Elves: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 235: Fatty feels uncomfortable

Chapter 235: Fatty feels uncomfortable
On the 14th day when we arrived at Hasa Island, it rained lightly.

When Yuhai woke up early this morning, he saw the light rain outside the door. After coming to Haza Island for so many days, the temperature finally dropped.

After getting up and stretching, he went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the little ones.

Xiaoying also climbed up and came to the kitchen to help. The two of them quickly made breakfast.

The little fat man got up early this morning, just in time for breakfast. During breakfast, the little fat man also mentioned training.

"Brother Hai, can my giant claw crab be trained with the giant claw crab?"

"Okay," Yuhai thought for a while, recalling that the little fat man's big claw crab panel seemed to have no high-speed movement moves, so he reminded the little fat man: "Let the big claw crab and giant claw crab learn to move at high speed first..."

"Move at high speed?" The little fat man suddenly thought of the previous battle with giant crabs, in which he used high-speed movement to defeat Reib. It seems that high-speed movement should be very important.

Everyone chatted casually for a few more words, and after breakfast, they all started boring morning exercises.

In today's morning training, Yuhai still didn't put any weight on the frog, so he just ran normally, because the fist of the frog has not healed yet, and the back injury from the ice blast was too serious. Even if he wants to use it next time, he should use it with caution.

The morning exercise passed quickly. Yuhai took a shower, changed clothes, and prepared lunch. Xiaoying also came to help.

After several days of exercise, the little fat man finally felt much better today and was no longer lying on the ground tired.

It means that the little fat man's physical fitness has been exercised. As long as he insists on exercising every day, the little fat man will not be so fat.

After lunch, everyone took a lunch break, and then the three of them went out together. Ukai had to send the giant crab to learn the remaining two new moves, and today's holiday match has not yet been played, so there are still many things to do.

However, Xiaoying was not in a hurry this afternoon and went to Coconut Tree Beach with Yuhai, and the little fat man followed.

A group of three people came to the coconut tree beach. Yuhai asked the two to wait while he went to release the giant claw crab.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Kida," Ukai said hello to Kida, who was wearing blue pants on the observation deck.

"You're here," Kida just glanced at Ukai, then turned back and continued staring at the sparkling sea, for fear of missing the tourists' cries for help.

"Mr. Kida, please help me with today's giant crab..." Ukai released the giant crab and was just about to explain what the giant crab was learning.

Kida suddenly stretched out his hand to signal Ukai to be quiet, then quickly jumped off the observation deck, threw the Poké Ball, released his Elf Gull, and the giant crab under the observation deck, followed his footsteps and flew towards the seaside.

Seeing how anxious the other party was, Ukai turned around and looked up, and saw someone drowning on the sea.

As soon as he saw someone drowning, Kida rushed into the sea, with giant claw crabs guarding him and large-billed gulls that had already picked up the drowning tourists.

He also saw a surfboard washed up on the shore. It should be that the drowning tourist failed to surf and was swept into the waves, so he called for help.

After Kida rescued the person and the person was still breathing, he just told the person to be careful and returned to the observation deck.

Ukai brought up the giant crab thing again, "Mr. Kida, is that person okay?"

"It's okay." Kida picked up the towel next to the observation deck and wiped his face. He looked at the giant crab at Ukai's feet and waved his hand: "The giant crab is just here. You can just come and take it away later. I will teach the giant crab." Crab learns the last two moves..."

"Then I'll trouble Mr. Kida," Ukai said after confirming that the other party could teach giant claw crabs, he said goodbye and left the coconut tree beach.

When he turned around and went back to find Xiaoying, he found that the coconut tree where Xiaoying and the others were standing was surrounded by people, and some people were shouting, "Come on."

He walked over and followed the crowd to watch, and found that it was a passerby trainer who was challenging Xiaoying, and he must have recognized Xiaoying.

After all, Xiaoying was quite famous for her five-game winning streak on the beach before.

This battle on the sand is between mosquito-repellent frogs and mosquito-repellent frogs. Judging from the performance of the two mosquito-repellent frogs, Xiaoying's mosquito-repellent frog is better.

Both the accuracy of his moves and the power of his moves are much higher than those of his opponents.

Recently, he also discovered that there seemed to be more mosquito-repellent frogs, and he didn't know if it was because of him.

After watching the battle for a while, the mosquito-repellent incense frog and the mosquito-repellent incense frog decided the winner. Xiaoying's mosquito-repellent incense frog won and won [-] alliance coins.

After losing money, a strange trainer who owned a mosquito-repellent frog came to Xiaoying and wanted to ask how Xiaoying's mosquito-repellent frog was cultivated and how it became so powerful. He wanted to learn.

In this regard, Xiaoying only told the other party that he had to practice the accuracy of his moves. If the moves were not accurate, no matter how powerful they were, it would be useless.

Seeing that the other party did not ask about climbing the waterfall, Xiaoying secretly breathed a sigh of relief, because his grandfather had told him that the training method for climbing the waterfall should not be leaked before he had the strength, otherwise he would be killed.

He also kept in mind his grandfather's advice. If anyone asked, he would just use the method of climbing waterfalls as Brother Hai said before. Moreover, mosquito-repellent incense frogs were originally used to climb waterfalls.

As for how to train for waterfall climbing, it would be impolite to ask.

As the battle ended, someone wanted to challenge Xiaoying, but when Xiaoying saw Yuhai coming, she rejected the challenger and said she would not fight.

He also said that he would fight in the battle field, but he would not fight here. He had other things to do. If he wanted to challenge, he could go to the Elf Center to challenge, but he would not fight here.

He has not forgotten the business of today. Ten thousand or twenty thousand is a small amount of money, and he can fight at any time. The business is to cooperate with Brother Hai and Grandpa to quit gambling.

"Xiaoying, that's good. Congratulations on winning the battle," Yuhai came over and applauded.

"Brother Hai, I'm still far away," Xiaoying saw Yu Hai applauding, scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and smiled awkwardly.

You must know that Yuhai is worth 500 million per round. Let alone playing a duel, his legs are already weak just standing on the dueling battlefield.

"Wow, Xiaoying, your mosquito-repellent frog has become stronger again," the little fat man saw Xiaoying winning again, and shouted towards Xiaoying.

"Fat man, keep your voice down," Xiaoying really couldn't stand the fat man's exclamations and was always startled by anything she did.

After all, they train every day, morning, afternoon and night. If they can't get stronger, why bother training so hard.

"Okay, we have to go to the battlefield," when Yuhai said this, only Xiaoying understood it.

Xiaoying understood that she was going to fight a match-fixing match again, but she was still surrounded by Fatty, so she didn't know whether to move away. He even asked Yuhai with his eyes what to do.

"No need," Yuhai saw Xiaoying's eyes and shook his head slightly to express that it didn't matter.

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" The little fat man saw Xiaoying and Xiaoying flirting with each other, and he immediately became anxious, wondering if there was something good going on and he wouldn't play with him.

"Xiaoying will tell you. You go and get a car and wait for me first," Yuhai waved his hand and asked the two of them to leave first, because he wanted to release the big-billed gull.

"Bah, bah, bah," the big-billed gull just came out. When he saw the beach in the distance, he knew that it happened yesterday again, so he flew towards the beach.

"Big-billed Gull, I'll leave it to you for the Giant Crab," Ukai shouted to the Big-billed Gull that flew away.


After watching the big-mouthed gull leave, Yuhai got into the car stopped by Xiaoying. The fat man in the car kept chatting with Xiaoying.

"Xiaoying, you made [-] yuan yesterday? I really want to try it," the little fat man heard that Xiaoying made money by betting, and wanted to play with Xiaoying. "Don't try. When your mother comes to find you later, I will be scolded again, saying that I led you into trouble." Xiaoying felt that this could not dispel the idea of ​​​​the little fat man. He did not want to see the little fat man turn into a gambling dog, so he hurriedly Explained: "Ten thousand is the minimum standard. Do you have that much pocket money?"

"Ten thousand? Me, me," the little fat man hesitated for a long time. It was obvious that he didn't have that much money, so he quickly looked at Xiaoying.

He does not have that much money, but Xiaoying does.

"Don't even think about it," Xiaoying saw the little fat man looking at him and knew what the little fat man was planning. After all, the two of them were growing up, and as soon as the little fat man stuck out his butt, he knew what the other person would fart.

"Okay," the little fat man had no choice but to shut up. It was impossible to borrow money. He could only watch Xiaoying play.

As the three of them arrived at the Sailor Bar, Xiaoying and Little Fatty went to watch the game first, while Yuhai sat alone in the bar, waiting for the contact.

Soon, the masked man from yesterday came and ordered another glass of water. The white paper was pressed under the cup and pushed towards Ukai.

Ukai picked up the white paper. The masked man had disappeared. He also took the note and left the bar through the back door.

After reading the note outside the bar, he destroyed the note and wiped out all traces of it. Today, there are two wins and one loss in the middle. In other words, he will lose the second game.

Not bad, finally no need to lose money.

Afterwards, he went straight to the battle arena. When a passerby trainer saw him, he challenged him. When there was an opening in the battle arena, he stood on the trainer's platform.

It was still the same routine today, except that in the first game he sent out an armored rhinoceros. It would be safer to use an armored rhinoceros in the winning game, and he would basically not lose.

There are more elves to choose from when you lose. It doesn't matter which one you use, but you can't use mosquito-repellent frogs.

He will not send mosquito-repellent frogs to fight, because once the mosquito-repellent frogs are sent out, no one will fight with him.

Mosquito-repellent frog had defeated the club's senior coach before, who was also an electric elf, and the trainer who had watched him fight was not a fool.

As the battle started on his side, Xiaoying started placing bets. The little fat man was watching from the side, watching Xiaoying place bets, watching Xiaoying win money, and he could only watch.

Xiaoying couldn't explain to the little fat man that betting here was all a routine. He could only tell the little fat man not to bet.

The last three fake games ended with Yuhai winning [-] yuan. Xiaoying also won money this time, and happily took the money to join Yuhai.

"Brother Hai, I won again," Xiaoying shouted excitedly.

"Xiaoying, I have something to do next, so I have to go back first," Yuhai said with a smile on his face and patted Xiaoying's shoulder, hoping that Xiaoying would not get stuck.

"Fat man, I'm treating you. Let's go to the buffet and eat whatever you want." Xiaoying also knew that Yu Hai was going to get paid, so she took the little fat man away and planned to treat the little fat man to a buffet.

When the little fat man heard about the big meal, he immediately became excited. The buffet here costs [-] yuan per person, and he would usually be reluctant to eat there.

After saying goodbye to Xiaoying and Xiaoying, Yuhai came to the Sailor Bar and waited for the masked man who sent money yesterday to come over.

Not long after, the masked man came over, pushed an envelope towards him on the bar, turned around and left the bar.

Seeing this, Yuhai picked up the envelope and put it in his pocket, and left the bar without looking at how much money was inside.

If the money is less than 50, he will refuse to cooperate next time. This is a showdown, and there is nothing to say.

When he came outside the bar, he opened the envelope and counted the alliance coins in the envelope. It was exactly 50. He threw the envelope into his backpack and went directly to the coconut tree beach.

When he came here, he did not disturb the giant crab who was studying. Instead, he released the mosquito-repellent frog and watched the sea with him.

Okay, let's show off, he just came to see the girl in a swimsuit. Fortunately, this is the elf world, otherwise it would be illegal to look at her.

It wasn't until the sun was about to set in the sea that he went to pick up the giant crab. Today, the giant crab did not learn instant amnesia and sword dance. It will continue tomorrow.

However, according to Kida, he is almost mastering the giant claw crab.

Yuhai is not in a hurry about this. He has plenty of time to learn slowly.

After leaving the beach, the big-billed gull landed and shook his head to express that nothing unusual happened today. Then he got on the big-billed gull and returned to the villa to prepare dinner for the elves.

When dinner was ready, Xiaoying also came back. However, Xiaoying had already eaten dinner outside and did not eat dinner when she came back. After feeding the elves with dinner, she started the evening training.

Ukai's elves also started training at night. Mosquito-repellent frogs and giant claw crabs trained to guard each other. After training for a few days, the proficiency reached above ten, and they could be used in actual combat.

The armored rhinoceros was bathed and massaged by Xiaoying at night and fell into a deep sleep.

The remaining elves, except for the vigilant Orb Silk Spider, had nothing to do and were all playing.

In addition to Carp King and Tench, Ukai also has to arrange things for these guys.

The remaining three elves, Baddie, Big-billed Owl, and Slowpoke, were all very leisurely. He planned to let these three guys learn the shadow clone moves from Xiaoying's Dou Li Mushroom.

Just wait until one of the three guys learns it and then teach it to the other elves.

"Bada Die, Slowpoke, you two are learning shadow clones from Dou Li Mushroom," Yuhai waved and summoned two little guys to explain to them what shadow clones are.

"Bah, bah, bah," Badadie had seen the shadow clone on TV. It immediately understood what Yuhai was going to say, picked up Slowpoke by the swimming pool, and went to learn from Dou Li Mushroom.

There was also the big-billed gull. He saw the big-billed gull training to pray for rain. The big-billed gull did not need to learn new moves, and it would be the same in the future.

Finally, there was the Scallion Duck. He didn't make any arrangements. He didn't know if the Scallion Duck would still have a temper, so he didn't make any arrangements.

After arranging training tasks for the elves, he lay on the folding bed and wanted to look at the moon for a while. Unfortunately, there were dark clouds today and nothing could be seen in the sky.

He fell into deep thought again. There were still three days until the club league, so he could join in the fun then.

After thinking about it, he fell asleep. Since he was in the small courtyard this time, no one woke him up, so he slept until the next morning.

The elves who were training at night were all stopped by Xiaoying when they trained until eleven o'clock.

After the elves stopped training, some lay beside Ukai's bed and fell asleep, some were in the water, and some were in the living room...


Day No. 15 when we arrived at Hasa Island, it was cloudy.

It's another cool day, and Ukai's life today is both fulfilling and monotonous.

I made breakfast, ate breakfast, did morning exercises, had lunch, sent giant crabs to study in the afternoon, and played match-fixing. I made another 55 today.

Later I have to pick up giant crabs, and when I get back to the villa I have to prepare dinner. After dinner, I continue training in the evening.

This day has passed, and there are still two days until the club league...

(End of this chapter)

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