Chapter 57 Doll Girl
Shrek Academy, Office of the Dean of the Martial Soul Department.

The decoration of the huge room is not very extravagant, but every arrangement is full of atmosphere.An old man in white was sitting behind a golden brown wooden desk, reading a letter.

The girl in red was sitting on the stool opposite the desk with her legs crossed.

Her appearance is very flamboyant and gorgeous, and her pair of pink crystal-like eyes are somewhat bewitching for no reason.It's just that there was displeasure on her face at this moment, and her bright red full lips were tightly pursed.

"Xiao Tao, how are you thinking?" After a while, the old man put down the letter in his hand and asked.

"It's not good." Ma Xiaotao replied bluntly, her tone not polite at all.

The old man let out a long sigh: "Xu Sanshi's basalt shield martial soul has extremely pure ancient beast blood, and is the world's top water attribute martial soul. His basaltic black water is comparable in strength to your Phoenix evil fire, and it is only a short distance away from the limit." A trace. When the two of you cultivate together, it will be beneficial to both of you, and the age is right... There is no one in the world who is more suitable for you than him."

In fact, the Shrek Sea God Pavilion paid more attention to Xu Sanshi's life experience and background.

Xu Sanshi is the heir of the Dou Ling Empire's Xuan Mingzong, and he still has the blood of the Dou Ling imperial family. Although Xuan Mingzong is a hidden sect, its influence in the Dou Ling Empire is quite high.

If Ma Xiaotao, who is destined to become a senior member of Shrek, can combine with him, Shrek will definitely get more resources from the Dou Ling Empire in the future—even have the chance to merge with Xuanmingzong.

And Ma Xiaotao won't be troubled by the evil fire, and Shrek Academy will have one more Phoenix soul master who is close to the ultimate fire.

With her cultivation speed, if she doesn't need to be suppressed, she may be able to aspire to the Title Douluo level at the age of 30.

What's more, the Black Tortoise Shield martial soul has the purest bloodline of divine beasts, and the awe-inspiring righteousness contained in it may be able to neutralize the traces of evil in Ma Xiaotao's martial soul. After the two of them combine, there is a high probability that they will have the ultimate fire. The offspring of the pure phoenix spirit!
If the offspring of Ultimate Fire were born, it would surely keep Shrek's status unshakable for 500 years!

So after Xuan Mingzong hinted at his intention to marry, the Haishen Pavilion meeting immediately made a decision to let Yan Shaozhe do Ma Xiaotao's ideological work.

It's just that these calculations about interests cannot be told to Ma Xiaotao who is straightforward, it will only arouse her disgust.

"I don't like him." Sure enough, a hint of impatience flashed across Ma Xiaotao's face. She had heard the teacher's words countless times.

"You guys have practiced together so many times and had so many intimate contacts, but you really don't have any feelings for Xu Sanshi at all? I think that kid is quite handsome." Yan Shaozhe raised his eyebrows with a hint of Said jokingly.

A trace of anger flashed across Ma Xiaotao's face, but she quickly suppressed it.Although she has a bad temper, she can't get angry in front of her teacher after all, "We don't have close contact, it's just ordinary cultivation. I really don't like him! Xu Sanshi also told me that he has someone he likes."

"Although it's not appropriate for me to say this, if you care about not being his first woman, it's actually not necessary."

Yan Shaozhe tried to persuade him like an old lady: "Men always love others when they are experienced. Xuanmingzong also guarantees that the person he likes will not appear again. The meaning of the academy is that the two of you get engaged first, anyway. You don’t have anyone you like, and feelings are all there.”

"..." Ma Xiaotao took a deep breath.

The violent feeling of wanting to destroy everything climbed up, she wanted to yell without hesitation, and burn the entire office to the ground, but she still said patiently: "Even if I don't like anyone yet, Don't you guys take Xu Sanshi's opinion into consideration?"

"As long as you let go, Xuanmingzong will naturally let him nod, everything is not a problem." Yan Shaozhe said nonchalantly, "Mu Lao, the current owner of the Sea God Pavilion, also joined forces out of interests, and he and his wife had a very happy life back then. Happiness. As long as the benefits are sufficient, it doesn't matter whether you have feelings or not, don't you want to practice normally?"

Although he also feels sorry for this disciple whom he regards as his own daughter, it is the responsibility of all Shrek people to protect Shrek's honor and interests.

In the face of the common interests of forces, individual wishes will give way.

"I want to practice normally, but I will definitely not marry someone who has no feelings for the sake of Wuhun." Ma Xiaotao stood up, folded her hands in front of her chest, showing a defensive posture full of hostility.

"...Oh, this kid." Yan Shaozhe sighed, and he waved his hand like chasing flies, "Xiao Tao, don't be too stubborn, you'd better think about it later. You must know the golden period of soul master cultivation It's not that long ... it's better for everyone to make a decision early."

Ma Xiaotao snorted coldly, got up and left.The bright red hair swayed slightly behind her buttocks following her steps, like flowing fire or jumping blood.

"Wait." Yan Shaozhe said again.

"I won't change my mind." Ma Xiaotao said impatiently.

"I didn't mean that." Yan Shaozhe shook his head, "Did you see Jiang Lan today?"

"I see, what's wrong?"

"Where did it go?" Yan Shaozhe's voice was serious.

"Xiao Lan went to the fighting spirit area to watch the fighting spirit."

"Call it back." Yan Shaozhe ordered lightly, "Take care of it in the future, and there is no special reason to prohibit it from going out."

"Why?" Ma Xiaotao was in a bad mood right now, and frowned directly, "Xiao Lan is also an adult, and she usually trains very hard, so why not let her go out? Cultivation is a combination of work and rest. .”

"Jiang Lan's situation is different from other people's." Yan Shaozhe frowned, "Leaving it outside is not good for everyone."

"Tsk, I got it, stop talking. I'll call her back and watch her." Ma Xiaotao replied impatiently.

Obviously, although she agreed on the surface, she was not actually going to do what the teacher said.

After saying that, Ma Xiaotao pushed the door away, and slammed the office door behind her like she was angry.

"Oh, this child is really worrying." Yan Shaozhe shook his head sadly, "I don't know why she has such a good relationship with that thing... I don't dare to tell her the truth... Wait for the future After our generation is gone, if Xiaotao can't control Jiang Lan, she will be in big trouble. After all, it is Shrek's most important weapon..."

His muttering was hidden behind the door and did not reach Ma Xiaotao's ears.

In the corridor, a tall young man in black was waiting outside the door.

He was born with sword eyebrows and star eyes, a straight nose and a square mouth, and when he was not smiling, he had a righteous look on his face.

But when he stepped forward with a smirk, he looked very underwhelmed.

"Sister Xiaotao, what did Dean Yan say... um!"

Ma Xiaotao punched him straight in the stomach.

She didn't pull back this time, even if Xu Sanshi's skin was rough and fleshy, the pain was terrific.But he didn't dare to complain, after all, it was his own family that brought trouble to the other party first, so it was only natural that Ma Xiaotao was angry.

Ma Xiaotao raised his hand again, Xu Sanshi shrank his neck, thinking that the opponent's punch was not enough to relieve his anger, and he wanted another slap.

In the end, Ma Xiaotao just patted him on the shoulder: "From now on, we will be comrades in the united front."

"It's natural." Xu Sanshi nodded hastily, he was still thinking about the girl when he woke up back then, and he firmly didn't want to marry anyone else.

He thought for a while, and then said: "After all, I also caused trouble for Xiao Tao, so I will treat you to a meal first as an apology. A very delicious restaurant has recently opened at the south gate of Shrek City... for To avoid suspicion, I will also call my buddies."

"That's right, good enough." Ma Xiaotao nodded with satisfaction, "Then you don't mind if I bring Xiaolan along?"

"Of course I don't mind. It would be even better if Senior Jiang came together."

"Then let's go, let's go to the Soul Arena to pick up Xiaolan first." Ma Xiaotao said lazily, "By the way, I haven't asked yet, what is the person you like like?"

"It's very pretty." Xu Sanshi gave a thumbs up, "Gentle and active."

"What? Prettier than me?" Ma Xiaotao asked threateningly, raising her eyebrows.

"Ah, this." Xu Sanshi scratched his head, "Even if sister Xiaotao asks that, it's still my sweetheart who looks the best."

"Tch." Ma Xiaotao smiled slightly instead, "That's good, keep it up. No matter who comes from now on, you'll always tell him that."


The soul fighting area of ​​Shrek Academy.

Although it was just two first-year soul fighting freshmen, when Wang Rui and Huo Yuqing arrived at the scene, there were already five to six hundred people sitting in the auditorium.

In addition to the first-year freshmen who watched Wang Dong and Yan Wen's hands-on work in front of the dormitory just now, and wanted to eat a whole melon, so they followed up to watch the excitement, there were unexpectedly a considerable number of senior students.

Wang Rui was still a little puzzled, how could two unknown first-year freshmen still attract so many old students to watch?

You must know that the ticket to watch a soul fight requires one gold soul coin, and it is not cheap at all to carry forward the school motto of Shrek Academy that requires money to the end.

Soon, he knew what they were looking for.

Wang Dong and Yan Wen walked out of the rest area behind the referee.Most of the senior students' eyes were glued to the referee.

The referee was a tall, pretty girl.

She is about 1.7 meters five, with a curvy figure, and her long purple hair hangs down to her knees and is braided in a very loose three-strand braid.

The girl's face was as white as snow, and her facial features were very delicate and beautiful.But her expression was dull and lifeless, and her purple eyes were like a pair of transparent glass beads, which were empty and contained nothing.

A mole of tears stopped at the end of her right eye, but because of the lack of expression changes on her face, it did not add a bit of charm and charm, but made that delicate face even more lifeless and dull.

She was also wearing the school uniform of Shrek Academy, but it was blood red, and she should be a senior from the inner school.It's just the blood-colored school uniform, coupled with her purple eyes and hair, and the thick-soled purple sandals on her feet... Needless to say, the effect of these two colors can torture human eyes.

No girl who pays attention to her own image can go out with such a color scheme without any worries, but she herself does not seem to be aware of it, without any discomfort.

She is like a delicate machine, or a lifelike ceramic doll, and every step she takes is equal in distance.

"San Wu girl..." Wang Rui narrowed his eyes and murmured. For some reason, he always felt that the senior referee would pull a knife out of his neckline in the next second.

...Maybe it's an illusion.

By the way, is there such a senior in the original work?At least the information brought back by the little scouts didn't have a description similar to her... But they didn't dare to go to Sea God Island, they only dared to operate in the outer courtyard and Shrek City.

Suddenly, Wang Rui seemed to sense something was wrong.Fate opened his eyes and looked at the girl in the center of the field.

There are only a few threads of cause and effect on the purple-haired girl who looks like a puppet, and there is no haze of light representing luck around her body.

But how is this possible?

 Xu Sanshi has awakened into Xuanwu Shield, and his current cultivation is a bit higher than the original book, but it has nothing to do with Jiang Nannan (the two are ordinary classmates, not familiar with each other)

  Ma Xiaotao... is quite controversial, and I don't want to argue about whether she can be saved, whether she is a good person, whether she has a conscience in her heart, if everyone can't accept her, just treat her as an original character with the name of the original character.

  The character itself is also contradictory in the original work. Anyway, I can’t write the author’s portrayal of the original work, so I can only ooc...but all the characters are ooc, let’s see it alive_(:з」∠)_
  Or you can just skip it, anyway, there won't be too many scenes, it's just a sideline, after all, it's related to Ma Hongjun
  good!The role of the lord of the shattering blade boss has appeared!applaud!
(End of this chapter)

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