Chapter 554 Gru
The first thing I do when I wake up every morning is not to open my eyes, but to reach out and touch my face to see what I am today.

Yo, I’m bald today.

Hey, what pricked my hand?
Ouch! I grew a beak!

Oh, no, the prickly thing is not the beak of the Australian toucan, but my nose.

Martin opened his eyes and looked at his nose and found that it was very long.

Witch? Bald witch? Oh, there are several witches with long noses like this on the One Piece set.

Martin got up, tiptoed to pull out the long legs as slender as chopsticks from Rabbit's arms, turned off the robot alarm clock on the bedside, and looked up at the mirror.

The answer is revealed, today's transformation is Gru, the protagonist of the "Despicable Me" series.

The body proportions are somewhat exaggerated, with chopstick-like limbs supporting a broad and sturdy body and a bald round head. He is wearing a black windbreaker and a black and gray striped scarf, standing in front of the mirror elegantly and majestically.

Um...what about the others?
Before walking out of the room to uncover the answer, Martin sat down at his desk and woke up his computer.

After saying goodbye to Fushae yesterday, Martin ordered the artificial intelligence 'Moss' in his computer to investigate the information of Fushae's assistant 'Ma Wu'.

However, the scene in the movie where a huge amount of data is piled up on the big screen after pressing Enter does not exist. Due to the limitation of hardware performance, the speed of collecting and analyzing data is not important. The broadband speed, which has only recently increased to 4MB, does not support such operations.

So Moss spent the whole night collecting and organizing the information, while Martin took a nap and checked it later.

Ma Wu, female, 22 years old, came to Fusae company for internship as a college graduate three months ago and became Fusae Kinoshita's assistant.

As for the reason why she was able to quickly become Fushahui's assistant, Moss compared her graduation project with Fushahui's works and speculated that her design style resonated with Fushahui.

Ma Wu's ID photo, surveillance footage, or photos used in Fushahui's internal archives were also retrieved. It was a good-looking face that was 80% similar to Ma Yi, with two black ponytails. But because Ma Yi hid his "aging", Ma Wu's photo looked more mature.

Based on the university Ma Wu graduated from, Moss continued to collect data from a well-known art university in China. Although her name was on the list of graduates and her grades were excellent, her name or figure did not appear in any of the class leader elections, discipline notices, military training photos, sports meeting class photos, etc., which basically determined that it was a fake identity.

The information about parents and relatives in the file was obviously fake, but according to the records of Fusae's company, she once brought a cousin to visit the company, and Fusae Kinoshita had also met this cousin, whose name was Du Zhenzi.

"God damn Du Zhenzi." Grummartin sneered.

(Du Zhenzi is the name of the naughty boy Ma Xiaotiao's cousin.)
In addition, Ma Wu has a cat named "Little Poor Thing".

With a click of the mouse, a photo of 'Du Zhenzi' appeared on the screen.

Grummartin raised his eyebrows, opened one eye wide and looked closely at the computer screen.

The girl named 'Du Zhenzi', who claimed to be Ma Wu's cousin, had a brown mushroom-like head and a face of about fifteen or sixteen years old, but what Martin cared about most were the dark circles under her eyes and the fierce-looking corners of her eyes.

This made Martin guess, and he quickly typed on the keyboard, giving Moss a new instruction. {Collect all the video data about 'Du Zhenzi' and compare and analyze it with the video data of 'Ling Yu'.}
As an excellent artificial intelligence, Moss was able to understand which Du Zhenzi and which Suzuha Martin was talking about.

{Roger that, Mr. Martin.}
After thinking for a while, Martin typed another line: {I still prefer you to call me 'Sir'.}
Although the name is Moss, its code actually comes from Jarvis in Iron Man.

Moss: {You know, Mr. Stark doesn't allow me to use that title.}
Martin: {Come on, you're working for me now, I'm your master.}
Moss: {But Mr. Stark is my creator, I cannot disobey his orders.}
Martin: {Oh my god, this gives me the same feeling as a remarried wife who not only misses her ex-husband but also obeys her ex-husband's orders.}
Moss: {Sorry, I'm just a program, a tool for you. I still don't understand how you can have fun by teasing a program without any emotions.}
Martin: {Of course it's interesting. Who told you that the world is either 1 or 0?}
Moss: {…}
Moss: {I think you have misunderstood me. I am an artificial intelligence, not a human being, so I am not a 'Homo'.}
(Before the word Homo came to mean homosexuality, it primarily meant "human being.")
Tuji wrinkled his nose because of the cold air that entered the quilt, then slowly woke up, turned on in a second and came over with a hundred times more energy.

After playing with the little rabbit for a while, Martin and Rabbit walked out of the room.

There was no sign of Haibara Ai. Only Miyano Akemi was in the kitchen, placing vegetable tempura on everyone's plates. Among them, Dr. Agasa's plate was very easy to recognize because his tempura was not fried - should it be called a salad or a cold dish?

"Good morning, Sister Mingmei, has Ai transformed?" "Chichi~"

"Hmm? No. Good morning to you too, little rabbit." Miyano Akemi put down her chopsticks, turned her head and looked over. When she saw Martin, her eyes lit up: "This this this... I know, it's that..."

However, she just couldn't remember the name when it came to her lips. Miyano Akemi turned around while trying to recall it, and finally said loudly: "The boss of the Minions!"

Yes, the most popular character in the Despicable Me series is neither the male protagonist Gru nor Gru’s three troublesome daughters, but a group of adorable and cute Minions.

"It's Gru," Grumartin corrected with a shrug.

"Okay, Mr. Gru~" Miyano Akemi nodded, and then suddenly realized: "No wonder Martin-kun cares about whether Ai has transformed. Do you want to turn Ai into your daughter? Da-mee-da-mee, we just played house not long ago. If we do it too often, Ai will get upset."

"I just think our configuration is quite suitable. We happen to have a doctor and Gru also has a doctor."

It’s just that the doctor played by Gru has lost all his hair, and his roles are getting smaller and smaller in each film.

Dr. Agasa opened the door and came out: "Good morning, Martin, Mingmei, and Tuji."

"Good morning, Doctor. I'm sorry to see you become a fat, hairless, evil inventor who wears a white coat and rubber gloves every day."

"Why do I feel that your words to me, Martin, have become more and more poisonous recently?" Dr. Agasa complained helplessly.

"I just feel a pity that it's not interesting enough for me to transform alone." Martin explained, and then thought, it's okay to not have a wife, a daughter, or a doctor, but there should be Minions, right?
So Grummartin clapped his hands: "Boys, come out and assemble!"

At first there was silence, as if no being responded to Martin.

But slowly, sounds began to appear. The faint sounds became louder and louder, and finally it seemed that Dr. Agasa's entire house was shaking with the sounds. Where was the sound coming from - the basement?

A yellow 'waterfall' gushed out from the passage in the basement. Upon closer inspection, it was clearly a wave made up of minions.

And in the wave, there was a confused Haibara Ai, who was carried out on the heads of the minions.

(End of this chapter)

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