Chapter 98
When Huo Yuqing said "get married", Wang Rui was at a loss for what to do.

He originally planned to talk about Huo Yuqing's disguise as a man, but she never took the initiative to confess and didn't trust herself enough, but in the end, Huo Yuqing made fun of her and fooled her by pretending to be wrong.

Anyhow, this is the end of the story.

That night she went to the Soul Guidance Department for the Soul Guidance Certification.

Qian Duoduo specially sent students from the Soul Guidance Department to call her, fearing that something might happen if he was too late.

But Wang Rui stayed in the dormitory, continuing to doubt his own life.

In fact, now... a large part of the situation is different from the original work, and the places that are not described in the original work have changed a lot.

But some of the plots are still stubbornly the same as in the original book—for example, Yan Shaozhe’s bloodline and martial spirit have changed, but he is still called by the name in the original book—maybe it is also a kind of closure of the world line.

Huo Gua was born as a girl, her name changed to Huo Yuqing, but her alias is still Huo Yuhao, which is also a stubborn embodiment of the original line.

Wang Rui closed his eyes.

The golden auspicious beast appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, and scratched at the transformed grass in the sea of ​​consciousness a little bit collapsed, only to feel a little less irritable, rolled on the spot, and returned to the human form.

He suddenly felt something was wrong, and when he looked up, he saw Electrolux's head protruding from the window of his room.

The old man blinked irrationally, with an expression of "I understand, I'm sorry to bother you", and retracted his head again.

"..." Wang Rui entered the castle with drooping eyebrows.

Bricks and steps flew behind him, and Wang Rui climbed up a tower along the stairs and came to an attic.

Behind the door is another world.

The decoration style of the space behind the door is more modern, as if jumping from the magic castle to the modern Muggle home.

The room is not big, but it is very warmly decorated. There is even a round fish tank on the computer table, with colored stones on the bottom of the tank, and several half-dead guppies swimming around.

These fish were originally raised by Wang Rui, but she changed the fish more frequently than the water—Wang Rui would like to call this fish tank a fish concentration camp with a post-modern decoration style, or the entrance to a fish paradise.

This is the phantom of Wang Rui's past room—or in other words, it is a combination of the places he lived in the past, and some places still have some vague things that do not belong to his past world.

The most obvious place on the bookshelf is a group photo of the family, but in the photo in the frame, the faces of the four people are all blank, and there is nothing left.

After all, 5000 years changed something.

Wang Rui sat down on the bed, unplugged the phone from the data cable, and made a call.

"Hello?" A somewhat cold female voice came over, and she asked a little confused, "Why did you call me suddenly? Didn't you say last time that this kind of cross-world connection is very energy-consuming?"

"Something has happened." Wang Rui said, "Huo Yuhao in this world is a girl!"

"Three-eyed golden babes are public, so what if Huo Yuhao is a girl." The woman on the other side of the phone said nonchalantly, "That world is already different from the original world—do you know about parallel worlds? It's a little different. It's normal, for example, in Marvel's Earth-3490, Iron Man's sex changed-"

"No, what have you been watching online?" Wang Rui interrupted with a bit of a breakdown.

"..." The other person seemed guilty for a moment, "In short... In short, I read from the comics that it is very normal for a single change to cause a large change in the whole world. It is equivalent to creating two It’s a brand new world line, so the changes on your side are okay.”


"Anyway... after you pass by, that world is no longer mine." The other side of the phone said, "You should be more proficient in using the power of destiny than me now, should it be clear? That is already your world. "

Wang Rui was silent for a while, and asked: "...but don't you care?"

"..." The silence on the other side was longer than he thought, and then he said with some pretended ease, "Then you are with her, isn't it equivalent to me being with him."

"Be happy."


Wang Rui put down the phone in the mental space.

A burst of dizziness came, and he felt mentally weak for a long time... Using a weak causal connection to cross one world and communicate with another world consumes too much power.

What about parallel worlds...

Forget it, even Ms. Jin doesn't worry about the person she likes changing gender, why does she worry about Huo Gu becoming Huo Yuqing?

He yawned and fell asleep in peace.

When Wang Rui woke up the next morning, he felt that he had picked up an octopus, or something like a tentacle monster—Huo Yuqing was also on his bed, she was still wearing her school uniform, and she had a brand new soul engineer badge pinned to her chest , It seems that yesterday's assessment was quite smooth.

Huo Yuqing must have been very tired recently, and slept deeply.

It's just that the sleeping position is particularly arrogant, with one arm and one leg resting on half of Wang Rui's body.

...Who is taking advantage of who, who is destroying who is innocent, Wang Rui slandered.

Didn't it mean that insecure people sleep curled up? Why is Huo Yuqing's posture so domineering... He gently moved the girl's arms and legs down and got up by himself.

Huo Yuqing muttered something softly, touched the bed with one hand, squirmed a little bit and curled herself up into a ball.

...looks pitiful.

Wang Rui was inexplicably distressed, and stuffed his arm over it.

The girl dazedly took his hand into her arms again and hugged her.

...well...seems to still be a bit curved...but still pretty flat.

Wang Rui's ears turned red when he thought of something unhealthy.

And decided to feed Huo Yuqing something good.

By the way, it seems that there are still some accounts to be settled.


"I seem to have a dream." Huo Yuqing finally woke up and said in a daze.

"What dream?" Wang Rui calmly pulled out the arm that was used as a pillow.

"It seems...someone is being beaten all the time?" the girl said hesitantly.

 Miss Kim, heal emotional wounds by surfing (no)
(End of this chapter)

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