Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 62 Thank You Everyone

Chapter 62 Thank You Everyone
Thank you readers for your support all the way, and the important things are said three times:

The new book is on the shelves at noon today!
The new book is on the shelves at noon today!
The new book is on the shelves at noon today!
Brothers who have no books to read in the morning book shortage can read the author Jun Laoshu, and you can see it by clicking on the pseudonym. The five books are all high-quality goods. Although there are disputes, they are worth reading.

I haven't written a manuscript for half a year. To be honest, when I first started a new book, I was a little nervous.But when he saw those familiar IDs, the IDs of a group of old brothers, the author had mixed feelings in his mind.

Thousands of words merged into one sentence: Thank you!

Thank you guys for walking with me all the way.

Thanks for joining the new brothers!
You should have read the new book, the author is working very hard to change his style, trying to avoid all poisonous points.

To be honest, the author's life this year is hard to describe.After fluttering two books, I really need the support of grades.But the author does not sell miserably.

In the past few months, I have studied hard, avoided the past poisonous points, controlled the rhythm, and made everyone look refreshed.

Another thing to say, everyone's rewards, the author didn't thank you in the chapter, but he didn't want everyone to spend money.Everyone can help to subscribe, and I am very grateful to keep the author alive, so the author does not want everyone to reward.

The new book is on the shelves, thank you for reading all the way, and ask the author to finish all the recommendations.

As for the capable brothers, one cigarette a day and one drink a month will give the young author a ride.For those who are not well-off, everyone will be grateful for reading all the way and helping the author to finish all the recommendations.The little author was already very happy.Thank you everyone.

The original intention of the author to write the book is to hope that when you read this novel after dinner, drinking drinks, eating takeaway, and smoking, you will say in your heart: "This boy's book is worth a cigarette of my own. This boy's book is worth a cigarette. The book is worth a bowl of fried rice and a bottle of drink for me. You can’t let this poor little author starve to death.” Then just pay [-] cents to subscribe, that’s enough!

Old rule: Forget about the student party, I will keep the accounts for you, and make money from work and make up a subscription for me.It’s okay for office workers to support their families, and brothers who are tight on mortgages and marriages. If you have the opportunity to recommend small authors in the book friend group of other authors to increase their popularity, vote for them personally, and help publicize it, everyone It's not easy, the author doesn't force it.The original intention of the author to write the book is to entertain everyone after dinner, not to make life worse for everyone who is not rich.

Cough, ask for a subscription with those brothers who are relatively wealthy.The author of this book will write it well, not hydrology, and try to be worthy of everyone's subscription.Avoid all poisonous points and try to write a cool article.

In addition, I would like to say "sorry" to my classmates who were tortured by me in the previous books and who were banned by me.I apologize to everyone, let's laugh away our grievances here...

I'm sorry for the brothers who were banned before.

In addition: The ten-year-old writer recommends the editor of Nine Lives, "Miss Bacon", you deserve to have a young lady with a word and an emoji.If you want to submit a book, you can choose the second group of Miss Bacon.The contact information is hung in the book friend group, you can join the group and add me to find what I want.

In addition, I would like to thank the editor-in-chief Beihe for his guidance.

That's it, the main text...

 Author Jun old book, super beautiful.Everyone can see wow.

(End of this chapter)

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