Chapter 194 Viper
The third elder brother only felt his scalp go numb, and nodded with a forced smile: "What the ninth brother said is... I just... have a soft heart..."

I can't compare to you, a vicious person who, in order to organize an errand for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, directly attacked the construction department and took the Guo Luoluo family cleanly.

Brother Jiu still preached: "It's not wrong to be soft-hearted... After all, compared with ordinary people, relatives are still relatives... Just remember who is the real family, and you can't think about going to the family one by one... so Many princes, all of them have natal families, and they have become close to their natal families. How sad is Ama Khan? Every meal is provided by Ama Khan, and Ama Khan stares at the upbringing and upbringing of his children. Raised for nothing..."

If it is said that the ninth elder brother "returned his body in the same way" against the third elder brother, Shu Shu would still be happy to watch the fun.

Seeing that it was time to end, but his mouth was out of control...

On the field, it suddenly became quiet.

Shu Shu's heart trembled, and he hurriedly looked at the elder brother's expression.

This is almost pointing at the big brother's nose!

Now there are more than a dozen princes standing under Kangxi's knees, but those who really have errands and often go out of the palace are only the first few.

Among them, the so-called being close to the family, "holding a group", is the elder brother.

It is because of these people that there will be a dispute between the "Emperor's eldest son" and the "Emperor's prince".

Brother Jiu's words not only talked about elder brother, but also complained about the prince who was not in front of him.

Kangxi had a cold face, feeling lonely in his heart.

The old nine has a heart of a child, and he doesn't know how to weigh the pros and cons, so he speaks so straightforwardly.

One by one, they get close to their relatives and hug each other...

The sons are all grown up, and they no longer worship and trust themselves wholeheartedly like they did when they were young.

They didn't believe that they, Khan Amah, would treat every son kindly, and they didn't believe that they treated them all in the same way.

They only saw that the prince had occupied a high position, and they felt dissatisfied, became selfish, and started chasing power.

The atmosphere on the field condensed.

Shu Shu's breathing became lighter.

She decided to clean up Brother Nine tonight.

Looking for death is not like this, only a few days of peace...

A good run on the big brother...

If it spreads out, it will also dissatisfy the prince and the Suo'etu family...

Really "kill two birds with one stone"!
With a "plop", the elder brother knelt down.

Everyone was shocked.

Lian Jiu also realized that he had made a slip of the tongue, and hurriedly said, "Brother, I didn't mean you!"

What he wanted to say... was the prince!
The Hesheli family offended the prince again and again, but they still escaped unscathed, why?
Isn't it because the Hesheli family is tied to the prince, and it is the face of the prince, so it cannot be handled lightly.

But according to what Er Niang said, the face of the crown prince was given by Khan Ama, so what's the matter with the Hesheli family?
He did not become the prince because he was the grandson of the Hesheli family, he became the prince because he was the direct son of Khan Ama.

Kangxi looked at Big Brother.

The elder brother kowtowed to the ground and said in a deep voice, "Ama Khan, my son is wrong..."

Kangxi was also moved, and reached out to help him.

The elder brother raised his head, but did not get up, and said with tears in his tiger eyes: "These ministers have been confused all these years..."

After being flattered and flattered by others all these years, I felt that it was unfair to regard the "eldest son of the emperor" as a seniority in my heart.

After all, according to Manchu's calculations, with his mother's honor, his eldest son is not a concubine.

If the crown prince does not register as a crown prince, the brothers will be ranked normally, and the eldest son himself will also have the right to inherit.

Khan Ama valued his concubines and promoted Confucianism in the Eight Banners. He was pushed by those Han officials, and gradually opened the distance between the prince and their princes.

Lao Jiu was right, his title and future depended on Khan Ama.

The happier I was jumping outside, the more sad it made Han Ama.

How about yourself?
The prince doesn't have to do anything, but he, the "unfilial son", is the only one who can win.

Big brother realized.

He realized that he was too stupid in the past, putting the cart before the horse.

The position of the prince is there.

It is useless to win over the princes and courtiers of the Eight Banners.

The current Eight Banners are no longer the Eight Banners when the Eight Kings were discussing politics.

The young master Khan Ama ascended the throne, and the rights have already been firmly held in his hands and cannot be shaken.

Who can win the heart of Khan Ama, who is the final winner.

Kangxi's heart softened into a ball.

How could he have thought that the eldest son had evolved under the "tips" of his younger brother, and he was really ashamed to be only his son.

It is said that a son who can cry has milk to eat. Because he is the eldest son and elder brother, he has been a little man since he was a child. He has never lost his composure like this.

He personally helped the elder brother to get up, and said with a long breath: "It's good to know your mistakes, there is nothing good... I know that you brothers are old, and there are people who cling to you outside. It seems loyal, but this loyalty comes with intentions. If we don't provoke our father-son relationship, how can we show them? Counting on the master, defrauding the master's trust, and then slowly manipulating it in the name of the master's good... It's all the routine of a black-hearted slave who changes the soup without changing the medicine. I thought you would understand sooner..."

The elder brother was ashamed: "Ama Khan also knows that my son is straightforward, thinks little, and is easy to trust others..."

Knowing son Moruo father.

How could Kangxi not know the temperament of the eldest son?

When conferring the county king, Kangxi chose the word "straight" for his son, not only to praise his upright character, but also to remind him to learn to be tactful in his words and deeds.

In vain.

Brother Jiu's words today made him think clearly.

The father and son crossed their arms. You looked at me and I looked at you, both deeply moved.

It seems that the estrangement between father and son in recent years has melted like ice and snow.

In the mind of the elder brother, he remembered the scene when he came back from the palace when he was young.

The man lifted himself up and said, "This is my eldest son, he looks really strong, and he will become the Qing Dynasty's Batulu in the future!"

Since then, I have thought the same way.

Be a real Baturu, the eldest son who makes Khan Ama proud.

when did it change...

Big tears fell silently.

I am only one step away from the abyss!
Kangxi also had red eyes.

The firstborn is different after all.

Everyone said that Princess Chunxi was blessed. Ever since she entered the palace, elder brothers and princesses in the palace began to stand still.

Kangxi knew in his heart that he, the eldest son, was blessed.

At that time, the imperial court was uneasy and the Eight Banners were not stable.

The princes in the harem died one by one, and even the queen's legitimate son died.

Some bad words came out,
Some clansmen even talked about the ownership of the throne behind their backs.

When my eldest son returned to the palace, he was strong and strong like a little tiger.

Now that I have the eldest son of the emperor, even if the elder brothers below are sick, there are more standing still...

Father and son, no one can intervene in this situation.

Seeing this, Brother Zhu's eyes were sore.

But everyone is obedient.

Even the third elder brother, who has become a habit of competing for favor on weekdays, is so knowledgeable that he doesn't talk too much.

The two daughter-in-laws, Shu Shu and Qi Fujin, had no room to speak, and continued to act as background boards.

Fortunately, Kangxi himself came to his senses, waved his hands to everyone and said, "You guys go on your own..."

After finishing speaking, he dragged the elder brother away.

This is because the father and son still have something to say, and they are too lazy to talk to these little ones.

Brother Nine and Brother Ten are fine, they are used to being treated poorly every day.

Elder Brother Thirteen pursed his lips, looked at the backs of the two of them, feeling a little unhappy: "Ama Khan is really, he left as soon as he said he would, without even saying that he would keep a lot of money..."

Elder Brother Ten glanced at him, but didn't say anything.

These little elder brothers grew up pampered and do not know the difference between pampering and love.

Khan Ama's son is divided into three, six, and nine classes.

A few big ones are in front.

The third elder brother was furious in his heart, feeling ashamed and flustered on his face.

Khan Ama only has the boss in his eyes, and left himself behind...

The younger ones were disobedient, and the winking ones must be laughing at themselves.

Still old nine...

It's really poisonous...

Obviously he was the one who was sorry for himself, and took advantage of the fifth elder brother's injury to bring in all his relatives, but instead he justly talked small things in front of Khan Ama.

Whenever I target him in the future, I will use my small belly to avenge my brother for the sake of my family.

The third elder brother's eyes became dark, and he glanced at Shu Shu, with disapproval on his face, and said to the ninth elder brother: "It's enough for you to mess around, and bring your younger siblings out for whatever you do...The younger siblings are women..."

The ninth elder brother saw that the third elder brother dared to make a comeback, so naturally he was not afraid: "What's wrong with the girl? Eight Banners daughters often do archery on horseback. How long has it been since the Eight Banners entered the customs? Third brother, you have read a few more books, haven't you? Forget about the ancestors, then promote Confucianism, and then Sinicize, the foundation of the Eight Banners must not be forgotten..."

The third elder brother became furious, lost the restraint he had just had, and said with a sneer, "Old Ninth, what do you mean? As an older brother, I can't say a few words about you? I'm talking, listen, this is the reason for being a younger brother! You are so eloquent, I really didn't expect that you have an errand, and your waist is stiff..."

Brother Jiu was surprised: "The third brother is reasonable, but the younger brother is arguing with the third brother. Is this also wrong?"

"Truth, what is truth? It's the truth to order the old and the young, and it's the truth to distinguish between the superior and the inferior! Lao Jiu, read more! When you encounter problems in the future, use your brain. It can't be solved by being smart and messing around..."

The third elder brother said with a sullen face, and then walked away.

"Who is it? This is..."

Brother Nine was also annoyed, and complained along with everyone: "Emotions are all his reasons... If there is no reason, he has to stand on his brother's identity..."

Everyone looked at Brother Nine together with admiration.

Shu Shu looked at the back of the third elder brother.

Not only the eldest brother has been upgraded, it seems that the third elder brother has also been blackened.

The previous elegance can't be tolerated, so I can't...

Who would have thought that brother Jiu's open mouth would have such an effect.

The thirteenth elder brother worshiped: "Ninth brother can really speak, and dare to speak..."

The tenth elder brother said with a muffled laugh: "It's good, the third child deserves it, he wanted to stab a knife, and he got stabbed several times..."

Qi Fujin nodded and said: "That makes sense, and it's on point... Otherwise, the King of Zhijun would not be touched, and even the emperor seems to be crying..."

 Lai and Da Da's new book has entered v, and the friends who are raising can start killing, learn to hang links, and go directly below.

(End of this chapter)

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