Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 62 Ning and Youbang, not with domestic slaves?How shameless! !

Chapter 62 Ning and Youbang, not with domestic slaves?How shameless! !

"The Tartars were overthrown, and we Han people have achieved the goal of expelling the Tartars and restoring China!

After a hundred years of wind and rain, I finally stood up again and straightened my spine! "

Han Cheng looked at Zhu Yuanzhang, with a firm tone, and said these words with some impassionedness.

This time, he didn't have half the ink.

Hearing Han Cheng's words, the tension in Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes and all the uneasiness in his heart disappeared!

While taking a long breath of relief, endless joy rose from the bottom of my heart.

"it is good!"

"it is good!!"

"it is good!!!"

Zhu Yuanzhang said three good things in a row.


"We knew it! We knew that Han people would never surrender!
Although there will be a lot of scum, scum, and bastards, there will be a lot of hard bones!

Whenever there is a critical moment, there will be heroes and fearless people who will stand up and stand in the most dangerous place to turn the tide and mend the cracks in the sky!

The most indispensable thing for us Chinese people is people with ambition!

On weekdays, they look ordinary, they are farmers, craftsmen, and beggars...

But when it comes time to work hard and encounter danger, they can all become fighters!

Go to battle!
The Tartars can only be rampant for a while, how can they continue to be rampant?
In the end, we will be trampled underfoot by our Chinese people! "

Zhu Yuanzhang was in high spirits and his voice was loud.

The depression in my heart disappeared in an instant.

From Han Cheng, he got what he wanted, the best result.

Listening to Zhu Yuanzhang's words, Han Cheng also couldn't help but straighten his body when he looked at Emperor Hongwu who was so excited because of the revival of the rivers and mountains by the Han people.

Be proud of yourself as a son and daughter of China, proud!

He who came from later generations knows that what China has become is definitely far beyond Lao Zhu's imagination.

It's a pity that when he traveled here, he didn't bring his mobile phone and other electronic equipment, otherwise, he must show Lao Zhu what the future of China has become!
I'm afraid that Emperor Hongwu at that time will become even more emotional!
Even more proud!

The sons and daughters of China in later generations will not disappoint!
Zhu Yuanzhang stood here for a long time, his agitated mood gradually calmed down.

He looked at Han Cheng and said, "Then tell me how that Tartar was overthrown.

What happened in the late Tartar period? "

Han Cheng nodded, thought about some of the knowledge he knew, and after sorting it out in his mind, he said: "At the time of the Tartars, far away from China, there were many countries that were developing rapidly.

It can be described as changing with each passing day.

However, the Qing Tartars closed the country and used various means to fool the people.

Prevent the people from rebelling.

During the Qianlong period, a British mission once came and gave Qianlong many good things.

In addition to the celestial body model, there are also new types of powerful artillery. The power of these at that time has surpassed that of the Qing Dynasty, but Qianlong is still very arrogant...

At that time, Qianlong knew a lot about the West.

But he hid a lot of knowledge that was extremely advanced at that time, so as not to let it leak out.

He was afraid that if the people became smarter, it would be difficult to rule...

All kinds of perversions.

As a result, from then on, China quickly fell behind with foreign countries, and a century-old history of humiliation began..."

"Wait, this... are those barbarians really so powerful?

Where are those barbarians you mentioned? "

Zhu Yuanzhang interrupted Han Cheng and asked.

What Han Cheng said was beyond Zhu Yuanzhang's comprehension.

Zhu Yuanzhang, who always felt that his brain was good enough, felt that this time, he couldn't find things.

Han Chengdao: "Your Majesty, these countries are located in the far west, and there are also many people living there. Although they are completely different from our system, they have also exhibited splendid civilization, especially since modern times..."


Zhu Yuanzhang expressed doubts.

Han Cheng nodded seriously and said: "It is indeed true, Your Majesty, this world is very big, very big, bigger than you can imagine.

The place where our Ming Dynasty is located, if you look at it from the perspective of the whole world, it only occupies a very small place..."

"The place we live in is called the Earth.

The reason why it is called the earth is because it is round, similar to a sphere..."

"A round ball?
If that person stands on it, won't he fall?
How can we look at it at a glance, are all mountains or flat land, how can it be round? "

Zhu Yuanzhang instinctively disbelieved something that violated common sense.

"Of course we can't fall, this is because, with the force of gravity, it will pull us and prevent us from falling..."

What is this gravitational force?
Zhu Yuanzhang, the majestic Hongwu Emperor, was stunned by what Han Cheng said now, which has become common sense in later generations.

Originally, he wanted to clear up the confusion, but after opening his mouth, he found that things had gone completely wrong.

A doubt has not been answered, and then a bunch of new things and new doubts appear.

"Forget it, don't talk to me about it, it's a headache."

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand.

Han Cheng also stopped talking.

Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang, the Great Emperor Hongwu, being stunned by some of the things he said, which would be common in later generations, Han Cheng suddenly felt that this feeling was quite good.

"In a word, the Qing Dynasty was arrogant and self-sufficient, and reversed all kinds of things.

Knowing that the world is developing rapidly, and there are major changes that have not been seen in thousands of years, but they still pretend to be deaf and dumb, ignore them, indulge in the heavenly kingdom, and refuse to extricate themselves.

Make China hundreds of years behind!
Then, the country was blasted open by foreign strong ships and guns.

Sign a series of treaties that humiliate the country!
All kinds of reparations from various places, all kinds of betrayal of national sovereignty!
At that time, many insightful people and passionate sons and daughters in China wanted to rise up and resist.

As a result, the old hag and the others joined hands with those bandits who ravaged the land of China to deal with these people with lofty ideals who resisted foreign humiliation!
The imperial court has completely become the imperial court of foreigners!
Externally, she bows her knees and kneels on the ground to lick other people's feet, but internally, she is all kinds of vicious and fierce!
That's it, the old hag still has the face to say, she would rather be with Youbang than a domestic slave!
Shamelessly, he described the things that were robbed by others, measured the material resources of China, and united the country's favor! "

In the side hall, Han Cheng talked with Emperor Hongwu about the many shameless operations of the Qing Dynasty.

I just feel full of breath.

It is really a history of humiliation!

The shameless face of the Tartar court was vividly displayed!


Suddenly there was an explosion in the room, but it turned out that it was Zhu Yuanzhang who had endured it before, and this time he finally couldn't bear it.

With red eyes, he picked up the chair and smashed it on the table! !

(End of this chapter)

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