Elves: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 264, Old Wine

Chapter 264, Old Wine
Keiko's boyfriend Jin was sitting in the audience, and he felt strange because he and Ukai had just met yesterday and exchanged some things about the game.

He thought the opponent would use mosquito-repellent incense frogs to compete, but he didn't expect them to abandon the game and stop playing.

No matter how many shady things the club has, as long as people don't jump on it, the club can't do anything.

He originally wanted to see how much the mosquito-repellent frog had grown after the last battle with the electric beast.

Since he couldn't see it, there was no need to continue watching. His girlfriend had to go back to work in the store, and he felt that the next game would be nothing to watch.

He simply returned to the massage shop with his girlfriend and helped her take care of the business in the shop.

It was now the league period, he had been eliminated again, and he had no work commitments. He happened to be guarding the massage parlor with his girlfriend.

When the league is over, he won't have that much time to spend with his girlfriend. He needs to go back to his training job and prepare to take the assessment for coaching promotion.

As Keiko and her boyfriend left the game, many spectators left early. The children in the orphanage couldn't understand why Ukai gave up. They could only wait until they meet Xiaoying next time and ask Xiaoying if she knows the reason.

However, the two kryptonite brothers, Erlang and Jiro, who were watching from the sidelines, could probably guess the reason why Ukai abandoned the game.

"Second brother, is he a coward? He actually gave up the game?"

"Third brother, it may not be possible to do better by letting you go up, but at least his goal has been achieved..."

"Purpose? For what purpose?"

"You didn't see that big brother is going crazy. Leave now. If you don't leave, you will be the punching bag again later..."

The smart Erlang could already imagine that when the angry elder brother saw them, he would definitely give them a lesson. Without scolding the anger in his heart, it would be difficult for the elder brother to calm down his anger.

As the two brothers of Krypton and Gold ran away early, they were not ready to welcome the eldest brother who returned victoriously.

The long-haired young man who stood taller than the club, who was also the senior coach of the water club, felt a little regretful when he saw that Ukai did not appear.

This time they have prepared all-round surveillance. They must record the entire battle process of the mosquito-repellent frog, and then analyze the mosquito-repellent frog from multiple angles.

It's a pity that the opponent abandoned the game, causing them to miss a good opportunity to observe, and now they can only end it with regret. The club's unspoken rules are too excessive, and there is nothing they can do about it.

However, the child following Yuhai should also know the method of training mosquito-repellent frogs to climb waterfalls. That child might be a breakthrough.

But that kid has a sailor grandfather who has made contributions to the alliance and shed blood for the alliance. It is really difficult to deal with, at least he can't be harsh.

Ukai, who was having lunch at the Sailor Bar, didn't know everything that happened in the water club. Even if he knew, he probably wouldn't care.

For him, competition is all about participation, and competitions that do not require all-out efforts are meaningless.

While they were having lunch, they also encountered an interesting thing, that is, the waitress brought them ferry tickets and a bottle of old wine.

"This is this?" Yuhai was not surprised when he saw the ticket, but was a little surprised by the old wine that came with the ticket.

"This is the wine the boss gave you, and he asked me to convey that I thank you for taking care of Xiaoying during this period. If you want to drink, you can come to the bar anytime, and the order is free..."

"Okay, I'll accept the wine," Yuhai waved his hand, indicating to the waiter that she could leave. He picked up the wine bottle and looked at it carefully.

"Brother Hai, this is grandpa's treasure. I usually keep the wine locked in the cabinet and I won't be allowed to touch it," Xiaoying explained to Yu Hai when she saw the bottle of wine and recalled that she came here to play when she was seven years old. when.

At that time, he was curious about what was locked in the cabinet, so he opened the cabinet and found that it was wine. When he was about to touch it, his grandfather came over and beat him up, so he was deeply impressed by the wine.

"It turns out to be a treasure," Yuhai felt happy when he heard that it was the old man's treasure. He didn't expect that the old man actually gave him wine to thank him. Didn't the old man know that he was still a minor and couldn't drink?
His guess was correct. The old man had indeed forgotten that he was only 15 years old. He thought that was a fake age, that he was already an adult and was just pretending to be young.

After all, his behavior is too old-fashioned, not like an ignorant boy at all, but more like a little fox. Even the old fox, the old man, fell into his hands.

After accepting the boat ticket, accepting the old wine, and putting everything into the space backpack, Yuhai continued to stare at the game on TV. The boat ticket would be used tomorrow, and the wine was just left. He would take it out when he wanted to drink...

Xiaoying ate her meal and checked the time on her watch. It was still early, it was only after one o'clock in the afternoon, and she didn't know what she was going to do in the afternoon: "Brother Hai, what should we do in the afternoon?"

"I don't have anywhere I want to go. I just want to lie down and watch TV." After finishing lunch, Yuhai just lay on the sofa and didn't want to go anywhere. The elf didn't want to train either.

After the elves finished lunch, they all crowded on the sofa with him to watch TV, getting ready to take a good lunch break.

Xiaoying couldn't help seeing this scene. This was the last time he spent with Brother Hai. He didn't go anywhere. He lay on another sofa, quietly watching the TV game, and slowly fell asleep with the elves. .

When they woke up, it was five o'clock in the afternoon, which happened to be dinner time. It had only been four hours since they had lunch, they hadn't exercised in the afternoon, and they weren't hungry yet.

But the waiter girl had already brought dinner, and they could only reluctantly eat it. They were just too full at noon, so they didn't finish dinner, so they planned to keep it to heat up for a late-night snack.

It was getting dark now, and there was still one night before tomorrow morning. Yuhai didn't want to go anywhere, and Xiaoying was so bored that she could only watch TV.

Seeing Xiaoying staring at the TV in a daze, Yuhai also knew that the time between the two of them was only the last night, and they couldn't be so bored in this private room that they could only watch TV.

I had been lying down all afternoon, and now I couldn't sleep. I thought I should do something in the evening, so I suggested to Xiaoying: "Xiaoying, do you want to go shopping?"

"Okay, where should we go shopping?" Xiaoying jumped up excitedly when she heard that she could go out.

"You can go anywhere, just take a walk," Yuhai put on his backpack and took back the elves who had eaten dinner, leaving only the Variety monster turned into a face towel. Xiaoying also followed his example and turned the Variety monster into a face towel. , the two left the private room of the Sailor Bar.

There is all his worth in the two backpacks. He will not put it in the private room, he can only take it with him wherever he goes.

As the two of them went out, the old man also saw the two of them under the floor-to-ceiling window, and didn't care about their departure. Ukai was leaving tomorrow anyway, and he didn't know when the next time they would see each other again.

Yuhai and Xiaoying came to the street and walked aimlessly. The place where they wandered was the six battle venues outside the Elf Center.

The current six battle venues are too deserted, and there are basically no trainers to compete. Now the trainers are watching the games in seven clubs, as well as in the young trainer competition venue.

There are very few trainers here. Even if there are a few trainers here, they are just rookies who have just obtained elves. They are not even amateur trainers.

Seeing that there was nothing interesting here, they wandered around here and even visited the department store.

In the end, they didn't buy anything. After leaving the department store, they found that the department store, seven clubs, and the conference venue in the north of the city were the busiest places.But they would not go to these three places. They had visited the department store and the club league scene. If he went there, he would probably be drowned in the saliva of a gambling dog.

Now I can't sleep even when I go back. In order to kill the last time, Xiaoying suggested to massage Elf. Yesterday, his mosquito-repellent frog was massaged. Xiaoying's mosquito-repellent frog was not massaged yet, but she also wanted to have a massage.

"Let's go," Yuhai did not refuse Xiaoying's proposal. He happened to also want to massage the mosquito-repellent frog again. After this time, he didn't know when he could get the massage next time.

There should be breeders who know how to massage on passenger ships, but you can't rely on others. After all, mosquito-repellent frogs are still their own elves. You can also try it yourself. Mosquito-repellent frogs are a good massage target.

As they came to Keiko's massage parlor, they found that both Keiko and her boyfriend Aren were in the shop.

Keiko and her boyfriend were surprised to see the two of them come in, especially Aren.

During the noon game, Jin was still wondering why Ukai gave up the game, but the opponent came to his shop again.

"Mr. Hai, are you here for a massage?" Keiko welcomed Ukai and the two of them into the store and sat down, and asked them casually.

"Yes, Xiaoying's mosquito-repellent incense frog needs to be massaged," Yuhai patted Xiaoying's shoulder and motioned for Xiaoying to release the mosquito-repellent incense frog.

"Sister Keiko, it's my mosquito-repellent-repellent frog that wants to be massaged," Xiaoying was pushed and released her own mosquito-repellent-repellent frog.

The mosquito-repellent frog lay down on the massage bed. Keiko also rolled up her sleeves and was about to massage the mosquito-repellent frog. Suddenly she thought of the competition at noon and curiously asked Yuhai: "Mr. Hai, why didn't you go to the competition at noon?"

"It's a game," Yuhai scratched his head in embarrassment and covered up his embarrassment with a smile: "I overslept at noon and forgot about it. By the time I rushed over, the game was over..."

"Really, I even went to watch your game, and I didn't see you come out after waiting for a long time," Keiko complained in a low voice.

Her boyfriend dragged her to watch the game, and he said that today's game was absolutely wonderful, but she didn't see the game she had been looking forward to for a long time. When she saw Yuhai, she wanted to say a few words, but considering that Yuhai was her client, she held it back. There were still unspoken complaints.

"Haha, I'm sorry, Miss Keiko, I wasted my expectations," Ukai could only scratch his head in embarrassment when faced with Keiko's eyes roll. He knew that the other party was just joking, and he didn't take it seriously.

In this situation, he could only pretend to be stupid. After all, he couldn't say he would give up the game. That would be too honest and not good at all.

Although everyone knows that it is an abandonment of the game, and oversleeping is just an excuse, but as long as you don't say it out loud, it's good for you, me, and everyone. These are all unspoken rules...

"Mr. Hai, I didn't expect you to be absent. Taro won the game at that time and was very angry at your absence." Jin sighed secretly, regretting missing a wonderful game. He also informed Ukai about the situation on the field at that time, especially was Taro's reaction.

"Really? Please tell me something. You can have a good fight next time. There will be plenty of time in the future." Ukai waved his hand, not caring about losing the game. Taro's anger was also expected by him. middle.

He was leaving anyway, and Taro couldn't find him. Let Taro go play by himself, he wouldn't accompany him.

"In the future?" Aren looked at Yuhai in confusion, why did the other party want to use it in the future? Couldn't it be done now?

"This is our last massage. Brother Hai will leave tomorrow," Xiaoying interrupted at this time to answer Aren's doubts.

Brother Hai accompanied him to the massage parlor for the last time. After Brother Hai left, he had to come alone.

"Ah? Mr. Hai is leaving? Are you going on a trip?" Keiko was the most shocked when she heard the news. She didn't expect that his biggest client was leaving, and she would make a lot less money.

"Get ready to go look around," Ukai waved helplessly to tell Keiko not to be so surprised.

Keiko saw Ukai's actions and knew that she had been a little abrupt just now, and then she could only apologize with a smile.

Aren was stunned when he heard the news. He didn't expect that Ukai would leave Hasa City.

If this is the case, no wonder Yuhai will give up the game. He is leaving anyway, and the game has a shady background. It doesn't matter whether he participates or not. The opponent doesn't care at all about this small game with a shady background.

If the other party wants to leave, then does the boy with the electric shock monster also have to leave...

Thinking of this, Aren couldn't sit still. His plan hadn't started yet, but he couldn't let it be aborted.

Once the boy who owns the electric shock monster leaves, he may not be able to defeat him when he returns to Hasa City.

At that time, the electric shock monster also evolved into an electric shock beast. With the traces of the trainer, it is difficult to conquer it again.

Now is the best time to start. If you can't get that electric shock monster, you will have no chance in the future.

Without money, if he wanted to survive as a shock monster in the club, he would need to stay at least five years.

Five years!After getting the electric shock monster and cultivating it, the day lily was already cold.

At that time, when he reached middle age, how could he still pursue the path of being a trainer...

If you can get that guy's electric shock monster, even if you can't tame it, you can take it to the breeding house main store and exchange it for an electric shock monster cub, so that you can get an electric shock monster of your own.

He is not ready yet, his helpers have not been contacted in place, and the distribution of interests has not been clearly divided.

But now there is no time, he only has two choices...

"Keiko, I have to go out for something. If I don't come back later, you will close the shop and go home." After leaving these words, Aren hurriedly left the massage parlor, and his destination was the Electric Club.

From the moment he left the massage parlor, he had already made his choice. Even if he wanted to take action, he had to find two trustworthy helpers.

For Aren who left in a hurry, Keiko just reminded Aren to pay attention to safety on the road. Such a hasty farewell was normal for her. She did not doubt her boyfriend's sudden departure.

Before, her boyfriend often came to the store suddenly to say a few words to her due to work, and then said goodbye in a hurry to go back to work. This was normal.

Xiaoying didn't think much about Aren's departure. After all, Xiaoying's mind was still very simple and full of beautiful yearning for the world. Of course, she would not speculate on the acquaintances around her with the greatest malice.

Yuhai felt a little strange about Ren's departure. Why didn't he leave earlier and later? The other party just left when Xiaoying mentioned that he was leaving.

Could it be that this guy went to report the news?

(End of this chapter)

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