Chapter 82
Now it is the competition of the top eight of the [-]th promotion. Even if the competition is freshmen who have just entered the school for three months, they all have strong means.

In order to prevent students from being accidentally injured, the teachers who act as referees are naturally strong.

Therefore, even though the maple leaf blocked the view, the referee could still sense the situation in the sea of ​​maple leaves, and really sweated for Ning Tian.He was always vigilant, ready to rush to the stage to rescue him, for fear that something might happen to the heir of Jiubao Liuli on stage.

However, Ning Tian, ​​who was surrounded by three wind blades, did not show any panic on his face.

Among the layers of maple leaves outside, Wang Rui's second soul ring flashed, and a golden-red phantom rose behind him.

That phantom had four legs and two wings, wearing thick and rough scales, a mane fluttering like a flame on its neck, and a pair of curved and sharp horns growing on its lion-like head. The coercion of the times.

It is the image of Yanwanglong.

The phantom raised its head and opened its mouth to roar.

A thunderous roar rang out.

The voice was low, but extremely penetrating, and it contained endless majesty, like a torrent of bells from ancient times, exploding in everyone's ears.With a sense of oppression that belongs exclusively to the Dragon Clan.

The invisible air wave spread out, lifting all the surrounding maple leaves.

A kind of fear that originated from ancient times and has been passed down in the blood and bones quietly rose from the hearts of everyone present. Even the teachers who watched the game off the court also felt fear in their hearts.

Standing under the stage, Wang Yan's eyes lit up—he waited until the flowers were almost withering, and finally saw Wang Rui use his soul skills, couldn't he be excited?

If his guess is correct, Wang Rui's soul skill is probably a combination of spiritual power and powerful skills issued by Longwei, which can interrupt the enemy's skills and bring fear.

Wang Yan himself possesses the cultivation base of the Soul Emperor, and even his own heart has an uncontrollable panic, which is enough to show how powerful this skill is.

The situation of the three people on the field was even worse. Amidst that frightening roar, the soul power circulating in their bodies all came to a standstill.

Ye Xuan, the soul master with the poorest physical fitness, even had blood like a dark red snake crawling down her ears, and her bagpipe performance also stopped.

Zhang Jingkun's sea of ​​maple leaves also disappeared for a moment, but soon recovered.

And Jiang Xin's Fengyu Sword seemed to have lost its power, and stopped not far from Ning Tian, ​​while the three sharp blades condensed by the wind disintegrated directly on the spot and disappeared.

Even if Jiang Xin's soul power returned to normal soon, this gap was enough for Ning Tian to withdraw calmly.

The referee teacher who had been preparing to rescue Ning Tian just now was also full of shock.Because he also felt a momentary delay in the operation of his own soul power - you must know that he is a soul saint!

Wang Yan's theoretical knowledge is indeed very solid, he guessed right, Wang Rui's second soul skill Yanwang Zhenhou is a special sonic attack that combines spiritual attributes and dragon power.

In addition to the damage caused by the sound itself, it will also cause the enemy to have a temporary mental blankness and panic, and even forcibly interrupt the operation of the opponent's soul power.

Anyway, Wang Rui's soul skills are all made by himself... It has been said that the Yan Wanglong Wuhun is directly A from the Monster Hunter series, so how can we miss the Dragon Roar?

Dear, it is recommended to wear earplug beads here~

But no matter what the referee thinks, the game on the field will continue.

Jiang Xin's Fengyu Sword was beside Ning Tian at this time, far away from her body. Although the soul master could quickly recall the Wuhun, there was still a certain time lag between them.

Wang Rui seized this gap, retracted his wings, and slammed his whole body in her direction like a cannonball.

And Jiang Xin chose to be the soul master of the agility attack system because the wind language sword can communicate with the wind element very fast, but this speed is not reflected in her body.In other words, her own speed is actually about the same as that of ordinary tool soul masters, and there is not much improvement.

But she didn't have time to dodge, and she was directly slapped out of the competition field by Wang Rui's wings, and was caught by the referee.

Now only Zhang Jingkun and Ye Xuan were left on the field, and the two looked at each other with more determination in their eyes.

Ye Xuan's second soul ring flickered, and the piece of music she played was changed. The rhythm was a little slower than that of Electric Rebellion just now, but the tone was inexplicably sharp.

And Zhang Jingkun also used his second soul ring. After his second soul ring flashed, his chubby round face instantly turned a little pale, obviously the consumption was very high.

His second soul skill is called leaf blade, which is to form a sharp blade on the edge of the maple leaf to cut the enemy.

But now, at most, he can only turn one-tenth of the maple leaves in the sea of ​​maple leaves into leaf blades, and this will draw all his soul power at once.

In that magnificent sea of ​​maple leaves, countless maple leaf assassins with the same appearance as other maple leaves but with sharp edges appeared in an instant.

These maple leaf assassins are perfectly hidden among the same kind. If you just observe with your eyes, it is difficult to notice the difference between these maple leaf assassins and other maple leaf assassins, let alone dodge.

And the music that Ye Xuan is playing now is her second soul skill, called Scorching Blade, which can increase the attack power and some fire attributes of her companions' attacks.

Those maple leaves that turned into leaf blades were instantly covered with a layer of red light, but this layer of red light fell on the maple leaves, but it was difficult to be noticed.

It's just that those assassin maple leaves falling on Huo Yuqing's mental detection share are as obvious as the green leaves on a red maple tree. The changes of each maple leaf are clearly fed back to his mind through the spiritual detection share.

However, in a sea of ​​leaves, even if only one tenth of the maple leaves have changed, this number is still quite a lot.

Even though Ning Tian increased the speed for himself and Huo Yuqing, the two of them were still a little embarrassed to dodge, and they were inevitably scratched by the sharp edge of the blade.

It was also thanks to Ning Tian's second soul skill, which could remove the abnormal state and offset Ye Xuan's added fire attribute damage. Otherwise, apart from scratches, the two of them would have suffered some burns.

"Wang Rui!" Huo Yuqing was inexplicably annoyed, "Stop paddling!"

Wang Rui, who was flying in mid-air and easily avoiding the Maple Leaf assassins, froze for a moment.

 Ahhhhhhhhhh! ! ! ! !

  Why should I write original character battles!

  Wouldn't it be good to directly write the opponent in the original book and move the original book over!

  I feel like I'm fighting and writing like I'm constipated...

(End of this chapter)

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