Elf: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 240 Xu Wuyi De is waiting silently

Chapter 240 Xu Wuyi De is waiting silently

"Green Caterpillar, what do you think we should do?"

After learning about the time conflict, Mark did not make an immediate decision, but asked the green caterpillar beside him.

The latter quickly showed a troubled expression.

For the green caterpillar, it is a very important thing to find Xuwuide and investigate the ultimate alien beast.

At first, Mark's encounter with the ultimate alien beast was just a coincidence. The original purpose was to find a suitable ghost elf to supplement his shortcomings.

Now that he has encountered the ultimate alien beast incident, Mark will be involved at the right time.

If he was lucky enough to encounter the unevolved little Nebula Cosmogu, he would find a way to conquer it. If not, he had no more ideas.

For now, Mark is just thinking about using these ultimate beasts to hone the fighting skills of the elves.

After all, the fighting routines of several elves are already familiar with each other, and the training effect produced by fighting each other has become less and less. The strength of the ultimate beast is just right for his elves.

In addition, we will carefully look for traces of the banging clown among the ultimate beasts.

Yes, the banging clown.

Although Mark has already conquered the fantasy elves Jirachi and Victini, it still feels whimsical to conquer the little Nebula Cosmog and evolve it into the ghost-type moon god Lunayara.

In comparison, conquering the ultimate alien beast, the clown, is obviously more reliable.

That's right, the Bang-headed Clown in the Ultimate Alien Beast is also a ghost-type elf.

If the strength of the ultimate alien beast that appeared near the Emerald Islands is similar to that of the paper sword, then the Bang-headed Clown is undoubtedly the most suitable ghost elf for him at the moment.

Of course, in addition to the news about the Banging Clown, Mark has not given up on Hoopa's investigation.

In addition, Mark also collected clues during this time and searched for some other suitable information about ghost elves.

As a result, in these ten days, Mark could not find any clues about the ghost elves.

The green caterpillar, on the other hand, gradually sensed something as it gradually understood the ultimate beast.

From the ultimate alien beast, or from the world where the ultimate alien beast came, the green caterpillar felt a strange rhythm, which gave the green caterpillar a feeling of longing.

To be precise, it was the green caterpillar's original, jet-black pupa form that created a feeling of longing.

The green caterpillar doesn't know exactly what this feeling means.

Mark speculated that the ultimate alien beast and the space where the ultimate alien beast is located may have some connection with the original ancestor of the green caterpillar, that ferocious giant insect.

If the Green Caterpillar can use the Ultra Beast and the space where the Ultra Alien Beast resides to absorb sufficient nutrients, it may allow the Green Caterpillar's original pupa form to evolve into its final form first.

Therefore, the coordinates provided by Xuwuide at this time are very important to the green caterpillar!
But... isn't the opening ceremony of the College Cup important?

The green caterpillar stretched out its legs and covered its head, and finally made a decision.


It's going to the opening ceremony of the Academy Cup!

"Have you made up your mind?"

"Hiss, hiss!"

The green caterpillar nodded continuously, looking for the world where Xuwuide and the ultimate beast were. It could be done earlier or later, but the opening ceremony of the Academy Cup was only this one, and it still wanted to participate in the opening ceremony of the Academy Cup competition. !

Mark gently touched the green caterpillar's head and said: "Actually, I think so too. If I miss Xuwuide this time, there will be another time. But if I miss the opening ceremony of the Academy Cup, I will really miss it."

"Tiny, Tiny!"

Victini ran over and rubbed Mark's arm affectionately. It agreed very much with what Mark and the green caterpillar said.

Although the opening ceremony is not a real game, it is still very important!

Jirachi on the side saw this and moved over and said: "Yeah, Jirachi also thinks that the opening ceremony of the Academy Cup is more important. If Xuwuide knew that we were not going because of the opening ceremony of the Academy Cup, he would definitely forgive us. Yes!" A few meters away, Yeib blinked as he watched the discussion among several elves around Mark.

It always feels like something is not right, but it can't describe what exactly is wrong.

Anyway, weird.

"Boo miles?"

Yeyibu suddenly heard something and turned his head back. He saw the Variety Monster eating cucumber moving in front of Jirachi's game console and touching it randomly.

How dare this guy touch Jirachi's game console?
Jirachi will be angry, right?

Yeib secretly looked at Jirachi, and then showed a somewhat depressed expression.

Jirachi was not angry, and took the game console back very naturally and continued to play, not paying attention to the movements of the Variety Monster at all.

If it had known earlier, it would have just secretly played Jirachi's game for a while.

Seeing this, Yeibu continued to move behind Jiraqi and secretly watched Jiraqi play the game.

He wanted to borrow a game console from Jirachi, but in the end Yeib didn't dare to ask.

Then, as Yeib continued to watch Jirachi playing games, a mobile phone suddenly appeared in front of him.

Mark said helplessly: "If you want to play games, just say so. Your character..."

Ye Yibu raised his head and saw the big butterfly spinning gracefully in the air behind Mark, nodding slightly towards it.

Did Bada Die see its thoughts?

Ye Yibu looked at Baddie, his eyes full of gratitude, and he also looked at Mark with great gratitude.

Mark shook his head helplessly and continued to look at Baddie to discuss: "Since we have chosen not to go, it would be better to send a message to Xu Wuide."

Baddie nodded slightly, and then thought of something: "But we can't take the initiative to contact Xu Wuide."

Mark pinched his chin lightly: "Indeed, these days, Xu Wuide has contacted us through Johnny alone. Forget it, let us know if we can, and forget about it if we can't..."



In a very ordinary-looking residential building northeast of Danya City in the Emerald Islands, a jellyfish-like elf's body shook several times in succession, as if it was sneezing.

Xuwuide showed a somewhat confused expression.

But it didn't remain confused for long.

Xuwuide moved to the mirror in the room and looked at himself in the mirror curiously. It stretched out its tentacles and touched the mirror surface lightly, tilting its head.

Soon, Xuwuide moved to the bed in the room and got into the clothes on the bed.

The clothes filled up incredibly, turning him into a tall man in a suit and ties.

The man stretched out his index finger and used his fingerprint to open the password box next to him.

He stared at a pile of documents recording various data for a while, then turned on his phone and looked at the time.

The man put the lockbox back in its place and quickly walked out of the room.

A few hours later, a man in a suit appeared on the Colored Stone Island southwest of the Emerald Islands.

At this time, Caishi Island ushered in a long-awaited storm and heavy rain, while the man in a suit stood motionless on a hillside in the east of Caishi Island.

The invitation has been sent out, and Xuwuide is silently waiting for the other party's arrival...

(End of this chapter)

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