Elves: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 472: The way out for civilian trainers

Chapter 472: The way out for civilian trainers

"Join a gym?" Aping heard about the alliance's gym and thought about it seriously, but after pondering, he smiled bitterly and shook his head, "No, it's impossible for a gym in the Orange Islands to be an enemy of Team Rocket over a child. They I just want to be wise and protect myself..."

"Who told you that it's a gym on the Orange Islands? It's the Red Lotus Gym on Red Lotus Island in the Kanto region. The gym leader is Xia Bo, the veteran fire king. It's just a small thing to protect a child!"

"Do you know Uncle Xia?" A Ping was shocked again. He originally thought that A Hai was just an undercover agent in the alliance, but he didn't expect that even Uncle Xia knew him. He was a trainer who had heard of Uncle Xia's deeds.

After graduating from the training camp, getting to know the powerful figures in the alliance is also a required course for newcomers like them, and they are warned not to provoke these gym leaders.

"Don't be so surprised, I know Du? Do you want to know me?" Yuhai smiled mysteriously. He is an undercover agent who likes to talk about tiger skin. If he wants to know whether he knows Du, no one should say that he is bragging!

"Okay, I believe you..."

Let's not talk about King Dutian. If this gym is replaced by Xia Bo's gym, Aping feels that this is feasible. It doesn't matter if he believes in the other party for the time being. The most important thing is how to join Xia Bo's gym.

"This matter is simple," Yu Hai thought of the Quartz Conference. After the Quartz Conference is over, he invites Xiao Ai to go to the Orange Islands. Xia Bo will definitely go with him. It will not be too late to arrange this matter when Xia Bo comes to the Orange Islands. .

"There's no hurry about this matter for the time being. As long as you think clearly about messing with me, I can arrange for your sister to enter the Red Lotus Gym..."

"Okay, I've written it down. How should I contact you?" Aping breathed a sigh of relief. He had settled the matter with his sister, and he no longer had any worries. The rest would be simple.

After all, he is working hard for everyone, and he definitely wants to stand in the sun, instead of going all the way with the Rockets. What's more, the Rockets treat him as cannon fodder, and he has no sense of belonging to the Rockets.

"The phone doesn't work. Your phone call may be monitored by Team Rocket. I can't contact you actively. If you want to contact me, come to Xia Gan Island. I am the gym trainer of Xia Gan Gym. You can ask Ghost to deliver the message. …”

"Okay, I've got that," Aping silently wrote down the address that Yu Hai said. He is still just a small character now, and the Rockets should not take him seriously.

When he returns to the Orange Islands, he will try his best to hide himself. If he is forced to emerge, the Rockets will definitely tighten their control over him, and they will definitely take action against Xiaomi.

However, with Ukai's escape route, he can send his sister there at any time. As long as his sister can join the gym, he will have nothing to worry about.

"Okay, let's do this for now. If nothing happens, we will log off." Yuhai yawned. He was woken up in the middle of the night. His mental state was not good.

"What about that? Do you have a way to solve my current predicament?" Seeing that Ukai was about to leave, Aping quickly asked Yuhai shamelessly how to speed up the mutation progress of Smelly Mud and Ghost Stone.

This was a matter of wealth and life, so he couldn't afford to be careless, and he was not embarrassed. After all, his life was more important.

"Is this? Your cultivation has fallen into a misunderstanding," Yuhai saw Aping asking proactively. He had also told Aping before, and the other party also arranged for his sister to come over. I don't know, I only met him twice. How did he trust him?

However, since the other party trusts me, it is not impossible to provide the other party with some ideas. "Stinky Mud and Ghost Stone are elves that are not afraid of poison. These two elves are poisonous and in the state of being poisonous. If you want to make these two If the elves mutate, you have to use something drastic..."

"Prepare something violent? But the book says that if the toxin is too strong, it may cause the smelly mud to split, or even cause the consciousness to dissipate." It's not like A Ping didn't think about using something violent. If the poison breaks up the mud, He soon lost the smelly mud.

"Stinky mud may still split, but Ghoststone is just a ball of gas, which is intangible and qualityless. How can it split?"

Ukai spread his hands helplessly. Even if the ghost in the gas state splits and comes back together, it is already a ball of gas.

"What about the Stinky Mud?" Aping read in the book that the Stinky Mud can't make strong ingredients, so he ignored the state of the Ghost Stone. Now that he was reminded, it was like a sudden enlightenment, and he could try it later.

"I'm asking you to give you something violent, not something you can't bear with the stinky mud. You won't strengthen the toxins in stages until the elves fall asleep, which is the limit that the elves can bear. The elves will sleep and digest the toxins..."

"And the stinky mud will split and produce offspring. Your cultivation method should not be to eat poison, but to fuse toxins, or even toxins from other stinky muds, so that your stinky mud can be digested and refined, and other stinky muds can extract toxins. , so that mutation can be accelerated..."

"After all, stinky mud knows stinky mud best, and there will be no rejection reaction when fused. It also knows the most delicious parts of stinky mud, especially the different-colored stinky mud, which is more toxic..."

"As long as your stinky mud can integrate the toxins on the different-colored stinky mud, your stinky mud should be able to complete the mutation quickly..."

"It's not easy to find the strange-colored stinky mud. I've asked Ghost to search all the sewers in the city, but I haven't encountered a strange-colored stinky mud." Aping sighed. Yuhai's words really opened up a new world for him. ideas.

But whether it is stinky mud or strange-colored stinky mud, he needs to catch it. But the probability of encountering strange-colored stinky mud is not that easy.

"Then you are really unlucky. I met one when I first came here," Yuhai smiled. It was really not that he wanted to show off, but that the elves were too sensible.

"Really? You are so lucky," Aping felt nothing but envy. He was about to give up looking for the strange-colored mud.

"Even if there is no heterochromatic stinky mud, won't you induce it to be born? You are afraid that your own stinky mud will split, and there is simply too much stinky mud in the sewer. Just give these stinky muds some strong food, and the stinky mud that survives will mutate. Then you can let your own stinky mud fuse with the toxins of the heterochromatic stinky mud..."

"Um... can this be done like this?" Aping thought for a moment and realized that this method seemed feasible. He was reluctant to part with his own stinky mud, but wild stinky mud didn't have such worries.

Anyway, there is a lot of stinky mud here. If you drop a piece of mud from your body, new stinky mud will be born. Coupled with the industrial pollution here, it is the best breeding ground for stinky mud. The stinky mud here is not valuable at all.

If he raises Gu Stinky Mud regardless of the cost, sooner or later he will be able to give birth to a few strange-colored Stinky Muds, and he will have the different-colored Stinky Mud to cultivate his own Gu Stinky Mud.

In fact, it doesn’t cost much to raise poisonous mud. Toxin crystals are very common in sewers, and so are smelly mud. It just takes some time.

"I have a naturally mutated stinky mud in my hand, do you want it?" Yuhai finally wanted to sell the goods. After talking so much, his mouth was a little dry.

"How much?" Aping had been waiting for this sentence for a long time, but he would not ask stupidly if he wanted to give it to him.

The two elves given before were a confidential reward, so it would be better to negotiate money this time. After all, the free ones are the most expensive. He owed the other party a favor before, and he would owe his sister more favors for his retreat. He didn't want to continue to owe favors.

"Two million, consider it a friendly price for you," Yuhai Shenning quoted two million after a moment. He had never seen the potential of the heterochromatic mud, so he could just sell it casually. The value is only a few million anyway. .

"Okay," Aping agreed without thinking. Naturally mutated stinky mud is very expensive here. Two million is really a friendly price.

"When you wake up, you will see a Poké Ball outside the window, and inside it is strange-colored stinky mud." When Ukai said this, he had already asked Darkrai to deliver the goods.

He asked quietly and curiously: "Can Team Rocket's black market be the power plant where you work?"

"That's right, you've seen it all?" Aping nodded and admitted. Yuhai should have seen him, so he made such a guess. He explained: "We usually wear power plant work clothes to work, and there is also a real power plant there. , the black market is hidden beneath the power plant..."

"I will go shopping tomorrow. If you can see me, you will definitely recognize me at first sight..." Yuhai smiled, not knowing what good things there are in the black market, and he also has a batch of black goods to sell. , I happened to go to the black market to see if it was suitable for me to make a move.

"Okay, I'll give you the money when the time comes." It's not that A Ping wants to default on the debt, but he simply can't. He will still follow the other party in the future, so he still has some credibility.

"Okay, let's do this for now and contact you later." Yuhai felt that it was almost time to log off. It was still early before dawn, and they still had the rest of the night to sleep.

I made a small profit of two million today, and I also hired a Rockets undercover agent. I will have fun in the future...

"Okay, I'll go first," Aping couldn't wait to test the cultivation method Yuhai just mentioned.

But as soon as he stood up, his claws were completely numb. How should he go back? This was a dream.


But before I could say anything, Aping disappeared. It was Darkrai who kicked Aping out of the nightmare group chat. Aping suddenly woke up from the bed, sweating profusely and looked at the street lights outside the window.

After waking up, Aping was covered in sweat, and his chest and back were soaked. He pinched himself hard and found it hurt. He looked at the familiar furnishings around him and realized that he was back.

He came to the window and looked at the elf ball on the windowsill. He finally believed that he was really dreaming just now. He really saw Ah Hai, who had disappeared for more than two months, and talked to him a lot. It turned out that everything was real. .

But now was not the time to think about this. He immediately opened the window and brought in the Poké Ball outside the door. He instantly smelled a stench. It turned out that Ukai did not use a special Poké Ball to isolate the smell to contain the strange-colored stinky mud.

The stench caught him off guard, so he could only go to the bathroom with a Poké Ball in one hand, pinch his nose with the other, and breathe through his mouth.

In the bathroom, he immediately released the Kuduhua and the strange-colored mud, letting the mouth-flower knock the strange mud out and cut some black mud from the strange mud.

Then he released his own smelly mud, letting the smelly mud merge with the black mud on the ground. The flowing body of the smelly mud slowly covered the black mud, and started to fuse when it covered the black mud. The body of the smelly mud reacted instantly and merged with the black mud. The muddy places also turned into black mud bodies.

"It works, cut the Kouduhua a little more," Aping asked the Kouduhua to continue cutting, and then let the stinky mud continue to merge. He didn't let the Kouduhua stop until the body of the heterochromatic stinky mud was only as big as a small bowl.

All the black mud dropped by the strange-colored stinky mud was fused with his stinky mud. After fusing all the black mud, a quarter of his stinky mud had turned into black mud.

It seems that this method is not only effective, but also has outstanding results. If he continues at this rate, within a week, his stinky mud will be able to complete its transformation and be able to withstand more powerful toxins.

As long as the strange-colored smelly slime is there and the strange-colored smelly slime he spawned, he is confident that his smelly slime will reach the strength of a quasi-king in three months.

However, the strange-colored stinky mud with its black mud cut off has shrunk a lot. It needs to be taken to the garbage dump to eat some garbage, and it can also be recycled.

The heterochromatic stinky mud is the power bank of the stinky mud. Let the heterochromatic stinky mud swallow the garbage and refine the toxins to increase the size. Then cut off the refined black mud and let your own stinky mud merge with the refined stinky mud. Black mud.

"Hahaha, that strange mysterious man is really his lucky star. Just mentioning it can make the smelly mud shorten the progress of mutation. He still needs more strange-colored smelly mud. He can start to conquer the smelly mud tomorrow and use the cultivation Gu. The method spawned more strange-colored stinky mud..."

"There is also the ghost stone." Aping used the elf ball that isolated the smell to retrieve the strange-colored stinky mud, released the ghost stone, and let all the toxin crystals collected by the ghost stone, as well as the toxin crystals produced by the stinky mud, Ghost Stone eats it.

This time, he was going to use something drastic to allow Ghost Stone to complete his transformation, but what he never expected was that after Ghost Stone swallowed more than a hundred toxin crystals, his body would erupt with a bright light, which was the light of evolution.

Even Ghost Stone himself was surprised. After the strong light faded, Ghost Stone disappeared, and a Gengar as black as ink appeared.

"Kou Jie Kou Jie? Kou Jie Kou..."

But Gengar, who had just evolved, just screamed twice in confusion before swaying, collapsing in the bathroom and falling asleep.

"Is this? Is it too toxic? Or is there too many toxin crystals? He actually fell into a deep sleep, and that guy was right about everything?" Aping couldn't help but sigh, Yuhai really knew everything, and he was right about everything.

Gengar not only fell into a deep sleep, but also completed the transformation he had been dreaming about, becoming a heterochromatic Gengar, which is also a black Gengar. The darker, the more toxic it is.

Now that Gengar fell into a deep sleep, he took back the Poké Ball and planned to wait for Gengar to wake up and continue to collect the toxin crystals here. The Viper Instructor told him that Gengar's toxicity was not online, and he had to be careful not to poison himself.

He bought this Gengar from the channel introduced by the Viper Instructor, and there were many discounts, which showed that the Viper Instructor valued him very much, but sorry, respect comes from respect, this pirate ship was not what he wanted to board.

At most, he has a good impression of the Viper instructor's care, but he has no sense of belonging to the Rockets, who treat him as cannon fodder. The Rockets are just his springboard. Now that he has a new boss, he can still clear his name in the future.

I really look forward to that kind of future. It should be great to live in the sunshine with my sister!

(End of this chapter)

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