I was an immortal emperor in the Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 962 The Birth of the Witch Clan

Chapter 962 The Birth of the Witch Clan
He suddenly thought of a possibility that the Supreme Treasure of the Human Race, the Soaring Sky Sword, might be in the hands of Jiufeng, but it is the magic weapon of Emperor Zhuanxu, and whoever holds it in his hands will have cause and effect with Emperor Zhuanxu.

However, does this have anything to do with me?Ever since he formed an alliance with Jiufeng, he has already had cause and effect with Emperor Zhuanxu, so Emperor Zhuanxu still doesn't know how to deal with him!
"Emperor Sui, you have great supernatural powers, but your ambition is to become emperor. Without the support of the five emperors, the road to become emperor will be very bumpy for fellow Taoists!" the Metropolitan King persuaded.

"Do you all think that I should not form an alliance with the Wu Clan?" Yang Guang glanced at the King of Hades in the Ten Palaces, and immediately understood the meaning of the other party's words, that is, he should not form an alliance with the Wu Clan.

"Your Majesty the Sui Emperor, the witch clan has great karma, and if you form an alliance with it, Your Majesty will also be affected." King Yan Luo shook his head.

"King Yan Luo, I have very little high-end combat power in the Sui Dynasty, and there are as many as twelve great sages from the monster clan. If I want to attack the monster clan, it is difficult to win, so I need the support of the witch clan." Yang Guang shook his head and said: "Face As for Dongsheng Shenzhou, I would rather attack Beiju Luzhou Monster Clan, at the very least, attacking Monster Clan is in my hands."

"As for the ancient emperors, fellow Taoists, do you think that I can get the support of the emperors? My reputation has already stinked to the street. Not to mention the emperor, even the emperor cannot be an emperor. If this is the case, it is better to prove it with force." Of."

Yang Guang's eyes burst into light, and he clenched his fists with both hands, but he made a decision. He would never take the emperors of the human race to heart. It is a good thing to support it. If he can't support it, Yang Guang doesn't care.

After hearing this, the Hades of the palaces could only let out a long sigh. Yang Guang walked all the way, and there were constant criticisms. Not only the major sects in the world, but also the gods in the sky didn't like Yang Guang, and even had a lot of bad words, but Yang Guang It is still going all the way, making some opponents helpless.

"You Lords of Hades, I'm going back. The war is about to begin. You Lords of Hades, watch me make contributions in the underworld!" Yang Guang laughed loudly. The demon emperor's chariot was pulled by three rhinos, and he returned to the world of the underworld.

"Hey!" King Yan Luo turned into a sigh and said, "Emperor Sui was also forced to do the same. He wanted to become the Emperor of Human Beings, either to establish great achievements, or to unify the human race, but the situation in Dongsheng Shenzhou determined that he could only attack demons. family."

"Hmph, Brother Dao, the Sui Emperor is overthinking his own abilities. How can the position of Human Emperor be so good? Now that he has formed an alliance with the Wu Clan, he must be the enemy of the Three Realms. The Witch Clan is full of karma, and God will not help him. Yes." King Chujiang was a little dissatisfied.

"The empress has reincarnated, and she has almost paid back the karma of the Wu clan. Even if there is karma, it is not much. According to the luck of the Sui Dynasty, this karma can still be repaid." King Qin Guang shook his head.

The Hades of the palaces were silent after hearing this, no matter what the witch clan is, there is still a saint sitting in the town, even if this saint can only stay in reincarnation, who dares to drive out these witch clan.

"Now that these witch clans are born, the Three Realms are really in chaos." King Yan Luo looked at the demon emperor's chariot in the distance, with a complex look on his face. He was in the underworld, and he also noticed the tension between heaven and earth Changes, there are more things in the underworld.

"Let's go! There is an empress in the underworld, there will be absolutely no problems." King Qin Guang said indifferently: "Our task is to guard the reincarnation." As he spoke, it turned into a black light and headed towards the Hall of Yama. go.

The other Hades looked at each other and followed closely behind.

The Yanmen closed, and there was a roar, and the vitality cannon on the city wall burst out bursts of divine light, and each burst of divine light flew away, and there would be a gap in the monster army on the opposite side, and countless magic-breaking arrows flew into the sky, like Wu Yun fell into the army of monster clans and shot and killed countless monster clans.Countless undead legions wielded swords, and their witch powers fused with each other to form a battle formation to kill the demon clan.

Under the Great Wall, blood flowed, flesh and blood flew everywhere, there were monster races and human races, and the two sides fought in this small space. The Great Wall of Alien Treasures was shining brightly at this moment, swallowing the magic machine, devouring the flesh and bones of the soldiers of both sides , into pieces of the Great Wall bricks, filling the Great Wall.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and a huge body about a thousand feet tall appeared on the battlefield. I saw a headless fierce man, holding a relative in his hand, stepping out a hundred feet, and thousands of monsters were killed by the opponent. He stomped to death with one foot, and swung the sharp ax in his hand. The powerful force drew a gully on the ground, and the blood in the gully flowed into a long river.Countless monster races were killed, and even their bones were reduced to ashes.

Xing Tian opened his mouth wide and let out a roar, the evil spirit gathered, and the Three Realms were shaken.

A sword cry sounded, and Jiufeng came through the sky holding the Soaring Sword in his hand. When the sword was slashed out, a gap seemed to be cut in the sky. The sacred mountains in the distance were destroyed.

Immediately afterwards, there was a strong wind in the sky, and the heavy rain fell from the sky. The strong wind turned into sword energy, harvesting the lives of the monsters. Every drop of rain weighed a thousand catties, killing all the monsters.

As soon as the four great witches appeared, they changed the situation on the battlefield. Countless monster clans were instantly stunned. When did the witch clan appear, and four of them appeared together.

"Xing Tian, ​​do you dare to be born?" The voice of the Great Sage White Elephant came from a distance. The voice was full of fear. Unexpectedly, the most unlikely enemy appeared on the battlefield, and they were four great witches.

"Haha, I didn't expect there to be an elephant here. I happened to take a pair of ivory and give it to Emperor Sui." Xing Tian looked into the distance. Stirring the wind and clouds in the void is the White Elephant Great Sage.

"Kill it." The Nine Phoenix Witch was like lightning, and a sword light flew thousands of miles away. Along the way, snowflakes fell all over the sky, each snowflake was the size of a palm, and the world was instantly white, and I don't know how many The Yaozu were frozen to death.

Master Feng Boyu glanced at each other, and followed closely behind, the strong wind and rainstorm followed, and he was thousands of miles away in an instant, with corpses strewn all over the field along the way, and he did not know how many murders he caused.

In the distance, the wind and clouds were surging, the sky and the earth changed color, and there was a burst of roars from the White Elephant. I saw a giant elephant appearing in the void. It was ten thousand feet high and went straight to the sky. This is the coercion of Da Luo Jinxian.

But beside him, there were four great witches waving all kinds of magic weapons, surrounding him, and all kinds of supernatural powers would kill him with blood all over his body. The White Elephant Great Sage was really scared.

The Wu tribe is famous for being warlike. They are cautious in one-on-one and cannot win. Now in one-on-four, they will be defeated. The White Elephant Great Sage was afraid, thinking about how to escape smoothly.

It's a pity that Xing Tian and other big witches really want to use the other party's head to frighten the prehistoric people and announce the arrival of the witch clan, how could they let them escape!
(End of this chapter)

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