One Piece Superman One Piece World

Chapter 604: Top Ability, Able to Resist the Strongest Fruit! (2 in 1)

A sonic boom sounded in the night sky.

Kozuki Oden, holding two swords, turned into a stream of light and shot towards the room where Yoriichi Tsugakuni was.


With a loud bang, the wall that had just been repaired was directly knocked through by Kozuki Oden. As soon as he entered the room, his violent domineering aura rushed directly towards Tsugaru Yoshiichi.

Get the head start.

Kozuki Oden was full of momentum, and he swung his two swords across and slashed directly at Tsugikuni Yoriichi's back.

At the moment when the blade was about to fall on Tsugikuni Yoshiichi's body, the red-haired young man who was sitting in his seat suddenly turned around. The broken blade on the table had been grasped in Yoshiichi's hand at some point. The broken blade stabbed straight forward and actually hit the fulcrum where Kozuki Oden's two swords intersected, forcibly curbing Kozuki Oden's momentum.


When the two people's domineering auras intersected, a terrifying hurricane was formed. The hurricane spread outward, and the wooden house could not withstand such a shock wave. The beams and pillars were full of cracks, and in an instant, the roof collapsed.


After just a brief fight, the hotel was overwhelmed and collapsed.

At the moment the house collapsed, Kozuki Oden's figure directly broke through the ceiling and flew onto the empty street in front of the hotel.

Standing with a knife in hand, he felt the knife that Ji Guoyuan had just used to block his attack. His boiling blood quickly cooled down in his body, and his brain regained its composure.

When strong men fight each other, it often only takes one confrontation to get a glimpse of the other's strength.

When Tsugakuni Yoshiichi counterattacked, both the timing and the power of the counterattack were perfect. His ease left a deep impression on Kozuki Oden.

That kind of power is definitely not the limit of Tsugakuni Yoriichi. Kozuki Oden is very clear about this. And it is precisely because he clearly recognizes this that Oden shows such an expression.

If he were faced with an attack like the one just now, he would be able to resist it, but he would definitely not take it lightly as Tsugikoku Yoshiichi did.


Not long after Kozuki Oden rushed out of the ruins, broken wood boards and stones suddenly exploded from the ruins of the collapsed house.

Oden looked carefully and found that Yoshiichi Tsugakuni was walking out of the ruins with a knife in one hand and an unconscious middle-aged man in the other.

Seeing this scene, Kozuki Oden's pupils couldn't help but shrink, and he stared intently at Yoriichi Tsugikoku who walked out of the ruins.

The moon was rising, and the moonlight shone on Tsugikuni Yoriichi's face. His handsome face fell into Kozuki Oden's sight, which made him look slightly stunned.

"Jigoku Enichi?!"

The young man in front of him was very different from the young man he had in mind. Not only his temperament, but also his appearance had changed a little, and the iconic flame-shaped markings had disappeared. Not only did the years not leave any traces on Tsugaru Yoshiichi's face, on the contrary, Tsugaru Yoshiichi looked even younger.

The other person's temperament has also changed dramatically. Although the young man in Kozuki Oden's impression is extremely talented and sharp, he still inadvertently reveals an indescribable affinity and gentleness.

He's a somewhat complicated person.

But the current Tsugakuni Yoriichi is very different. His temperament is cold and indifferent. Kozuki Oden looked into Tsugakuni Yoriichi's eyes and did not feel much emotion from his pupils.

It is said that the eyes are the windows of the soul.

Although Kozuki Oden's observation Haki was unable to sense the emotions inside Tsugikuni Yoriichi at this moment, through Yoriichi's eyes, Oden could more or less imagine what kind of person the young man in front of him was.

And it was precisely because of this difference that Kozuki Oden did not dare to recognize Tsugekuni Yoriichi outright.

The middle-aged man that Yunichirō was holding was the owner of the inn. Ever since Momonosuke and his men came with samurai that day, all the other guests in the inn had already fled.

The boss realized that this young man, Yuichiro Tsugakuni, was no simple man, so he did not try to drive him away, for fear of offending the "red-haired samurai". As long as Yuichiro Tsugakuni could pay the rent on time, he would not ask any more questions.

In fact, Yoriichirō didn't expect that the furious Kozuki Oden would attack him right away, so he could only do his best to protect the hotel owner first.


He casually laid the hotel owner flat on the ground, took out a piece of gold from his arms and put it into the hotel owner's arms, then turned around and looked at Kozuki Oden who was standing in the middle of the street.

Oden also watched Tsugakuinichi do all this quietly, his expression changed several times, and finally he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart. He pointed the long sword in his hand at Tsugakuinichi and asked angrily:

"Did you kill Momonosuke, my son?!"

Kozuki Oden wanted to hear Tsugeki Yoshiichi admit it in person. In his subconscious mind, he was still unwilling to believe that someone like Tsugeki Yoshiichi would kill his son. Even if there was some misunderstanding between him and Tsugeki Yoshiichi, according to his understanding of Tsugeki Yoshiichi, the other party would not be so narrow-minded as to kill his son because of such trivial matters.

After all, his son is so kind and obedient!
"Are you talking about Momonosuke, who abandoned his subordinates who came to rescue him from a height of 100 meters in order to save his own life?"

"If it was him, I killed him."

Yoriichi looked at Kozuki Oden, who was full of anger, nodded slightly, and admitted it directly.

"what are you saying?"

"What do you mean by abandoning your subordinates?" When Kozuki Oden heard what Tsugakuni Yoriichi said, he frowned and asked, suppressing the anger in his chest.

"Your son coveted my gold and brought people to arrest me, but I detained him."

"I actually had no intention of killing your son. I came to Wano Country because I had something to talk to you about, so I just detained him and asked your retainers to notify you to return to the country."

"Your retainers tried to rescue your son and leave at night, and attacked me."

"Until this moment, I had no intention of killing your son."

"I just want to get him back."

"But I didn't expect that during this chase, I would see your son pulling down the retainer who was trying to save him from the sky in order to escape."

"I just clean up this kind of garbage."

As Yoshiichirō spoke, he walked out of the ruins and went straight to Kozuki Oden.


"My son is not that kind of person at all, you are talking nonsense!!!"

Kozuki Oden glared at him, crossed his two swords, and attacked directly towards Tsunekoku Yoshiichi. How could Kozuki Oden believe that his well-behaved and sensible son was the kind of person Tsunekoku Yoshiichi described?

As a father, how could he trust an outsider instead of his own son?

Tsugikoku Yoshiichi had no intention of continuing to explain. After all, at this point, the so-called explanation was meaningless because there was one fact that could not be changed no matter what.

That was the person who killed Momonosuke, it was indeed him.

It is not difficult to understand that Kozuki Oden would seek revenge on him. And even if Kozuki Oden believed what he said, from his position, it is impossible for him to let the matter go. No matter how bad the real Momonosuke was, in Kozuki Oden's heart, he was not the one who deserved to die.

Domineering aura surged in Tsugakuni Yoshiichi's body, and every inch of muscle on his body was covered with powerful domineering aura. He swung the long sword in his hand lightly and directly blocked Oden's fierce slash. Kozuki Oden was also furious, and the two swords in his hands turned into afterimages, and continuously attacked Tsugakuni Yoshiichi.

The fierce attack even forced Yuichiro Tsugakuni to retreat again and again.

Yoriichi did not use Haki to suppress his opponent, but instead maintained his Haki output at a level similar to that of Kozuki Oden.

Now, there is not only Kozuki Oden who is a strong man in Wano Country. At this time, Tsugikuni Yoriichi has already made plans to deal with all the members of the Whitebeard Pirates at the same time.

The purpose of today's battle is to make all the high-ranking officials of Wano Country subdue him under his terrifying power!
This closed country with rich resources is of extraordinary value to the new navy.

If Wano Country can be brought under control, the strength of the new navy will increase exponentially.

Kaido was able to sell large quantities of various weapons, build arsenals, and cultivate a force of the Four Emperors simply by relying on the original mineral resources of Wano Country.

Such a favorable natural environment must be well utilized.

To deal with the World Government, it is not only necessary to pull the Celestial Dragons down from the position of rulers, but also to build up one's own power and completely crush the World Government with hard power.



Continuous golden sounds rang out on the street, and gusts of strong wind swept towards the surrounding houses. Many of the houses could not withstand the shock waves from the battle between Tsugumi Yoshiichi and Kozuki Oden, and were turned into ruins under the shock waves.

Kozuki Oden, who put all his attention on Tsugikuni Yoshiichi, did not notice that as the battle between the two spread wider and wider, more and more golden flames were burning in the ruins of the collapsed houses.

During the battle with Kozuki Oden, Tsugakuni Yoriichi kept his feet rooted to the ground. Whenever a nearby house collapsed due to the shock wave, he would release a ray of golden fire towards the ground.

The golden flames can span a hundred meters underground and reach the target building to protect ordinary people who are still in the house.

As the battle between Tsugumi Yoshiichi and Kozuki Oden became more and more intense, more and more houses were affected by the battle. There were probably only a dozen houses originally, but in just a few minutes, all the houses within nearly a thousand meters around the two men disappeared without a trace and turned into ruins.

It was not until this moment that Kozuki Oden suddenly realized that the battlefield between him and Tsugumi Yoshiichirō was actually enveloped by a circle of golden fire.

The golden flames that shot up into the sky illuminated the night sky of Wano Country.

"Oden Two Swordsman Style: Sumei Daihun!"

After fighting for hundreds of rounds, Kozuki Oden did not gain any advantage over Tsugikuni Yoriichi. As the two figures crossed each other, Oden saw that his offensive had not yet produced any results, and his patience was completely exhausted.

With both swords held at an angle, Kozuki Oden let out a low roar, and at this moment, the powerful domineering aura was not only concentrated on the blades, but it actually condensed into a physical entity, and crimson air currents emanated from the blade.


Kozuki Oden's use of Conqueror's Haki was beyond Tsugikoku Yoriichi's expectations. It was the first time he had seen such a scene. Therefore, he couldn't help but let out a curious murmur.

The domineering aura output by Kozuki Oden became even more powerful, and in the battle with him, the opponent's strength made some breakthroughs.

This discovery also surprised Tsugumi Kuniyoshi. Kozuki Oden's talent is indeed the best among the best.

In such a closed place like Wano Country, a strong man like Oden could appear. I'm afraid Oden is also shouldering a certain historical mission for Wano Country.
Kozuki Oden, holding his long sword at an angle, rushed towards Yoshikazu Tsugakuni at a rapid speed. Every step his wooden clogs took on the ground could easily crack the ground.

The speed reached its peak, and Tsugikuni Yoshiichirō couldn't even catch sight of Kozuki Oden. His speed even exceeded the level that the transparent world could capture.

"Very strong!"

Jiguo Yuanyi's eyes widened slightly, and a strong sense of crisis enveloped him. This long-lost feeling actually made Jiguo Yuanyi smile slightly. He held the knife in front of him with both hands and finally became serious.

"Go to hell, you bastard!"

The figure of Kozuki Oden suddenly appeared in the air beside Tsugakuni Yoshiichi, and he slashed down with both swords, directly attacking Tsugakuni Yoshiichi's head.

The speed was so fast that it didn't even give Tsugakuni Yoshiichi much time to react. If he only relied on the transparent world to fight, he would have no way of dodging Kozuki Oden's attack.

However, Tsugakuni Yoshiichi's fighting style has already been completely integrated with the fighting style of the pirate world.

The means of sensing the enemy are no longer limited to the transparent world. All of Kozuki Oden's actions had been rehearsed in Tsugikuni Yoriichi's mind 10 seconds ago.

His Observation Haki has developed to this level and he can already see a glimpse of the future.

The effect of such ability will be reduced when facing a Devil Fruit user, because the essence of Observation Haki's foreseeing the future is actually the result of comprehensive analysis by the five senses and six senses after being blessed and the brain.

Devil Fruit abilities are unpredictable, so their effectiveness will be slightly compromised when fighting against users with special abilities.

However, Kozuki Oden is a pure swordsman, and his ability to foresee the future through his Observation Haki can be perfectly utilized when fighting against swordsmen. Every move of Oden is predicted by Tsugikuni Yoriichi!
Jiguo Yuanyi, who was under the knife edge, suddenly turned his hand to grab the knife and held it horizontally, with the back of the knife pressed tightly against his arm.


Both swords fell at the same time, standing directly on the blade of Dawn.

Yuan Yi felt his arm become heavier, and the stone slab under his feet had been stepped on to create a deep pit, with cracks spreading and affecting the ground within dozens of meters around him.

However, Oden's slash was still blocked, and even Tsugikuni Yoshiichi's face remained calm, without revealing any extra emotion.


The carefully prepared "ultimate move" was easily blocked by the opponent, and Oden couldn't help but feel shocked.

While he was surprised, Yoshiichirō had already turned sideways, and quickly stretched out his left hand and grabbed Kozuki Oden's neck. Oden's heart tightened, and he drew his sword and was about to retreat, but it was already too late.

And just at the moment when Kozuki Oden's throat was about to be strangled by Tsugakuni Yoshiichi, a water-blue barrier suddenly appeared between Kozuki Oden and Tsugakuni Yoshiichi.

Yuan Yi hit the barrier with one hand, and the huge force caused ripples on the surface of the barrier.

But in the end, Yoriichi's hand was still unable to penetrate the barrier.

"this is"

Yoriichi stared at the barrier in front of him, ignoring Oden who was quickly distanced himself. Instead, he glanced sideways at the Whitebeard Pirates and Oden's retainers who had already crossed the golden flames surrounding the battlefield and stepped into this place.

After quickly scanning these people, Yoshiichirō's gaze soon locked onto the old monk who was standing next to Kurozumi Orochi, with his middle and index fingers crossed in his sleeves.

"A barrier that can block my attacks."

"The thing created by the user of the Barrier Fruit is actually this powerful?!"

(End of this chapter)

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