Peerless: Auspicious Beast's Star Revival Plan

Chapter 159: Douluo's Special Characteristic: Becoming a Father

Chapter 159: Douluo's Special Characteristic: Becoming a Father

The so-called Ferocious Beast Conference is a report meeting where Wang Rui reports to his immediate superior - previously it was Di Tian, ​​now it is the Goddess of Life, the largest shareholder and backer who is concerned about the development of farming dramas (who rewarded an ancient golden tree and forced Tang San to retreat) and the ferocious beasts who have a say among the soul beasts, summarizing the recent work progress, construction status, resource reserves and consumption status, and key projects in the future of the Star Dou Forest.

During the meeting, we must ensure that the atmosphere is harmonious, equal, serious and lively, put an end to the strong races bullying the weak races, and emphasize that the status is divided "according to the contribution to the soul beast as a whole rather than individual strength" - the progress is not smooth, there are always some unclear-headed people who have "the law of the jungle" engraved in their bones. Thank God, everyone present is weaker than Di Tian.

In other words, Wang Rui is trying to use a very barbaric way to hammer the seeds of civilization into the bones of these beasts bit by bit.

What is civilization?
Civilization is order.

As both are intelligent species, why can humans eventually form order and have civilization, while high-level soul beasts cannot?
So what if they are natural enemies? It is true that soul beasts kill and devour each other, but at certain times, isn’t the killing and persecution between humans more terrifying than soul beasts?

In the eyes of one part of humanity, another part of humanity is even more insignificant than sheep in the eyes of wolves.

The altar was decorated with gold-plated human bones and was dedicated to the gods and Buddhas; countless wandering souls wandered on the battlefield, not knowing where to go; the rulers at the top of the pyramid sucked the flesh and blood of their own kind...

The invisible wheel rolls over piles of bones, but the spark of humanity is always burning.

The Three-Eyed Golden Lion spent a long time thinking about this question. If the humans in the Douluo World can form a civilization, why can't the high-level soul beasts whose wisdom is not inferior to that of humans?
On the one hand, the laws of the Douluo world are oppressive, and on the other hand, soul beasts are inherently powerful, while humans are weak. People need to unite to resist the external environment, but soul beasts do not need to.

Then Wang Rui will act as the external force to force the soul beast to gather together.

He wanted to make sure that all the beasts had a clearer understanding of the increase in the overall resources of the star. It was absolutely not okay to just do it without saying anything. If you did things silently without anyone knowing, who would unite under you? Then, you would be easily taken advantage of by others.

We should also encourage everyone to speak actively, pool ideas, and work together, so that the ferocious beasts can gradually develop the awareness that "they are part of the overall soul beast community, and they can only benefit from the prosperity of the overall soul beast community and the forest."

This is a slow process like boiling a frog in warm water.

So from this point of view, the beast alliance meeting held in the core area of ​​​​the stars is not much different from the human meeting. However, considering the high illiteracy rate of the participants, the meeting seems even more boring and drowsy.

Fortunately, this event only takes place once every thousand years.

Of course, the meeting time is not actually so precise that it happens once every thousand years. After all, soul beasts do not have a clear concept of time, especially those whose strength has reached the level of ferocious beasts, which may just sleep for a few hundred years - but generally speaking, it is about the same.

In the past few thousand years, no matter what they were doing, when the meeting time was approaching, the ferocious beasts that needed to attend the meeting would somehow sense it and spontaneously go to the Ark City in the core area of ​​the stars.

The Emperor's Auspicious Beast, who pulls the fate of his subordinates every thousand years, said he was unaware of this. On the other hand, the Ferocious Beast Conference is essentially a time for Wang Rui to count heads and criticize his subordinates. Although the Eye of Destiny can see from a distance who is dead and who is not, it is more intuitive to call people to the front. As for introducing new ferocious beasts, redividing territories, announcing the latest discoveries of the Beast Sect, and recruiting experimenters... these things are incidental.

Coming or not is entirely voluntary. It is troublesome to attend the meeting, and you may be assigned some tasks, but - of course, if a ferocious beast chooses not to come, then he will naturally have no place in the ferocious beast mutual aid group. Don't cry if no one comes to rescue you when you are besieged by human soul masters, and don't be jealous of other ferocious beasts who have the protection of imperial auspicious beasts when they are undergoing tribulation, and who have people to take care of their own people if they fail to survive, and who even have a chance to save their lives if they fail to survive.

We will never bully any beast.jpg
What's more, there was no evil beast that could remain unmoved by the artificial martial spirit plan and new contract plan announced by the auspicious beast at this meeting.

At this meeting, most of the ferocious beasts attending the meeting more or less sensed something was about to change - in the past ten thousand years, it was always Emperor Tian who sat in the middle of the long table, with Brigitte and the auspicious beasts sitting on either side of him, but at this meeting, it became the auspicious beasts sitting in the middle of the long table, with Emperor Tian and Brigitte sitting on either side of him, staring at the ferocious beasts present with a covetous look - anyone with a good brain could understand what was going on.

As for those whose brains were not working well, their brains started to work better after the meeting. This is truly a medical miracle and should be celebrated.

None of the soul beasts that could sit at the table for the meeting had a cultivation base of less than 200,000 years. After so many years of Wang Rui's efforts, there were already more than ten ferocious beasts in Xingdou. Together with the ferocious beasts that came from other soul beast settlements that had exchanges with each other, there were more than 30 in total - not counting the descendants of Tianyu who had enough cultivation but not enough strength, and the sea soul beasts and the Far North soul beasts that had not yet established contact with Xingdou.

If this number were known to human countries, it would inevitably cause panic. After all, a 200,000-year-old beast is equivalent to a level 95 Titled Douluo. If it were thrown into the battlefield, it would inevitably be a terrifying force that could not be ignored.

But that’s not how the accounts work out.

If a level 95 human dies, several can be replaced in two hundred years. But if a ferocious beast dies, it may take thousands of years to replace it.

To put it bluntly, Wang Rui's fear of insufficient firepower will probably never be cured in his lifetime.

Even after the meeting, those ferocious beasts that lived farther away did not leave the core area of ​​the star field for the time being.

In three years, Xingdou will hold its second meeting soon, and more soul beasts will need to attend the next working meeting. Including important members of the Beast Sect and all soul beasts in Xingdou with a cultivation base of more than 100,000 years, as well as all soul beasts with the potential to reach the 100,000-year threshold, will attend this meeting.

So when Wang Rui and Di Tian went to the Far North again to pick up the reincarnated Snow Empress - no, Snow Lotus, his mind was still full of work arrangements, like a tired office worker who was about to be crushed by DDL.

The difference is that office workers have a boss wielding a whip over their heads, while the pressure on Wang Rui is actually self-inflicted.

He didn't even notice the situation on the other side of the back door after passing through Di Tianla's space gate. The blizzard blowing in his face made the Three-Eyed Golden Lion's nose itchy, and he sneezed loudly with sparks coming out.

Then, he was pounced upon by a short, snow-white little loli.

(End of this chapter)

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