It is agreed that the 18th line will be top-notch?

Chapter 66 I still have to thank him

Chapter 66 I still have to thank him


As the last working day at the end of the month, many companies are extremely busy on this day, hoping to seize the opportunity of the last day to make the data of the month more perfect.

Not long ago, Lin Cao's studio, which was severely criticized by the leader and vowed to avenge his shame, was even busier.

Today is Hu Yiqin's biggest show since joining Yuefu Guild!
The recommended positions and publicity campaigns are all in place. All trolls and gift collection operations are in full swing. They have only one goal - to increase Hu Yiqin's fans by at least 10 within today.

This live broadcast is the death knell of Kuiguang Guild!

They must all be nestling in the office now, staring at the computer screen, tremblingly begging Hu Yiqin not to get angry, right?


It was almost at the same time in Gimhae City, Cheonda Plaza.

All the employees of Kuiguang Group are gearing up with their 2 yuan shopping cards, intending to enjoy the joy of 0 yuan purchases.

As for work matters?

What do these small employees have to worry about? Why don't they just take the shopping card to buy, buy, buy, and watch how Mr. Yang kills the Quartet with peace of mind.

Although all of Mr. Yang's schemes were just Shao Yiqi's guesswork, everyone almost believed it in their hearts and waited for the final result to be revealed.

As for paid holidays, the company also provides shopping cards, which would have made old employees feel panic in the past.

Now they are used to it.

However, a company that has undergone some expansion will not only have old employees, but also some new employees.

Including the members of Huang Rushi's studio, as well as Wen Lianji, the company's new manager girl.

Wen Lianji applied for the job on Wednesday and joined the job on Thursday. On Friday, she learned that all employees had a day off with pay, and there was still a shopping quota of 2 yuan. She was almost shocked.

If it weren't for the fact that the Kuiguang Guild is already a little famous, Wen Lianji would have thought that she had entered the den of some criminal gang.

Twenty thousand per person!
The company employs more than 30 people!
How can a company that makes a lot of money be so generous?
The ways to make so much money are generally written in the criminal law.

"Let's go shopping!" Weng Ziqin waved the shopping card in his hand, and greeted his colleagues excitedly, "I fell in love with a dress half a year ago, and I haven't been willing to buy it until now. I just bought it today!"

Wen Lianji was dragged away, still a little scared: "Here, can we really use this money?"

Is it a bit unreasonable to spend 2 yuan of the company's money after just working for a day before doing anything?

Seeing the reaction of his new colleague, Weng Ziqin chuckled.

Look, what's the problem?
I think back two months ago, when I was also a new employee, I was so panic-stricken.

Weng Ziqin pointed to another place not far away, and teased: "Buy it! Didn't you see that the boss and Mr. Chang are taking the lead in buying it? Don't have any psychological burden."

At the door of the mobile phone shop, Yang Ruoqian was looking up and down at Wang Jiafu, Huang Rushi’s photographer roommate, with a dissatisfied expression on his face: "Xiao Wang, we have known each other for a long time, why are you so polite? Smartphones have been out for a long time, why are you still using push-button phones?"

"Mr. Yang, a mobile phone is too expensive for me." Wang Jiafu smiled wryly, "I still have a mortgage to repay, and I have to prepare for renovations, and I will get married in two months. With the 2 yuan, I plan to buy some furniture and electrical appliances to ease the financial pressure a little bit."

Although the old mobile phone five years ago is very outdated, at least it can still be used, and it is not necessary to replace it.

Want to get married?
It is very reasonable and humane to give people who are going to get married a period of paid vacation.

Coincidentally, Wang Jiafu still held one of the most important positions in Huang Rushi's studio.

Once the holiday is off, won't the construction progress of the studio be slowed down again?
Yang Ruoqian suddenly became interested: "Marry? Marriage is good. I'm also curious about how to prepare for marriage. Can you give me some science?"

Why did Mr. Yang suddenly want to gossip about marriage?

Is it...

Wang Jiafu looked Yang Ruoqian and Chang Zhiqing back and forth twice, and subconsciously lowered his voice: "Mr. Yang, is it okay to tell the truth here? Don't need to avoid it?"

"Avoiding what?" Yang Ruoqian was stunned, and also lowered his voice, asking quietly, "Uh... If you have something to hide, don't say it, it's not working time, I'm not assigning you a task."

What is it, unspeakable secret? !
Mr. Yang is really, completely puzzled.

The corner of Wang Jiafu's mouth twitched, and he said straightforwardly: "My girlfriend and I can do it simply. Just meet our parents, buy a ring to propose, arrange the wedding room, such as furniture and electrical appliances, and finally book a one-stop wedding venue."

It sounds complicated...

As the two walked and strolled, they just wrapped up this and sent that to the company at every turn, making the salesmen very happy.

Yang Ruoqian bought a bonsai pine tree for the company, nodded and said, "That should take a lot of time? Can you balance work and life?"

"Ah, boss, I'm fine. I can just go get busy after get off work." Wang Jiafu explained again and again, "Don't worry, my life will definitely not affect my work."

"It's not that life affects work, it's work that affects life." Yang Ruoqian said earnestly, "Marriage is one of the most important things in life, how can you be careless?"

"Boss, I really didn't..."

Yang Ruoqian raised his hand to stop Wang Jiafu from continuing: "It's five o'clock in the afternoon after you go to work every day. How can you have time to do other things? Besides, you will always have a child when you get married? How can you guarantee a married life with such a heavy work pressure?"

Boss, in fact, my work pressure is really not great.

Do you not know how much pressure you can have working in your company...

Wang Jiafu wanted to defend himself, but before he could open his mouth, the boss spoke again:

"Well, next month I'll give you two weeks of paid wedding leave. You should be busy with your wedding. Don't come to work. Don't come to work. By the way, didn't you say that the wedding is too expensive? It's okay. I'll give you a gift in the name of the company. You can get busy with your wedding and don't think about work anymore. That's it."

Wang Jiafu was confused when he heard it—why did he seem to be quite happy to hear the boss's tone of approval?

Don't ordinary bosses hate employees getting married and having children?
Is there really a boss who is really happy because an employee is getting married from the bottom of his heart?
Wang Jiafu was moved: "Boss, thank you..."

No, I want to thank you!

Yang Ruoqian complained in his heart.

"Let's go, the time is just right, let's go eat!" Yang Ruoqian temporarily filled an empty quota for the company, and he was in a good mood. "When you get married, you need to take good care of your health. I just ordered a lot of Ginato oysters today, so make up for it!"

Wang Jiafu doesn't know what Ginato oysters are, but he can guess that they must be a top-level ingredient.

A few people walked into the restaurant box, and the other employees were already here. The lively ones were chatting with each other, and the foodies were staring at the menu...

And Ruan Min'er, a girl addicted to the Internet, also plugged the bluetooth earphones into her ears as usual, and opened the shark live broadcast platform on her mobile phone.

(End of this chapter)

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