Chapter 987 Chaos
Murderous, dark clouds, strange fog circling, and evil winds, covering the sky, the sun, the moon, making the sun, moon, and stars dark, the entire area around Yanmen Pass is shrouded in evil spirits, and the catastrophe spreads, making people shudder.

Above the nine heavens, in the Lingxiao Palace, the gods looked at everything on the Haotian Mirror in front of them, their faces were pale, and their eyes were full of horror. In front of him, everything in front of him seemed to be more tragic than back then.

Da Luo Jinxian personally participated in the battle, Taiyi Jinxian stood aside, and Jinxian and his ilk became like ants in this, watching the big formations appearing in front of them one after another, the stars are shining brightly, and swords one after another Qi descends from the nine heavens, penetrates the heaven and earth, and hunts down all powerful enemies in front of him.

Wude Xingjun swallowed his mouthful of foam, Kui Mulang trembled, and did not dare to look directly at everything in front of him. They thought that Yang Guang was nothing more than that, and they did not dare to compete with the Heavenly Court, but now it seems that the strength of Da Sui has changed It looks like a group of ministers control flying swords, evolve stars, and form a large formation, which is beyond ordinary people's ability to resist.

Although Yang Guang hadn't made a move yet, the five-color canopy on his head was mighty, and the power of the majestic majesty behind him shrouded it, bringing endless pressure to people, making people dare not underestimate the army in front of them.

The faces of all the gods showed horror, and the strength of Da Sui soared, which was beyond the expectations of the gods. In the past, it was Yang Guang who was making trouble alone, but now it is the stars shining, sword lights flickering, turning into In the big formation, it is unknown how many North Sea monsters fell into it as quickly as possible, causing countless casualties.

"Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Formation." The Heavenly Emperor's eyes became more gloomy. He has now confirmed that Yang Guang is using the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Formation. The famous three circles' offensive and defensive formation is very powerful. He has been coveting it for a long time. , but now it appears in Yang Guang's hands.

"Your Majesty, the demon energy in the three realms is rising, and the demons are dancing wildly. Many small thousand worlds have collapsed due to the influence of the demon energy." Taibai Jinxing saw clearly and knew what the Emperor of Heaven was thinking.

"Then give up these small thousand worlds, and withdraw most of the soldiers and horses to the Heavenly Court." The Emperor of Heaven looked calm. Although there are many soldiers and horses in the Heavenly Court, they cannot withstand the current consumption.The demon world is the nemesis of Buddhism and the nemesis of heaven.A large number of heavenly soldiers and generals were lost on the battlefield of killing demons, and there was no way to protect them even on the list of gods.

"Yang Guang has made a move." At this time, the third prince Nezha suddenly exclaimed, and the eyes of the gods fell on the Haotian Mirror, and they saw that Yang Guang, who was sitting cross-legged in the void to monitor the demon clan, appeared at this moment up.

I saw the grand vision behind him, showing thousands of sword qi, one after another sword light criss-crossing, splitting the void, or thunder, or spring breeze, or flying above the nine heavens, or lurking in the nine secluded, the sword aura Covering the sky, those monster races flying from the sky saw the five-color canopy on Yang Guang's head, and they didn't know the identity of the other party, so they all abandoned their opponents and came to kill Yang Guang.

It's a pity that before they got close, they were beheaded by countless sword qi flying from the air. Under Yang Guangfei's sword, they had no chance to resist. They were shot one after another, and their bodies fell to the ground, turning into one after another Xiaoshan, I don't know how many people died.

"This is the supernatural power of Dongsheng Shenzhou Great Wilderness. It is rumored that Yang Guang exchanged it with the Qiankun Sword. However, it seems that Yang Guang deliberately did it in order to make himself more supernatural powers and make Dongsheng Shenzhou even more chaotic. Get up." King Tota explained.

"Wan Jian Guizong, after all, is a master of swordsmanship. This magical power is very powerful." The emperor's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking, but although he said it, he didn't actually take it to heart. Wan Jian Guizong As long as you have strong mana, you can do it, but the mystery of the sword energy is different.

"Boom!" However, the color on the Emperor's face soon changed, and he saw Yang Guang walking among the monsters. A large number of monsters were killed by the sword energy, and soon a monster king spotted him and flew up. Like a black shadow, he rushed towards Yang Guang, but Yang Guang only punched that demon king like an antelope's horns, and his flesh and blood flew all over without leaving any bones.

There was a cold light in Tiandihui's eyes. Others could see the magic power contained in that punch, but he could see the power of that punch. The time and location he chose were very mysterious, and he even replaced himself , unexpectedly found that he couldn't dodge that punch either.

"Yang Guang grew up too fast." The Queen Mother said quietly.

Yang Guang not only wants to become the emperor of the people, but also wants to become the emperor of heaven and dominate the authority of the three realms. It is not a good thing for the queen mother, she urgently needs to keep her status.

"Heavenly Court is too busy to take care of itself, how can it manage the affairs of the human race and the monster race." The Emperor of Heaven shook his head and said, "The real soldiers from Dahuang went out to Jinji Ridge, and Taoist Motian sent troops to meet Tianguan. They clearly wanted to attack Dagan and Dayin. The major sects in the continent have suffered heavy losses due to the invasion of the demons, and they have no time to take care of the disputes in Dongsheng Shenzhou."

"However, if there are no accidents, the demon world and the prehistoric world will merge together in a hundred years, and the masters of the demon race will enter the prehistoric world. At that time, the world will be in chaos. If the Sui emperor wants to become the emperor, he can only do so in Within a hundred years, after becoming the emperor, he will hide in the Huoyun Cave and wait for the Taoist ancestor to defeat the demon ancestor, so that he can guarantee his own safety." The Heavenly Emperor can get an approximate time by deduction.

"Does Your Majesty think that Yang Guang will be so honest? I don't think so, he won't be so honest. From now on, the strength of the monster clan is no more than that. There are many capable people under Yang Guang's command. Everyone in Lishan obeys the orders of the other party. All the sects in the entire Nanzhan Buzhou follow him, and the Wuliang Sword Sect and even Nanhai are related to him." The Queen Mother was a little worried.

In fact, not only these, but also the Yaochi Holy Land built by the Nine Heavens Xuannv is also related to Yang Guang. Who dares not to come with an imperial decree.

"The luck of the Sui Dynasty was prosperous, and Yang Guang was very generous. Now that the evil way is about to move, Yang Guang recruits disciples from various factions. The speed can also be much faster, and his supernatural powers are vast. A talisman edict, even an ordinary civil servant, can use the real dragon's energy contained in the imperial edict to split open the mountain gate and break all laws. Who would dare to disobey Yang Guangfu's imperial edict, and not obey his call, join the Great Sui Army, and serve for it?" The Heavenly Emperor's eyes were like torches, and he could see very clearly.

Now all the sects in Nanzhan Buzhou have benefited from it, and they will all compete to serve Yang Guang.

(End of this chapter)

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