Transform randomly in Kexue World

Chapter 684 (4k) The adolescent pig-headed princess does not dream of the melon seed queen

Chapter 684 (4k) The adolescent pig-headed princess does not dream of the melon seed queen
"You pigs! Wait till you howl under my whip!"

Martin's speech undoubtedly angered all the people, not to mention the anti-princess faction who were already howling, even those who didn't care who the king was were loudly condemning him.

"The princess is crazy!" "Tyrant!" "Psychopath!" "Step down!" "Step down!"

"Did the princess go astray so quickly after her trip to Japan?" There are still people who know more.

"Such a queen seems pretty good?" There are also those with weird tastes.

Offstage, Jigen Daisuke lifted the brim of his hat slightly, allowing the princess' figure to appear in the gap of the brim.

"Is this the princess' personality?"

Although when Jigen Daisuke and the princess met for the first time, the princess severely hit him by saying "I hate men with beards".

At his feet, Conan had dead eyes: "Then she's not a princess."

"Oh, it's not the princess. Then I'm relieved." Jigen Daisuke's beard curled up, and then he took out the revolver that was his personal symbol and pointed it at the princess on the terrace.

The crowd was very excited at this time. If the terrace was not nearly twenty meters above the ground, the people would have been eager to throw leather shoes and rotten eggs up there. No one would have noticed that someone was holding up a pistol to assassinate the princess.

"You're not going to stop me, little brother?" Conan's calm reaction surprised Daisuke Jigen: "I was just lecturing Lupin about stealing."

"So he is Lupin..." Conan was a little surprised, then he looked at the terrace and raised his lips: "Please, Dad, shoot more accurately, it can be regarded as getting rid of harm to the people."

"Hit more accurately... You found me so quickly." Jigen Daisuke praised: "I really can't underestimate you."

However, Conan was confused: What did I find?
"Then I'll shoot accurately. I can't let the kids look down on me." Daisuke Jigen moved the muzzle of the gun a little bit to the left and then pulled the trigger.

After firing the gun, Jigen Daisuke didn't even look at the result. He bent down, picked up Conan, and walked through the crowd with his back hunched.

"Pigs, all of you, work hard, work overtime day and night, 996 is a blessing, 007 is even more of a blessing! Only if you work hard, the royal family will have money to buy big planes! Work hard for Vesperia, and make Vesperia great again!"

Just as Princess Martin was shouting and clamoring, as if she was holding the farmer's whip instead of a microphone, he saw a faint fire light up in the crowd below.

Hyper mode!

In a world where his senses were 30 times stronger than usual, Martin clearly saw a bullet flying towards him from the crowd. If he remained in his current position and did not move, the bullet would have grazed his forehead.

Tsk, didn't I tell Jigen Daisuke to shoot my ears? You're still a sharpshooter? If you hit the face, the disguise mask will be broken.

In the end, you have to make adjustments by yourself, as the saying goes, if you work hard, you will have enough food and clothing... Martin turned his head slightly, watched the bullet passing by his face in slow motion, and his ears felt slightly hot.

Then Martin threw himself backwards with all his might, causing a great uproar and confusion.

"Martin-kun!" Xiaolan rushed up from behind the speakers to check on him, as well as Nakamori Aoko who was a beat slow to react.

"Don't worry, it's okay, I arranged it." Martin said in a low voice.

Then, Martin grabbed Xiaolan and Aoko, who had not yet reacted, and pulled them onto the stage together.

In the eyes of the people, Martin, with one ear bleeding, was surrounded by two people who were probably bodyguards, and raised a fist to them: "Make Vespadia great again!"

Above Martin's head, the flag of Vespania dropped from the top of the castle and fluttered in the blue sky.

For a moment, people really felt that this scene was very passionate and exciting. The princess clenched her right fist, held her head high, and trembled at the corners of her mouth, shouting "fight" angrily.

However, this princess was a sadistic queen who wanted to use a whip to force them to become Japanese-style office workers. This incident quickly cooled the excitement of the people.

But even if he didn't support the princess, who should he support? Duke Girard? The person who just assassinated the princess was clearly sent by Girard, right?

Alas? A mad princess and a wicked duke, this country is doomed.

"Be quiet, you pigs!" Martin, with blood on his face, still held the microphone and yelled, "The princess's speech isn't over yet! Now give the microphone to the princess's other personality!"

Most people: Is this crazy princess going to continue playing?
Then Martin pushed Mao Lilan next to him and said, "This is Princess Lan, who symbolizes the princess's bravery and reckless personality. If she inherits the throne, she will lead you to practice karate and make Vespadia a country where everyone advocates martial arts!"

"(Whispering) No way! And what does reckless mean?"

"(Whispering) Why was the princess beaten into a pig's head?" Excluding the vampire factor, it was because Mao Lilan recklessly chased the first assassin out of the room, allowing the traitor guard to take advantage of the opportunity to enter.

"I'm sorry I was reckless."

Citizens: What? That’s the princess’ personality?

Martin didn't give their brains time to load the information. He made a few witty remarks that no one appreciated. Then he pushed away Xiaolan, who was disheveled in the wind, and pulled Qingzi over. "This is the personality that symbolizes the princess's immaturity and hesitation. Princess Qing. Let her say a few words."

The microphone was handed to Aoko Nakamori.

Nakamori Aoko is confused now, very confused.

She avoided the microphone and whispered, "Aren't you going to speak for me? (It's you who speaks for Xiaolan.)"

Martin: "We are not familiar with each other, how can I know what you are going to say."

Xiaolan: What you said is not what I wanted to say!

And the people below finally understood what Martin was saying during this gap.

"Aren't those two girls her bodyguards? The princess said they were her personalities?"

"It seems that the princess is quite crazy..."

"Wait, those two girls look... a lot like the princess, don't they?"

"Who can see this clearly? How do you see it clearly, brother?" "I've had presbyopia for 20 years! The farther away I am, the clearer I can see!"

"Look the same? The princess has split personality and has really become three people?"

Martin miscalculated a little bit. The terrace was too far away from the people. Although he was protected from the rotten eggs and smelly shoes, most people could not see their appearance clearly. If the distance was close enough for people to notice that Xiaolan Qingzi looked similar to the princess, they would be able to understand what he was doing more quickly.

On the terrace, Nakamori Aoko thought for a moment, then gritted her teeth and said into the microphone: "Hello, people of Vespania, I..."

Just after saying hello, Martin suddenly took back the microphone and said, "As you can see, Princess Qing is cowardly and indecisive. She is just here to make up the numbers. She doesn't even have horns on her head. If she becomes a princess, she will be sidelined by Gis very quickly."

At this time, Gis, who was waiting for orders in the hall, said: Are you going to poke me again?
Martin ignored Qingzi who was complaining, "Who are you calling the filler?" and gestured casually at the empty space beside him: "Next is the character who symbolizes the princess's laziness and lack of ambition, the Black Princess."

Citizen: I think there is no one here, are they going to perform a magic show?

Martin: "Yes, you guessed it right! The Black Princess is too lazy to come! If she were the queen, the country would be the same without her."

"Finally, there is actually a Pig-Headed Princess, but as the name suggests, we won't let her come out to embarrass herself!" Martin looked like a villain no matter how he looked at her: "Come on! Choose! Which of the princess' personalities do you want to inherit the throne? Is it me? Is it Princess Lan? Is it Princess Qing? Is it Princess Hei? You're not going to choose the Pig-Headed Princess, are you?"

The people just think that this hopeless country should be destroyed now.

"That's enough!" Someone shouted out the people's voice, but the voice came from behind Martin.

Under Martin's instructions, Princess Mira locked the door of the terrace, preventing Xiaolan and Aoko from leaving the terrace, and then opened the door and walked onto the terrace herself.

Citizen A: “Here comes another one.”

Citizen B: "Hey, this girl's face is so... poof."

Citizens CDEFG...: "Hahahahaha..."

This is a sad story. Before Princess Mira even opened her mouth, her swollen face covered with red medicine had already amused most of the people.

Most of the rest are not funny because they are too funny to be seen from the wrong angle.

Princess Mira snatched the microphone from Martin's hand, stood in front of the balcony railing, leaned forward with her hands on the railing, and tried to get as close as possible: "Dear people of Vespania, I have something to say to you."

"We in Vespania have excellent geographical conditions, with little temperature change and little rainfall throughout the year..."

Princess Mira discussed Vespania's natural conditions very seriously, and then proposed a plan to expand the arable land area, plant cash crops, and establish an industrial chain. She also reported the expected increase in jobs and income levels, as well as tax exemption, education, medical care and other policies...

The people below were laughing at Princess Mira's face at first, then slowly began to discuss the princess's agricultural plan, and then slowly became silent. The princess was not just talking nonsense, every item she mentioned was accompanied by precise and reliable data.

While Princess Mira was giving a speech, the princess' maid brought a medical kit and was bandaging Martin's ears. Although the bullet only grazed him, the destructive power was not small. Although he didn't become "one ear", he almost became "three ears".

Martin's expression didn't look painful at all. He just looked at Princess Mira from behind with a smile.

What Princess Mira said at the beginning was indeed a copy of the plan given by Moss, but in less than a day, she was able to write down everything except the professional technology, including most of the data, and she mentioned every link in the industrial chain, which shows that she took it very seriously.

Moreover, the strategy Moss gave only covered the agricultural part. The other policies she mentioned later were not Moss's work, but she got the notes of the queen and the prince from their respective study rooms. After making up her mind to inherit the throne, Princess Mira took up the hard work her relatives had put into this land and inherited it.

"...I believe that the hard-working hands of the Vespanian people can create a better tomorrow for us! Thank you everyone." The princess' speech ended, and she was responded to by thunderous applause.

Just when Princess Mira was so moved that she almost cried, she heard people below say.

"Let this swollen-faced princess inherit the throne. Even though she's a little fat and ugly, at least she's capable of doing practical work."

"Yes, I choose the Pig-Headed Princess!"

"I choose the Pig-Headed Princess too!"

“Pig-headed Princess!” “Pig-headed Princess!” “Pig-headed Princess!”…

Upon hearing her new title, Princess Mira felt like crying but had no tears.

At this moment, someone appeared beside her again and took back her sacred microphone: "Yoooooo - pigs! You really think you have a choice! Do you really think you are participating in a citizen election?"

Martin raised his head with a haughty look and looked down at the people below: "Have you forgotten that the successor to the throne is decided by the royal family themselves! The only thing you can do is accept it! And do you really think that the princess can have several clones? Of course there is only one real princess!"

The people were silent and disappointed.

Although those policies are not fake, the pig-headed girl is probably the think tank of the royal family. I believe that no matter who is the real princess, she will implement these policies. But if the princess is the arrogant Queen Ace, or the cowardly girl who is easily sidelined, or the lazy guy who never showed up, can these policies still be effectively implemented?

"But you are lucky!" Martin suddenly took a step back and put Princess Mira in front again: "This pig-headed princess is the real Princess Mira! The only heir to the throne of Vespania! She will officially inherit the throne tomorrow and hold a coronation ceremony! - Celebrate! Cheer! Shout long live the pigs!"

"Long live! Long live! Long live!" The emotions that had been suppressed before burst out again, far more intense than before. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a frenzy.

As for the other person who could inherit the throne, Duke Girard? He was someone I didn't know.

Of course, even if the people no longer care about Kirad, they still have to take the opportunity to inform them about Kirad, and that is Gis's task. After the public's emotions outside have cooled down, Gis will appear in front of the public in the palace hall with Kirad, inform them that Kirad has been arrested, and show them the evidence of Kirad's crimes brought back by Kuroba Kaito.

After the speech, Princess Mira returned to the room and hurriedly checked Martin's ear, which was wrapped in gauze. "Did you get shot on purpose? Why don't you take care of yourself?"

Princess Mira is not stupid. When Martin and Mine Riko were sparring, they could both cut bullets with their swords at a distance of one meter. He was hit by a bullet just now, which could only be intentional. The reason was to put the bad things done by Kirad in front of the people and make democracy hate him.

"You are so powerful, why don't you just pretend to do this with fake blood? Why do you have to get really hurt?" Tears welled up in the princess' eyes again. It can be said that she was deeply moved.

Of course, that's because he won't die. If Martin only had one life, not only would the blood be fake, even the bullets would have to be fake!
As for the purpose, Kirad, who had already been caught, was actually not worth his further attack. Martin arranged for Daisuke Jigen to "assassinate" him just to let the photographer arranged in advance take a photo like this as a commemoration. And it was too dangerous for Princess Mira or Xiaolan to do it, so naturally he did it himself.

"Believe it or not, this injury will be gone tomorrow?" Martin patted her head. "Now all obstacles to your coronation have been cleared. Be ready for tomorrow's coronation ceremony and don't mess up, Pig-headed Princess."

"Don't call me that!" Princess Mira was so moved that she held back her tears.

(End of this chapter)

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