Chapter 530 Wuhu
In front of the Moori Detective Agency, Moori Kogoro had already rented a car and stood beside him looking at the time with an unhappy expression.

Finally, he saw his daughter Xiaolan and Conan, who had sent samples to their house, slowly walking over. Xiaolan's figure looked a little strange, but Mouri Kogoro didn't care.

"It's too slow. I'm going to be late if this keeps up." He just complained: "I shouldn't have agreed to bring you two with me. Really, why do you have to interrupt my work every time."

Conan: Can you sleep without me? Well, now you can't sleep either.

Xiaolan also complained about Mouri Kogoro in the same way, and then told Mouri Kogoro: "Dad, there are still people who want to go with us today."

"Ah?" Mouri Kogoro's expression changed when he heard this: "Isn't it the face-changing boy again?"

At this time, a small figure walked out from behind Xiao Lan, it was Hui Yuan Ai.

"Hey, it's you." Mouri Kogoro and Haibara Ai always meet, but generally they are not very familiar with each other, but they still remember that her sister, Miss Qiuya, is a great beauty.

Immediately afterwards, a medium-cup Hui Yuan Ai jumped out from behind Xiao Lan and stood behind the small cup Hui Yuan Ai.

"Ah?" Mouri Kogoro began to be confused: "This is..."

Then, Big Cup Huihara Ai also jumped out from behind Xiao Lan, folding his arms and looking at him with a proud expression.

"Huh?" Mouri Kogoro, who was already dumbfounded, looked from top to bottom, from bottom to top, then rubbed his eyes: "What's going on?"

Although he didn't know that Suzuki Sonoko now looked very similar to Haibara Ai when they grew up, he couldn't help but have three almost identical hairstyles placed here, which seemed to make people think they were related.

After identifying that the oldest one was not 'Haihara Qiuya', Mouri Kogoro asked in shock: "How many sisters are there in your family?"

Martin raised a hand and spread out his fingers: "Five!"

"Ji!" At this time, Rabbit also jumped out, making a shining appearance among the 'three sisters'. But it only has the same color, not the hairstyle.

"The Rabbit of the Face-Changing Boy——" After recognizing Rabbit, Mouri Kogoro suddenly realized and pointed at Suzuki Sonoko, the tallest among the three sisters: "You are the Face-Changing Boy!"

Although Sonoko's height is much smaller than Martin's, she is still the tallest among the three. In addition, Martin's body shape is quite vague in Moori Kogoro's impression.

"Dad, she is Yuanzi." Xiaolan revealed the answer with a black thread.

"Hey, you can't recognize me just because I changed my hairstyle? Ogi-san?" Sonoko giggled.

"Uh...ah! It's you." Mouri Kogoro looked at the girl in the middle: "Then you are..."

Then he saw a sloppy smile, which was so sleazy that it was somewhat inconsistent with this cute face.

Mouri Kogoro was convinced at this moment: "You are Martin! Hey, that's really strange. How did you do it?" Moori Kogoro stretched out his hand to indicate Martin's height, and couldn't understand why Martin's disguise continued. The body shape can change so much: "Is this the bone-shrinking technique in Chinese Kung Fu?"

"Keep guessing~ I'm looking forward to the day when Uncle Kogoro guesses the answer by himself." Martin said cutely.

"You are provoking my famous detective Mouri Kogoro... Wait a minute, your boy is actually disguised as a little girl. This is too perverted, change it quickly!"

"It would be too troublesome to change." Martin refused: "Why don't you care if Kaito Kidd disguises himself as a girl?"

"When I encounter Kaitou Kidd, I will capture him on the spot! Catch him and send him to prison! Let's start with you now!" Mouri Kogoro reached over and prepared to take off Martin's hood.

Then Martin swayed flexibly from side to side, circling Xiaolan's body like King Qin walking around the pillar: "Luanluanluo, Ogisang is old-fashioned and old-feudal."

"Stop, little pervert, Eryizi... take your hands away and stop hugging my daughter's legs!" "That's enough!" Xiaolan stopped their chasing game and punched one of them.

Martin dodged, and so did Mouri Kogoro.

"Didn't Dad say it's too late?" Xiaolan urged: "Then let's go quickly."

"Even if we say we're going..." Mouri Kogoro crossed his arms: "I should have told you earlier that there were others. The car I rented is not big enough."

Mouri Kogoro rented a four-seater car, which was just right for him to bring his daughter and Conan. Now with three more 'girls' and a rabbit, it was no ordinary overload.

"Emm... stuff the great detective into the trunk?" Martin looked at Conan, plotting something evil.

Conan immediately pointed at Moori Kogoro and diverted the trouble: "Isn't the only great detective here, Uncle Kogoro!"

Mouri Kogoro knew that he couldn't hit Martin, so he punched Conan: "Put me in, right? Who will drive? You kid will do it."

Conan with a big red envelope on his head: I really know how to drive, I just can’t reach the accelerator.

Just before Yuanzi was about to suggest that she send a car, Martin said: "It doesn't matter, Tuji and I can just fly there?"

"Fly over?" Mouri Kogoro looked at Martin suspiciously, thinking that he was going to take out his glider like Kaitou Kidd.

As a result, under the astonished gazes of the four people, Sakura Martin took out the key, and a magic circle appeared under her feet.

"The key that hides the dark power, show your true power in front of me! Now I order you in the name of your temporary master Martin - the seal is lifted. Then [Xiang]!"

Martin straddled the wand with wings, then raised one foot and stepped on it a few times like igniting a motorcycle. As he stepped on it, he said with his mouth: "Buzz~! Buzz~buzz~! Buzz!"鞥…”

Rabbit came over and sat behind Martin, having fun while holding Martin's waist.

Then, under the gaze of others, Martin and Rabbit lifted their feet off the ground and flew out directly on their wands, like wizards riding broomsticks, leaving four stunned people in place.

"Ha..." Hui Yuan Ai yawned.


On the highway between Tokyo and Gunma.

Martin had walked this road once before when he went to find Itakura Zhuo's residence, so he still knew the road and could fly directly along the road.

On the highway, in the car driven by Mouri Kogoro, Sonoko held her chin and looked out the window, watching Martin flying Rabbit in the sky. He couldn't help but envy: "Hey, it's great. I also want to experience being a witch." Feel."

"Just ask Martin to fly me back on the way back. I wonder if Tuji is willing to change places with me."

"It feels very dangerous, Yuanzi." Xiaolan reminded: "And if we have to stay in a hotel for one night..."

Martin has transformed.

"That's right." Yuanzi suddenly realized: "No, I will ask him to take me for a ride soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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