Chapter 912
On Lingshan, Yang Guang followed Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva to walk on the mountain path. In Lingshan, there is peace everywhere, birds singing and flowers fragrant, highlighting the holy land of Buddhism.

"Although the younger generation has laid down hundreds of millions of miles of land and mountains, and there are countless caves in Buzhou in the south, there are few that can compare with the holy land of Lingshan. The city of Chang'an is certainly called the fairy dynasty on the ground. Compared with Lingshan, it is like stars and moons. , It’s a world of difference.” Yang Guang looked at the Mount Sumeru in front of him, and sighed slightly.

"If your Majesty has the opportunity, you can go to the Western Paradise. In the chaos, the place where saints practice is far beyond the holy land of Lingshan." Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva saw Yang Guang's envy.

This is only the Holy Land of Lingshan, the place where Tathagata Buddha and other Buddhas practiced. The Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss is the root of Buddhism, and it is the place to receive and guide Taoists and Zhunti Buddha's mother to practice.

"The saint's residence is not for us to come and go freely." Yang Guang shook his head.

Of course, he heard the meaning behind Guanyin Bodhisattva's words. It was not for Yang Guang to go to the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, but for Yang Guang to worship in the Western religion.

Similarly, Western Buddhism will also help Yang Guang secure his position as Emperor.

Although, Yang Guang knew that if he could get the support of Western Buddhism, his chances of becoming the Emperor would increase a lot.But at the same time, this will definitely encounter resistance from the Taoist sect.

Xuanmen will not allow the Emperor to become a disciple of Buddhism, not only will they send people to stop them, but they will also prevent themselves from becoming the Emperor.

In the eyes of the sages, he is just a chess piece, a chess piece that can be discarded at any time.

Even if you surrender to Buddhism, so what, once it conflicts with the interests of Buddhism, Buddhism will also abandon itself, no different from Taoism.

Betrayal and loyalty are actually just about how many chips are given. When there are too many chips, loyalty becomes betrayal.

That being the case, it is better to be yourself, to occupy the righteousness of the human race, to be impartial, that is, to stand on the standpoint of the human race, to compete for the position of the emperor, to enter will live, and if you do not enter, you will die.

In this way, there is still a 50.00% possibility of becoming a buffer between Xuanmen and Buddhism, and becoming an existence acceptable to both parties.

Of course, it is also possible to be crushed by both parties.

But so what, I am myself, as a human race, how can I bow my knees and surrender?
Everyone is a smart person. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva instantly recognized the meaning of Yang Guang's words, and was not surprised. This was also guessed by Tathagata and other high-level officials of Lingshan.

Yang Guang has always pursued a neutral policy. Whether it is Buddhism or Taoism, as long as it does not violate the laws of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Guang doesn't care, but whoever dares to disobey Yang Guang's will will be suppressed by the other party.

Although both parties were offended at the same time, the other party acted impartially, holding the general trend of the human race in his hands, so that both parties had nothing to say, and could only admit it with their noses pinched.

"Buddhism is about to prosper, and the poor monk believes that the Buddha's light will illuminate the three realms in the near future." Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's tolerant voice was full of joy.

"Bodhisattva, the catastrophe is coming, is Buddhism ready?" Yang Guang saw the catastrophe that filled the sky, even in this holy territory of Lingshan, there is still a catastrophe shrouded in it, and even the catastrophe far surpasses other places, which shows that this catastrophe Qi clearly comes from the Holy Land of Lingshan.

"Amitabha, since ancient times, evil has prevailed, and the Buddha's light has always illuminated the three realms. There are Taoist ancestors and saints, and the demons are just clowns, aren't they? Your Majesty!" Avalokitesvara did not take Wutian to heart.

I'm afraid she wouldn't have thought that it was Wutian who almost destroyed the Buddhist sect and drove all three thousand Buddhas into the cycle of underworld. If it wasn't for the blessing of Empress Houtu, these three thousand Buddhas would all be destroyed by Wutian.

Yang Guang didn't stay in Lingshan much, and ignored Xuanzang and others' acquisition of fake scriptures. He took 360 copies of the Diamond Sutra and returned to Chang'an.

Although they are all Diamond Sutras, the handwriting written by each of the Western Buddhas is different, and the Tao aggregates contained in them are even more different.

Waves of Buddha's voice lingered, and the voice of the Buddha rang in the ears, as if the Buddha was chanting in the ear. In the whole secret room, there was sandalwood, and there were golden lotuses blooming on the ground, rendering the whole secret room as Like the holy land of Lingshan, it instantly turned into a pure land of Buddhism.

"That's what I heard. The Buddha was in Sravasti for a while..." The voice of the Buddha rang in Yang Guang's ears. This is the Diamond Sutra written by the Buddha himself. A little bit of Dao Yun appeared in front of Yang Guang, and Yang Guang's whole body appeared in the Buddha's light. middle.

"Ding! You have read the Tathagata Buddha's "Diamond Sutra" and obtained a golden body of six feet long."

The Zhangliu Golden Body is one of the highest supernatural powers in Buddhism. It will not be worn down for ten thousand eons and will never be destroyed. It can be cultivated into a Zhangliu Golden Body without fear of all disasters in the world. Ordinary spiritual treasures cannot harm it. It was originally created by Buddhist saints. Non-Buddhist great powers cannot practice.

Yang Guang put down the bay leaf in his hand, activated the mana on his body, and saw a little golden light bursting out from the body, instantly covering it with golden light, rendering the entire secret room golden.In the dark, a mighty force came from him.

Yang Guang sacrificed the Zhantian Sword, and slashed towards his right arm, there was a sound of gold and iron clanging, and the Zhantian Sword made by the saint himself was actually worthless.

"This six-foot-long golden body is probably the real indestructible vajra. Its physical body is stronger than the body of a great witch. Even the ancestor witch can hardly match it." Yang Guang sighed in his heart.

Unlike the Zhangliu Golden Body, the Zuwu's physical body comes from blood, the blood does not dry up, and the physical body is eternally powerful, while the Buddhist Zhangliu Golden Body comes from mana and is driven by mana. As long as the mana can last, the Zhangliu Golden Body will be can exist forever.

For ordinary practitioners, the mana consumed by the Zhangliu golden body is an astronomical figure, but it has to be admitted that this is a magical ability to protect the way, and it can save one's life at a critical time.

"Yang Guang, come out! Hand over the Qiankun sword and spare your life. You have been hiding for a long time. Now that the universe is shaking, and the cave of Taoist Qiankun is about to be born, it is time for you to hand over the Qiankun sword, otherwise , I will destroy your Chang'an City." At this moment, there was a stern roar from outside the palace.

But it came for the sword of Qiankun. I didn't expect that two years had passed, and the universe was shaking. Someone noticed that the cave of Taoist Qiankun was about to appear. Harassment.

"Damn Yang Guang, come out for me." Someone was already waiting impatiently, and the flying sword in his hand slashed out, trying to destroy the palace in front of him.

"Presumptuous." At this moment, there was a roar, and a golden light flew over, and Yang Guang's whole body was shining with golden light, appearing in mid-air.

The sword qi slashed at Yang Guang's body. What was shocking was that the powerful sword qi didn't have any effect, and even Yang Guang's skin wasn't damaged in any way.

Buddhist supernatural powers of six golden bodies.

(End of this chapter)

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