Transform randomly in Kexue World

Chapter 38 Chapter 38 (43k) Vodka: I can't tell, I can't tell!

Chapter 38 Chapter 4.3 ([-]k) Vodka: I can't tell the difference, I can't tell the difference!

With the cooperation of the hostage Mizurunai, as long as the opposite party dare not make a Russian-style rescue, there is nothing they can do about Martin, and Martin now has the ability to drink gin, so it is easy to leave the TV station with Mizurunai worth mentioning.

After completely escaping from the mobile team's pursuit, Martin let go of Rena Minzuna.

Rena Mizumusa was about to ask Gin what the hell he was doing, but Martin struck her on the back of the neck with lightning speed, which was the standard stun bridge in the animation.

After all, if she continues to talk, Martin will 'know' that she is also a member of the organization. Should he hide it from Conan, or should he not tell Conan?
And Gin Jiu will prove his innocence sooner or later, unless Mizurunai is captured now, otherwise Mizumurenai will know that he has exposed his identity in front of the enemies of the organization, and the most reasonable behavior is to disappear at the speed of light.

That kind of story development is no fun for Martin.

A person quietly left here, Martin circled around, and then his eyes lit up.

A black limousine was parked on the side of the road.


Because of the suspicion of betrayal and insanity, Gin can't even call a member of the organization to help. This refers to elite monsters with code names such as Chianti and Cohen.There are a lot of basic soldiers without code names, but it's hard to say whether those people can find the fanatic who pretends to be himself, but it may become the performance of those mobile teams.

So only two people, Gin and Vodka, appeared near the TV station and acted separately, while avoiding the sight of the mobile team, while looking for traces of the fake gin.

The reason why they dare to split up is because in Gin's eyes, fake Gin's imitation of himself is limited to his appearance and voice, but his tone of voice and expression are too different, and his behavior is even more outrageously stupid.And vodka gets along with him day and night, and Gin believes that even if vodka meets his fake self, even if vodka's IQ, he will be able to see through it in a few words.

——Gin didn't realize that he had cognitive distortions, so he didn't expect that Vodka was still in a state of cognitive distortions.

As a result, Vodka, who had completed his area search first and found nothing, saw his elder brother waiting beside him when he returned to the car.

"How is it, brother? Have you killed that guy?" Vodka trotted over and asked.

Gin has a larger search range than him. Ordinarily, Vodka should have returned to the car first and waited for Gin, but Brother Gin came back first at this time. The only explanation Vodka can think of is: Big Brother has already killed that Counterfeit.

However, Martin's answer to Vodka was that he raised the Beretta 92F in his hand and pointed it at the top of Vodka's head: "Vodka, tell me, how can I believe that you are not pretending?"

Take the same callous tone as Gin.

Vodka was taken aback, brother, you didn't teach this question before we parted: "Brother, it's really me!"

Then Martin gently grabbed the collar of his coat with the other hand: "Answer me, where did you buy this dress?"

"Last month, I bought it at the 'Cape of Good Hope' in Ginza 27-chome, [-]!" Vodka said at the fastest speed, afraid that the elder brother would shoot if he hesitated for a second.

Martin nodded in satisfaction, retracted the gun, and gently straightened Vodka's collar: "I'll teach you one more thing—"

"The members of our black organization are different from those bereaved dogs who only shout 'Kill them' and 'Kill them' on the street or in clubs to comfort each other and their own hearts... When we have thoughts in our hearts When the words 'kill them'! Our operation has already been completed!"

"Yes, I understand." Vodka agreed: "Then, that person...?"

"I don't care about him, he's just a clown." Martin said coldly, "Let's drive, let's go."

"Yes!" Vodka got in and started the car. Before getting in the car, Martin secretly pasted a note on the electric pole next to him.


Gin walked back 10 minutes later to find that the vodka and the car were gone.

As he got closer, he noticed a yellow sticky note stuck to the electric pole beside him.

【Brother, the traffic police are here to check the parking violation. I'll drive around first, and I'll pick you up later. 】

Taking off the sticky note, Gin tore it into pieces with a cold face.

Did the other party really treat him as a fool, as if he couldn't even recognize the word vodka?


After getting into the car, Vodka said, "Brother, news came from the research institute that Shirley refused to continue to develop drugs, and then got into a fight with the security guards, and was locked up... Do you want to go and see?"

Martin straightened his legs, and adjusted a comfortable posture - he could straighten his legs with Gin's height, and the luxury car still made sense in terms of this alone.

"What's so interesting, she will be honest after starving for a day."

"Yes, brother. So where do we go now?"

"Go home." Martin said, his main purpose today is to confirm whether his homeless hut has become a home for gin.

Obviously, Brother Gin left a counterfeit product alone, and the behavior of going home and sleeping is very strange.But Vodka is very obedient and doesn't ask more questions.

Not long after setting off, Vodka's phone rang. He casually pulled out the phone to answer it, but Martin held his hand down.

"Don't answer the phone while driving," Martin warned.Especially this call is 90.00% from real gin.

"But brother..." Vodka was a little worried: "What if there is something important to do with this call?"

Martin stretched out his hand, held Vodka's chin, and gazed affectionately into Vodka's eyes: "I'm here, is there anything more important to you than me?"

Vodka felt that this was not quite right.Coupled with this affectionate gaze, big brother is really strange today.

The vodka that clamped down on some areas quickly turned around to look at the road ahead, letting the phone ring and not caring about it.

After that, Martin's phone rang several times, and Martin guessed that Conan wanted to ask him about the follow-up situation.Naturally, he was too lazy to talk to Conan, and also let the phone ring there.

In this way, the Volt loaded Martin, drove all the way to an unfinished villa area in the port area, and stopped in front of a villa.

Although it is also a two-story bungalow, its shape is not consistent with Martin's cottage.

Is it true that the netizen said that his cabin has become a Porsche 356A today?
Judging from the way Vodka walked straight to the door after getting out of the car, the two really lived together.

Vodka opened the door, and Martin walked right in.

Although the outside is in an unfinished state, the inside is actually very delicately decorated and cleaned up.As soon as he entered the living room, Martin saw the TV with bullet holes, and the TV plug was carefully unplugged by vodka.

Going up to the second floor, he glanced at the doors of several bedrooms, and analyzed the clues with Gin's observation and mind. Martin determined that the half-open door in the south was Gin's room.

"Brother, do you really not care about that counterfeit product?" Vodka still asked unwillingly.

Martin put his hand on the door and looked back at Vodka: "No, it's not that I don't care about it. I figured it out. Since that guy is coming for me, he will find here soon."

"Is it here?" Vodka was surprised: "But the information about this place is obviously very hidden."

Martin sneered: "But that guy already knows a lot of hidden things. God knows how much information we have leaked. Maybe that guy already knows the style of my underwear."

"Okay, Vodka, now you have to cheer up and be on your guard. I think he will be here soon."

"Yes, brother!" Vodka was shocked, and took out his pistol to go downstairs to be on duty.

"Also." Martin stopped him, and reminded: "If that guy tells you that he is the real gin and I am a fake, then what should you do?"

Vodka was full of confidence: "Don't worry, brother, I won't listen to any of his nonsense!"

"Very well, let's do it this way." Martin nodded, opened the door and entered Gin's room.

Hearing the sound of vodka's footsteps disappearing downstairs, Martin looked around the gin's room, and then began to search.

Wardrobe, desk, bookshelf, even under the bed... The search results made Martin click his tongue.

Gin seems to be living a simple life like a monk, and there is very little life in the room.But there was only the breath of life, and the confidential documents and key information of the organization that Martin wanted to find were not a single piece of paper.

Is it in the study?Or does it not exist at all?

Then he wanted to find Gin's hair or something that could do a genetic test, maybe Conan would be willing to pay for that.

However, the outrageous thing was that he couldn't find it either. Didn't Gin Jiu's long hair lose his hair?

However, Martin found a compartment in the desk drawer, but there were only three magazines in it, and a rusty windproof lighter.

That is probably a very commemorative thing for Gin, that is, the key item that will cause Gin to go completely berserk as long as it is moved.

Martin didn't take the lighter, just the magazine, took out a post-it note, drew a smiley face on it and threw it in the compartment, and put the cover back on.

Just when he was about to go to the study to try his luck again, a sense of being watched by a predator welled up in his heart, and following this feeling, he walked to the window and looked out.

Gin stood outside, looking up at the window, meeting his gaze.

The narrowed pupils did not represent fear, but anger that was about to overwhelm reason.

Before the gin probe could shoot, Martin quickly retracted his head and shouted: "Vodka, here he comes!"

In line with the principle of never leaving empty space, he took the gin and put it on the bedside table, and used the rubber bands to tie his hair at night when he went to sleep.

Qin Jiu immediately quickened his pace and kicked open the door of his house.

Vodka, who had been waiting in front of the door for a long time, raised his gun and fired continuously at this 'fake gin brother'.

Gin, who had expected this for a long time, avoided Vodka's shooting, and at the same time bullied him, grabbed the gun, and then slapped Vodka on the head with a clean big mouth.

Gin Jiu's slap was aimed at destroying the fighting power of vodka, and the slap was directly on the temple, but it seemed to be a dojo for the whole hall, with chimes, cymbals, and cymbals ringing together.Vodka stared straight into his eyes, and lay down dizzy, not knowing what to do.

Martin jumped down from the second floor like a pitch-black night owl, and Gin and Gin first drew their guns and shot at each other, and after a while they both emptied their magazines and fought directly.

There is a saying that when you meet your opponent in chess, you will meet Liangcai. The two fought back and forth until the sky was dark and the sun and the moon were dark. They fought for more than ten seconds.

Qin Jiu became more and more frightened as he fought. He thought it was just a poor imitation, but he didn't expect that his opponent's combat power was completely equal to his own.

With no time to distract himself from thinking about the origin of the opponent, Qin Jiu focused all his attention on the battle itself, and was still at a disadvantage, because the opponent was extremely crazy and wanted to adopt an aggressive style of trading injuries for injuries, Qin Jiu did not want to fight with him If you change one, you can only retreat step by step.

But he won't just give in blindly. It's really unexpected that the opponent's combat power is equal to his own, but it doesn't mean that Gin Jiu has no backup.

When another duel was about to start, there was an extra gun in Gin's hand, which was snatched from Vodka when he entered the door, and there were still two bullets in it.

Want to exchange injuries for injuries?Satisfy you.

Martin's fist hit Gin's face, and then his knee hit Gin's chest.

However, the gin's bullets barely avoided the vital points, one hit the shoulder and the other hit the ribs.

The sound of the gunshot was hot and painful, but Martin just raised his right hand and swung it towards the gin like a show off. Between his fingers, there were a few strands of silver-white hair.

After hitting Gin on the head, he immediately grabbed a handful of Gin's hair.

So the loot is a scrunchie and a handful of hair...and two bullets.

Gin kept his hunched posture, and hadn't slowed down yet. In order to keep shooting, he was hit by Martin's knee unpreparedly, and he still hadn't caught his breath yet.

In a short period of time, the state of Martin who has just been shot is better than the state of Gin who was hit and breathless; but if it drags on for a long time, Gin's state will recover, and Martin's state will deteriorate with blood loss.

So Martin smashed the window directly, and fled quickly while the gin couldn't catch up for a few seconds.

Afraid that the long black windbreaker on his body would affect his steps, Martin grabbed the hem of the windbreaker with both hands and lifted it up, just like Disney princesses on the run lifting their skirts.

Qin Jiu looked angrily at the back of the other party leaving, and had no intention of catching up.

It's not that the poor don't chase after him, but that he doesn't lift the skirt... If he doesn't lift the hem, he really can't run so fast.

Also, why did he vaguely hear the siren of whoo-wah-wah?
It's getting clearer, it's really a siren! ——You still call the police when the evil party fights, right?Do you have a sense of public morality? ?

"Hey, Vodka! Get up!" Gin kicked Vodka's ass: "The police are here, clean up here!"

The dazed vodka came to his senses, and there was only one big brother Gin left in front of him. Naturally, he obeyed, and the two quickly cleaned up the house, taking what should be taken away, destroying what should be destroyed, and then With a barrel of gasoline on fire, go out and get in the car.

As soon as the front foot ran away, a police car drove over on the back foot. The police officers got out of the car and saw only a burning villa.

The Megure Police Department picked up the phone with a gloomy face: "Brother Kudo, I have arrived at the place you mentioned, and there is only one burning villa there... Are you sure that the culprit in the midday news hijacking case is there?"

Conan, who was hiding somewhere, took the phone and the voice changer and hummed: "Although I can't explain the source of my information to you, it is indeed his stronghold, otherwise I wouldn't have set it on fire."

"And Officer Meguro, regarding this matter, please don't mention my name to others, can you?"

The Mumu police department agreed immediately, and when they write the report later, they can just write an anonymous report number.

 IF line: Vodka faced Gin, Gin slapped Vodka: "I am your brother, that's a counterfeit." Vodka turned to face Martin, Martin slapped Vodka: "That's what counterfeit people say , don’t you know who you’re with?” Vodka turned to face Gin again, and Gin slapped Vodka again: “The person you should deal with is behind you.” Vodka turned to face Martin again, Martin again Slap him: "It's all behind you!" Gin slapped, Martin slapped, Gin slapped, Martin slapped... Vodka died, Gin and Martin officially started fighting .

(End of this chapter)

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