Elves: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 555: One Person Succeeds

Chapter 555: One Person’s Success

Orange Islands, Hasa Island...

When Xiaoying came to the knockout stage and faced Yu Hai, there were many spectators watching the game on Hasa Island.

Walking through the orphanage, the old director saw Yu Hai for the first time in a long time, but he didn't expect it to be at the Quartz Conference.

"Your grandson is pretty good, he made it to the knockout round," the old director and the old drunkard were drinking tea and looking at the old black-and-white TV in the orphanage. Since there was only tea and no wine here, the old drunkard despised him for a long time...

"It's a pity that Xiaoying met that brat. She is going to lose," the old drunkard saw during the halftime break. The camera turned to the big screen in the venue, which showed the elves of the two people. Xiaoying was obviously at a disadvantage. Her grandson's trump card was the fast swimming frog. After losing the fast swimming frog, it would be difficult to make up for the disadvantage.

"Hey, you're still the same. Am I talking about the competition?" The old dean glanced at the old drunkard. This guy really knows how to change the subject.

"Well, this is not a good thing. The Orange Islands have been in turmoil recently. You know that Xiaoying has become the disciple of the Four Heavenly Kings Xiba at this critical moment. Xiaoying will become the tentacles of the alliance reaching out to the Orange Islands..."

"No matter what, Xiaoying is the most amazing trainer who has walked out of our orphanage," the old director said with relief, as if he was finally seeing the child grow up.

"Recently, there have been a lot more businessmen donating to the orphanage. It's all because of the status of the Heavenly King's disciple that was passed here. The children in the orphanage now have more protection. You should be happy..."

"You are happy, but that's my grandson. I don't want Xiaoying to be dragged into the vortex of struggle," the old drunkard sighed, worried about Xiaoying's future. He didn't expect that just attending the Quartz Conference would involve so many things.

"Yesterday the mayor invited me to dinner and asked me what I needed for retirement in Hasa City. Don't be polite. Just tell me what you need. As long as it does not violate the principles of the alliance, we will arrange the best for you..."

"The Electric Club also found me. They heard that Xiaoying has an Electabuzz. They can provide Xiaoying with the evolution of the Electabuzz. There is also a Water Club who wants to invite Xiaoying to be the head coach. There is also a Fighting Club. I have been very busy these days..."

Old drunkards are not used to drinking tea, but it also depends on who they drink with and what they drink with...

Well, if you are drinking with old friends and the side dishes are also old friends, you can swallow even the bitter bile.

"Tsk, you drunkard just show off," the old dean couldn't stand his old friend's showing off. His old friend was like this when he was young. He showed off when he got married, showed off when his son was born, showed off when his son got married, and showed off when he had his grandson.

You know, for a single guy, every time he hits you, you can get a critical hit.

"Old brother, you understand that free is the most expensive, right?" The old drunkard looked very solemn, and expressed his guess, "We are all retired, but the mayor is trying to win over an old man like me. I suspect that the mayor has heard some unusual news. Xiaoying is not just an ordinary disciple?"

"Oh? You, an old fox, have always had a keen sense of smell. What did you discover?" The old dean was ready to listen attentively. If it weren't for the old drunkard, he would not have been able to escape death so many times during his career as a sailor in his youth. They were life-long friends.

"First, the signal from the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto that they are recruiting disciples is unusual. If these four heavenly kings want to recruit disciples, Kanto, which is full of talented people, is the best choice. There is no need to choose a trainer from a remote island in the south..."

"Second, you forgot that a few months ago, Du Cai hosted a large-scale competition organized by the mayor on Hasa Island. The mayor's attitude towards the alliance, or the Yulong clan, is very problematic!"

The old drunkard didn't say what kind of shady py deal the mayor had reached with Du, otherwise the breeding houses behind the clubs would not have suffered such heavy losses.

"Third, you've also heard about the rumor that Yulongdu is going to be the champion. I think the mayor would rather bet on the champion Du than on the Rockets who frequently appear..."

"From these unusual rumors, it is intriguing that King Xiba has accepted Xiaoying as his disciple," the old drunkard said with a dry mouth. After drinking a cup of bitter tea, he sighed, "If Xiaoying is really used as a tentacle of the alliance to influence the situation in the Orange Islands, the signal the mayor has sent to me is very clear, and it is obviously a signal of actively moving closer to the alliance..."

"There are also those clubs with many trainers. Since they were beaten by the Alliance last time, they are now leaning towards the Alliance. The Four Heavenly Kings Xiba accepted Xiaoying as his apprentice. First, Xiaoying is a trainer from the Orange Islands, and second, the Alliance has reorganized Hasa Island..."

"Then it's obvious what the alliance wants to do. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Xiaoying has become the spokesperson for the Four Heavenly Kings Xiba on Hasa Island in the Orange Islands. Those people frequently contact an old man like me. Xiaoying's only direct relative is those people who are trying to make peace with the alliance. The mayor is also doing this..."

"This?" The old dean stroked his beard, surprised by the old drunkard's analysis. After careful consideration, it was quite reasonable. If this was true, "Xiaoying would be at the center of the vortex. The entire Hasa Island is tied to Xiaoying. For other islands without spokespersons, Xiaoying is the focus of everyone..."

"That's right. Xiaoying is still just a child. Facing the hunting of those old guys, do you think Xiaoying can escape?" The old drunkard sighed and said to the old dean, "There are already people in the city helping Xiaoying to get married. All of them are the apple of the eye of major families. I'm afraid Xiaoying will fall into the land of gentleness and can't extricate herself..."

In fact, this is a very euphemistic statement. To put it bluntly, beauty is just the lowest-level sugar-coated bullet for those people, and it is a bullet that the major families have carefully cultivated for more than ten years. Who can resist the pillow talk?

"This..." When the old dean heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he really wanted to go up and slap this old friend in the face.

Damn, he was still talking about all kinds of conspiracy theories, but in the blink of an eye he turned into a show-off. If he doesn't show off, his body will feel uncomfortable and itchy!

"Hey, don't look at me like that, I'm really worried," the old drunkard noticed his old friend's strange look, and couldn't help but cough dryly, picked up the teacup and drank tea tactically to ease the awkward atmosphere.

"What? Are you worried about which one to choose?" The old dean snorted coldly, his beard standing on end. If this could be considered distress, then this old dog could not agree with it.

"It's not a question of marriage," the old drunk shook his head, his old friend had misunderstood him.

"What? One is not enough?" The old dean was so angry when he saw that the old drunkard was still not satisfied. You know, the law of the alliance stipulates monogamy, and this old drunkard wanted his grandson to have a harem.

"Well, what are you thinking?" The old drunkard knew that if he didn't explain and continued to play it safe, the misunderstanding between him and his old friend would only deepen: "I don't want Xiaoying to get married, it will affect Xiaoying's career..."

"This matter depends on Xiaoying's wishes. I can't help Xiaoying arrange a marriage. Xiaoying will hate me, an old man, to death. When Xiaoying has enough strength, it won't be too late to let Xiaoying decide for herself..."

"Huh," the old dean was hit hard again and again and began to breathe heavily. He secretly blamed the old drunkard, asking him if he could stop breathing heavily when he spoke. He almost wanted to report the old drunkard for committing bigamy.

"Think about it yourself. He's not my grandson. Just keep watching the game. Xiao Hai is a good kid. You, an old drunkard, got a great deal..." "Oh, forget about that brat. If Junsha hadn't found me during the population survey, I wouldn't have known that brat was registered in my household..."

The old drunkard was talking about the time when Du Rangjunsha made a secret visit. Facing the old drunkard who was very experienced, he didn't get anything out of him.

The old drunkard's ass is not clean to begin with, so how could he possibly expose Yu Hai? If he is exposed by Yu Hai, the old drunkard will be in trouble.


At the same time, at the massage parlor near the Elf Center, after Keiko received the pension from her boyfriend Aren, she left the alley and opened a larger massage parlor on the well-lit street.

Because Keiko and her boyfriend Aren are both orphans and their only relatives, the pension will be given to Keiko. They can also be considered childhood sweethearts, which is quite similar to Xiaoying and Xiaonai.

Ever since Xiaoying ruled out Huizi's involvement in the manhunt, she often brought Mosquito Repellent Frog to the massage parlor. Sometimes she would introduce Xiaonai and several other girls to help out. Especially since Huizi opened a larger massage parlor, she helped a lot.

Xiaonai and the older girls and boys in the orphanage all became employees of Huizi's shop. They became skilled workers and earned a salary. They learned elf massage and would have a way to make a living when they grow up.

They got together today and watched the match between Xiaoying and Yukai.

"Wow, Brother Hai is so strong..."

"Brother Yingzi is very strong, but he still can't beat Brother Hai..."

"That's amazing, will he win the championship?" Xiaonai looked at the two most important men in her life on TV, one is Brother Hai, who is helping the orphanage improve their lives, and the other is Xiaoying, who is busy taking care of the orphanage.

As for these two people, she doesn't want them to lose the game, but there is nothing she can do about the two of them facing each other. As for these two people, she is more inclined to Xiaoying winning.

After Yu Hai left, she grew up with Xiaoying, took care of the orphanage together, and worked together to subsidize the orphanage. They were true childhood sweethearts, and many interesting things happened, which led them to get closer and closer.

Now seeing Xiaoying lose the game, she feels it’s a pity, but since the one who defeated Xiaoying was Brother Hai, it’s not so regrettable, because Brother Hai is a good person!
They are both the eldest brothers in the orphanage, and she will be very happy no matter who wins the game.

"Ahai won, and Xiaoying is also very good," Huizi supported her chin on the counter and looked at the familiar faces on the TV screen. She was very familiar with these two teenagers.

During the time she worked in the massage parlor in the alley, it was the massage orders from these two people that kept her going for a long time. Otherwise, the massage parlor in such a small place would have almost gone bankrupt.

"Xiaohui, I'm here to see you..."

When everyone in the massage parlor was staring at the TV with great interest, a young man with a cheerful voice suddenly walked in from outside the door.

"Wow, big brother bought a lot of snacks again," a little girl heard the sound, turned around and saw the young man, immediately jumped off the stool, took the plastic bag from the young man's hand, which was full of snacks, drinks and jellies.

"Why did you bring so many things again?" Huizi's face was a little cold. Seeing that the children were already very familiar with her and started to share the things as soon as they got them, she didn't know what to say.

"It's just a little thing to cheer up the kids," the young man scratched his head awkwardly. He was an employee of the Water Club and he and Keiko were from the same orphanage, so they could be considered childhood sweethearts, but he had a crush on her and now he was here to poach her.

At that time in the orphanage, I don’t know how Jin got so lucky that he captured an electric-type Pokémon.

He has captured water-type Pokémon, and is often suppressed by Jin's electric-type Pokémon, which results in him often being suppressed by Jin, and having fewer opportunities to interact with Keiko, so he is naturally kicked out of the love triangle, so everyone understands...

Hearing that Aren and Keiko were living together, he decided to give up Keiko, say goodbye to the past, and start his new life.

After all, we are all adults now and it is impossible for us to be as stubborn as we were when we were children. Bai Yueguang is someone else's bedmate after all, so we should just keep the good memories for ourselves.

But who would have thought that the unlucky guy A'ren was actually killed. The good news came too suddenly, so suddenly that he was not prepared at all and was hit by a pie falling from the sky.

Bai Yueguang had originally planned to keep his memory, and now the chance has come. He really wants to thank the good man who killed Ah Ren. If Ah Ren had not been killed, the two would have been getting married, and he would have had to give a gift money. Just thinking about it makes his heart ache.

But everything has changed now. He no longer has to pay for membership fees. Huizi has even become a small wealthy woman. Now he has to collect membership fees from others. He is very happy.

This piece of cake was so delicious that he was worried that someone would get there first, so he took a day off one day and created an encounter with Huizi, returning to Huizi's sight.

The next thing was much simpler. They just had to pay a few thugs to cause trouble and collect protection fees. Huizi's massage parlor was not safe in that place anyway.

After he rescued Huizi, he had dealt with the gangsters who could leak the secret. Only the dead could keep secrets. Then he became familiar with Huizi through their interactions.

Worried that the thugs would cause trouble again, he asked Huizi to move out. After Huizi agreed, he pretended to look for a store. In fact, he had already found one. After all, he was the coach of the club, and he used some connections to find a good location.

Then, as we all know, they were busy helping with the move. Not only did the massage parlor have to move, but even Huizi had to move. The two of them lived next door to each other. In name, it was to protect each other, but in private, it was also to protect each other. How could it be called poaching if they didn’t live next door to each other…

Bah, Huizi is single now, she's not being poached, she should be called a widow, isn't it more exciting, hehehe.

After all, everyone has known each other since childhood, and the previous competition was fair and square. After withdrawing, there was no tripping, nor did it disturb the lives of the two. After all, they still have to give gifts, and the relationship they maintained before was still good, so there are still points for impression.

(End of this chapter)

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