Chapter 739 Demon Country
Soon, there was a news from the whole Northern Territory that Taoist Motian was planning to use the Eagle Empire on the surface, but in fact, he wanted to seize the territory of the Eagle Empire. As for the dirty things, the Eagle Dynasty called on all the countries in the Northern Territory to jointly crusade against the Mingyue Dynasty.

The emperor of the Mingyue Dynasty swore to Heaven that he would only launch an attack on Beiju Luzhou, as long as the Eagle Dynasty did not take the initiative to provoke and make way.

"Father, this Mingyue Dynasty swears to Heaven, there should be no problem!" Xiong Jun hesitated.

"Hmph, what do you know? It is the emperor of the Mingyue Dynasty who swears, not Taoist Motian. Moreover, when the army comes, all the secrets of my Eagle Dynasty will be seen by the other party. Once it is leaked, it will ruin the big thing. Who Can bear it, hehe, no one can enter the Eagle Dynasty." Xiongba sneered and said: "Tell the whole Beiju Luzhou that Taoist Motian hasn't sworn to the Dao of Heaven. Conspiracies and tricks, never want to hide it from the world."

Following the announcement of the Eagle Dynasty, the Mingyue Dynasty was once again pushed onto the fire. After all, everyone is not a fool, and the purpose of the Mingyue Dynasty can still be seen.

However, soon, the Mingyue Dynasty's proclamation spread throughout the Northern Territory.

"The eagle royal family has the blood of the demon clan, colludes with the demon clan all the year round, sells the human race in Luzhou, Beiju, and sacrifices the human race as the blood food of the demon clan." etc., the proclamation lists the thirteen major crimes of the Eagle Dynasty.There was an uproar in Beiju Luzhou for a while.

"Damn it, damn it, he, he is slandering us." Xiong Ba was on top of the main hall, furious, his eyes shot murderous intent.My heart was extremely flustered.

How did the other party know this secret.

In fact, not only the Eagle Dynasty, but other dynasties close to Beiju Luzhou have a lot of troubles with the Yaozu. This is already a semi-public thing in the Northern Territory, but Xiongba's own family knows their own affairs, and there are some things It cannot be checked.

"Quickly, tell the world that this is slander, and everything is an excuse." Xiong Ba's voice resounded throughout the Northern Territory.

But all of this is of no use, giving people a feeling of sternness.

Soon, Xianzong exposed some inside stories about the Eagle Dynasty. In a certain year and a certain month, people from a village in the Eagle Dynasty disappeared overnight. There is a wave of monsters, but the border of the Eagle Dynasty is peaceful, and the inside story of the suspected agreement with the monster clan has been exposed to the world.

There are even people who say that some officials in the Eagle Dynasty are disguised as big monsters, and that the Eagle Dynasty is actually a kingdom of human race and demons, etc.

Although the Eagle Dynasty has made various excuses, in the eyes of the world, it has no effect.

On this day, the soldiers and horses of the Mingyue Dynasty were finally dispatched. The Mingyue Sect and the monks in the territory were dispatched one after another, and a million troops came to kill the Eagle Dynasty.

Above the clouds, Sikong Hui was very curious.

"Your Majesty, how do you know that the Eagle Dynasty has the blood of the demon clan?" Sikong Hui finally couldn't hold it back.

"Whether it is or not, let's talk about it first, the Eagle Dynasty, hehe, which dynasty of the human race has such a name." Yang Guang said indifferently, what he needs is the general trend of the human race. Support yourself, even if you don't have the blood of the Yaozu, but colluding with the Yaozu is always a fact, and the rest doesn't matter.

As a result, as he had guessed, the general trend of humanity was on his side, and his connection with Kongtong Yin was strengthened, which showed that the Eagle Empire was indeed in collusion with the Yaozu.

"Your Majesty, the Eagle Dynasty is called the Eagle Dynasty because their ancestor once subdued a demon eagle. After the ancestor died, the eagle also served the Xiong clan and became the Xiong clan's trump card." Sikong Hui smiled wryly.

"Do you believe this kind of thing?" Yang Guang glanced at his woman, and said with a sneer: "The monster race in the world is so easy to surrender, and my human race has already unified the three realms. How can there be any monster tide? This is clearly the eagle The dynasty did it on purpose, how can a subjugated monster clan become a country? In my opinion, this eagle dynasty is probably the spy of the eagle clan placed inside the human race."

Si Konghui was about to speak, but was stopped by Yang Guang. Yang Guang looked at Beitianyu, his eyes flickered with a murderous intent.

Sikong Hui looked over, with anger showing on her pretty face.

I saw countless goshawks appearing in the northern sky. These goshawks were so demonic that they enveloped the sky in darkness. When people were angry, these goshawks had human people in their mouths. Some goshawks had already swallowed them, and some goshawks While it was being swallowed, the desperate screams of the human race came from the air.

"Hehe, I don't hide it. This is not a country of the human race, it is clearly a demon country." Yang Guang stretched out his right hand, instantly covering the sky, covering the entire goshawk army, and a myriad of divine lights appeared in the palm of his hand. A huge force of attraction enveloped thousands of goshawks.

"Ah! Thief, dare you!" Among the goshawks, an eagle was gleaming with golden light all over its body, very eye-catching, with blood dripping from its huge blood basin and mouth, obviously it had just eaten its fill.

Thousands of sword qi erupted in the void, and they all killed the giant hand in the air.

"Looking for death." Yang Guang felt the demonic aura in it, and he had clearly reached the level of a demon general. His whole body was enveloped in resentment, and the evil spirit was soaring to the sky. He didn't know how many people of the human race had been killed.

In the palm of his hand, streaks of purple-black divine thunder descended from the sky, enveloping thousands of hawks and monsters, like thunder pools descending from the sky, and purple-black lightning shrouded the sky, as if the end was approaching.

The army of the Mingyue Dynasty below was originally preparing for the attack of the eagle demon, but unexpectedly, a vision appeared in the sky, surrounding thousands of eagle demons. After bursts of lightning, countless corpses of the eagle demon fell from the sky, exuding The aroma of grilled meat.

Seeing this, the soldiers burst into cheers.

Seeing this, Mingyuezong and the accompanying human monks took a deep breath in their hearts. With one move, thousands of demon clans were destroyed. Such supernatural powers are enough to shock the world. Some monks may have other thoughts in their hearts, but at this moment, as early as Just put this thought behind you.

"You will march later, and the poor will go first." Yang Guang's auspicious cloud appeared under his feet, and he flew towards the Eagle Dynasty. His eyes looked down at the earth, and occasionally he could see the evil spirit rising into the sky, blocking the cloud head, and it was like a thunderbolt falling from the sky.

It has to be said that after all, it is the Eagle Empire, and there are countless demon clans in the country. In the mountains and forests, there are demon clan auras everywhere, majestic and majestic.

It's a pity that this time it was a disaster, Yang Guang stood on the cloud head, his eyes swept over, the group of monsters had nowhere to hide, under the thunder, the group of monsters bowed their heads and were killed by Yang Guang one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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