Elves: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 230, Hanhan’s first battle

Chapter 230, Hanhan’s first battle
The monkey monster took the opportunity to seize the weakness of the mosquito-repellent frog after it exploded, dodged the mosquito-repellent frog's attack, grabbed the mosquito-repellent frog's punching arm, and threw it over the shoulder, defeating Xiaoying's mosquito-repellent frog.

Alas, after all, I still lacked some proficiency, and my opponent saw the weakness of climbing waterfalls.

This is why he said that he must use a backhand, he must explode within one meter, and he must be able to explode continuously before he can use this move.

If Xiaoying's mosquito-repellent frogs learned these things, the battle would not be so troublesome. They could simply dodge and punch them and end the battle.

"As expected, it still doesn't work! Mosquito-repellent frog," Xiaoying sighed slightly and used the elf ball to take back the mosquito-repellent frog, remembering Yu Hai's story last night.

Two weaknesses of the waterfall-climbing explosion came to his mind. The weakness of being unable to turn and dodge in the air after the explosion could only be avoided by shortening the interval between the explosions.

No wonder Brother Hai has to emphasize the distance within one meter. If he can't explode face to face, this move will have too many flaws. He just saw the two flaws of climbing the waterfall. Mosquito-repellent frog failed on this.

"Brother, your mosquito-repellent incense frog uses the same explosive technique, but it's still a little short of fire. The mosquito-repellent incense frog can't control this power yet. If you can be as powerful as the mysterious trainer yesterday, maybe I will lose. …”

"Has it been seen?" Xiaoying sighed secretly. He only used it three times before his opponent saw it.

"Brother, do you know the trainer yesterday? I saw you two together and I want to get to know him. Can you introduce him..."

"I will inform him," Xiaoying nodded lightly, without talking to the other party, took out [-] alliance coins and threw them to the other party, and wanted to leave the battlefield.

But as soon as Xiaoying turned around, she saw Yuhai standing behind her. It was obvious that the battle just now was witnessed by Yuhai.

"Brother Hai?"

"Xiaoying, your grandpa said you were here," Yuhai walked up and saw Xiaoying taking out money. It seemed that Xiaoying had lost money.

"Brother Hai, are you back from studying?" Xiaoying was bumped into again, and it was not as embarrassing as the first time. After all, Yuhai said that winning or losing was normal.

"Yes, I'm ready to go back. I'll come here to find you." As soon as Ukai finished speaking, he was pestered by passerby trainers who wanted to find him, and they all surrounded him.

"Trainer of mosquito-repellent frogs, you finally show up. I want to challenge you..."

"Don't jump in line, I was here first..."

"Everyone, get out of the way. Can you afford the challenge fee? If you can't afford it, get out of the way..."

"Everyone, please be quiet. You can't fight mosquito-repellent frogs today. The mosquito-repellent-repellent frogs were injured yesterday and haven't recovered yet. There are only three games for one hundred thousand today. If you want to fight, just go there..."

Yuhai was also convinced by this group of lunatics. Are there really so many people who want to challenge him? The enthusiasm of these people in rushing to give away money made him a little confused.

After being reminded by Ukai, trainers who wanted to challenge him all went to the trainer platform opposite to compete for the three challenge places.

There is another group of people who have already bought Yu Hai's victory again. Although the bet this time is a little smaller, Yu Hai's performance yesterday is still vivid in their minds.

However, there are still some trainers who have not retreated, and Yuhai also knows the purpose of this group of people.

"Mosquito-repellent frog trainer, do you sell your mosquito-repellent frog breeding method?"

"I want that kind of super explosive cultivation method..."

"Tell me how much it costs, I'll buy it from you..."

"Everyone, be quiet." Yuhai felt a little annoyed and couldn't help but press his palms to signal everyone to be quiet.

After everyone calmed down, he explained to the crowd surrounding him: "That kind of explosion is just a move. Every mosquito-repellent frog can learn to climb the waterfall. Many elves can do it. Don't crowd around. I'm still here." To fight."

"It turned out to be waterfall climbing. I thought it was some new technique..."

"But why are they all climbing waterfalls, but why are they different after the outbreak?"

Because this question is an idiotic question, no one answered the question at all. Climbing a waterfall is different. It is naturally the result of training. As soon as the elf learns it, he wants to explode like other people's elf. It is just a nonsense.

However, when it comes to climbing waterfalls, many trainers think of the battle between the three Yu clans not long ago. They were all elves who could climb waterfalls. They had also climbed waterfalls, and they were all fierce.

Now that I think about it, it’s normal that mosquito-repellent frogs can climb waterfalls...

It's just that Yuhai didn't tell the real secret of climbing the waterfall, and he didn't even tell Xiaoying.

He only told Xiaoying what to do, what the effect was, what the shortcomings were, that is, the three core essentials of climbing waterfalls, the two weaknesses, and the routine of continuous explosions.

But it didn’t mention compressing the distance for climbing the waterfall. It also involves coordinating the strength of the whole body, concentrating the strength of the whole body, and erupting the strength of the whole body at one point.

I didn’t say it, but when I was studying, the mosquito-repellent frog would still teach Cun Jin the technique, but Xiaoying didn’t know it.

"By the way, there is also yesterday's explosion. Can you tell me what it was?"

"Yeah, how did that kind of explosion happen..."

"Ahem, everyone, be quiet," Ukai coughed dryly again, suppressed the chaotic questioning, and explained: "Isn't it normal for an explosion to occur in an elf battle? Didn't other elf battles explode?"

"Yes, there are explosions in the battle between elves. What's there to be suspicious of? It would be strange if there is no explosion..."

"Who asked these idiotic questions? Can't you focus on the key points?"

"Everyone, please disperse. Don't interfere with other people's battles..."

At this time, the gambling dogs couldn't stand it anymore, and what were they doing?I can’t even start a duel, I can’t open a game yet.

"Huh," Yuhai breathed a long sigh of relief when he saw the crowd dispersed. He finally got through it. He was really afraid that the group of people would gather around him and not disperse, so they would rob him.

In fact, the technique of climbing waterfalls is simple and easy. What is difficult is the consistent exercise.

There is also the armored tyrannosaurus on the desert island, which taught the mosquito-repellent frog to learn to mobilize the power of climbing waterfalls, concentrate the explosive power of the whole body, and concentrate on the technique of attacking with fists, which is the most important thing for climbing waterfalls.

Yuhai didn't know how the mosquito-repellent frog learned such a skill. Before, he had guessed that he had learned it on a desert island.

But even if there is no desert island, Mosquito-Incense Frog can still master this technique. It's just a matter of time. After all, he also knows Cun Jin's explosive technique, so he can just follow the training.

It was just that the mosquito-repellent frog had mastered the explosive technique in a daze, which surprised him.

As the crowd discovered the secret of the mosquito-repellent frog, they all turned around and dispersed, no longer bothering Yu Hai.After all, when you don’t know, everything is a secret, and all you imagine is all kinds of awesome stuff. But when they heard that it was just climbing a waterfall, most people lost interest.

After all, the waterfall climbing move is there, and many elves know it. If you are interested, you can tame one, and develop some fancy ways to use it. It is also possible, and no one is stopping others from doing so.

When the audience in the auditorium dispersed, they did not leave the battle site, but wanted to watch Ukai's battle. Ukai stood on the trainer's platform again, and Xiaoying also followed.

Ukai, who didn't know what kind of elf the other side would send, first threw the armored rhino's elf ball. It didn't matter what elf the other side sent.

"Appeared, the mysterious trainer once again prioritized sending combat elves..."

"This time it's an armored rhinoceros. I don't know where this person got his confidence. Not only did he send out the elves first, but he also let his opponent attack first..."

"Who knew? After giving up the right to take the back seat and the right to attack first, he was able to win three games in a row yesterday. I can only say that this person is very confident in himself..."

"Come on, come on, the first battle is indeed a water elf, which can restrain the armored rhinoceros four times. Let's see how this trainer responds..."

Seeing his opponent sending out a water elf giant claw crab, Ukai didn't pay attention, but asked the opponent: "Are you sure you want to fight with a giant claw crab?"

"Sure," the strange trainer on the opposite side nodded, indicating that he would use the giant claw crab to fight the armored rhinoceros.

"Okay, give me the money," Yuhai stretched out his hand to signal the other party to pay the money first, otherwise he would not fight.

"Here is one hundred thousand," the strange trainer threw out one hundred thousand. He had seen yesterday's battle and knew Ukai's rules. There would be no battle without money.

One hundred thousand alliance coins were thrown on the ground. Yuhai sent out the big-mouthed gull to pick up the money. After getting the money, he counted ten. After he placed the one hundred thousand, he signaled to the other party that they could start.

"I'll let you attack first," Yuhai directly gave up the right to attack, just like yesterday.

"Giant claw crab, water gun," the strange trainer got the right to attack first, and couldn't help but secretly rejoice. Although the armored rhinoceros was restrained four times by the water element, he did not dare to be careless. After all, the opponent had won three consecutive victories yesterday.

Seeing the opponent's giant crab using a water gun, Yuhai did not let the armored rhinoceros dodge. Instead, he shouted to the armored rhinoceros: "Armored rhinoceros, charge with your life..."

"Hurrah, huff, huff," the armored rhinoceros did not dodge when the water gun was hit on it. It kept digging its forelimbs on the ground. After whirring, its whole body was emitting golden light, and it launched a charge towards the giant claw crab.

"Giant Claw Crab, avoid it," the strange trainer saw that many water cannons were useless, and immediately asked the Giant Claw Crab to avoid the unstoppable charge of the armored rhinoceros.

The armored rhinoceros ignored the giant claw crab that it was avoiding. The armored rhinoceros ran faster and faster. Momo used rock grinding during the charge. After the giant claw crab avoided it, the armored rhinoceros turned around and continued to chase the giant claw crab. .

"Giant Claw Crab, dig a hole to avoid it," the strange trainer once again ordered the Giant Claw Crab to avoid it. However, it was already in a state of distress. For some reason, the water gun hit the armored rhinoceros, but it was as if nothing happened and it did no harm at all.

Seeing the Giant Claw Crab digging a hole, Yu Hai felt funny that he was actually digging a hole in front of the ground-type elves. He immediately shouted to the Armored Rhino: "Armored Rhino, stamp your feet..."

"Huhu, dong dong, dong dong," the armored rhinoceros didn't hit the giant crab twice. He had already suppressed his anger. He raised his forelimbs high and stamped hard on the ground. The ground he stepped on suddenly shook. .

Even the audience in the auditorium, including Ukai who was standing on the trainer's high platform, was shaken by this stomping.

What's more, the giant claw crab was digging holes and hiding underground. After the strange trainer realized this, he quickly shouted for the giant claw crab to come out: "Giant claw crab, come out quickly..."

By the time the giant crab came out of its hole, it was foaming at the mouth and its eyes had turned into mosquito-repellent eyes. It could no longer hold on and fell to the ground.

"Who's next?" When Yuhai saw the armored rhinoceros winning, he immediately used the elf ball to retrieve the armored rhinoceros to prevent the armored rhinoceros from running around. He asked the trainer on the opposite side who should send the elf to challenge this time.

Seeing that Ukai had won another match, at the trainer platform opposite, another unfamiliar trainer stood up, threw out [-] alliance coins, and shouted loudly: "I'll do it this time..."

"Go to the armored rhino," Yuhai released the armored rhinoceros again, and sent the big-billed gull to pick up the money. After counting ten pieces in his hand, he raised his hand to signal the other side to send out the elves.

"Go, Dou Li Mushroom," the strange trainer said after the previous battle, he could see that the armored rhinoceros was not afraid of water. This time he used another attribute to restrain it, and he could also restrain the armored rhinoceros four times.

"Dou Li Mushroom?" Yuhai sighed helplessly when he saw the grass-type elves sent out from the opposite side. It is true that the armored rhinoceros is not afraid of water, but the armored rhinoceros should be four times weaker than the grass-type.

After all, the armored rhinoceros has many weaknesses. In addition to two attributes that are four times weaker, there are also four attributes that are twice as weak, namely, fighting type, ground type, steel type, ice type...

An elf with a combination of ground and rock attributes is too miserable to be restrained by six attributes.

But the armored rhinoceros was already on the field, and it didn't matter if he lost. Yuhai could still afford to lose a hundred thousand, so he immediately shouted to the opposite side: "You attack first..."

"Dou Li Mushroom, Seed Machine Gun," the strange trainer got the right to attack again and immediately ordered his Dou Li Mushroom.

Densely packed brown seeds spit out from the mouth of the Dou Li mushroom, like bullets hitting the armored rhinoceros.

Yuhai immediately ordered the armored rhinoceros to dig a hole to avoid: "Armored rhinoceros, dig a hole to avoid..."

After Ukai's order was issued, the armored rhinoceros remained unmoved and did not dig a hole to avoid it. Instead, he carried the seed machine gun and rushed towards the mushroom.

"what happened?"

"The armored rhinoceros is out of control?"

"The armored rhinoceros doesn't obey orders?"

"Is this armored rhinoceros not completely conquered yet?"

"You're cheating. I've staked tens of thousands of dollars on the unconquered elves. How can I use them to fight against each other?"

"Me too, I hope I can win this time. I will never take him into custody next time..."

The armored rhinoceros disobeyed the trainer's orders and went on a rampage. The audience in the auditorium saw it, and the strange trainer opposite could see it clearly.

The strange trainer immediately seized this opportunity and ordered his Dou Li Mushroom: "Dou Li Mushroom, use parasitic seeds..."

The Dou Li Mushroom kicked his feet lightly to avoid the random charge of the Armored Rhino, and even spat out a sprouting seed at the Armored Rhino.

When the seeds came into contact with the Armored Rhino, several slender vines quickly grew out. There were leaves on the vines. The leaves and vines quickly spread to the Armored Rhino's body. As the vines wrapped around the Armored Rhino, the Armored Rhino was restrained in place and unable to move.

Then the vines and leaves glowed red and began to absorb energy from the armored rhinoceros, turning into dots of green light and sinking into the body of the Dou Li Mushroom. The parasitic seeds were restoring the Dou Li Mushroom's physical strength.

(End of this chapter)

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