, and there was no panic on his face, it just changed from one hand to two hands, the big sleeves in his hands were rolled up, hunting and hunting at Nezha.

A strong wind blew through the formation in an instant, countless golden knives appeared and flew in the air, and a large flag was blown up, as if being controlled by someone, controlling everything in the formation.

"Dang!" Paoxiu hit the fire-pointed spear, and there was a sound of gold and iron clanging. Nezha's figure swayed, obviously being defeated by Wutian's attack, but it was Yang Jian who withstood the enemy's blow this time.There is no appearance of embarrassment.

"Interesting, interesting." Seeing this, Yang Guang's eyes lit up, and he seemed to have discovered some secrets of Wutian.

"Yang Guang, come together." Seeing Yang Guang's smile, Wutian's heart moved.

"Okay!" Yang Guang didn't refuse after hearing this, his body turned into a rainbow light, and he stabbed at Wutian with a sword in his hand. Thousands of cold stars flashed and disappeared in the void, as if thousands of stars appeared in the sky. In the black hole.

Wutian didn't care, the sleeves in his hands were rolled up, and a powerful force took thousands of stars into it. Just as he was about to counterattack, there was a loud sound from the black hole, and the black hole collapsed instantly, and the earth, water, fire, and wind instantly collapsed. It turned into chaos.

Wutian let out a muffled groan, and the black figure flew up and slammed back.

"Yang Guang, you really are not simple. You have discovered what others have not discovered." Wutian looked at Yang Guang, looking very surprised.

"You can't be so strong. If you were really strong, you would have killed us long ago." Yang Guang shook his head and said, "Your supernatural powers are not simple. The more people you have, the more people you have to deal with. If I were alone People, I definitely can't resist you, but now we are three people, you are not our opponent, especially after I see through your magical powers."

"It seems that it's time to display the real supernatural power." Wutian nodded after listening, but there was no worry on his face, but a smile on his face, as if he had seen the prey.

I saw him holding the Heaven Killing Blade in one hand and the big banner in the other, his black robe was hunting, his black hair was flying, and with a long cry, the Heaven Killing Blade was cut out in his hand, and the big formation shook, but there was no light, Yang Jian's face showed shock The color of the eyes opened between the brows, and in an instant, a divine light shot out from the Heaven Slaughter Blade and swept towards it.Invisible, shadowless, soundless and colorless, but exuding a frightening aura.

"Dang!" Yang Jian was knocked into the air, and hurriedly withdrew.

On the other side, thousands of golden rays of light flew out of the big banner, like stars, but these stars grew from small to large, and there were bursts of tigers roaring in the big formation. The tigers were hundreds of miles long. They were densely packed and came to kill Yang Guang and Nezha.

This is magic.

Inherited from the fierce beasts in ancient times, it was the powerful power to control the three realms before the birth of the chaos and the birth of the mighty powers of the heavens. It is engraved with the treasures of heaven and the principles of heaven, and it evolves thousands of supernatural powers with treasures.

Looking at the roaring white tiger, Nezha didn't dare to neglect, the flaming gun in his hand flickered, and the dance in front of him was impenetrable. He only heard the sound of gold and iron, and Nezha could only feel the bursts of great power Hitting on the fire-pointed spear, Nezha swayed and retreated again and again, all of a sudden burst of magical powers, Nezha couldn't resist at all, if not for his strong physical body and powerful mana, he might have been killed by the white tiger long ago. Killed by treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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