Chapter 535: Three in a Row
As the public opinion outside the venue intensified, the host had to speak again...

"Ahem, everyone, please be quiet. The on-site staff has already informed Miss Junsha that Kameda will be criticized and educated after the game. Please do not interfere with the game. The game continues..."

"Damn it," Kameda's fists clenched. Losing the game was not a big deal, but hearing the condemnation and insults coming from the audience was a naked humiliation, a shame on his journey as a trainer.

When others meet him in the future, they will know that he is a trainer who abandoned Pokémon. This kind of trainer is at the lowest end of the contempt chain among trainers. After all, even villains rarely do such things, unless they are pure evil.

"Go, Vaporeon, defeat it for me," Kameda gritted his teeth and threw Vaporeon's Poké Ball. After Starjewel was defeated, the Starjewel icon on the big screen turned gray, and he only had two Pokémon left.

"Wow," as soon as the Vaporeon came out, it recognized the Little Eevee. When the enemies meet, they are extremely jealous of each other, and the Little Eevee's fighting style is also very aggressive.

"Vape, pray for rain..."

"Eevee, lightning," Yu Hai didn't give the opponent a chance to pray for rain. Vaporeon was still in the poisoned state, and the opponent's three Pokémon were all in the poisoned state. Once the opponent prayed for rain to remove the poisoning state, the battle would be difficult.

"Buuuu," Ibrahimovic ran quickly again, with the blessing of hatred. In order to avenge the water gun attack on Stone Town on a rainy night, Ibrahimovic ran even faster than before.

Before Vaporeon could summon dark clouds, Eevee rushed to Vaporeon and knocked it away.

Vaporeon slammed into the wall with a thud, and a purple halo flashed across its body. That was a symptom of poisoning...

Before Vaporeon could react from the symptoms of poisoning, Eevee opened its mouth again and shot out shining five-pointed stars to attack Vaporeon. Vaporeon, who was already at the end of his strength, was vulnerable to the high-speed stars and was killed by Eevee again.

Ibrahimovic, who won two games in a row, was very proud of himself. Although most of the credit went to Forettos, it did not prevent Ibrahimovic from despising Kameda who once abandoned him.

After all, the power of a partner is one's own power, and the power of a trainer is also one's own power.

It wasn't that I was incompetent before, but that my partners and trainers were too bad. There are no useless Pokémon, only useless trainers. This is absolutely true...

Hua Hua Hua, Hua Hua Hua——

As Ibrahimovic won the second game, the audience in the stands also reached a climax, applauding and supporting Ibrahimovic and cheering for him.

"It appears. Ukai defeated Kameda's two Pokémons in a row with one Eevee. Can this Eevee defeat the third one and complete the feat of three in a row? Please wait and see..."

"Damn it, am I really going to be killed three at once?" Kameda clenched Flareon's Poké Ball, threw Flareon out, and shouted to Flareon: "Flameon, Jet Flame..."

"Eevee, dodge with a flash of lightning," Yu Hai saw that the opponent's Flareon also looked listless, and was obviously deeply poisoned. Eevee could defeat the opponent as long as he delayed time.

But it was obvious that Ibrahimovic would not sit there and wait for death, but wanted to take the initiative to attack. He could not spoil the fun and let Ibrahimovic avoid it. Instead, he shouted to Ibrahimovic: "Ibrahimovic, high-speed star..."

"Buuuu," Eevee dodged the flames and opened its mouth again to spit out flashing five-pointed stars, all of which hit the Flareon that had just spit fire.

Thanks to Kameda's strict training, Ibrahimovic has a high hit rate and there is almost no possibility of missing.

Just one Speed ​​Star was enough to make Flareon gasp for air. Then Flareon spit out Speed ​​Star again, hitting the Flareon who was exhausted from the poisoning, and completely defeated Flareon.

"Flameev has lost his ability to fight. The winner of this group match is Ukai..."

As the referee raised the green flag and announced that Ibrahimovic had won, the fifth group match officially ended.

"Three in a row, three in a row, little Eevee did it, and successfully proved to the trainer who abandoned him that he is not a useless Eevee..."

With the host's cheers, the game came to an end and Yu Hai successfully advanced to the second round of the group stage.

The little Eevee jumped onto Yu Hai's face and rubbed his cheeks to act coquettishly. Yu Hai took it in and helped it to get revenge. It was very grateful to Yu Hai, and the intimacy between them was rising rapidly.

After praising Ibrahimovic for a few words, they came down from the stage amid everyone's cheers and walked into the player channel to leave.

"The fifth group match of the Grass Field has ended. It was a hearty revenge match. The unknown player Ukai never brought out his third Pokémon from beginning to end. I hope that in future matches, the mystery of Ukai's third Pokémon will be revealed..."

"Ms. Junsha is already waiting at the contestant channel and has taken contestant Kameda away. I hope that contestant Kameda can treat every elf well..."

Wow, this host is really professional in creating a good atmosphere. It was just a group match, but the heat on the scene was constantly raised, leaving suspense for subsequent matches and increasing the ratings of Grass Court.

In order to continue hosting the event at the main venue four days later, the host tried his best. After all, the number of tickets and ratings will be included in the assessment. Whoever has the highest popularity at that time will be able to continue hosting the event at the main venue.


After the game, Yu Hai left the field, but the audience was still discussing the game, his fire-resistant Fretos, and the nail tactics just now. This routine was really dirty.

But trainers with some experience can see through the disadvantage of the nail tactics at a glance, that is, Forlitos is four times weak to fire, unless they also have a Forlitos that is not afraid of fire.

Otherwise, if the opponent has a fire-type Pokémon, and you still insist on using the quadruple fire weakness to attack, the only outcome is defeat. The fire-fearing Forritos is the drawback of this tactic.

But Yu Hai's Foretos has been specially bred. Not only is it huge in size and light in weight, but it is also not afraid of fire. It is a reasonable and legal Foretos that can spray flames and use nail tactics.

Xiao Mao, Xiao Shun, Koji, Lei Si and Shinji, who were sitting in the audience and watching the whole game of Ukai, all felt that Ukai's tactics were very dirty, forcing the opponent to break the defense and commit fouls.

They all regarded Yu Hai as their imaginary enemy, so they came to watch Yu Hai's game. After watching the game, they were thinking, if they encountered such dirty tricks, how would they deal with it.

Especially the fire-proof Foretos, whose black shell obviously has a very high defense. How can they defeat this elf?

There was also Xiaoying who saw Yu Hai's competition on TV. He couldn't help but sigh that he was far inferior to Yu Hai. Although they were both Forritos, he did not cultivate the same effect as Yu Hai. He just had to spray flames and scatter nails. I don't know how Yu Hai cultivated Forritos.

Also watching Ukai's match on TV, Satoshi and Brock were happy for Ukai's victory. Satoshi also used a Crab to kill three of his opponents in a row.

Only Xiaoxia felt sick. The battlefield was full of spikes. This style of play was too despicable. Xiaoming also saw Yu Hai's spike tactics, but was not surprised. After all, he had a Forettos, and it was a similar tactic, but his Forettos was very ordinary and not a different color.

At the same time, Xiao Qian, who was on the ice field, also saw Yu Hai's dirty tricks through the screen. Speaking of dirty tricks, her Death Song was the dirtiest. Gengar, who used the Death Song tactics, was not affected at all, which almost caused Yu Hai to fail last time.

There was also Xia Bo, who was far away on Honglian Island, who also watched the live broadcast of the Quartz Conference in real time. He asked someone about Yu Hai's match schedule and watched Yu Hai's first round of competition.

Watching the game with Xia Bo were Xiao Ai and Xiao Ai's mother. They found Xiao Ai's mother, and her excited reaction to the recovered Xiao Ai was beyond Xia Bo and Yu Hai's expectations.

Xiaoai's mother did not doubt Xiaoai at all. She held Xiaoai tightly for several hours, holding her hand when eating and sleeping, and was unwilling to let go.

He also stayed by Xiaoai's bed all night long, watching Xiaoai fall asleep, guarding Xiaoai as she slept, and always staying by her side.

"Brother Hai is so awesome, he defeated the bad guy," Xiao Ai heard the host's words from TV. Kameda abandoned the little Eevee, and she also had a cute little Eevee in her arms, so she cheered for Yu Hai and asked him to defeat the bad guy.

"Xiao Ai, was it this big brother who saved you?" Xiao Ai's mother hugged Xiao Ai lovingly. She was grateful to Yu Hai on TV, and she was also grateful to her ex-husband Dr. Fuji.

Xia Bo has told her all about Xiao Ai's recovery process. If Fuji had not preserved Xiao Ai's memory, Xiao Ai would not be able to be resurrected, let alone revive the divine beast.

She was really grateful to this young man for daring to break into the Rocket Team base alone, finding the divine beast, confronting it head-on, and allowing it to revive Xiao Ai.

She had only seen this kind of thing in stories and legends, but she never expected it to actually happen, and to her own daughter. How could she not be grateful for such a miraculous thing!
For Xiao Ai, she even kicked the licking dog. The other party was a good person, but she wanted Xiao Ai back more, thinking about it day and night, so she rejected the good man...

"Mom, it was Brother Hai who brought me back from Dad," Xiao Ai had just arrived in the nightmare world. It was a different world with many lovely friends to play with her. She was very happy during that time.

"Xiao Ai, can we go to the scene to watch Ah Hai's game?" Xia Bo said that he wanted to go to the scene to watch the game. If Xiao Ai's mother hadn't stopped them, they would have gone there long ago.

Xiaoai's mother Amei is very sensitive about Xiaoai, especially about Xiaoai. Amei wants to avoid all dangers when it comes to Xiaoai. Even the duckbill baby she gave Xiaoai, Amei doesn't let Xiaoai get close to it, for fear of scalding Xiaoai.

He didn't know whether this concern was right or wrong, but Ami was very nervous now, so he couldn't say too much. He could only let Ami slowly adapt and accept Xiaoai becoming a trainer so that she would be able to protect herself.

During this time, Xiao Ai has been in contact with training Pokémon and preparing to become a trainer, but the arrival of Ami prevents their arrangements.

In addition to the three Pokémon that Xiao Ai already has, the Starter Pokémon Squirtle, Charmander, and Bulbasaur.

There are also the Eevee and Dratini that he gave to Xiaoai, and the Gastly and Dratini that Kikuko gave to him.

There are also Pikachu and Pipi given by Yu Hai, a total of nine Pokémon.

For a child, nine elves are beyond the scope of what a child can handle, but many dangerous elves have been isolated by Ami, such as Pikachu, Gastly, Charmander, etc.

So there are not many elves around Xiao Ai, and not many elves can get close to Xiao Ai. The one in her arms is Pipi given by Ukai, Dratini given by Kikuko, as well as Squirtle and Eevee.

This kind of thing can only be done slowly. He will also enlighten Ami that only by becoming a trainer can Xiaoai protect herself well. He hopes that time can convince Ami.

"Xiao Ai, do you want to go watch the game in person?" Amei looked at her daughter. This time she did not object to Xia Bo's suggestion. After all, he was Xiao Ai's savior.

"Xiao Ai wants to watch Brother Hai's game, but Mom," Xiao Ai has also felt during this period that her mother's nervousness and care made her a little suffocated.

Don't think that she doesn't understand because she is less than ten years old. Ten years old is just her physical age. When she is in the spiritual world with Mewtwo, there is no concept of time.

"Okay, we'll go tomorrow to watch this big brother's game," Amei saw that her daughter was a little nervous. Thinking back to the days and nights she met Xiao Ai, she was always on edge, worried that this was just a dream, and never relaxed.

Xia Bo had reminded herself many times, but she didn't listen. Now seeing Xiao Ai's hesitation, she also reacted and reflected on whether she was too sensitive and too afraid of losing Xiao Ai again, so...

"Great! When shall we leave?" Xiao Ai jumped up happily when she heard her mother agreed to go to the game. But then she remembered that her mother didn't allow her to run around, so she sat back on the ground obediently.

"Do you agree?" Xia Bo let Xiao Ai watch TV alone in the room, and left the living room with Amei, not understanding the other party's sudden change.

"Uncle Xia, I was too sensitive before. Xiao Ai is not as lively as before," Ah Mei raised her hand to wipe the corners of her eyes. She was a little worried at this time. She was worried that Xiao Ai would be in danger, and she was also afraid that Xiao Ai would lose her lively nature. If she let go, she was afraid of losing Xiao Ai again...

"Don't worry, let Xiao Ai become a trainer, and the elves will protect Xiao Ai," Xia Bo patted Amei and told Amei to relax. With him and Kikuko protecting them, who would dare to bully Xiao Ai?

Xiao Ai's bodyguards are two Heavenly King-level elves. Whoever dares to approach Xiao Ai, who is protected by the Heavenly Kings, will be safe as long as they don't go to dangerous places...

It's a pity that Kikuko is not here. When she heard that ancient ruins were discovered in Miacha Mountain near Pallet Town, Kikuko went there to take charge and discovered many incredible cultural relics. I don't know if Kikuko has time to go to the Quartz Conference. Kikuko also has a granddaughter competing in the Quartz Conference.

"Uncle Xia, you are right. I will fully support you," Amei finally accepted this and let Xiaoai become a trainer.

She knew the value of a quasi-god, and she knew even more about Kikuko's weight in the alliance. With Kikuko as her teacher, Xiao Ai would definitely be safe, and there would be no need to worry about her path to growth.

"Have a good rest tonight, we will set off tomorrow," Xia Bo asked Amei to accompany Xiaoai, and he turned and left.

He found Xiaofeng, Captain Kenichi's son, who was training a Pokémon in the backyard of the gym. Both mother and son were in the gym.

"Xiao Feng, I have to go out for a while. If there is a challenger during this period, you will accept the challenge as the acting gym owner..."

"Master Xia Bo, I understand," Xiao Feng responded and continued to train the Pokémon. Before he came to Xia Gan Gym, his father told him to listen more, do more, and talk less.

He was also asked to behave well in front of Xia Bo, strive to develop within the alliance, get a stable job, take good care of his mother, and have his father, who often passed by Honglian Island on a ship, come to visit them often.

After instructing Xiao Feng to be the acting gym leader, Xia Bo left with peace of mind. This young man had the strength of a senior level, which was enough to deal with ordinary challengers.

Xia Bo asked the maid to pack up. They will set off tomorrow, take a boat directly to Tokiwa City, and then take a sightseeing bus to Quartz Plateau. They should be able to catch up with Yu Hai's final.

(End of this chapter)

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