Chapter 176 Fierce

Shu Shu felt that she had committed the habit of bullying again.

The king tiger next door felt insecure standing a foot away.

But this one made her couldn't help stepping forward, circled the iron cage, and touched the tip of its tail while the cub was in a hurry to avoid it.

Looking fluffy...

It feels a little tricky...

The little tiger dodged quickly, hid in a diagonal line, and bared its teeth at Shu Shu.

Brother Jiu saw Shu Shu playing with the little tiger happily, so he ordered people to fetch the mutton.

A leg of lamb that was still warm...

Brother Jiu didn't think it was dirty, so he directly took a dagger and cut off a piece the size of a palm, stuck it on a bamboo pole and handed it to Shu Shu.

Shu Shu took it over, very speechless.

The bamboo pole is more than three feet long.

"It's a little tiger, and it's not afraid of people. Why is it so far away?"

Shu Shu wanted to seduce the little tiger at close range, but she didn't want to be so far away, so she protested.

"Don't be naughty, it's a little tiger, so you can't get so close...Look at the gap in the iron fence, its claws can stick out..."

Brother Jiu said seriously.

Shu Shu glanced at the iron fence. The gap in the wrist of an adult is so thick that the adult tiger can't stretch out its claws, but the cub can really.

She didn't hold back, and went to feed the little tiger with a bamboo pole.

Seeing something poking into the cage, the little tiger took two steps back, and the ears of the plane stood up.

Shu Shu sent the sliced ​​meat towards its head.

The little tiger thought it was an attack, so he fell to the ground and stared fiercely at Shu Shu.

Seeing that the bamboo pole was not moving, it sniffed and smelled the meat.

It observed Shu Shu, saw that Shu Shu didn't move, took two steps forward tentatively, saw that the bamboo pole didn't move, then opened its mouth, took off the mutton, and ran to the corner to eat.

Very cute.

Satisfy all Shu Shu's desire for big cats.

She had a smile on her face.

Brother Jiu cooperated and hung mutton on her bamboo pole.

He came and went, even fed several times.

Seeing that only the middle bone remained in a leg of lamb, Shu Shu reluctantly put down the bamboo pole, her eyes still glued to the little tiger.

"Do you like it so much?"

Brother Jiu hesitated a bit, and asked, "Want to raise it? It's not impossible..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu hurriedly said: "Don't raise it, just enjoy it..."

Where can this be a pet?
Even if the royal ranch raises some, it is also for hunting.

In the Summer Palace in the capital, it is not heard that tigers and leopards are kept.

Even the emperor would be criticized for raising this, let alone the prince and prince Fujin.

Brother Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "This thing is full of wildness, even if it is a small breeding, it is not appropriate... If you want to raise something similar, I will buy you a lynx later..."

Shu Shu thought about the appearance of the lynx, it was an enlarged version of the cat, it was more worry-free than a tiger.

It's just that a beast is a beast, and its combat power is not weak. It is said that it can kill wolves.

"Forget it, it's a waste of time..."

Shu Shu shook her head.

Brother Jiu said: "If you like these, you can choose two to raise. Anyway, we plan to live out, and no one will care about it..."

Shu Shu thought for a while, fluffy can really bring people happiness, and said: "Forget about the lynx, after all, it is a wild beast, it's not good if it hurts people... Let's look at the cat and dog room then, If you have well-bred kittens and puppies, you can raise them with peace of mind..."

As for the worrying one, it was the oriole that Thirteenth Elder Brother gave her.

When you come to Mongolia, you don’t eat.

Millet and insects are not eaten.

Shu Shu couldn't just watch it starve to death, so she opened the cage and let it fly.

Brother Jiu glanced at her: "Kittens and puppies are nice, they are easier to serve than birds, even if you are naughty, you don't need to look at her... I found out, you are just lazy, besides reading, thinking about health and eating, No one else cares..."

Shu Shu also felt that her life was a bit monotonous, and said: "Shangxin, why don't you take care, we will raise cats and dogs later..."

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu, with a smile that was not a smile, and said: "When the time comes, choose a kitten, choose a kitten that is lively and eccentric..."

Shu Shu felt that Brother Jiu was a bit skinny, so she also smiled and said, "I also want a little milk dog, obedient and obedient, who likes to cling to people..."

Brother Nine immediately reacted and stared at Shu Shu: "Okay, you said Master is a dog?!"

Shu Shu snorted softly: "Okay, what are you doing right? I don't think I'm a cat yet..."

Brother Nine said: "Isn't it? Some are relatives and some are not. It's unpredictable..."

Unconvinced, Shu Shu stared at Brother Jiu twice, and said, "Why can't you figure it out? That's because I don't care... I'm with you day and night, for a long time, what's wrong with you?" Transparent..."

Brother Jiu blushed, gritted his teeth, and said, "I can't figure out where it came from with such a naughty spirit... Mother-in-law seems to be a well-behaved one, and father-in-law is also decent, how did you raise you?" Here comes this little pervert..."

Shu Shu leaned over and said in a low voice, "Isn't that rare?! From now on... I'll be serious..."

Brother Jiu pinched her on the face: "Wait, tonight you will know whether the master cares about it or not..."

The couple were arguing with each other, and they were getting close to each other. When they touched each other, there was movement at the door.

Elder Brother Ten raised his voice and said, "Brother Ninth, Sister-in-law Nine, and the bear..."

Shu Shu came out with Brother Jiu.

The group went to another courtyard.

The taste is stronger here.

It's different from the weird mixed smell just now, it's just stinky.

Not to mention that Shu Shu covered his nose with a handkerchief, even brother Jiu and his brothers couldn't stand it.

Brother Jiu complained to the steward: "It's too stinky, so I can't clean it properly? It's made me smoke..."

The steward accompanied him carefully: "Jiuye, this excrement has been cleaned up long ago, it's just the black blind man who smells..."

While speaking, a group of people entered the yard.

It was still an iron cage of about the same size.

It's just that instead of the king of beasts looking down on the world, it was replaced by a somewhat irritable black bear.

Hearing the footsteps at the door, the black bear stood up abruptly and was about to pounce in this direction.

"Bang bang bang bang", the cast iron cage was shaken.

However, the four corners of the cage were tied with wrist-thick iron chains. After shaking, the cage returned to its original position, with only the sound of the iron chains rattling.

The black bear became more irritable and stood up, as tall as a person.

It looked towards the direction of the crowd, with the corners of its mouth open, revealing white teeth, salivating.

Its eyes slid over everyone, and finally settled on Shu Shu and Thirteenth Elder Brother.

Shu Shu felt as if she was being locked by it, her hairs were all standing up, and she was holding Brother Jiu's arm, her whole body froze.

She was thinking very calmly. Looking at the black bear, she didn't know whether it was an illusion or something else, but she actually saw the corners of the black bear's eyes turning red.

Brother Jiu thought she was frightened by the black bear's attack, so he comforted her: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I can't get out..."

Shu Shu still felt uncomfortable.

As if murderous.

The Tiger King just now also made her fearful, but it will not be like this now.

That is human instinct, the fear of huge creatures.

The black bear in front of him gave people a bad feeling.

In addition, the smell is too choking, and disgusting people want to vomit.

Shu Shu said: "Master, let's go out first..."

In such an environment, coupled with seeing that Shu Shu was really scared, even the tenth and thirteenth elder brothers had no interest in continuing to stay.

A group of people left the yard.

Far away, the smell seems to still linger around.

Shu Shu looked down at her wrist, goosebumps arose.

Thinking about the look in Hei Xiong's eyes just now, he was looking for himself and Elder Brother Thirteen.

He had just left his menstruation, and there was still some faint blood that hadn't dissipated.

Brother Thirteen is the youngest.

Although I knew that black bears have a keen sense of smell, is this too precise?
"Master, has this black bear eaten people?"

Shu Shu asked.

Brother Jiu shook his head: "No, a man-eating bear is the same as a man-eating tiger. If you encounter it, you will kill it immediately, and you won't raise it..."

Is that for hunting preparations, starting to starve the black bear?
That's why the black bear watched them come over, just like looking at food, arousing the instinct of a beast?

"This looks too fierce..."

Shu Shu sighed.

In my previous life, I often went to the zoo when I was young, and I had to go around the two places of Lion Tiger Mountain and Bear Mountain every time.

Maybe it's because of the distance, or maybe it's because the artificially bred animals lose their wildness, and they only think that tigers are lazy, lions are majestic, and black bears are simple and simple.

There will be no such close contact to feel the bloody oppression brought by this beast.

In addition to tigers and black bears, Shu Shu went to see the lynx that elder brother Jiu just mentioned.

An enlarged version of the cat owner is sleeping soundly, not like being in a cage, but as comfortable as being in his own domain.

After being woken up by everyone, it lazily opened and closed its lower eyelids. This posture is more arrogant than a tiger.

Then everyone went to the rabbit garden.

A dozen or so iron cages filled with white rabbits.

It's really snow white.

Unlike the thirteenth elder brother and ninth elder brother who hunted in Horqin a few days ago, this should be artificially bred.

It is estimated that it was prepared for the nobles or young masters who followed.

One of the female rabbits has just given birth to a litter of little rabbits, which are no bigger than a palm.

"Raise one?"

Brother Jiu saw that Shu Shu was interested, and suggested: "This is easy to feed, and you can feed it for a few days with a cabbage from the dining room..."

With that said, he opened the cage, brought back a little rabbit from inside, and handed it to Shu Shu.

Who can refuse this?
Shu Shu immediately forgot about the ugly black bear, hugged the little rabbit, and said with a smile: "Master, let's get another one to be a companion..."

Brother Jiu nodded, asked the manager for an empty cage, and caught another little rabbit.

When everyone left on horseback, Shu Shu looked at the two little rabbits in front of her, and her mood had calmed down.

Seeing Brother Jiu chatting and laughing as usual, Shu Shu felt that she was short-sighted and made a fuss.

Elder Brother Shi was already drooling, and started to tell Shu Shu how to make bear's paws: "Sister-in-law, is there any way to eat bear's paws... I have eaten them twice, and they are all made with thick oil and red sauce. , I can't taste the other flavor..."

Shu Shu thought for a while and said, "From what I read in the book, the method is similar... The ingredients are rare, and all dynasties have regarded this as a delicacy, and I have never heard of other ways to eat it..."

As for the previous life, who would dare to eat a bear's paw?
If you eat it, you will be punished!
Elder Brother Ten was very enthusiastic: "Then find a chance to keep one this time, let's steam it first and then bake it later... put more peppers..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu also became greedy.

Beast Bazhen, who wouldn't want to try it?
Brother Jiu said: "This thing is troublesome. I can't eat it in my mouth for ten days or eight days... The venison is delicious even if it is roasted... If you hunt a small deer, it is more tender than lamb, and it is good to eat it... "

 The third one will be at night, everyone can watch it together tomorrow morning, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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